OK, @Jello_Raptor

I would like to note that your plan is over 600 words. We need to trim the fat and resetting to our baseline rather than letting this go and making long plans the norm.
Don't mind me. I am just trying to see where I can trim fat.
[X] Action Plan : You are talking with a rationalist, act like it. (FAT TRIM)

  • Take a second to calibrate mentally.
    • The house isn't important, it's just stuff.
    • Your pride and fear aren't important and cloud your judgement. Crush them.
    • The people are very important.
      • Those in the clan, working with the clan, and those Orochimaru'd be working...with, in the future.
    • Orochimaru's knowledge and power are alsoimportant.
      • He is likely the only person both able and willing to help with Biosealing, bloodline research, immortality, etc..
    • Holy shit Kagome will probably get himself killed trying to kill Orochimaru.
  • Apologize for the back and forth: His sudden arrival threw us off balance.
    • We haven't sufficiently simulated our clanmates' potential reactions and personality clashes.
    • Please forgive any idiocy on our part, we lack the experience to be intellectually efficient. But we are learning.
  • Burning questions, if he would like to take a few minutes to satisfy someone's curiosity:
    • Ask after his long term plans.
      • We want to minimize conflicts and maximize our mutual gains, or at least not get in his way.
    • Why did you return?
      • War is coming soon, you'll have to fight.
      • Leaf rejected you before and may well do so again after the war.
      • What make this time different?
    • What was Akatsuki's plan? Who was their leader with his BULLSHIT resurrection ability?
    • You sent Jiraiya a very-well designed board game. Do you like board games?
  • Hazou has precommitted to not making binding agreements until he gets time to privately ruminate and consult with the clan.
    • Steel ourselves against intimidation/KI threats.
  • That said, we have some ideas for Orochimaru to consider:
    • Hazou would like to become your apprentice.
      • BioSealing? Bloodline research? Nature of chakra? Immortality? You name it, Hazo wants to know.
      • We'd prefer to disinvolve ourselves from the more... invasive research experiments, but would want to help modify their methodology to reach a consensus, if possible. We have resources...
    • The Goketsu can help you rebrand, we're good at that.
      • We have a good reputation with many in Leaf. Orochimaru would need to curtail actions that cause suffering/death of sapient beings.
      • Past that, he can focus on his goals and let us make him 'Leaf's hero'.
  • As an immediate show of good faith:
    • Clan Gouketsu and their followers will remove themselves from the estate within 24 hours.
    • Give Jiraiya's package to Orochimaru.
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[X] Action Plan : You are talking with a rationalist, act like it.

This works
@eaglejarl Do you mind if we put the blockprint in its own separate post to reduce wordcount?
Yep, that's fine.

The former questions are shamelessly stolen from @Roomba's plan, and the last is there both out of genuine curiosity and to provide some subtle flattery.
Also, missing a word. :p Must be "...the hobby." @Kiba got it right in his version.

And our lives if we displease Orochimaru, and our sanity due to having to view horrifying experiments, and the splintering of our clan from Akane either leaving and/or being accidentally'd, and QM spoons due to needing to write horrifying experiments somewhere off-site due to SV rules...
For the record, that part wouldn't bother me too much. @Velorien ?
Didn't Orochimaru leave the village himself?
According to Naruto, the Third had Orochimaru arrested. AFAIK it's never been stated if he escaped or was exiled.

Commentary on currently leading plan. Reminder: Voting closes at noon, which is about 2.5 hours.

[X] Action Plan : You are talking with a rationalist, act like it.

  • Your message to Jiraiya was also a surprisingly well designed board game. Are you a fan of hobby?
"...of the hobby." No leaving words out, Mister! Find your own wordcount optimizations! :p

(Because text is hard: I know that isn't actually what you were doing and this was just a mistake, but my version was funnier.)

  • As a tactic for dealing with intelligent and powerful agents, Hazou has pre-committed to not make binding agreements until he gets time to privately ruminate and consult with trusted external parties.
    • Use existing tactics to defend against killing intent, intimidation, etc.. if needed.
"existing tactics" meaning the advice you got from Hana and Jiraiya, or something else?
What do you get if you apply the 'Veil of Ignorance' and 'I commit to tit-for-tat with agents sufficiently similar to myself' to your terminal values? (Tweaked to deal with a world more complex than a pure iterated prisoner's dilemma.)
  • Hazou has ended up with a wide interpretation of 'sufficiently similar' in his resulting instrumental values.
  • Note: This is an idea for Orochimaru to consider, not a question we are asking him.
OROCHIMARU: There are few people similar to me in power and fewer still similar to me in intellect.
Can we get everyone on the FAT TRIM version before the deadline? The chapter's over 600 words and I really do not want to lose XP.
[X] Action Plan : You are talking with a rationalist, act like it. (FAT TRIM)

Dunno if it'll win given that we have...2 hours? But yeah, I'll go for it. @Kiba Could you possibly do some tabbing on the first bullet point so that it runs in line with Jello_Raptor's?
[X] Action Plan : You are talking with a rationalist, act like it. (FAT TRIM)

Dunno if it'll win given that we have...2 hours? But yeah, I'll go for it. @Kiba Could you possibly do some tabbing on the first bullet point so that it runs in line with Jello_Raptor's?

Done. I wish we won't lose XP.

Jello Raptor's not active right now.
Adjust accordingly:

@Kiba I've made some minor/major alterations to your plan, in an effort to make it a bit less telegraphic and more in-line with Jello_Raptor's plan. I don't think I've made actual changes to the plan's intent, though I could totally be wrong with that. The current word count for this plan is 379380 words, so if you want you can add some more stuff to it. (Edit: forgot to space a word, it should be 380 words. Sorry!)
  • Take a second to calibrate mentally.
    • The house isn't important, it's just stuff.
    • Your pride and fear aren't important and cloud your judgement. Crush them.
    • The people are very important.
      • Those in the clan, working with the clan, and those Orochimaru'd be working...with, in the future.
    • Orochimaru's knowledge and power are also important.
      • He is likely the only person both able and willing to help with Biosealing, bloodline research, immortality, etc..
    • Holy shit Kagome will probably get himself killed trying to kill Orochimaru.
  • Apologize for the back and forth: His sudden arrival threw us off balance.
    • We haven't sufficiently simulated our clanmates' potential reactions and personality clashes.
    • Please forgive any idiocy on our part, we lack the experience to be intellectually efficient. But we are learning.
  • Burning questions, if he would like to take a few minutes to satisfy someone's curiosity:
    • Ask after his long term plans.
      • We want to minimize conflicts and maximize our mutual gains, or at least not get in his way.
    • Why did you return?
      • War is coming soon, you'll have to fight.
      • Leaf rejected you before and may well do so again after the war.
      • What make this time different?
    • What was Akatsuki's plan? Who was their leader with his BULLSHIT resurrection ability?
    • You sent Jiraiya a very-well designed board game. Do you like board games?
  • Hazou has precommitted to not making binding agreements until he gets time to privately ruminate and consult with the clan.
    • Steel ourselves against intimidation/KI threats.
  • That said, we have some ideas for Orochimaru to consider:
    • Hazou would like to become your apprentice.
      • BioSealing? Bloodline research? Nature of chakra? Immortality? You name it, Hazo wants to know.
      • We'd prefer to disinvolve ourselves from the more... invasive research experiments, but would want to help modify their methodology to reach a consensus, if possible. We have resources...
    • The Goketsu can help you rebrand, we're good at that.
      • We have a good reputation with many in Leaf. Orochimaru would need to curtail actions that cause suffering/death of sapient beings.
      • Past that, he can focus on his goals and let us make him 'Leaf's hero'.
  • As an immediate show of good faith:
    • Clan Gouketsu and their followers will remove themselves from the estate within 24 hours.
    • Give Jiraiya's package to Orochimaru.
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