It's always a copy of the user at time of casting.

You can't see through its eyes, if that's what you mean.

Note: Clone is one of those things that is by fiat impossible to munchkin. Every ninja has it, it's been thoroughly explored for centuries, there's no more room for finding munchkin-style exploits. Basic clone creates a copy of you that is purely visual, and if you want it to move you need to concentrate. It can't turn into a mouse, use jutsu, touch anything, etc. There's no room for "well, if we do X then suddenly it turns into a cheese board and a nuclear weapons factory!" because all of those things have been discovered.

There *is* room for exploits based around the social context as opposed to the game mechanics. Ninja tend to disregard the basic clone, specifically because it is so limited and its tactical implications are so well understood. Ironically, that means there can be some value to be had simply because everyone knows that it's so useless that no one would ever bother using it. For example, when Shikamaru hid one inside a tree and used it to sign commands remotely, that's an example of exploiting the social context as opposed to the game mechanics. Likewise, you could maybe get mileage out of it for logistics, send that's something ninja don't bother to think about.

Hopefully the above is clear. We'll answer whatever questions you have, but poking at it too hard is likely to be frustrating for all concerned; any useful techniques you invent to use with the clone definitionally either don't work because reasons-we-need-to-invent, or they are already available to your enemies.

No and yes, respectively.

There's room for further exploitation with interplay between clones too. For example, Naruto making a bunch of basic clones along with his shadow clones (if Chakra requirements are lower, which I believe they are) - who knows which are real and which aren't, effectively bumping the estimated number of clones he can make to external parties. Assuming he isn't doing that already
@faflec not sure if you saw my thoughts on the plan?
@faflec a thing you might consider adding to the plan is discussing what skills Haru has for infiltration and recon gathering. At the same time we could catch him up on how OG team uplift operates on these types of missions.

another thing to consider is that since we have to contacts to meet whom should meet with whom. We have the senior monk and the maid so different strategies might be appropriate for each of them

finally I would like to ask the monk if he has any documents or reports that might help in the hunt. If he doesn't maybe someone else does and he could point us in there direction

[X] Action Plan: The Other Forest
@Kiba @Oneiros I've made changes to my plan based on your comments.
[X] Action Plan: The Other Forest

Word Count: 281
  • Make sure that Noburi and Akane are alright.
  • Quick group meeting to discuss our next steps (below):
    • Listen to what everyone's learned.
    • (If we haven't already) Give Haru the rundown on how Uplift operates on missions, if we haven't already. Ask his skills regarding infiltration/recon, and integrate that into our operations.
  • Continue pilgrimage and learning more about the local environment.
    • Why is the Greater Forest so dangerous? Does anyone know what happened to the missing people?
    • Specifically ask after the woman who came back from the forest. Who is she? What did she do?
    • The oracle guy Akane learned about sounds interesting, we should investigate that further.
  • Meet with local contacts.
    • Avoid stepping on the contact's toes. For example, the monk may be pious, so care must be taken to avoid insulting the religious/cultural practices of O'Uzo Island. When in doubt, consult Jiraiya's notes and our knowledge of the region.
    • Ask if they have any reports they want to send back to Leaf.
    • Ask about the scroll and the summoner.
      • Did anyone (read: ninja) come from Sky, Star, Moon...some night-related country ~20 years ago?
      • Do they know about the woman who came back from the forest?
      • If they don't know, can they direct us to people who do?
      • Do they know/have any relevant documents, reports, or rumours about ninja in O'uzo?
  • Follow-up on leads from the contacts/pilgramage.
    • Was the woman-who-came-back the Summoner, or someone else? Did she hide the scroll, does she live in the forest...?
    • If we believe the scroll is in there, investigate the Greater Forest for hints.
      • It's supposedly very dangerous, so be on high alert and prepare to retreat at any point.
Sounds controversial unless we've satisfied asuma requirements already
"You'll create your first clone here, under my supervision. You will create the clone while lying down with your eyes closed. Assuming you survive, you will use the jutsu only once per day until you are able to manage the process without pain. You will not create two clones at a time until you can create one and still retain enough chakra for a sparring match. You will ramp up the duration of your clones slowly, adding no more than a minute at a time until you can keep two clones up for fifteen minutes each without experiencing pain from clone sickness. After that point you may proceed at your own pace." He gestured towards the north edge of the training ground. "Finally, I have a medic-nin waiting in the trees if he's needed, and you will ensure that you have one with you when you do your practice sessions."
This was stated on March 6, and it is ... sometime after March 29, since we set out to Todoroki on that date and it takes several days to get there via civilian boat. 24 days at the earliest, 30 days at the latest. So Hazou's allowed to only make 1 clone/day (since he can't manage the process without pain yet, his roll fails as ||Resolve 18 + 3 * (2 SC AB - 2) < 20 + 1 hr clone duration||. Assuming he doesn't cheat by using 1-2 FP's worth of tags, at least**.), he doesn't have the CP to make >1 clone, and he's restricted from making clones last for over a half hour.

I'll add it, @Oneiros, the clones have a mile-long radius and 24-30 minutes for the clone is still worth it. But don't expect bullshit-tier results, just a-lot-better results.

**Does the Aspect Bonus ping off of Shadow Clone, xor Resolve? @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail When applying Aspects to the Clone Sickness roll, are we checking our Resolve level to determine the die we get, xor our Shadow Clone level?
[X] Action Plan: The Other Forest

Word Count: 299
  • Make sure Noburi and Akane are alright.
  • Quick group meeting to discuss our next steps (below):
    • Listen to what everyone's learned.
    • (If we haven't already) Give Haru the rundown on how Uplift operates on missions, if we haven't already. Ask his skills regarding infiltration/recon, and integrate that into our operations.
  • Continue pilgrimage and learning more about the local environment.
    • Why is the Greater Forest so dangerous? Does anyone know what happened to the missing people?
    • Specifically ask after the woman who came back from the forest. Who is she? What did she do?
    • The oracle guy Akane learned about sounds interesting, we should investigate that further.
  • Meet with local contacts.
    • Avoid stepping on the contact's toes. For example, the monk may be pious, so care must be taken to avoid insulting the religious/cultural practices of O'Uzo Island. When in doubt, consult Jiraiya's notes and our knowledge of the region.
    • Ask if they have any reports they want to send back to Leaf.
    • Ask about the scroll and the summoner.
      • Did anyone (read: ninja) come from Sky, Star, Moon...some night-related country ~20 years ago?
      • Do they know about the woman who came back from the forest?
      • If they don't know, can they direct us to people who do?
      • Do they know/have any relevant documents, reports, or rumours about ninja in O'uzo?
  • Follow-up on leads from the contacts/pilgramage.
    • Was the woman-who-came-back the Summoner, or someone else? Did she hide the scroll, does she live in the forest...?
    • If we believe the scroll is in there, investigate the Greater Forest for hints.
      • It's supposedly very dangerous, so be on high alert and prepare to retreat at any point.
      • Use SC to minimize risk while investigating. Hazou's presumably practiced daily, so he can use it for 24-30 minutes.
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