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How much do we get for Skywalkers?
So, if Kagome makes Chunin Grade Seals (rather than Jonin, despite what Jaraiya said) then each element is R760 rather than R100 at regular Chunin seal rates, which would mean they cost R1,140 per element at special 150% Skywalker rate. At Jonin Grade, that would be R3,435 per element.
That changes a lot of other calculations.
It means it would take Kagome, at Chunin Grade, slightly less than 99 hours per month (not counting the seal tax requirements) to pay for the entire mortgage just scribing Skywalkers. At Jonin Grade, slightly less than 33 hours per month.
Therefore, recommend making plans assuming Skywalkers command a price ~R3435
So...no more money problems?
33 hours per month, split between Hazou and Kagome, and the mortgage is fully paid for. An additional 97 hours if we want to also take on, and fully pay, the Hagoromo debt each month.
That's not counting the tax hours.
All sealmasters capable of making skywalkers are required to make at least 100 of them per month as a tax to the Tower. (That's about 17 hours of work per month.)
I'm not sure if Hazou is considered capable of making them since he's not able to infuse them....QMs?
Assuming he's not, 50 hours total, split between Hazou and Kagome, is required each month (not counting the unconditional clan money we get from Leaf) to pay the mortgage. 147 hours total if we want to also pay the entire Hagoromo debt.
That's ignoring the possibility of refinancing or paying off the principal with money in the bank.
The mortgage is R51,150,000. If we want to pay it off entirely and not need to worry about paying the mortgage - first, R10,000,000 off the top that we already have in the bank. Bringing the total to R41,150,000. At R3435 a seal, that only requires 1997 hours of sealsmithing (at 6 seals per hour). Both Hazou and Kagome can smith the seals. So 999 hours for each of them. At the standard civilian work month of 200 hours each month, we can own the property free and clear within 4 months. If we say ninja don't take weekends off (they don't), and they work 12 hours a day (they won't want to), we can finish it in 12 weeks. That's not really enough of a benefit to work them to the bone, just pointing out that we can do it.