"Power grows from the barrel of a gun"--Mao Tze-Dung
If we're going to seek power through overwhelming force, we should recognize that we're no longer seriously about improving the world. The opposite, really.
That reminds me of something I've been thinking about lately: that team Uplift's greatest source of power and influence is our ability to come up with creative new ideas. And it's very much in our interest for other people to recognize this.
We have three types of ideas:
1. Those that are merely useful.
2. Those that are both useful, and serve the goals of Uplift, like adopting talented clanless ninja, or using our talents to turn wilderness into farmland.
3. Those that serve the goals of Uplift, but are not immediately profitable.
Some commenters have worried that other parties might compete with us, e.g. by adopting clanless that we would have wanted, or clearing land that we could have had.
I think we shouldn't worry like that. First, we should be happy if others are also taking Uplifting actions. Even more important, it's in our long term interest for others to respect us, and specifically to respect our ability to come up with creative ideas. Not only does it make us powerful, but it means that they will imitate us and thereby contribute to Uplift.