Before the timeskip, deep in the forest...
I would suggest editing this so that story only readers aren't confused in the future. It makes sense now since it is the most recent update but I have a feeling that there will be plenty of timeskips in the thread's future too.
Is the dog Scroll vote still open? Because giving it to Hazou is a shitty plan, as I've explained before.
I respectfully disagree.
Hazou has much better places to spend his XP.
What are these places? I concede that sealing is always his main strength but summoning as a secondary priority would also act as another force multiplier.
Hazou is a clan leader and sealmaster, he is not going out on many missions, he is too valuable at home.
- When he does go out on non-trivial missions he will be well protected and supported, as Kagome was, and he can always request that scrollholder join him.
Asuma noted that a summoner does not necessarily have to go out on missions when we were discussing Noburi's future when his cousin visited.
And on a more meta level EJ likes writing combat, so having an excuse (as well as more firepower) when we go out is a win-win.
None of our economic plans require Hazou to be the one actually holding the scroll.
If we use summons as intermediaries to transport goods long distances we will need at least one summoner stationed at home while the others go out to the receive them. Hazou already needs to stay in Leaf so it might as well be him.
The finer control we would have over the scroll is easily offset by the chance that hivemind induced stupidity messes things up.
- We are still outside-context actors here, we can't catch everything that people can in-story.
- Hazou is already in one of the best places he could be as our PC, he's got power, money, and competent trustworthy minions he can delegate to.
- The hivemind is much better at big picture and long term planning than it is at handling short term details.
The more details we have the better we can focus: the hivemind can do long term planning but it has proven itself far more capable of optimizing short term plans (such as Bodies Hit the Floor).
Hazou loses to Akane and Haru on:
- Relative benefit to clan (since Hazou's opportunity costs are higher than everyone else's)
- Relative benefit to Leaf (since Hazou will not be in combat as much as others)
- Relative benefit for the Hivemind (Fine control just means we can make bigger mistakes without giving us any benefits that could compensate)
Hazou's personal benefits if he has the scroll:
- He receives Summoner training which may help with his Out-related problems
- Hazou can personally access the 7th path, giving us a first person perspective of another dimension and therefore better intel
- Hazou is best suited to adapting immediately to developments when he can address them in person. If anything new grabs or demands his attention on the seventh path having the ability to just go there and address it immediately is quite valuable.
I will say though, that I believe choosing who will be the summoner without first
talking to the Dog Clan seems a bit hasty. We have the ability to have Keiko or another trusted summoner to simply go to them and ask for an audience to pitch each of our pre-selected clan mates to the Dogs and then get their input.
- Maybe they would like to have someone like Akane who is selfless to a fault and has the personality of a puppy?
- Maybe they would like Haru's sense of loyality to his home?
- Maybe they would be offended if they learn that a clan head did not even consider allying with them since it could show a lack of respect?
- Maybe they're fascists even worse than the Pangolins and we want nothing to do with them?
We really need to start treating the summoning clans as people before we go about using them as tools again. It's what made Akane so mad at us in the first place and we promised to learn from our mistake.
[X] Dog Scroll: Summoner Selection Screening
Arrange a meeting with the dogs before anyone signs the scroll to have our candidates (so long as they want to
be candidates in the first place) assessed by the Dogs facilitated by a friendly (to us) Leaf summoner (probably Keiko unless the Dogs dislike the Pangolins). When said summoner returns have them debrief us on what the Dogs are like currently and compare that to notes about the Dogs from people who worked with Kakashi and any other historical/official records.
Once we have that information
then we can start making informed decisions. I'd much rather have a Dog summoner who will work well with the Dogs rather than assuming any summoner is the same as another. Personality differences matter especially for such a close bond.