We don't have a way to train his medical for now, and escaping ninjaville should earn us enough if we feel like visiting his old teacher in Iron. For now survivability is more important.
I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but what else do we have that would significantly increase our survivability?
I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but what else do we have that would significantly increase our survivability?
Anything that helps us kill ppl who try to kill us, with whip as best combat and VD as potential sensory technique.

Medic fund is a good idea, but not when we were told in plain text ninja will be coming to kill us.
[X] Training Hazou: Brick Chop
[-] Training Hazou: Light Sparring

@MadScientist I disagree because our escape from Hillbilly Mountain is 100% going to result in a fight, and we need all the die we can get. Then again we won't be attacked yet so I'm not against waiting to see if things get any better. Which also lets us do this:

[X] Research Noburi: Vampiric Dew
Continue to study the nuances of his bloodline and its ability to absorb/reabsorb chakra. Specifically:
  • See if he can overcome his limitation on reabsorbing chakra used to form Water Clones (i.e., reconvert it into his personal chakra supply).
  • Test to see if he can reabsorb chakra used to form his Water Whip technique. Again, test to see limitations and if he can overcome them.
  • Test the limits of his range with mist or steam (use Akane's Elemental Mastery technique and heat water to form the mist/steam).
  • Test to see if he can absorb chakra through mist or steam.
  • Test to see if Noburi can disrupt jutsu by draining targets (the user or the technique itself).
  • Test to see his ability to drain seals or their products of chakra, under very heavy guard.
  • See if we can get 1-way mist-chakra-pulse comms with Nobby's Vampiric Dew research.
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urgh. Iminent danger. This has become so "business as usual" that I almost forgot. I see your point, but still think we should save some. How about we buy Whip 14, then deposit the 2 left over?

[X] Training Noburi: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Water Whip 14 [14/16]

Medic Fund +2XP 'Unassigned' [16/16], 'Medic Fund' [0/2]
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Sure. Depositing "change" would be a great way to save up for things without feeling like we're sacrificing current potential.

[X] Training Noburi: Just What the Doctor Ordered
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Anything that helps us kill ppl who try to kill us, with whip as best combat and VD as potential sensory technique.

Medic fund is a good idea, but not when we were told in plain text ninja will be coming to kill us.
I'm beginning to think we might need an extension on the deadline of this to thoroughly discuss possibilities and plans. I do expect we'll get at least 30 XP from defending ourselves and 10 from getting away; if my calculations are right it'd be 60 XP to get Noburi to MedNin 10, so that's not too bad.

As far as what we actually do about the oncoming assault... well, this is about as good of a situation as we can get in for it. The number of attackers is limited; I can't expect more than 10 at most of mid chuunin-low jounin level, probably less. This is a small village. We have information on whenabouts they'll attack. It... might be worth having Yuno with us when they do so that they can't imply that we were the aggressors. But that aside, we have every advantage in our hands. We can set up the battleground as we like, and we very well should.
@Cariyaga The Inoue are lorekeepers and the Aida are religious leaders. So...crazed fanatics with general skills?
Alright. So, they might not have tapirs backing them up; we may be able to pull off my trap-the-cave-like-crazy-and-sleep-in-the-trees plan.

e: Alternatively we could just make the cave itself a trap. Set up one of Kagome's wiretrap seals attached to a mini-explosive seal near one of the seals for a force wall that's holding up a MEW that will trap them in the cave. This has the plus side of, you know, not killing them. Diplomatic upsides, AND rube goldberg machines.
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@Sleeps Furiously My worry is that Takahashi will go to the council meeting, and not vote to allow the outsiders (us) to take the trial. Then when we try to take the trial, which is probably near the shrine, the entire village has reason to kill us. The source of my worry is that Takahashi wants us to make up a reason for the training he and Keiko have been doing. Why would he do that: in the next two weeks the deception will be wide open and there's no reason to assume Inoue/Aida will have caught on to the deception before then.

If Takahashi is telling the truth (which I'm slowly raising my estimate of), then I think he wants to frame it to the council as something that he is proposing because we match whatever is in their religious texts about the person (people?) who the summoning scroll is being guarded for, not because he and we have come to some sort of agreement about things.

On the other hand, it does seem like it would be prudent to try to have at least a semi-public announcement that we've been deemed worthy of the scroll by the council before we actually go.

Also, if this works out, we totally need to include in our report to Jiraiya that Keiko has been declared the Child of the Prophecy.

[x] Training Hazou: Brick Chop
[x] Training Akane: Float like a Firefly
[x] Training Noburi: Just What the Doctor Ordered
[-] Training Hazou: Light Sparring
[-] Training Akane: Light Sparring
[X] Training Hazou: Brick Chop
[X] Training Akane: Float like a Firefly
[X] Training Noburi: Just What the Doctor Ordered
[X] Training Akane: Float like a Firefly
[X] Training Hazou: Brick Chop
With any luck, things will go smoothly- we'll get the scroll and be right on our way to S-Rank.

Wait, "things will go smoothly". Sorry guys, forgot which quest I was in for a moment.
Thanks for the feedback.

Ah, I thought he might have been able to something with our tenketsu...
Few questions then about the durability and manipulation of henge itself then.

1) Henge requires constant chakra emission but is there a point where someone can waste chakra maintaining forms while in it? Like a faucet that's still running but turned on harder or softer overtime.

2) If Noburi's messing with our constant emission of chakra to maintain, would we be able to push an arbitrary amount chakra back to compensate and maintain the form?

3) Is it possible to delay stabilizing a weakening henge and then get it quickly back under control?

4) Can henge be weakened in localized areas of our forms while still maintaining the whole?

5) Does the chakra emitted refresh or stabilize a henge as a whole instead of pouring into localized areas only?

1) Actually, it doesn't require constant chakra emission. You pay for it once, and then it requires a certain level of concentration but no maintenance. This is part of what makes it so suitable for Academy students, but also part of what makes it so fragile.

2) No. You don't have that kind of "pure" chakra manipulation ability. Like most non-Hyūga, you can only emit chakra through your hands and feet, and your ability to do so doesn't have the kind of precision necessary to manipulate a technique not designed for it.

3) No. You don't have any control over the technique once used, except to dispel it by dropping concentration.

4) No. It's a single coherent effect, which is why even the most localised damage will pop it.

5) You don't refresh or stabilise a transformation. Any external effect that targets it, meanwhile, affects the whole thing as a single target (until it pops, at which point the effect targets localised parts of your body as normal).

@Cariyaga The Inoue are lorekeepers and the Aida are religious leaders. So...crazed fanatics with general skills?
It should be mentioned that you have not witnessed anyone you recognise as an Aida performing religious duties in the village, or indeed much by way of formal religious rituals taking place.
It should be mentioned that you have not witnessed anyone you recognise as an Aida performing religious duties in the village, or indeed much by way of formal religious rituals taking place.

Balls. We're going to get a nasty surprise. We need intel on this ASAP. Keiko NEEDS to get information on their capabilities from Takahashi.
"You do not need to know," Takahashi brushed the question off. "At the Council of Elders meeting a fortnight hence, I shall call a vote for a representative of the outsiders to attempt the trial of the summoning scroll, in accordance with the prophecy of Ui's heir. If all goes to plan, and you survive the night, the following morning you will be permitted to approach the sacred shrine and attempt to retrieve and use the scroll."
Ok, I think this is the most important thing we need to address in our vote: Who among us should be chosen to take the trial?

The logical, and most obvious, decision is to send Inoue-sensei. But I'm worried about our safety while she's doing that, and I'm also worried about her mental state (remember how we left Liberator village?) since I'm almost certain there'll be an aspect like that.
Ok, I think this is the most important thing we need to address in our vote: Who among us should be chosen to take the trial?

The logical, and most obvious, decision is to send Inoue-sensei. But I'm worried about our safety while she's doing that, and I'm also worried about her mental state (remember how we left Liberator village?) since I'm almost certain there'll be an aspect like that.

Uh, it has always been Keiko that has to take the trial. Taka mentioned this in their first meeting.

And oh crap we have like a day to make a plan. I'm assuming that the next update won't cover the entire two week period, so right now it's pure prep and trying to avoid a disaster before then.

Also, I get this feeling that there is some very clever move that will let us survive the upcoming Night of Terror. Like they attack, but we're somewhere else entirely.
1) Actually, it doesn't require constant chakra emission. You pay for it once, and then it requires a certain level of concentration but no maintenance. This is part of what makes it so suitable for Academy students, but also part of what makes it so fragile.

2) No. You don't have that kind of "pure" chakra manipulation ability. Like most non-Hyūga, you can only emit chakra through your hands and feet, and your ability to do so doesn't have the kind of precision necessary to manipulate a technique not designed for it.

3) No. You don't have any control over the technique once used, except to dispel it by dropping concentration.

4) No. It's a single coherent effect, which is why even the most localised damage will pop it.

5) You don't refresh or stabilise a transformation. Any external effect that targets it, meanwhile, affects the whole thing as a single target (until it pops, at which point the effect targets localised parts of your body as normal).

It should be mentioned that you have not witnessed anyone you recognise as an Aida performing religious duties in the village, or indeed much by way of formal religious rituals taking place.

Aw:(. Okay.

Well, back to the drawing board.
Time to :ninja:.

Hm.....(mumble mumble )Storage scrolls....hm.

Tonight we should make camp somewhere other than that cave or our mini-fort (leaving both of their defenses up, of course).

In fact, we should probably make a dozen decoy forts around the outskirts and cover those in defenses as well.

If tomorrow morning we find half the Aida clan have been exploded or bisected by invisible walls, then it will be their own damn fault.