So, to be clear this ends with a sealing failure happening, and we're voting on what to do with the failure that's now happened? We don't have any information on what the failure is yet, though, so... I would guess "do what Kagome says" is what we should do.
So, to be clear this ends with a sealing failure happening, and we're voting on what to do with the failure that's now happened? We don't have any information on what the failure is yet, though, so... I would guess "do what Kagome says" is what we should do.
Basically, yeah.

[X] Do whatever Kagome says to do. He is the senior sealmaster on site.
Considering last seal failure we saw, and general relation between origin of a seal failure with it's nature...

Dear Sage this seal failure will have SUCH DESTRUCTIVE POWER.
So, to be clear this ends with a sealing failure happening, and we're voting on what to do with the failure that's now happened? We don't have any information on what the failure is yet, though, so... I would guess "do what Kagome says" is what we should do.
Sure that's step one but we need to figure out what we want to do after
While we should obviously obey Kagome, there are still things we can do in general.

HLAM to escape.
MEW to guard.
Naruto clones to kill anything that comes through.
Don't drain anything.

ready a 5sb as a stop gap.
"I will commit to a six-week course, with the possibility of ending it sooner if I judge the effort pointless or the students fail out. I will be paid twelve million ryō for this commitment, regardless of how long or short it lasts."

"That's...workable, although I'll have to check if we have the liquidity to pay it in one lump sum. If you're willing to commit to two million up front and then eleven monthly payments of two million each then I think we're fine."
We owe him a million up front, then eleven monthly payments of a million each.

Noticed a minor discrepancy.
Due to the content of the chapter, not sure if we're suffering from enjoying an unreliable narrator or if this is something that was half-changed in an editing pass?

inb4 faflec gets ripped from the hivemind
On the upside, we are now more traumatized than Keiko! (No really that's an upside TYS points are heckin ambrosia)
On the downside Hazou's a little touch-and-go on the concept of reality and that's making us punch less gud, and we may or may not have started the apocalypse.
On the other upside, SINs work!
On the other downside, they don't seem to reach city-killer before reality starts breaking. No matter, we just put them in sets of 12 and drop them in a ring around the village. Also they should still work for anti-Skywalker precautions.

it feels like it was the entire Plan Cache dumped into a single plan.
Heh, the Cache is actually still empty since IIRC this is the first throw-dozens-of-ideas-at-the-wall plan since the election. I'll go take a moment to find everything in the plan that didn't get done and put it in the Cache for this or future cycles.
I absolutely love the "perspective from beyond the veil" stuff. More please.

I wonder if we could root it deeper into Hazou's worldview by having him look at the scroll in small but repeated doses.

Two hours later, dozens of implosion seals had been prepped. They had also been divided into small groups, each given to a Naruto, and the Narutos had been told to spread out and get as far the hell away from the testing ground as possible, just in case one of the seals accidentally cooked off somehow.
It was when they got to thirteen seals that everything went wrong.

That might be problematic.
Fantastic chapter, and I have to say I really enjoy beyond-mortal-ken Hazuo. Casually appreciating the Hokages KI was a gem.

Ooh! Now we have a memetic threat sealed up in our head! I'm sure there's a way for us to weaponize this.

Maybe if we ever meet some jashinists we can discuss the thinness of reality and convince them that sealing is obviously a better way to commune with their god than blood
Alright, grabbed some unfinished stuff from the last plan and the Plan Cache is back in use again! (Please make sure to not throw too many things in the plan again, cool ideas we won't get to in one update can wait here until the next cycle)
Plan Cache:
  • Salterns:
    1. Use MEW to wall off sections of ocean.
    2. Freeze with EM.
    3. Boil leftover brine.
  • Complete land sale. Clear said land.
  • Guerilla civil engineering inFire only.
    1. Prepare any signs in granite using inscription jutsu.
      1. Signs should have quotes or imagery hinting at an association to Jiraiya or Goketsu.
    2. Build bridges, erect monuments extolling Leaf's generosity and greatness, clear out entirely new villages, etc.
      1. Arrange the work so a skywalking ninja sees Jiraiya laughing.
  • Find, rebuild, and re-key Jiraiya's contacts/network.
    1. Use guerilla civil engineering as cover.
  • Convene Goketsu Gaming Mondays. Invite Naruto and KEI specifically.
  • Figure out the Adopting Naruto question.

Past Major Plans:
we're finally going on a lyin' hunt reposted by Oneiros (too lazy to check original author)

Rules of the Plan Cache:
  1. Get Support. The Plan Cache is for ideas that already have support of a sizeable chunk of the playerbase, not for ideas that someone wants to advocate later. For a benchmark, your idea should have enough support to be in one of the major plans of a cycle if there was room in the plan.
  2. Short-term. The Plan Cache is for ideas that we intend to implement in the next few updates, or more loosely within the same rough story arc. If you have an idea beyond that temporal scope, I have another post storing those ideas so ask me to put it there instead of cluttering up our short-term storage.
Sometimes when we're making a plan we have a good idea that's just outside the temporal scope of the update, but we don't want to cut it from the plan because we might forget by the next cycle. This adds unnecessary words that could have been spent fleshing out the rest of the plan, and may outright cost XP in the worst cases.

This plan cache will hold these subsections so they don't fall into the void between planning cycles. Just ping me with the subsection and, unless it's wildly unreasonable, I'll edit it into the post. I'll keep them there for a while until they either make it into a winning plan, fall out of favour, or the context significantly changes. Depending on circumstances, they might end up in my Side Project Cache, or they might be dropped, and I'll make sure to be transparent about what I'm doing.

I'll do my best to quote this post after every update, so that planmakers can get an easy reminder about what we never quite got to last cycle.
Also note: in the upcoming confrontation we are suffering from our Severe Mental Consequence and our Taijutsu appears to be a base of only 33 right now. Contrast this with Akane's 50 and it's clear that we aren't going to fight up to snuff right here. Kagome obviously is the one calling the shots here and Naruto's got the firepower for most of our needs. Keep everyone nearby in case one of us has a useful jutsu like MEW was with the Rift Denizens and pray that whatever happened isn't exponential.

Of course, when things are stable we should test at the 10-12 range again. If it's stable there then we can figure out just how useful SINs will be to us, and it'd be balderdash to balk at the idea of SINs just because we hit their limits once.
Alright, grabbed some unfinished stuff from the last plan and the Plan Cache is back in use again! (Please make sure to not throw too many things in the plan again, cool ideas we won't get to in one update can wait here until the next cycle)

Also note: in the upcoming confrontation we are suffering from our Severe Mental Consequence and our Taijutsu appears to be a base of only 33 right now. Contrast this with Akane's 50 and it's clear that we aren't going to fight up to snuff right here. Kagome obviously is the one calling the shots here and Naruto's got the firepower for most of our needs. Keep everyone nearby in case one of us has a useful jutsu like MEW was with the Rift Denizens and pray that whatever happened isn't exponential.

Of course, when things are stable we should test at the 10-12 range again. If it's stable there then we can figure out just how useful SINs will be to us, and it'd be balderdash to balk at the idea of SINs just because we hit their limits once.

What if it's 13 explicitly that is the problem? What if 15 or 20 would be the SIN of our dreams? If we survive we must test this ;p

Honestly, my money is on 13 being the point at which fusion first occurred, and it threw an error in the simulation aince we're not supposed to have that tech for another 8000 years.
What if it's 13 explicitly that is the problem? What if 15 or 20 would be the SIN of our dreams? If we survive we must test this ;p

Honestly, my money is on 13 being the point at which fusion first occurred, and it threw an error in the simulation aince we're not supposed to have that tech for another 8000 years.
Alternatively, it's the point where the released air becomes dense enough to be "solid" for the intents and purposes of sealing failures.