What if we have Mari occasionally write down or say out loud how she feels after events that are important to her? Her whole problem is that she forgets what emotional impact her memories had, so maybe that would help her remember after Truth Lost in the Fog?
I don't know why this was worth it? We already suspected about the five clans to some degree?
Yes, but this is enough ammo to conclude IC that its definitely something fishy about them in some Forbidden Lore sense, and that they definitely don't want anyone finding out.
How does it really work, if things which are 'clan secrets' to the Nara and Mori are common knowledge in Isan? Would it be harmful to our relationship with those clans if we pursue such information in Isan, or would it be accepted that such common knowledge is already out of the bag?

Keiko seems to think that Nara protocol still applies in this case, so I bet she'd feel betrayed if we tried to (essentially) learn Mori/Nara secrets from Isan.
How does it really work, if things which are 'clan secrets' to the Nara and Mori are common knowledge in Isan? Would it be harmful to our relationship with those clans if we pursue such information in Isan, or would it be accepted that such common knowledge is already out of the bag?

Keiko seems to think that Nara protocol still applies in this case, so I bet she'd feel betrayed if we tried to (essentially) learn Mori/Nara secrets from Isan.
I think we should probably follow her back?
Ahh, it all went just according to my expectations. Excellent.

Marrying her into the clan and then doing this without Keiko would have been more efficient.


Yes, but this is enough ammo to conclude IC that its definitely something fishy about them in some Forbidden Lore sense, and that they definitely don't want anyone finding out.

Ami already told us? "Don't tell anyone about this if you don't trust them"
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Marrying her into the clan and then doing this without Keiko would have been more efficient.
Can't we just marry her into the clan anyway?
Ami already told us? "Don't tell anyone about this if you don't trust them"

If you go back and doublecheck a lot of (Literally anything related to this topic ever mentioned on screen in the quest) you'll notice that after 351 chapters we only just now have a plausible route --and a very thin one at that--to guess IC that "The Mori and probably the other four thinker clans have weird otherworldly thingies stuck in their heads and thats what makes them smart."

And that specific jumps still a bit wonky.
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Indeed: that's the reason Keiko was absent from my original plan draft. Thus, I shall instead blame you, for pressuring me to involve her. :p

I did tell you that marrying her first would be safer, but whatever.

That wouldn't have stirred the hornet's nest with the Nara, though, and led us to a situation in which the Nara might be forced to inform us so we don't go poking our own noses about.

Was that the original plan? Because according to @Noumero it wasn't.

Can't we just marry her into the clan anyway?

Sure, but she will likely talk less about it.

You know what, good job at getting more secret lore, I just wanted to avoid any more drama regardless of who started it.
Just had a thought. Should I come up with a dedicated bit where I write down my random conspiracy theories about MfD's universe? Things like "watchers are real" and "the five forbidden clans were shaped by the Sage, have Out-derived bloodlines, and can't become sealmasters because of it?"

Screw it:
  • The Watchers are real
  • The Snake Boss Summon Manda needs [x] amount of humans to consume soon after being Summoned because chakra alone can't sustain his "projection" to the Human Path. Whether this is a natural quirk of Manda's contract, Manda's innate nature, or something more artificial is unknown.
  • The Five Forbidden Clans (Mori, Nara, etc) were shaped by the Sage, were given Out-derived Bloodlines, and can't learn fuuinjutsu b/c of it
    • Nara sealmasters exist, but it's possible that not all Nara are born with the ability to use Shadows. These Nara are able to learn fuuinjutsu.
    • If the use of Shadows is strictly jutsu, there are those who do not learn it, so as to retain their ability to use fuuinjutsu
      • If they are jutsu, they are forbidden jutsu because use of the shadows means interfacing with the Out, causing changes to the Nara in question.
  • Hyuuga's bloodline alters their chakra-coils in such a way that makes most jutsu impossible/impractical to learn, so they mainly stick to taijutsu
  • Danzou was the one who led the Scorch Squads
  • All the people of the Elemental Nations are the descendants of a far, far smaller population (like say, a clan? Or perhaps a village?) saved from an apocalypse by the Sage many centuries years ago.
    • They all speak the same language (plus or minus some minor linguistic drift) and seem to almost universally acknowledge the Sage as a Real Person that existed and did some Really Good Stuff.
    • RL Humans have had their population size cut down to 1,000ish a few times in our evolutionary history, so it's not impossible to think that something similar happened.
  • Ami's "personality protocals" that she shifts through are actually her personalities in other "what if" realities, she just connects to them via the Out/her bloodline.
  • Kagome is a Universal Constant and has a special place in the wider cosmology in MfD/the Out
  • Jashin is a god --or as good as, given our limited perspective --and exists. Hazou has Jashin's favor, for better or worse.
  • The Shinigami exists and was involved in Uzushiogakure's vanishing

    1. [*]Just as Jashin is real, so is the Shinigami.
      1. However, just as Jashin may not necessarily be a "deity," but rather, an immensely powerful Outer Entity who influences the outcome of events that specifically fall under his domain/interest (combat), the Shinigami may also simply be an Outer Entity with the domainof /interest in death and the passage from the Painted World into the Afterlife.
      [*]The (canon) Uzumaki Clan had an unknown, intimate connection to the Shinigami, even having a mask that could summon it.
      1. Furthermore, I think that it's reasonable to believe that the Dead Demon Consuming Seal was of Uzumaki origin. After all, it's a seal that taps into the power of a god, and the Uzumaki were geniuses with fuuinjutsu. I believe that their sheer collective skill in fuuinjutsu, combined witih their unique relationship with the Shinigami would've been enough to create such a seal.
      [*]Using this connection between the Shinigami and the Uzumaki/Uzushiogakure, I believe that the Shinigami was directly involved in MfD's vanishing of Uzushiogakure.
  • When the Sage gave chakra to the world, the Summoning Species were accidentally given sapience. Humans couldn't tell/didn't care, so the Sage took them to a different realm/reality and left the Summon Scrolls as a way for diplomacy while maintaining the Summon's protection. Fuuinjutsu is forbidden on the 7th Path because the sealwork that protects the 7th Path is infinitely complex and sealing failures are infinitely dangerous.
  • All species of chakra beasts originate from their corresponding souldrinker species/originator. Now that the Uchiha have killed the Exterminator Clan for their Crow Summoning Scroll, new souldrinkers will persist far longer, creating increasingly dangerous species of chakra beasts.
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Bit that was glossed over but I think is nonetheless kind of important:

Does anyone else find it weird the Crows--the Uchiha clan scroll-- have super surgeons?

Like, what are the odds lol.
Just had a thought. Should I come up with a dedicated bit where I write down my random conspiracy theories about MfD's universe? Things like "watchers are real" and "the five forbidden clans were shaped by the Sage, have Out-derived bloodlines, and can't become sealmasters because of it?"

Screw it:
  • The Watchers are real
  • The Five Forbidden Clans (Mori, Nara, etc) were shaped by the Sage, were given Out-derived Bloodlines, and can't learn fuuinjutsu b/c of it
  • Hyuuga's bloodline alters their tensk... chakra-coils in such a way that makes most jutsu impossible/impractal to learn, so they mainly stick to taijutsu
  • Danzou was the one who lead the Scorch Squads
  • Kagome is a Universal Constant and has a special place in the wider cosmology in the Out
  • Jashin is a god --or as good as --and exists. Hazou has Jashin's favor, for better or worse.
  • When giving chakra to the world, the Summoning Species were accidentally given sapience. Humans couldn't tell/didn't care, so the Sage took them to a different realm/reality and left the Summon Scrolls as a way for diplomacy while maintaining the Summon's protection. Fuuinjutsu is forbidden on the 7th Path because the sealwork is infinitely complex and sealing failures are dangerous.
Point of order: Hazō is aware of the existence of Nara sealmasters.
Anyway, Keiko can't actually command Yuno to do anything, this is information that the Gasai or Kannagi (Yuno is connected to both clans) or all of Isan have somehow obtained.

Keiko actually got in trouble with Pantsa by using her bloodline, for all we know Pantsa told Ui about the FIVE who told Akio and he passed that Information down to the rest of the village. What is Keiko going to do, kill all Pangolin? Well that might actually be a fun outcome.
It had, of course, promptly started to rain

Yep, Team Uplift's luck remains steadily the same.

"You people do still remember that this was the bloodthirsty monster who had half the world's ninja massacred for the sake of his plan, right?" Haru asked bitingly. "Akatsuki are evil. They do not deserve sympathy."

Oh, Haru, you need to grow up. Like, really fucking soon. Or you will die a horrible, horrible death...

"Yodomi," Yuno finished. "The Five Forbidden Clans." She tilted her head slightly sideways, as if thinking, while everyone else looked at her in surprise

Yuno, you're my favorite now.

Please don't die

Well, hello there, a desire to strangle Keiko, long time no see. How're you doing? It was so good without you!

Nice chapter, @Velorien!
Perhaps we should let Keiko know that we've just attempted to save Ami by invoking the powers of non-linear time and hoping the correlation summons her back to Leaf?
Someone should probably tell the Nara that freaking out about this is pointless. All of Isan knows.

I mean, they aren't stupid, but it is very easy to overlook the obvious when freaking out. And if Yuno knows it there is very little chance that it isn't common knowledge in Isan, in which case it coming out is entirely inevitable and should be prepared for rather than suppressed.
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I would suggest:
  • Stop Keiko and Yuno
  • Ask Yuno to not speak until she is in the Nara compound .
    • "She's your sister so it's fine to ask for help" speech to Keiko
  • Point out that anything Yuno knows, it's probably known in Isan and it's good Goketsu(Nara's allies) found out instead of Hyuuga and nothing of real importance was said.
    • Propose: The Nara adopt Yuno, then marry her in Goketsu:
    • The secrets are protected by Clan secrecy laws, Yuno doesn't die, Leaf doesn't lose half of the remaining link to Isan.
  • Explain that Goketsu will help Nara running damage control
    • Optimize the Plan with the Clan.
Yuno probably marries Noburi(And is grateful we saved her).
The Nara find out that the Goketsu, when in front of a Nara secret, not only back down but start helping them running damage control ASAP, as true allies would.
The Nara finds out about Isan OPSEC in a controlled environment instead of Neji finding out.
I would suggest:
  • Stop Keiko and Yuno
  • Ask Yuno to not speak until she is in the Nara compound .
    • "She's your sister so it's fine to ask for help" speech to Keiko
  • Point out that anything Yuno knows, it's probably known in Isan and it's good Goketsu(Nara's allies) found out instead of Hyuuga and nothing of real importance was said.
    • Propose: The Nara adopt Yuno, then marry her in Goketsu:
    • The secrets are protected by Clan secrecy laws, Yuno doesn't die, Leaf doesn't lose half of the remaining link to Isan.
  • Explain that Goketsu will help Nara running damage control
    • Optimize the Plan with the Clan.
Yuno probably marries Noburi(And is grateful we saved her).
The Nara find out that the Goketsu, when in front of a Nara secret, not only back down but start helping them running damage control ASAP, as true allies would.
The Nara finds out about Isan OPSEC in a controlled environment instead of Neji finding out.
I'm afraid this is pre-timeskip and you are post-timeskip, so it is not within your power to save her. Events shall unfold as they must.