So, ideas on how to get the Uchiha to not vote for Hiashi:

1. Massive monetary bribes.
2. Finding some way for Asuma to let the Uchiha adopt a bunch of clanless nin once he's Hokage. Maybe some kind of addendum to the law that says that clans with fewer than (X ninja) do not have the 2 person limit on clanless adoptions.
3. Mixture of both?
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I did not propose moving platform, only that you post on more platform to grow your audience/readership.
It's not a bad thought -- it's always nice to gain new players -- and I don't want to completely rule it out, but it does have some significant costs. Let me think about it, although I've got all the traveling to do and I'm emotionally dragged out enough that I probably won't have the energy for at least a couple days. Still, interesting idea.

Sigh...where in any of the posts you responded to did anyone presume that they had the authority to make any decisions about the thread? Of course you have the final say. Duh. No one is disputing that, all we were doing was offering suggestions. If you won't do it then that's perfectly fine. It is up to you. But at least don't criticize people just for making a suggestion, and don't assume that people were trying to command you to do something.
I have said, multiple times and in multiple ways, that I'm killing the Uchiha deal unless the other QMs talk me out of it. I am doing this because I had to facetank hours of very stressful conversations with the mods, in which I felt like I was "say one wrong word / fail to say one right word" away from being infracted and/or banned, with possible knock-on effects against MfD as a whole. (This does not appear to have been the case, but that doesn't change how it felt.) When I say all that and then someone comes back with "Absolutely not. Mod action turning an in-game action which could have succeeded or failed into a guaranteed failure is fucking dumb", they are pretty clearly trying to tell me what to do.

Look, I am very far from my best right at the moment. Could I ask that for the next 24 hours we taboo all discussion of the threadlock, the mod actions, and anything related to it? Until tomorrow night, please could we focus on how you're going to achieve world domination through salt and landclearing / causing me and the other QMs to weep tears of sadness at the way you have once again broken our world via physics / speculating on what it would take to get a telescope?
...speculating on what it would take to get a telescope?

Yeah honestly not sure why we don't have this already. Glass-grinding isn't rocket science, it's glass-science. We also have exponentially more resources to throw at the problem now than we did last time the thread tried to get a telescope: If any exist in the EN we can probably just offer a fuck-huge bounty for one. If none exist we can info-dump some glassware stuff into Hazou's head and let him Iron Nerve his way into grinding identical lenses.
-We'll need to be sure to have him use Purifiers or something, avoid silicosis.
I have said, multiple times and in multiple ways, that I'm killing the Uchiha deal unless the other QMs talk me out of it. I am doing this because I had to facetank hours of very stressful conversations with the mods, in which I felt like I was "say one wrong word / fail to say one right word" away from being infracted and/or banned, with possible knock-on effects against MfD as a whole. (This does not appear to have been the case, but that doesn't change how it felt.) When I say all that and then someone comes back with "Absolutely not. Mod action turning an in-game action which could have succeeded or failed into a guaranteed failure is fucking dumb", they are pretty clearly trying to tell me what to do.

Look, I am very far from my best right at the moment. Could I ask that for the next 24 hours we taboo all discussion of the threadlock, the mod actions, and anything related to it? Until tomorrow night, please could we focus on how you're going to achieve world domination through salt and landclearing / causing me and the other QMs to weep tears of sadness at the way you have once again broken our world via physics / speculating on what it would take to get a telescope?

Sure. In any case I have no issue with killing the Uchiha deal. As I mentioned, I haven't caught up on the recent updates so I don't know what the Uchiha deal is or what the controversy is actually about, I only commented because I wanted the quest to survive until I can get caught up on the story. I would also not take the other commenter's words too seriously. I am sure that even if they used emphatic language that made you feel like they were trying to tell you what to do, that they know that they have no actual authority to do so, and you don't need to state it explicitly for it to be obvious.
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Yeah honestly not sure why we don't have this already. Glass-grinding isn't rocket science, it's glass-science. We also have exponentially more resources to throw at the problem now than we did last time the thread tried to get a telescope: If any exist in the EN we can probably just offer a fuck-huge bounty for one. If none exist we can info-dump some glassware stuff into Hazou's head and let him Iron Nerve his way into grinding identical lenses.
-We'll need to be sure to have him use Purifiers or something, avoid silicosis.

They had telescopes in the Renaissance era IIRC so it shouldn't be too hard. Plus there might be ninja arts that allow you to bend light without having to use glass at all. They could get some really nice telescopes that way.
Yeah honestly not sure why we don't have this already. Glass-grinding isn't rocket science, it's glass-science. We also have exponentially more resources to throw at the problem now than we did last time the thread tried to get a telescope: If any exist in the EN we can probably just offer a fuck-huge bounty for one. If none exist we can info-dump some glassware stuff into Hazou's head and let him Iron Nerve his way into grinding identical lenses.
-We'll need to be sure to have him use Purifiers or something, avoid silicosis.

Right now, we have no major income source other than sealing, in which Hazo and Kagome will need to work part time to produce enough to fund our obligation. No money from landclearing or salt yet. Income from ninja mission is a pittance. Ditto for Kenta's business.

We need to fix that before throwing money at R&D.
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Right now, we have no major income source other than sealing, in which Hazo and Kagome will need to work part time to produce enough to fund our obligation. No money from landclearing or salt yet. Income from ninja mission is a pittance. Ditto for Kenta's business.

Eh, Hazo could probably make telescopes with his own two hands. Usually glasswork requires expertise but his Iron Nerve should make it easy once he's gotten it right a single time.
Right now, we have no major income source other than sealing, in which Hazo and Kagome will need to work part time to produce enough to fund our obligation. No money from landclearing or salt yet. Income from ninja mission is a pittance. Ditto for Kenta's business.

We could at least fund a B or C rank mission to see if telescopes even exist.
They had telescopes in the Renaissance era IIRC so it shouldn't be too hard. Plus there might be ninja arts that allow you to bend light without having to use glass at all. They could get some really nice telescopes that way.
Excellent point, though given our existing plans for XP-allocation diving into a light-bending utility jutsu (which we might have to either steal or invent) might not be doable.

Right now, we have no major income source other than sealing, in which Hazo and Kagome will need to work part time to produce enough to fund our obligation. No money from landclearing or salt yet. Income from ninja mission is a pittance. Ditto for Kenta's business.
I'm talking mid-to-near-term, since we recently lost our biggest income source (Pangolins) and took on a bunch of debts.

Theoretically salt/land-clearing should see us flush in the relatively near future, so no harm planning out what to do with the money now.
We could at least fund a B or C rank mission to see if telescopes even exist.

We know they exists.

Eh, Hazo could probably make telescopes with his own two hands. Usually glasswork requires expertise but his Iron Nerve should make it easy once he's gotten it right a single time.

I am told that Hazo has better things to do than level his craftsmanship. He's an incredibly busy clanhead who also need to level up his combat skill, work on seal research, and socialize.

I will preface everything by saying that we should follow the rules and if I accidentally say something that breaks a rule it is an accident.

People got banned for breaking the rules. We should wait for them to get unbanned before doing any more voting. Of course once voting starts again no one, including the people who got banned, should vote for a plan that breaks the rules. However, we should wait such that the people who got banned should be able to vote for any plans that follow the site rules.

Edit: Uh, I just read eaglejarl's request to not talk about this so um...I guess I'll spoiler it for now.
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Well then that makes it simpler: Fund a B or C -rank mission to get us a goddamn telescope finally. What's the point of accumulating power if you can't use it for petty personally-motivated reasons occasionally?

A sample of the telescope is great, but it doesn't get the expertise for further production of telescope, which we want for Leaf's military, ideally at squad level.
A sample of the telescope is great, but it doesn't get the expertise for further production of telescope, which we want for Leaf's military, ideally at squad level.
It's the first step in making that expertise acquirable, as well as an invaluable demonstration piece to get the rest of Leaf's military hierarchy on board with diverting non-Goketsu funds/resources into producing and adopting telescopes as a part of their core armament.
I actually wouldn't mind some more background knowledge of the settings legends and myths. Keiko knows some stuff about Mori and the Sage presumably from the Mori, but surely some general information has survived to this day in some form?

We can ask our merchant spy network folks (who should be arriving any week now) to collect stories for us. This could be useful, it helped with the Pangolin scroll for example. (Not saying theres another easy-to-find one of those lying around in a temple somewhere, but theres likely one in the wild somewhere and rumors and legends and whatnot could help pinpoint the area.)

Also, forbidden lore!!!!

Slightly off topic yet related aside, but I figure theres someone in thread that could help me out. I need some solid references to consult for Chinese/Japanese/Korean mythology, ideally pretty extensive ones. Extensive to the point of "I'll be able to spotcheck half of the things in an SMT game and recognize the stories theyre adapted from." but probably not to the point where it dives into super nitty gritty anthropological analysis of things. Could anyone help me out if they know of anything good in that vein by dropping me a line (PM ,Discord, Reddit, whatever). Its for a project :)
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Let's stay.

From a simulationist perspective, we can say one of the Uchiha elders got cold feet and scuppered the deal. Art imitates life, after all.
Same thoughts.
I would actually wonder if the Hyuga would push the Uchiha into tanking this deal.
My reasoning is this...

1)We got this deal while making a HUGE statement to the village by housing about 200+ homeless civilians, which should've attracted a lot of attention and maybe a bit of prestige.

Clan attention and interests included.

2)Mari has been working her magic around Leaf whether it's building support or offering condolences to clans. And then we had the Ami further our interests...

3)The Hyuuga are probably viewing this all with suspicion. We haven't been subtle.

4)The Hyuuga also know the Nara deemed Keiko very important and a great addition to clan, enough so that the heir made a public announcement in Mist. (I'm not going into the other cynical reasons for the marriage) With this in mind, they should be wondering if we're trying to gather more support to counter their voting block.

5)The Hyuuga are aware, probably more than anyone else over what the benefits of having 2 bloodlines in a clan or tight alliances can do. (Eyeball + Control of chakra overall pressure points) If they know Mari is approaching possibly the weakest clan in Leaf, they'd have to put 2 and 2 together. It's in their interest not to let the other clans get additional bloodlines to compliment or strengthen their clans.

*On top of having those amazing eyes, the Hyuuga have the unique ability to eject chakra from all of their pressure points. Canon implies that they have 2 Bloodlines.

6) They're choking the Uchiha economically, so I wouldn't think it's impossible that somebody on the Uchiha side got cold-feet with a threat or insinuation from the Hyuuga who should be reasonably close to fishing out what the Uchiha are up to.
Problem there is that
A) They hate us
B) It's not broadly reproducible/usable by the rest of Leaf

A) I think but am not certain that they hate the Hyuuga even more. As in, enough to potentially work with us simply because we oppose them.
B) That's true. Maybe we can use them to introduce Hazou to the concepts of bending light and stuff if he is not yet familiar with it.