It's a bit difficult to get a good read on Oro from these last two updates. If he were our typical experienced and powerful ninja with good socials, I'd read this whole sequence of events as him angling to take over our clan, and using any means available to him to give himself advantages in the ensuing negotiation. That's how I'd read all of his implied threats and accusations of misconduct on our part.
However, Ami's behaviour gives me some pause. She acted as if she thought Oro was playing things completely straight, which is both possible and frightening.
In any case, I really want to ask him why he returned to Konoha in the first place. What is the benefit, to him? He has to know he's essentially putting himself in the middle of the upcoming war this way, and I can't think of anything uniquely valuable the village offers him. I do wonder if Jiraiya hadn't made some kind of deal where Oro would offer us protection in return for the pardon. In that case, his behaviour would make some sense - to him, the best way of providing said protection would be to suborn us. Again, though, Ami acted as if she thought he'd actually kill her there and then.
I am still absolutely certain I don't want him as our clan head.