Value-of-compound calculation:
Land: 43.7 million Ryo
Land in hidden villages ain't cheap, and we have over 20 acres of it, in a busy district, with direct access to running water. Which makes it absurdly prime land. Seriously.
4000 feet of 10-foot-high stone wall: 20 million Ryo
Comparable defensive walls in historical Japan would be very thick, especially if they're ten feet tall. (They don't use mortar, instead relying on well-fitted stone.) I'm going to eyeball these as "about four feet thick." 4 feet thick * 10 feet high * 4000 feet long = 160,000 cubic feet of stone. We've counted the corners twice, but given the added difficulty of bracing them I think that's fair.
There's probably going to be a quarry within 160 miles, even in Fire Country, so we don't need to worry about transporting things absurd distances. However, for a clan compound like this you'd want quality ninja on it so your shipment isn't waylaid or tampered with.
We are Orochimaru, so we have access to as many storage seals as we want. It's been shown that a thick book or sheaf of notes can hold roughly 20 storage seals; I can fit about five books in my hiking backpack after all my other gear is packed. So our ninja can carry about 100 storage seals.
1 cubic foot of stone conveniently weighs about 100 kilograms. Let's say that it takes a full day for each round-trip to the quarry; using a single ninja, it will take 1,600 days to transport all the stone.
Clearly, we need more than one ninja for this. Let's say that a team of four is put on it: one Jounin, and three Genin pack mules. This still takes a full year of continuous quarry runs, which is kind of ridiculous; you would have to pay for 104 2-week B-rank missions to actually transport it all, which comes to 700,000 Ryo * 104 = 72 million Ryo, before actual assembly of all that stone.
Assembly won't be cheap either. This is the wall that's the main facade for the compound from the street; it's going to be good-looking, neatly-faced stone, and just building a wall that high is expert work already. Let's call it a team of *mutter* journeymen working twelve hours a day under a master mason, for a total cost of *mutter* Ryo per day. Each stone is about the size of a large modern brick (a foot long by four inches tall by four inches wide), so it's 12 stones deep and 30 courses tall.
In a day each mason can lay about *mutter* stones, so that's *mutter* linear feet one course high per day, which means the whole thing takes about a year to build. Multiply that by the cost of labour we calculated earlier, 10% markup... and we get another three quarters of a million Ryo.
Clearly it's cheaper to just hire the same S-Ranker that Oro got to do the sub-basements. Pay them 20 million Ryo for two days' work, and let them Jutsu the walls out of nowhere for a quarter the cost.
A: The quarry was closer than 40 miles away.
B: The quarry was under Oro's control to such an extent that it's only a C-rank mission.
C: The walls are made of wood and plaster, not stone.)
5 moderately-sized 1-floor houses: 1.5 million Ryo.
This assumes they aren't impressive, but made of high-quality materials and built to last, and that each one is capable of comfortably lodging ten or so people.
The basements make up about a third of the cost here, even though I'm assuming they're only 2 rooms.
A dozen misc. outbuildings: 1.1 million Ryo
Looking at a half-dozen worked examples of various outbuildings, their average cost looks to be about 90,000 Ryo. These are probably pretty workmanlike and nondescript, so I'm not going to adjust that upwards for higher quality.
Training Hall: 0.3 Million Ryo
This is mostly a matter of telling a whole bunch of civvies with shovels to get at it.
It takes 1 gravedigger about 1 day to dig a hole 6 feet deep by 8 feet tall by 3 feet wide. That's 144 cubic feet of earth per person per day. Our training "hall" is 50 feet wide by 50 feet wide by 10 feet deep, which is 25,000 cubic feet of earth, or 173 person-days of digging. Since it's unskilled labor, it's cheap; the cost for all the earth-moving is under ten thousand ryo.
The shoring that keeps the dirt walls from collapsing in the next rain will cost a lot more. 200 linear feet of wood ten feet tall; one carpenter can shore *mutter* feet in one day at a cost of *mutter*, so that works out to about 200,000 ryo. (We don't need to worry about the transport or material costs for the lumber, because We Are In Leaf; it's peanuts.)
Call the attached medical area a small-but-specialized outbuilding at about another hundred thousand Ryo, and we have a total of 0.3 million Ryo.
Onsen/Bathhouse: 0.3 Million Ryo
Likely as as large as the medium houses, and takes more specialist work. I don't have enough of a floorplan to be super accurate, but this is easily three hundred thousand Ryo.
Hedge Maze & Gardens: 15 Million Ryo
The maze would take a staff of a dozen gardeners working half the year to maintain, and about seven years to grow naturally. It was probably made using Jutsu, but would cost about 15 million Ryo to do the hard way. Keeping it well-maintained demonstrates our continuous control of skilled labour.
The nonmedical gardens fall under this general heading as well, and have been included in this cost.
Medicinal Garden: Impossible to estimate. Possibly literally priceless.
This garden may well contain the experimental results of a competent biosealer. If nothing else, it no doubt contains many samples of exceedingly rare plantlife. Every blossom could be worth its weight in gold.
Colorful Gravel Path: 0.75 Million Ryo or more.
It takes about a ton of gravel to bury 30 square meters 2 centimeters deep. Let's say it's actually 2 tons of gravel, which would give us a path 30 meters long by 2 meters wide. It's only one trip for one ninja; you can store 2 tons of stone in 19 storage scrolls.
If the stone is native to leaf - from somewhere on its coast, most likely - then this path is worth no less than three quarters of a million Ryo. If it's not available in Leaf, then this is a show of power and reach; it's a subtle advertisement of our ability to import rare, heavy goods from far abroad. If this is the case, it could easily be worth more than 10 million Ryo.
Aboveground Mansion: 9.65 Million Ryo
Hoooo boy. This took some calculation. We have:
- 4 2-story wings. Each floor of each wing has 5 bedrooms, toilets, and closet space. That's around 50 rooms in total.
Assuming the average size is "Roomy enough for two to sleep, four if you squeeze it", each room has a closet, and that there's two bathrooms per floor per wing, that makes the total value of the materials used to build the wings ~1,797,000 Ryo. The common area pushes us past two million.
... But that's if Oro built this out of dirt-cheap materials and hired apprentice carpenters to do all the work. It'd be spacious, but not any higher-quality than a peasant hovel. The value of the needed expertise and higher-quality materials damn near quadruples the final price.
Subsurface Mansion: 10 million Ryo or more. Possibly literally priceless.
Because of the specialized nature of the mansion's basement rooms - and the degree of OPSEC that would have been involved in their construction - they may also be literally priceless. The sub-sub-basements are definitely literally priceless, containing as they may the last surviving specimens of Orochimaru's biosealing research.
It's also almost impossible for me to estimate the value of rooms that I don't know the size or composition of, especially when their construction clearly involved Jutsu: all I can say for sure is that they're worth more than 10 million Ryo.
Land: 43.7 Million
Outer Wall: 20 Million
Hedge Maze & Gardens: 15 Million
Subsurface Mansion: 10 Million
Aboveground Mansion: 9.65 Million
Five 1-floor houses: 1.5 Million
Miscellaneous Outbuildings: 1.1 Million
Gravel Path: 0.75 Million
Training Hall: 0.3 Million
Onsen: 0.3 Million
At least 102.3 Million Ryo.