What does "back and forth mean" here? Are we retracting our offer of adoption?
What does "intellectually efficient" mean? I like how you say "lack the experience" here though, it demonstrates how our current shortcomings are a temporary thing.
Both of these are a way to apologize for having to play catch up, especially when we started off on the wrong foot (sentimentality). It's an acknowledgement that our default "appeal to emotion that works on most people" was the wrong move, and we needed a moment to realize that we can talk to Orochimaru like a sane person.
(Where "sane person" exists to imply that our current mindset is more 'natural' or core to our identity than the appeal to emotion mentality.)
To all the planmakers offering apprenticeship. We already offered that when we said we'd help with research. Perhaps reword it to explain you are adding on to the benefits you had earlier listed to being an apprentice.
Part of this is to show further enthusiasm and goal alignment, it's reinforcement to our earlier words, not retraction.
Didn't Orochimaru leave the village himself? In what way are we claiming that Leaf rejected him? What do we know about what went down and, if nothing, this is just a shot in the dark at us trying to appeal to his pride...
I believe so, it's heavily implied he went missing-nin anyway, but Leaf rejected him by making that move neccesary. Whether he was actually pushed out or just left, it was because Leaf didn't accept him, his goals, or his methods.
What are "the existing tactics for dealing with killing intent/intimidation" from an S-Ranker? As far as I can remember our only successful tactic thus far has been mouthing off, pissing ourselves, concussing ourselves, and then promptly passing out
"existing tactics" meaning the advice you got from Hana and Jiraiya, or something else?
Both of you have it right, barring the 'mouthing off' part. I'd rather piss ourselves and get concussed than agree to something Orochimaru forces on us. He's one to appreciate mental strength as much (if not more than) physical.
Also, I'd argue that the mouthing off was a way to achieve our specific goal w/ Zabuza, not a tactic that's general to dealing with powerful ninja emotional manipulation.
OROCHIMARU: There are few people similar to me in power and fewer still similar to me in intellect.
Sure, but even then we establish ourselves as a member of the same intellectual reference class, albeit a relatively unpolished one.
Also, missing a word.

Must be "...
the hobby." @Kiba got it right in his version.
Thanks, fixed.