I somehow doubt Mao (or any other murderous dictator IRL) had access to kung fu magic :p

E: hmm, now I'm contemplating a Cultivation fic starting all the world's great tyrants...
"Power grows from the barrel of a gun"--Mao Tze-Dung

If we're going to seek power through overwhelming force, we should recognize that we're no longer seriously about improving the world. The opposite, really.
Asuma: Cut him in for 1/4 of land clearing profits, our support available on the clan council, Get him to support economic reforms or moves we make, Desire to stay out of the field, if fieldwork is required priority on keeping Kei, Noburi and, Hazō together, we want the dog scroll
With regards to Chouza: I'd honestly like to talk about how we want to continue working with ISC but are relationship with Shikamaru is difficult to say the least. Examples concealing information, acting unilaterally, lying about his plans ect ect. If he has any advice we'd appreciate it. Or if we could just mainly work with him as the senior partner of the ISC

With regards to Chouza: I'd honestly like to talk about how we want to continue working with ISC but are relationship with Shikamaru is difficult to say the least. Examples concealing information, acting unilaterally, lying about his plans ect ect. If he has any advice we'd appreciate it. Or if we could just mainly work with him as the senior partner of the ISC
I don't agree with you there, tbqh, and I expect Chouza would laugh in our face for claiming those things.
"Power grows from the barrel of a gun"--Mao Tze-Dung

If we're going to seek power through overwhelming force, we should recognize that we're no longer seriously about improving the world. The opposite, really.

No, no, all we need is one generation of blood to secure the Golden Future for those who come after. We promise, this is the last time anyone will use that rationale.
I don't agree with you there, tbqh, and I expect Chouza would laugh in our face for claiming those things.

It would probably be fine to say "We find Shikamaru can be difficult to work with, with how he's always planning around us without involving us until he's done. Do you have any advice for how we can handle this?"

If I knew more about his personality and relationship with Shikaku for sure I'd ask "How did you handle this?"
Hmmmm makes me nervous. I'd rather ask Naruto those questions. Asuma might be our ally, but he is ISC's friend.

With regards to Chouza: I'd honestly like to talk about how we want to continue working with ISC but are relationship with Shikamaru is difficult to say the least. Examples concealing information, acting unilaterally, lying about his plans ect ect. If he has any advice we'd appreciate it. Or if we could just mainly work with him as the senior partner of the ISC

I understand that Shikimaru rubs you the wrong way, but I don't see why Hazo would see it that way.
We can have the "How 2 talk 2 Nara???" conversation with Chouza or Ino after the Hat crazyness is dealt with lol
I understand that Shikimaru rubs you the wrong way, but I don't see why Hazo would see it that way.
To be fair, Hazou did express frustration when he found out Shikamaru knew Ami was in town. Still, I can't see why Hazou would phrase his concerns to a high-ranking member of the ISC, much less during this uneasy political situation.
It would probably be fine to say "We find Shikamaru can be difficult to work with, with how he's always planning around us without involving us until he's done.
Man, it's a good thing Hazō doesn't know anyone else who does this! :p

Anyway, I also don't want to say that Shikamaru is hard to work with. I believe that the examples you mentioned were all/most from the Ami visit, and I don't think he'll be doing it again except under similar duress.
I'm pretty sure Shikamaru'd left the room when Hazou found out?

Shikimaru could have told Hazo the first time they meet if Keiko was not present.

Otherwise, I don't give a damn about Shikimaru's alleged crime against Hazo. Indeed, I am completely unbothered by his speech in every instance he gave them, so I would be unlikely to include talking to Choza for any reasons in the first place.
I don't agree with you there, tbqh, and I expect Chouza would laugh in our face for claiming those things.
I mean all these things are true. He concealed Ami being in the village, he publicly declared he was marrying Kei without informing her and he lied and manipulated us in the fifth event for little reason. I'd honestly like to get his advice on how to deal with Nara. Or to see if we can exclusively work with him when we are dealing with ISC
Shikimaru could have told Hazo the first time they meet if Keiko was not present.

Otherwise, I don't give a damn about Shikimaru's alleged crime against Hazo. Indeed, I am completely unbothered by his speech in every instance he gave them, so I would be unlikely to include talking to Choza for any reasons in the first place.
I, personally, do not think Shikamaru's talks with Hazou are serious enough to warrant a discussion with Chouza. I do, however, think that Hazou is frustrated with him, since he said as such to Keiko.
"I think fate already has it in for me," Hazō said, rising from his seat. "Tell Shikamaru that I entrust my beloved sister to his care, and also that I have not forgotten him lying to me about the wedding. Order of your choice."
I, personally, do not think Shikamaru's talks with Hazou are serious enough to warrant a discussion with Chouza. I do, however, think that Hazou believes as such, since he said as such to Keiko.
Yeah our relationship with Nara is problematic at best. We can tone it down but getting advice from Chouza is a positive. If our meetings with Shikaku where indicative this is a fairly common occurrence when dealing with the Nara. Chouza will literally have years of practice dealing with them
Yeah our relationship with Nara is problematic at best. We can tone it down but getting advice from Chouza is a positive. If our meetings with Shikaku where indicative this is a fairly common occurrence when dealing with the Nara. Chouza will literally have years of practice dealing with them
I will literally repeat what I just said, and which you just quoted.

I, personally, do not think Shikamaru's talks with Hazou are serious enough to warrant a discussion with Chouza.
I will literally repeat what I just said, and which you just quoted.

I, personally, do not think Shikamaru's talks with Hazou are serious enough to warrant a discussion with Chouza.
Is it not serious enough to be the whole discussion. But since we have a meeting scheduled and no topics I think it deserves consideration. If it's still to risky for y'all we can just talk about the best way to work with ISC
"Power grows from the barrel of a gun"--Mao Tze-Dung

If we're going to seek power through overwhelming force, we should recognize that we're no longer seriously about improving the world. The opposite, really.
That reminds me of something I've been thinking about lately: that team Uplift's greatest source of power and influence is our ability to come up with creative new ideas. And it's very much in our interest for other people to recognize this.

We have three types of ideas:
1. Those that are merely useful.
2. Those that are both useful, and serve the goals of Uplift, like adopting talented clanless ninja, or using our talents to turn wilderness into farmland.
3. Those that serve the goals of Uplift, but are not immediately profitable.

Some commenters have worried that other parties might compete with us, e.g. by adopting clanless that we would have wanted, or clearing land that we could have had.

I think we shouldn't worry like that. First, we should be happy if others are also taking Uplifting actions. Even more important, it's in our long term interest for others to respect us, and specifically to respect our ability to come up with creative ideas. Not only does it make us powerful, but it means that they will imitate us and thereby contribute to Uplift.