Simple trade contract suggestions:

Wakahisa supply to Goketsu, netting 10,000,000 ryo for both:
(Generally things a food insecure island nation would have)
  • Megalodon oil, Ivory, soaps and cosmetics. Other ocean megafauna luxury resources
  • Ore not suitable for weaponry ( Copper, manganese, lead? Not a metallurgist)
  • A variety of Seafood in small quantities
  • Spices common in Water but uncommon in Fire

Variety of seafood in small quantities? It's a fishing village for god's sake! This one should be large quantities while sharks are relatively smaller.
Variety of seafood in small quantities? It's a fishing village for god's sake! This one should be large quantities while sharks are relatively smaller.
My logic was that fishing is in-setting very dangerous- basically because it's difficult to effectively clear an ocean of chakra beasts and how lethal those oceanic chakra beasts are. If that's not the case, and Mist is safely self sufficient food wise, then definitely they'd be sending larger quantities of fish and fewer chakra beast parts (because they killed all the near ones already)
PSA: Simplified voting next cycle -- yay or nay?

This tally is purely for my curiosity. I have not discussed it with @Velorien and it's definitely non-binding, but I'm curious what the response would be.

One comment I hear semi-regularly is that voting and planmaking in MfD are too high-stress and too complicated, and that this drives away potential voters. As an experiment, would people enjoy it if the next voting cycle (the one for my update on Sunday June 14) worked more like the standard quest style? That is, after Velorien's update on Thursday you would be given a fixed set of options to vote on for Sunday, each only a few words or a sentence, and it would be up to me what to do with it?

This would not guarantee Hazō's success or survival.​

It's still a rational quest, he still doesn't get plot armor. You would be giving up all but the most basic level of control.

Please vote as follows:

[] (SimplifiedVoting): Yes
[] (SimplifiedVoting): No

Expectation management: Remember that this is solely for curiosity and non-binding.
[X] (SimplifiedVoting): No

I don't actually trust Hazo enough for any length of time. This is largely our fault due to the characterization we've gotten him, but still.
[X] (SimplifiedVoting): Yes

Honestly, this would likely give our QMs the amount of control over the quest and give them the ability to write what they want, while still allowing us to set policy goals and plan in thread. Might be worth experimenting with going all the way back to the original conception of action plans all the way back in the beginning of the quest.
[x] (SimplifiedVoting): No
imo since we have this system in place for so long we've attracted a core of people who like detailed complex plans, and built up a reputation for detailed complex plans, and as such if we simplify the voting mechanisms we won't bring in many newcomers and instead will reduce the enjoyment and engagement of the people who have already come here.

And if we did bring in many newcomers, we would face the separate problem of the dilution of the mfd community and its norms and jokes in the face of the rest of SV, who are now engaging with mfd in the same way they would engage with any other quest. While that's not inherently a negative sort of thing from certain perspectives, as someone who enjoys the mfd community and its norms and jokes I would not personally want to see it diluted in such a way.

edit: when I say that the people here like detailed complex plans, I don't necessarily mean that we all maximally like the system and that we can't improve it, but rather that we derive engagement and enjoyment to the planmaking process (be it as a planmaker or as a contributor) which is a ground-up construction of what to do instead of the top-down analysis of what consequences given options will have.
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The unique voting structure was actually what initially attracted me to the quest. Well, that, and the word count :p
[x] (SimplifiedVoting): No

What makes MfD great is that players have a strong voice in what happens
Hey, if word count is what you're looking for, I can make that happen for you.

*reaches for the nearest text-generation algorithm and checks to see what the character limit is on an SV post*


Not going to lie, I was scrolling through the Quest forum one day around... midterms, I think? I saw this quest with over a million words and I was like... "Well, you have my curiosity." Then the opening introduction captured my attention. Read through in about a week and started voting afterwards!

What makes MfD great is that players have a strong voice in what happens

Agreed. The voting system allows the players to have a great deal more "say" in what happens, and because of that, the consequences/rewards feel... closer, since they're a direct result of our collaboration. It's like the ultimate BioWare game --or maybe a high quality ttrpg?
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[X] (SimplifiedVoting): Yes

Maybe not forever, but for a short time would be fun. I'd actually be confident enough to vote while it lasted
I think it depends on how simplified plans are implemented, really. With something like Petals of Titanium, there were always consequences, but we had some control over how to mitigate those. Then again, that particular quest is much more narrative rather than being simulationist. With simplified choices, what kind of information would we have?
[X] (SimplifiedVoting): No

As someone who binged most of the quest before being able to participate, and can compare early and late game easier. I just don't think simplified voting is really feasable anymore.
[] (SimplifiedVoting): Yes
Just sometimes... like every third update. It could give QM chance to write things they like or have fun example less political/finance stuff and more kickass face punching or high stakes verbal confrontations.... I know faflec will scream, but isnt he always? :D
I think it depends on how simplified plans are implemented, really. With something like Petals of Titanium, there were always consequences, but we had some control over how to mitigate those. Then again, that particular quest is much more narrative rather than being simulationist. With simplified choices, what kind of information would we have?
Hadn't thought about it too much. Pretty much just whatever is in the update, I guess? For example, after chapter 348 I might have done something like this:

The next update will cover 2-4 weeks. We will implement the top 1-2 (QM judgement) choices among:
[] Seal research
[] Train CR and Resolve to use with Shadow Clones
[] Make a chakra farm (go out in the woods, capture chakra critters, kill any critters not useful to us)
[] Study summoning for when Hazō eventually gets a scroll
[] Go on vacation
[X] (SimplifiedVoting): No

I am having a hard time imagining how the first Ami meeting would have gone with simplified voting. Or telling Zabuza to stuff it when he crashed the party.
[x] (SimplifiedVoting): Yes

Any other vote would be intellectually dishonest, for me. Perhaps my brain isn't wired the right way, but I've been here since chargen and the detailed action plan votes are too much.
QUESTION: Is it considered ecological warfare if we give Mist some mint (as one of our spices) and we don't warn them about how quickly it spreads? >:]
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