Presumptuousness like that is definitely one way to push Ino away. Not sure why you'd want to, but.

I probably have much different interpretations on the seriousness of this than you do. We've hung out with Ino a bunch and had nothing but positive interactions. Plus we generally flirt with her a ton. At this stage it be no big deal to go on a casual date. Especially with another couple

but I'm not particularly invested as long as we get a Noburi/Yuno date in the next update
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Presumptuousness like that is definitely one way to push Ino away. Not sure why you'd want to, but.
I probably have much different interpretations on the seriousness of this than you do. We've hung out with Ino a bunch and had nothing but positive interactions. Plus we generally flirt with her a ton. At this stage it be no big deal to go on a casual date. Especially with another couple

but I'm not particularly invested as long as we get a Noburi/Yuno date in the next update

We could use Hazou's intense honesty to stumble our way through CCnJ to explain that, while we recognize that Leaf may have different courtship practices than Mist (can't exactly go deep sea fishing in a landlocked country), Hazou genuinely enjoys spending time with her and wishes to invite her on a casual double date with a pair of mutual friends/Acquaintances in a public setting. We hope that we aren't transgressing upon any unknown Leaf sentiments in doing so. Further, We also Respect Ino as an equal and acknowledge her right to refusal and promise to bear her no ill will should she decline. Though, if that occurs, we hope such a thing won't prevent friendship from continuing to grow, going forward.

Ino's a master of social-fu, so we might also want to admit that we're also trying to get Noburi and Yuno to sort things out between themselves. Otherwise Ino might feel used, manipulated, or otherwise betrayed. Gonna have to lean REALLY hard on CCnJ to explain that, I think. Explain that getting them together would be nice, but it's more about getting them to clear the air and speak honestly to each other. Because they're both hurting from things left unsaid. And they're our friends and it hurts to see them hurting.

But yeah, we need to get Noburi to get his head out of his ass and make up His mind about Yuno. We also need to be a friend to Yuno, regardless. Yuno deserves better than Noburi's ambivalent, greyscale affections and they're unworthy of Noburi, himself, too.
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Also, let's wait three years to avoid the inquisition.

I can understand that. I just think Ino and Hazou are adorable in a "huh, that looks frighteningly familiar" kind of way.

It can also be hand-waved story-wise as Hazou being too busy for any serious romance and possibly having a small amount of trust issues left over from Mist. Also his mother doing what she did to Mari. And the fact that Jiraiya died on Hazou just as they were getting close... Huh, Hazou might actually have some trust issues. But anyway, that time could be better spent deepening the friendships Hazou has and developing the characters in general.

Really, it's all up to the authors and how comfortable they feel writing teenage romance on SV, along with however they feel their characters would act in the situations that they're in. I'm not going to push one way or another if it goes against what the QMs are comfortable writing.
I can understand that. I just think Ino and Hazou are adorable in a "huh, that looks frighteningly familiar" kind of way.

It can also be hand-waved story-wise as Hazou being too busy for any serious romance and possibly having a small amount of trust issues left over from Mist. Also his mother doing what she did to Mari. And the fact that Jiraiya died on Hazou just as they were getting close... Huh, Hazou might actually have some trust issues. But anyway, that time could be better spent deepening the friendships Hazou has and developing the characters in general.

Really, it's all up to the authors and how comfortable they feel writing teenage romance on SV, along with however they feel their characters would act in the situations that they're in. I'm not going to push one way or another if it goes against what the QMs are comfortable writing.
If Hazou has trust issues, he definitely expresses them very differently from the norm, though I'm not saying it isn't possible.
Could just not use the word "date". Ask if she wants to have dinner (or whatever activity the date would be) with him, Yuno, and Noburi
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Could just not use the word "date". Ask if she wants to have dinner (or whatever activity the date would be) with him, Yuno, and Noburi

"Hey, I have two friends who like each other but are being stupid about it. [*insert more details*] Want to help me help them clear the air? I'm buying because there's a non-zero chance that this ends in a fiery food fight."
Quite honestly I don't think Hazou was made with long term relationships of any kind in mind.
Well we can make Ino a more willing co-conspirator. Let her know we are trying to get Noburi to realize how great Yuno is. Plus at the same we get to spent time with a fun petty girl. Win-win for everyone
Well we can make Ino a more willing co-conspirator. Let her know we are trying to get Noburi to realize how great Yuno is. Plus at the same we get to spent time with a fun petty girl. Win-win for everyone
We still don't know that Ino is cleared to know about Isan; we should ask Asuma. If she isn't, I don't imagine it'll be difficult to get her the clearance: just note that integrating Yuno into Leaf will be easier if she has more friendly peers, and that Ino, as a social specialist, is a good choice.
We still don't know that Ino is cleared to know about Isan; we should ask Asuma. If she isn't, I don't imagine it'll be difficult to get her the clearance: just note that integrating Yuno into Leaf will be easier if she has more friendly peers, and that Ino, as a social specialist, is a good choice.
Great point. Will edit it in when I get off work tonight
Sure, you know what, I'm in a depressed mood right now and this plan is pretty okay.

[X] Action plan: no I'm not possessed by creatures from another dimension

I have another plan to start a reform program and empower Haru, Atomu, and Reo, and I might be able to muster the energy to fight for it later tonight or tomorrow. I dunno.

[X] Action Plan: Structural Reforms
Wordcount: 399

Run ideas past the clan where applicable.
  • Ebisu
    • Act reasonably with regards to our long-term goals.
  • Estate
    • Proclaim Uplift as the Goketsu Clan philosophy.
      • Goal: Give everyone in our clan a reason to go above and beyond for our cause.
      • Main thrust: This world may be a cold, dark, and unforgiving forest, but we will give everything we have to clear a space for all of us, civilian and ninja alike to thrive.
      • We must all give everything we have for this dream of a better world.
  • Kagome​
    • Get clearance for sealwork - at least blank production, possibly research.​
      • Do whatever is necessary to do so.​
    • If cleared, begin research into chakdar.​
  • Reforms​
    • Projects:
      • Sanitation
      • Goketsu and affiliates ninja working conditions.
      • Goketsu civilian living standards.
    • Apply the following process to all projects.
      • Team-building
        • Convene a commission to study the problem.
          • Sanitation:
            • Include local residents, medical experts, and us.
          • Ninja working conditions:
            • Empower Haru, Atomu, and Reo to conduct review of possible improvements.
              • Suggest they adopt a similar structure.
          • Civilian conditions:
            • Empower civilian leaders for this purpose.
              • Give explicit, signed, and legal contracts to permit them to speak frankly to us with no risk of retribution.
        • Construct the problem.
          • Get every stakeholder (including us) to be able to answer:
            • Why do the problems matter?
            • For whom do they matter to?
            • Who needs to care more?
            • What will a place with better conditions be like?
              • What would be a measurable end-goal look (or smell) like?
        • Deconstruct the problem into solvable root causes, creating a branching diagram.
          • Based on which root problems are more solvable than others, create an initial, limited, and detailed plan of action.
            • The plan should be limited to a week.
            • Execute.
      • At the first iteration end time, meet with the team.
        • Evaluate:
          • What worked.
          • What we learned about implementation, assumptions, and the landscape for change.
          • What our next steps are.
        • Make sure to write down notes in the meeting to maintain institutional knowledge.
      • Begin spreading the word about our efforts - and successes! - in various reforms, according to the project.
        • Goals:
          • Create network of people interested in our successes
          • Create network of authorizers when we look to export the reforms
        • Key constituencies:
          • Tower
          • KEI
          • ISC
          • Clan members (not Clan Heads!)
          • Civilian neighborhood leaders
      • Draft new plans of action with a similarly limited timeframe, implementing recorded lessons.
        • Execute.
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Sure, you know what, I'm in a depressed mood right now and this plan is pretty okay.

[X] Action plan: no I'm not possessed by creatures from another dimension

I have another plan to start a reform program and empower Haru, Atomu, and Reo, and I might be able to muster the energy to fight for it later tonight or tomorrow. I dunno.

[X] Action Plan: Structural Reforms
Wordcount: 282

Run ideas past the clan where applicable.
  • Estate
    • Proclaim Uplift as the Goketsu Clan philosophy.
      • Goal: Give everyone in our clan a reason to go above and beyond for our cause.
      • Main thrust: This world may be a cold, dark, and unforgiving forest, but we will give everything we have to clear a space for all of us, civilian and ninja alike to thrive.
      • We must all give everything we have for this dream of a better world.
  • Kagome​
    • Get clearance for sealwork - at least blank production, possibly research.​
    • If cleared, begin research into chakdar.​
  • Reforms​
    • Projects:
      • Sanitation
      • Goketsu and affiliates ninja working conditions.
      • Goketsu civilian living standards.
    • Apply the following process to both projects.
      • Team-building
        • Convene a commission to study the problem.
          • Sanitation:
            • Include local residents, medical experts, and us.
          • Ninja working conditions:
            • Empower Haru, Atomu, and Reo to conduct review of possible improvements.
              • Suggest they adopt a similar structure.
          • Civilian working conditions:
            • Empower civilian leaders to look into this and give explicit, signed, and legal contracts to allow for them to speak frankly to us with no risk of retribution.
        • Construct the problem.
          • Get every stakeholder (including us) to be able to answer:
            • Why do the problems matter?
            • For whom do they matter to?
            • Who needs to care more?
            • What will a place with better conditions be like?
              • What would be a measurable end-goal look (or smell) like?
        • Deconstruct the problem into solvable root causes, creating a branching diagram.
          • Based on which root problems are more solvable than others, create an initial, limited, and detailed plan of action.
            • The plan should be limited to a week.
            • Execute.

I'd clarify that we're Asking Kagome if we can seal, not getting him to (he's busy decrypting). Also, I'd appreciate a bit more in that section, around asking what the procedure is to clear you for sealing, rather than insisting that you're fine. Likely better outcome if Hazou is seeming willing but amenable, you know?

Under reforms, it's pretty thorough and I appreciate the methodology.

The plan doesn't help us much contest, personal power, or scroll wise, which I'd want to see one of at least, if only to improve plan viability (the Kangaroo and Kraken scrolls seemed like the best leads?).

Also, maybe a line about following through with Asuma's Shadow clone step-by-step? Or could we somewhere make that a SOP?

I am sorry if I'm being overly critical. I do like the plan and you'll likely get my vote regardless.
@faflec, @eaglejarl: Is there an estimate of the total civilian population of the world? I recall ~200,000 but can't find it.

Also do we know anything about the historical population estimates? Basically an estimate of the population at the start of the village system, would be really helpful for my plan.

(Maybe we should ask Enma how lively the human path was when he was a kid)
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Chapter 325: Blah Blah Meetings Blah

Hazō climbed into bed with a sigh. It had been a long week, and it wasn't over yet. Still, that long week had been productive.

Skyslider research group? Working well together. They had built a prototype (which fell apart when lifted off the ground), and another prototype (plummeted when tested), and another prototype (flipped over, then plummeted), and were halfway through building the Mark IV. Kunihiko had taken the tentative encouragement of his Clan Head and run with it; he was generating reams of (thus far useless) data about every possible aspect of everything that flew, building little model birds on sticks and sliding them around, and generally trying to smash the problem of flight open through application of sheer teenage energy. The rest of the team had willingly followed Hazō's suggestion and moved from flapping-wing propelled designs to fixed-wing gliding designs, theorizing that a ninja could use skywalkers to gain the necessary initial altitude.

Research group to build an aqueduct into Leaf? Established. The Collapse had dried up several of the city's wells, leaving large sections of the population having to walk farther and wait in line longer to get water. The Senju River was only a mile or two away from Leaf (except every year or two when it decided to flood its banks, in which case it was closer), so it seemed perfectly sensible to bring the water into the city. Set up a Tanaka Screw to lift the water up high enough, build a stone trough to carry it into the city, done. Well, done as soon as a five-person team finished planning the site for the Screw, the design of the aqueduct itself, the route it would take from the river to the city walls, how it would cross the wall without compromising the city's defenses, what path it would take through the city, what approvals would be necessary from the Tower, etc etc etc.

Also established: Research group to design a latrine with flowing water so that the night soil didn't need to be carried out of the house each day. Hazō's first thought had been a latrine over water flowing through an open-topped half pipe. Mari had pointed out that it would still stink, so he had proposed instead having a U-bend in a water-filled pipe, thereby keeping the disease-causing stink away but allowing the night soil to be carried off by water, not by human hands. The civilians he had tasked to figure it out clearly thought he was crazy, but he was the Clan Head so they were working on it.

Still, those were research projects and they all seemed (to people who lacked Hazō's visionary genius mwahaha) to be either eccentric or pointless. He had been glad that the Summoning Scroll Initiative was thus far meeting with success, as it gave him some much-needed credibility with the family.

Since getting the locations and histories of the five potentially-available Summoning Scrolls, Hazō had had people scouring the city for anything that might help narrow it down. Maps of the regions the Scrolls were speculated to be in. Contacts from and customs of those areas. Most of them didn't have as much information available as he would have preferred.

River was an ally of Leaf so there was no issue there. Names of friendly merchants were available, as were ninja who were positively disposed towards relations with Leaf, and even very sketchy details on factional politics. (Assuming you were willing to dignify 'a few names and scribbled notes' with the grandiose standing of 'very sketchy', but better than nothing.) Of course, there was nothing on the Kangaroo Summoner or his Scroll, so all that River data wasn't terribly useful.

The Squirrel Scroll was a lost cause; the sum total of what Hazō had been able to find was "Neck is about here on this not-to-scale and poorly-detailed map."

The Porcupine Scroll wasn't the one that Hazō wanted, but it was looking like maybe his best shot. The Todoroki Shrine on O'uzo Island wasn't far away and was publicly accessible. Even better, there was reasonable information available; the name of the Chief Abbot was public knowledge, and Jiraiya's notes included recognition codes for two agents embedded in the place: A chambermaid and a mid-ranked monk. (The monk had been a junior acolyte when Jiraiya first recruited him; it really drove home the sheer scale of the notes that Kagome-sensei was working so hard to decode when you realized that there was information there from before Hazō's mother was born.)

The Kraken Scroll was also a good option. Jiraiya's notes included contact information for several mid-level Yakuza throughout the Land of Lightning, as well as an assortment of farmers, charcoalers, tanners, and other ruralites who would give shelter, a meal, and a bit of gossip to the occasional passing traveler. Not agents per se, but they provided an easy way to get from point A to point B discreetly and gather some minimal intel on the way. There was also a map and the Gōketsu were satisfied that they'd identified the village wherein the previous Kraken Summoner had lived.

The real prize, of course, was the Otter Scroll. That one was going to be problematic, as Hazō had learned after talking with the one retired ANBU agent who knew anything about the area:

"Fang and Mountain? Sure, I've been there. Been all over this whole fuckin' world. Shithole places, both of 'em. People in those countries will fuckin' kill you as quick as look at you, twice as fast if you've got water and they don't—not that there's too many people in the area, because most people aren't that fuckin' stupid. Fang is flat, most of Mountain is hilly but not too bad; you can generally get a wagon through either one if you're trying to travel undercover. 'Course, everything looks the fuckin' same out there. If you aren't careful 'bout staying a straight course you'll end up wandering in circles until you fuckin' dry out and fuckin' die. Nasty shit lives around there, too. Scuttly things the size of a fuckin' dog, still give me nightmares. Coyotes. Rockworms. Have to be fuckin' insane to want to go there. What? You're thinking about goin' there? Huh. Well, good fuckin' luck. You'll need it."

Not the most promising response, but it was something.

All in all, it had been a good week. Gaku was turning out to be an incredible asset; he'd kept Hazō's TODO list organized, arranged all his meetings, offered reminders and briefing for each meeting, and found himself an assistant when it became clear he would need one. (Hazō made a note to tell Gaku to get a second or third assistant, as he was still obviously running himself ragged.) With his secretary's help, Hazō had successfully navigated all the duties of a Clan Head for the past week...with one glaring exception.

In all the madness of Orochimaru's return, the Collapse, and setting up the new Gōketsu estate, Hazō had lost track of his earliest experiment at improving life within Leaf: Paying Ebisu a small fortune to train a half dozen clanless ninja. He'd completely forgotten about it.

The experiment was apparently over, because this afternoon three of the clanless trainees in question had showed up at the estate and dropped off a message saying that Ebisu wanted to talk to Hazō tomorrow at noon. They had run off without waiting for a reply.

Granted 'run' off was a stretch, since they had been moving almost entirely via Substitution or other jutsu. Also, three other ninja had been attacking them in a running mock-battle the intensity of which only barely allowed for the 'mock-' qualifier.

Hazō sighed. He turned off the Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lantern seal glued to his headboard and pulled the blanket up over his head. It was late, he was tired, and he just wanted his brain to shut up about Ebisu and the implications of the clanless trainees and their battle. It was time to sleep.

NB: The 'Tanaka Screw' is obviously the Elemental Nations name for the Archimedes' Screw.


Brevity XP: 1

Ami-style training XP: 0
The top option was "Teach Lee basic social skills". You tried, it had no effect.

This update took 7 days. Yes, it earned well below average XP. Quick review of what I see in the plan so that y'all have necessary context:
  • The first two sections are the supermajority of the wordcount and are entirely passive:
    • The Summoning Scrolls section is 'have someone else talk to some unnamed NPCs while Hazō stays in the library'.
    • The Engineering section is 'create some teams and tell them to do a thing'
  • The Noda section was interesting, although I didn't see that at first. In my original summary I had her simply say "Fuck off", because my first response was "Why would she want to talk to them? She thinks they evicted her." Then I waffled a bit, since there was time for her to get over it and you had a good approach. Finally I realized that the fact I was waffling meant there was good material here. After thinking a bit I flipped a coin for what her final reaction would be. It ended up sticking with "Fuck off" so that makes things easy. Still, it could have gone the other way; well done on that. (NB: In future, probably a good idea to add a phrase like "Give her time to cool down"; I'm used to writing 1-day plans and running after her immediately upon the close of the prior update would not have gone well, as she was still mad.)
  • Ami-style training is a thing that you pretty much need to include due to the incentive structures we've set up, so no criticism there. It's basically never actually interesting to write unless I happen to be in the mood for comedy relief, but oh well.
  • The conversation with Ebisu is a good reminder for a plot thread that I found interesting but had forgotten about; thanks for bringing it up again.

Vote time! What to do now?

Voting ends on Saturday, February 15, 2020, at 9am New York time.
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I just want to say that I'm happy with the week long plans. And that, despite much of this progress looking boring, it does look like progress. Lets build our glider team a windtunnel for a faster testing cycle.
Paying Ebisu a small fortune to train a half dozen clanless ninja. He'd completely forgotten about it.
Welp, hope someone paid Ebisu. I think we promised monthly payments.

If you're willing to commit to a million up front and then eleven monthly payments of a million each then I think we're fine."
yep. Ok, Oro happened Feb 15. As of Ch 320 it was March 1-3. I dunno what time it is now. But depending on when Ebisu's last payment was made, we have a chance that we haven't missed it yet
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Welp, hope someone paid Ebisu. I think we promised monthly payments.


yep. Ok, Oro happened Feb 15. As of Ch 320 it was March 1-3. I dunno what time it is now. But depending on when Ebisu's last payment was made, we have a chance that we haven't missed it yet

I don't know why you're so worried? This stuff is on autopilot.
This stuff is on autopilot.
I hope it's on autopilot. But if we made the first monthly payment 1 month after talking to him on Jan 19-21, that's Feb 19-21 which is after Oro. So we might have never set it up in the autopilot system. Hopefully Mari remembered. Whereas if we made the monthly payment on Feb 1, when we played with Naruto, than Mari needed to have paid him. Hopefully we told Mari about our deal with Ebisu.
If you use the vote tally, something's probably going to get fucked something firece, so I'm going to repost my plan after the update just in case.

Also, I realized that if the timeline is going to be one week, 1 Brevity XP is honestly not worth that much in exchange for making a more complete plan with better scene opportunities. (I just want @eaglejarl to write more updates in the style of The Strange Life of Goketsu Haru dammit)

[X] Action Plan: Structural Reforms
Wordcount: 399

Run ideas past the clan where applicable.
  • Ebisu
    • Act reasonably to achieve our long-term goals.
  • Estate
    • Proclaim Uplift as the purpose of the Goketsu Clan.
      • Goal: Give everyone in our clan a reason to go above and beyond for our cause.
      • Main thrust: This world may be a cold, dark, and unforgiving forest, but we will give everything we have to light a path through this dark night.
        • Indeed, we are the vanguards of the Will of Fire, raising our eyes to blaze a trail for all to follow.
      • We, civilian and ninja, must all give everything we have for this dream of a better world.
  • Kagome​
    • Get sealwork clearance - at least blank production, possibly research.​
      • Do whatever is necessary to do so.​
    • If cleared, research chakdar.​
  • Reforms​
    • Projects:
      • Sanitation
      • Goketsu and affiliate ninja working conditions.
      • Goketsu civilian living standards.
    • Apply the following process to all projects.
      • Team-building
        • Convene a commission to improve the situation.
          • Sanitation:
            • Include local residents, medical experts, and us.
          • Ninja working conditions:
            • Empower Haru, Atomu, and Reo to conduct review of possible improvements.
              • Suggest they adopt a similar structure.
          • Civilian conditions:
            • Empower civilian leaders in our clan.
              • Give explicit, signed, and legal permission to speak frankly to us with no risk of retribution.
        • Construct the problem.
          • Get every stakeholder (including us) to be able to answer:
            • Why do the problems matter?
            • For whom do they matter to?
            • Who needs to care more?
            • What will a place with better conditions be like?
              • What would be a measurable end-goal look (or smell) like?
        • Deconstruct the problem into solvable root causes, creating a branching diagram.
          • Based on which root problems are more solvable than others, create an initial, limited, and detailed plan of action.
            • The plan should be limited to a week.
            • Execute.
      • At the first iteration end time, meet with the team.
        • Evaluate:
          • What worked.
          • What we learned about implementation, assumptions, and the landscape for change.
          • What our next steps are.
        • Make sure to write and store meeting notes to maintain institutional knowledge.
      • Spread the word about our efforts - and successes! - in various reforms.
        • Goals:
          • Create network of people interested in our successes.
          • Create network of authorizers for future reform exports.
        • Key constituencies:
          • Tower
          • KEI
          • ISC
          • Clan members
          • Civilian leaders
      • Draft new plans of action with a similarly limited timeframe, implementing recorded lessons.
        • Execute.
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I hope it's on autopilot. But if we made the first monthly payment 1 month after talking to him on Jan 19-21, that's Feb 19-21 which is after Oro. So we might have never set it up in the autopilot system. Hopefully Mari remembered. Whereas if we made the monthly payment on Feb 1, when we played with Naruto, than Mari needed to have paid him. Hopefully we told Mari about our deal with Ebisu.
Ebisu isn't an idiot. If we had failed to pay we would have heard about it already, or he was willing to defer payment until later due to the chaos and will ask for it when we meet him... which is already the plan.
Shouldn't we be discussing what to do against superweapon strikes against Lead, similar to the Collapse?

We need countermeasures to that shit.
So, trying to figure out why I don't particularly care for the scroll mission.


1) I think we're going to largely end up using a lot of time and usually ending with nothing.
2) Spending a lot of time from home away from stuff I rather be doing, which is uplift and running the clan.
3) We're going to potentially end up in a life and death situation. That may not happen for one particular scroll, but the odd go up as we try to find other scroll.
4) Scrolls lose their shininess as we gain more scrolls, and their marginal value diminishes.
5) Summons don't care about our priorities, and their politics can be detrimental to our health and/or annoying(See Keiko and the Pangolins)
6) We can win in other way with much less risks of dying, like FOOMing with shadow clones, though I have mixed feeling about that.
7) Less likely to happen, but I hate to fight another ninja just because they have a scroll and we wanted it.
8) Finding a scroll has nothing by itself to do with uplifty things I wanna do.
9) I don't find gaining power by itself attractive, especially if it comes with hassles. See reason #5.