Hazou: "Why does everyone keep talking about breaking up!?"

Poor boy.

[X] My Vision, Chapter XX, advice on dating, by the Fourth Mizukage

Or just that, I dunno:

[X] Akane and Ino's respective reactions to Hazou and Akane's break up
1: Noted.
2: Was first draft, do you have any recommendation for colors? I was just using MSPaint base colors. :p
3: Think it's a bit out of my field of expertise (that is, none) to do so.
4: Ehhh, that's more work than this is.

2. Not... really, sorry! Maybe different line patterns, like - - - - -, - -- - -- -, etc?
3. Fair point. I was really just going with wish-list items at this point
4. Really? That's fine, I'm just surprised, seemed like it'd be easier to me.
2. Not... really, sorry! Maybe different line patterns, like - - - - -, - -- - -- -, etc?
3. Fair point. I was really just going with wish-list items at this point
4. Really? That's fine, I'm just surprised, seemed like it'd be easier to me.
2: While possible, I'd have to do so for every line individually, which might end up making it hard to read because I wouldn't be able to manage consistency of dash length.
4: Yeah, that's the reason I went with a chart like this instead.

e: Basically, it lets me "ignore" neutral/irrelevant relations in a way a typing chart would call out. It's also just not as useful. :p
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[x] Keiko has a Nightmare: Ami moves in with Clan Goketsu and falls in love with Hazo

Note that this should be clearly a "What If"/actual nightmare situation and not be at all rooted in reality so as not to be at all reflective of what would happen if the thread chooses to have Hazo meet Ami for real.
Just have fun with this. :p
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Talked to other questers on this forum.

Did you know everybody considers us insane for going with basically pseudo code plans? Like Kagome screams insane.
Our DM has ruled that if a spell states that it requires line of sight (which e.g. Fireball does), you can't cast it at a point to which you don't have line of sight, such as inside magical darkness.

I agree with that ruling since Fireball does state that it must be a point you can see within range.

That is an excellent tip. I must admit I hadn't looked at the Xanathar spells. On the other hand, I think a familiar would be out of character for Kagome, especially a Kagome who hasn't gone through MfD character development.

I can respect playing your character first and optimizing second. I haven't played Ravenloft myself but if there is ever a time where you have an NPC in your party you can always give him the gift of fiery goodness so he isn't complete dead weight.

If going for pure combat, fighter is the best base class, and Samurai from Xanathar's is the best subclass -- gives itself advantage and 5 temp HP as a bonus action three times per long rest. If multiclassing, grab Cleric of the Forge for +1 AC and take the defensive fighting style (so you'll have 22 AC at level 2). Be dex based fighter so you have high Dex Saves for AoE attacks, and be an elf or half elf so at level 4 in fighter you can grab Elven Accuracy as a feat, and use a Dexterity based weapon (likely a bow and rapier) (this combined with Samurai lets your roll 3 times for each of your attacks). By 5th level, this lets you roll 3 d 20 for each attack and use the highest, pretty much always have bonus HP, and have 22 AC.

I am intrigued.

First of all, what would your stats look like? Why not just wear Studded Leather Armor instead of Plate Mail if you are going for a Dex based build? It would allow you to have a higher Con for better max HP and saving throws.

The best stats I could think of at level 1 as a half elf would be:

Str 15 (point buy 14, racial choice +1)
Dex 16 (point buy 15, racial choice +1)
Con 12
Int 8
Wis 13
Cha 12 (point buy 10, racial +2)

From here, if you need more damage output, just keep going into Fighter and the "Feat or Stat increase every two levels" will keep you going pretty hard, in addition to the silly number of attacks you'll eventually be able to do in a turn. If you need some defense, take one level in Warlock to take the Shield spell (which can also be cast with your cleric slots) to be able to have an AC of 27 for 4 turns in combat. If you're facing extra troubles which stabbing and shooting doesn't help with, take a second level in Warlock for the invocations like "Can see in magic darkness" and "Can read every language."

You'd have to bump your Cha up to 13 before you can multiclass in Warlock, but I like the idea (especially since you can bump it up with Elven Accuracy for maximum efficiency). Warlock is just so useful for its invocations, agreed.

If you're at high levels, Necromancy pretty much can't be beat, as by level 9 you can have 18 zombies or sekeltons under your control (and it keeps going up from there), each of which you can outfit in full plate and magic weaponry, and by managing the casting time right, you can still have all your spell slots for combat.

I'm not sure if you could give magical weapons to zombies due to Adventurers' League rules, but outfitting all of your zombie with plate mail would be super expensive for a caster that has to already spend so much gold on material components. Necromancy is fun in general though.

Thanks for sharing.
Talked to other questers on this forum.

Did you know everybody considers us insane for going with basically pseudo code plans? Like Kagome screams insane.
Most QMs dont even do regular write ins. We pretty much only do write ins, too.
Chapter 200: The Onrushing Storm

"Hold up," Noburi said.

Keiko paused in her handseals. "What?"

"The roof is too high." Noburi pointed down to where the squat, ugly bunker crouched, fifty yards ahead and eighty feet below the summit of the tree he and his adoptive sister were standing on.

Keiko frowned, studying the building, before finally nodding. "You're right. It's at least several feet higher than the previous one we attacked. Difference in the building, you think?"

Noburi shook his head. "I don't see why. I mean, sure, they wouldn't be exactly the same, but that's a pretty big difference once you notice it. More likely the team inside put something on the roof." He looked over at her. "I don't want you going in through the roof. It was too close last time, and it looks like this time the bad guys aren't idiots who left the top approach unguarded and untrapped."

Keiko looked at him, looked at the bunker, and nodded. "Very well. Let's rejoin the others and make a new plan."

They dropped down to the ground in a series of easy bounces that needed only a handful of seconds and barely rustled the leaves.

"What happened?" Fukai whispered. "You didn't go."

"There's something wrong with the roof," Noburi said. "They've built it up somehow. It's got to be a trap."

"Not their only one, I might add. The whole clearing reeks," Panashe said. "They've soaked the ground in some sort of filth, right out to the edge of the clearing. It's like lamp oil, but different; it burned my eyes and practically ruined my nose just getting close to it. I think there's a clear path through starting on the northeast side, but I haven't the foggiest how it goes. I couldn't tell without actually getting on it, and the two not-so-attentive young sparks that were patrolling imply that perhaps our opponents would find that an unwelcome intrusion on my part."

"How deep is the foundation?" Hazō asked.

"Deep. At least six feet, perhaps eight."

"Okay, we're not going up through that," Hazō muttered, clearly to himself. "How about this...."


Aina and Reo were on patrol. The two of them, together. With no one else around.

It was a beautiful night—crisp, the crescent moon bright and silver in the sky, and barely a hint of breeze. A few wisps of fog had rolled in a bit ago and turned the whole clearing into a moonlight fairy story. The only way it could have been more romantic was if there hadn't been a bunch of chūnin candidates prepared to assault the place the moment his crew let their guard down.

Which, to be frank, really pissed Reo off. His first chance to spend some time alone with Aina since they got to this Sage-cursed city, the first chance to maybe strike up a conversation without Isao getting in the way. Possibly even get her to notice him as a man and a strong ninja instead of just that dorky kid from next door. Shoot, he'd even prepared some poetry. This wasn't the time, but he'd prepared it. There would be a time, eventually, and he would be ready.

The serenity was broken when a rolling clatter of loud explosions went off in the woods to his right. Reo spun to the sound while Aina faced the other way, prepared for it to be a distraction. The action made Reo's heart flutter just a little; not only was she hot, and graceful, and insanely lethal with her tonfa, she was also smart and professional. Educated, too—he knew that she'd read at least a dozen scrolls after leaving school.

"MOVE!" Reo screamed, turning back to Aina and tackling her. Three huge trees, forest giants all, were toppling slowly towards them, gathering speed as they came. They were tall enough that they would stretch across the three rings of Green Fire Oil that Hatsumomo had spread around the clearing, thereby forming a bridge to the bunke—

The trees hit hard and bounced, once, twice, before coming to rest in a mass of broken limbs and gouged-up earth. The crown of the tallest tree had smacked on the roof of the bunker like a massive flyswatter, crushing the fake roof that the team had installed and setting off most of the traps that lay beneath it. He couldn't tell if it had hit the sentry blinds that Yui, Kotomi, and Sara had been crouching in, but that wasn't his biggest problem right now.

"Incoming!" Aina shouted, looking over his shoulder as she fell to his tackle. She hit the ground and rolled back up, charging forward even as she pulled the tonfa from her belt.

Reo turned to see a trio of Gōketsu Hazōs charging down on them, each one clutching a seal. Aina engaged the leftmost one before he could get his brain in gear, and destroyed him with laughable ease. She came in on an angle and smashed him in the head with the side of her tonfa; he promptly shattered into a pile of rocks.

Reo blanched when he saw what was about to happen; the first clone was down, but the other two Gōketsu were still on their feet and were raising their seals. He didn't know what those seals did, at least not for sure, but the number of explosives that the Gōketsu kids had burned just on signalling during the swamp event gave him chills.

"Wind Element: Wind Trap!" he cried, cutting the handseals and thrusting both hands towards what might be a pair of clones or might be one clone and one clan heir. Wind fountained up from the ground, tossing both targets into the air, spinning them, and dropping them over and over.

"Pull back!" he shouted, reaching for his belt and retrieving an explosive tag. After all, what was good for the goose was good for the—

From the corner of his eye he saw a flicker in the darkness at the edge of the woods, and a glint of moonlight as a piece of steel lanced into the ground between himself and Aina. He was opening his mouth to call a warning when the world was suddenly covered with goo. A moment later, something hit him and he knew no more.


Even with the combined physical and metaphysical abilities of the tessera, it had taken an embarrassingly long time to get the tunnels dug to the correct points; Pankurashun fully intended to rectify this glaring weakness in his subordinates' performance. Lovely visions of punishment drill danced in his brain as, with outward equanimity, he silently counted down until the attack. He stood before the south wall of the bunker, the Gomi and Haga humans crouching against the wall on either side of him. They stank worse than most humans and he was fairly sure that they were not maintaining an accurate count.

"Go," Haga whispered as she reached zero, four counts too early.

"Go," Gomi whispered a few seconds later, as he reached zero two counts too late.

"GO!" bellowed Pankurashun, the Drill Sergeant's Roar jutsu lifting his voice to levels that would be clearly audible to the three teams on the far side of the building. As the only team on the south side of the building it was their job to call the ball so that their team and the ones on the north would assault at the same time. There had been some discussion about how to coordinate, with the final decision being that all three members of the south-side team would count down from one hundred and when all three had hit zero they would assault. It seemed rather silly to Pankurashun; wouldn't it have been easier just to teach the little knobs to count at the right tempo? Or, better yet, to have Pankurashun count on his own? Still, no one had asked him and the Summoner's eldest brother had been excited.

Enough maundering. It was time to fight! First step: make an entrance.

He stepped forward and rammed both sets of foreclaws through the concrete at eye level. He yanked down and to the left, twisting his hips to build momentum for the followup tail-slap that smashed out the lower part of the wall. The concrete exploded inwards, leaving a hole large enough for both of his clawmates to pass abreast had they so desired. He immediately stepped aside, getting only a momentary glimpse of what was within. That glimpse was satisfying; there was an oil lantern burning on a table near the 'door' that he had just created, and it was enough to show him that they'd hit at the correct spot: the center of the bunkroom wall. Pangolin eyesight—which he thought of as normal but the noseblind humans seemed to look down upon—was not sufficient to show him the occupants of the room in detail, but he could make out two figures, one reclining on a lower bunk halfway down and one sitting at the desk almost within clawreach. A faint pamf went off on the roof above them, but Pankurashun ignored it.

Poor counters they might be, but the humans were on the tick with the attack. A pair of seals criss-crossed into the room, each one exploding with a faint pamf! A fountain of cyan goo shot out through the hole and turned the sliver of the room that Pankurashun could see from his angle into a slimefest. The pepper bomb had detonated a moment before the goop, coating the room with finely-ground peppers that would have been delicious in a stew but would be horrible in your eyes or snout, as evidenced by the pained yowls of the two unfortunates inside the room. Even without looking, he was willing to bet that one of them had tried to rub its eyes and gotten its hands stuck to its face.

As fast as these thoughts had flickered through Pankurashun's mind, they had barely completed before a blonde ninja appeared in the doorway on the east wall of the bunkroom.

"What the fuck?!" she shouted. Unprofessional; Pankurashun would have beaten any recruit who had such poor noise discipline. Still, there was nothing wrong with her combat reflexes, as she had drawn the two swords from her belt before the second word left her lips. Her presence posed a question; would she notice that the floor between herself and the assault squad was coated in goop and nigh-impassable? There were safe spots—the blast shadow of the various bunks had seen to that—but it would still need care to cross the space without getting entrapped. If she didn't, it would be hard for the squad to assault from the front; if she was even remotely competent then she could easily hold the doorway.

Before Pankurashun could react, Gomi stepped up to the hole and stared through. His fingers moved slightly but he did nothing else, merely stared. The enemy twisted aside as though he had leaped at her, slashing with her right-hand sword even as the left moved in what would have been a smooth parry had someone been attacking down from her left.

Pankurashun had never believed in doing things the hard way, or in fighting fair. Instead of crossing through the room and attacking via the doorway, he stepped down the wall a few yards and ripped another section out, creating an opening for Haga.

From the moment they met, the girl's attitudes and movements had reminded him of the Weasel Clan; that impression was borne out by the way she slid nimbly through the hole and punched her enemy in the back of the head. The blonde was too busy fighting her invisible assailant; she didn't notice Haga coming until it was too late. She had just started to turn, her swords starting to spin in a defensive circle, when Haga's fist crashed into her skull and dropped her like a sack of rotten tubers.

"Well done," Pankurashun rumbled, offering an approving nod to his clawmates. "Let's go." He stepped through the hole after Haga and demolished the north wall, giving them access to the hallway. (Sure, he could have walked through the door, but it was a little narrow and he didn't feel like turning sideways.) The humans followed him through.


"GO!" Pankurashun bellowed from the other side of the bunker.

Pangaya rolled her eyes; the grizzled Lochagos must be getting senile, because he was three counts late. Still, perhaps it was the squishies' fault. Regardless, not her problem. It was time to have some fun!

She rose up out of the cramped tunnel so that she was standing waist-deep, with her eyes at the level of the roof. She reared back and brought both fists down on the wall, hard. The puny human 'concrete' was crushed by the impact, tearing a vertical strip from roof to floor. The edges scratched her scales in a way that would take annoying hours of buffing to get rid of...oh, actually, never mind. She kept forgetting that she wasn't in her own body. It all felt so real! Well, good, no need to worry about it then.

Even as she was pondering the advantages of projected existence she was jumping up out of the tunnel and sideways; it had been made very clear that being in front of the hole when the goo came out would be a Bad Thing. Unfortunately, Kato had been a little overeager, launching his tag before she was clear so that some of the goo spotted her tail. Still, she would let it go; the poor thing was utterly untrained for combat, and doubtlessly he was just excited about being able to contribute.

She turned and craned her head down so that she could see through the hole. Her human squadmates were doing the same, but they were short enough not to get in her way. The room was thoroughly coated in cyan goo and red pepper mist. It was also completely empty.

"Ah well," Pangaya said philosophically. "Let's try a bit farther in." She punched another strip of the wall down so that it made a bridge across the goo, then shuffled across, thwumping the roof out of her way as she went—these humans and their so-short ceilings!


Fukai crouched by the north wall of the bunker, counting softly to herself and fingering the Goo Bomb seal that the Gōketsu siblings had given her; on the one hand, it was fun playing with the shiny toys. On the other hand, she was not looking forward to the second round. For now, however, things could not have been better: a few yards to her left was Pangaya's team, and a few yards to her right was Hazō's. Pandojuru squatted in the tunnel behind her, waiting for Pankurashun to signal the attack. Everyone was ready and the assault should begin in eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...o—

"GO!" If Pankurashun's signal was the voice of a typhoon then Pandojuru's assault on the wall was the strike of a tsunami. She primed the tag as he reared up, a mountain of scaled muscle, and smashed his fists down—

And, somehow, he failed. The other pangolin had demolished her section with ease, and Fukai could hear faint crunching noises suggested that Pankurashun hadn't had any trouble with his, so she didn't know what had happened. Had Panwhatever lost his footing in the tunnel? Had his muscles spontaneously gone into convulsions? Had he suddenly decided to take a nap mid-swing? She knew only one thing: the other pangolins would never let him forget this. He would probably end up with a nickname...perhaps "Puny", or "Noodle Wrist", or "Crusher" (if the pangolins were subtle in their mockery).

Whatever nickname might be awarded in some distant future, she had a problem here in the present: she was holding a primed Goo Bomb tag that was going to go off in about half a second. She probably shouldn't have primed it until her teammate opened the wall, but she'd been nervous. The other teams all had two people throwing seals, so if one of them had been a little slow it wouldn't have been a problem. She had no backup, so it was important that her tag go off as fast as possible. For now, however, she just needed to get rid of the damn thing.

Chakra surged through her legs as she leaped straight up, an eight-foot vertical jump from a standing start. She flung the tag away, catching a brief glimpse of a fallen evergreen that had crushed half of what was now revealed as a false roof on top of the real one. A trio of kunoichi, one blonde and two brunettes, were standing atop the trunk of the tree; they turned towards her as she soared into sight and were leaping for her as she began to drop back.

"Present for you!" she called, tossing the Goo Bomb tag in their direction with a wicked grin. She was just out of sight below the edge of the roof when the tag went off with a soft pamf and cyan glop went flying.


"GO!" The glowing shell of the Ghost Scales jutsu left Hazō looking like a human boy trapped inside a vaguely luminescent outline of a pangolin; he'd been nervous about coming out of the tunnel before the attack was called, but there'd been no help for it. He simply wasn't confident of being able to get up and out of the vertical tunnel fast enough to attack in sync with the others. As a result, he'd been kneeling by the wall, desperately hoping that the two ninja on patrol would be occupied by the trees and the Earth Clones that he'd left under Keiko's orders.

Pankurashun's voice was a balm to a nervous soul; Hazō could stop worrying and just do the assault.

A few rapid handseals, a muttered "Pangolin Technique: Pantokrator's Hammer!" and he smashed the wall in with the most powerful sidekick he could deliver. Either the concrete was shit quality or he'd become a lot stronger than he'd thought, because his foot went through the wall with so little resistance that he stumbled a bit and was awkward about hopping back out of the way as Doigama tossed a Goo Bomb through the hole.

The goop had barely hit the ground when Hazō and Doigama were both back at the hole, looking to see what they'd caught.

Nothing. The room had been empty.

Hazō started to growl in frustration; all that worry and planning for nothing?

Fortunately, before he could get too upset, the door in the east wall was flung open to reveal a boy with sand-colored hair and an aura of lightning crackling around him. The other boy started to make a hand gesture and time seemed to slow around Hazō as he realized he wouldn't be able to—

"Fire in the hole!" Doigama yelled, lobbing a seal towards the enemy. His aim was utterly shit; from barely more than arm's reach he still managed to hit the wall instead of putting it through the door and into the office.

Fortunately, the sandy-haired boy dove for cover when he saw Doigama release the seal, not waiting to see where it would land. He ducked back into the office, getting into the corner beside the door so that the blast shadow would protect him from the expected shower of goo.

Which, as it turned out, was not what this seal did.

The paper hit the wall and stuck there, doing nothing because it had not been activated. Hazō dove forward, through the hole in the wall and through the office door, rolling back to his feet in one fluid motion. He fired off a blind back kick, knowing where his opponent had to be without needing to turn and look. The hit connected and the other ninja was slammed back into the wall, the breath going out of him. Lightning crackled and Hazō felt pins and needles dancing up his leg as his protective jutsu broke. He spun, jumping back so he could assess the situation; yes, the leg was still functional and wouldn't slow him down. Good, that meant that he could—

Lightning Lad, or whatever his name was, came forward fast; an afterimage of light that smeared out behind him and to the sides made it hard to tell exactly where he was, but through eyes slitted against the glare Hazō saw the snap kick coming at his groin. He slipped to the side, lunging forward with a swinging elbow that took the opponent in the jaw and spun his head around fast enough to make his brain slosh in his skull. Pain shot up Hazō's arm as the lightning coursed through him, but the other boy hit the ground in a sodden, unmoving heap and stayed down.

"Sage's snot, that was incredible!" Doigama said.

"Thanks," Hazō said absently, shaking his arm to get the pins and needles out.

A rending sound heralded Pankurashun's arrival through a brand-new hole in the south wall. "Are you all right, Commander?" the ancient pangolin rumbled.

Hazō looked up to see Pankurashun standing there expectantly with Haga and Gomi in his wake. Behind them lay a trail of wrecked building; apparently the three had come up through the storeroom and then torn a straight-line path to where Hazō was. To his right, Pangaya and her team had decided that the building would look better with a few less interior walls and a lot less ceiling; as it happened, some of those walls had been load-bearing, so the northwestern quarter of the building was now open to the sky. The proctors were going to have a lot of work rebuilding this place.

"I'm fine," he said, smiling. "Come on, let's get these guys drained and grab their word halves. Ikemoto, you mind blowing up their lockbox for me?"

All numbers include bonuses, maluses, and rolls.

Noburi, Alertness: 36
Keiko, Alertness: 31

Strength of the trap on the bunker's roof: ?

Noburi spots the trap, Keiko does not.

This particular group of victi...er, opponents does not have anyone with special senses. Was Panashe spotted while scouting? (rolls) Nope.

Are any of the trees tall enough to actually hit the bunker? (rolls) Yes, one of them.

Does it hit with enough force to break the bunker? (rolls) Nope. Phew! Someone could have died! Does it hit the kunoichi hiding in the sentry blinds? (rolls) Nope. Still, the trapped 'raised ceiling' was designed to be frangible, so it breaks.

Initiative: Aina > Reo > Earth Clones #1-3. Keiko will attack last, as she needs to come forward so that she can see through the trees and she's not going to do that until she hears combat is engaged.

Aina, Taijutsu + Force Blast: ?
Rock Clone #1: 11

Reo, Wind Trap: ?
Rock Clone #2: 16
Rock Clone #3: 4

Both clones are immobilized and must make a Resolve check against the Strength of the Wind Trap jutsu (the number that was rolled) in order to take actions. Being as they are mindless automata, they fail hard and are therefore unable to set off the Goo Bomb seals they are carrying.

Aina and Reo are outside, with a lot of room to dodge. The Goo Bombs cover a large area, but not that large, so placement is going to matter. If Reo or Aina manage to beat Keiko's Ranged Weapons then I'm ruling that they are not in the AOE. If they don't, they still get to roll their Athletics as per normal.

Keiko, Ranged Weapons (40) + invoke "Just Follow the Plan" + invoke "Team Uplift" + 4dF: 50
Aina, Athletics (dodge Keiko's attack) + invoke a couple things that I'm not bothering to come up with specific names for since I don't give her good odds of making it to the next round + dice: nope, she loses. Hope you can beat Jiraiya's Sealing on your next roll...oh, wait, you can't. Never mind, you lose.
Reo, Athletics (dodge Keiko's attack) + blahblahblah you lose too.

Onwards to the next group! Initiatives don't matter too much for the first part—the team is on the other side of a concrete wall and the first that the people inside are going to know about it is when the new ventilation is installed. Note, here's the floorplan for the facility so you can follow along at home.

Group 1: Pankurashun, Gomi (genjutsu), Haga (taijutsu "and some tricks"). Assaulting the R&R room on the south side.
Strength of the concrete wall: ?
Pankurashun, demolish said wall: hahahaha, yes, that'll do just fine
Gomi, activate pepper bomb and throw it in
Haga, activate goo bomb and throw it in Group 2: Pangaya (bodyguard), Kato (non-combatant, but can activate seals), Ikemoto (taijutsu, hedgehog jutsu). Assaulting the Interrogation Room on the northwest corner of the building.
Strength of the concrete wall: ?
Pangaya, demolish said wall: enough
Kato, activate pepper bomb and throw it in
Ikemoto, activate goo bomb and throw it in

Group 3: Pandojuru (battlefield support), Fukai (melee weapons). Assaulting the Mess on the north side.
Strength of the concrete wall: ?
Pandojuru, demolish said wall: Oooh! Crap roll, you fail!
Fukai, can't throw it through the hole in the wall because there isn't one. Instead, throw the Goo Bomb onto the roof, since that's the only safe place available that isn't going to result in friendly fire. Lucky break, because there were three sentries up there, damnit. (I was looking forward to having them rain down explosives, but Pandojuru's flubbed roll screws that up. And yes, it was a fair roll.)

Yui, Athletics vs Jiraiya's Sealing: Hahahahahahahaha...
Kotomi, Athletics vs Jiraiya's Sealing: ...hahahahahahahaha...
Sara, Athletics vs Jiraiya's Sealing: ...hahahahahahahaha!!!
Yeah, they're screwed.

Group 4: Hazō, Doigama (taijutsu, poison gas). Assaulting the Office on the north side.

Strength of the concrete wall: ?
Hazō, demolish said wall: 40 (base) + 3 (IN) + 10 (both tags from Pantokrator's Hammer level 2, cost 16 CP) + 2 (Ghost Scales) - 1 (PCJ) + 3 (dice) = 57. Yes, fine, stop showing off. (He's not wearing the gauntlets because he's worried about accidentally injuring someone too much and he wants to be able to use jutsu. He's wearing the rings but not using them here because he's afraid of someone being injured by the explosion or the resulting spalling.)

Noburi and Keiko are hanging back with Panashe (spec ops) and Pandamonium (ranged weapons) covering them.

The team has ripped open holes in the Interrogation Room, the Office, and R&R. There's 4 ninja inside the building, 3 on the roof, and Aina and Reo out on patrol; for the ones inside the facility, I'm going to give each of them a 1d10 roll as to where they are. 1-4 they are not in one of the specified rooms.

Ninja who I'm not going to bother naming unless they make this roll #1: 9
Ninja who I'm not going to bother naming unless they make this roll #2 Touma: 2
Ninja who I'm not going to bother naming unless they make this roll #3 Sana: 2
Ninja who I'm not going to bother naming unless they make this roll #4: 7

Lucky Touma and Sana! What were they doing? (rolls) Sana was on the pot, Touma was in the Commander's Quarters, writing in his journal.

Okay, NOW initiatives will start to matter. However, I'm too lazy to figure them all out until they actually matter, and that's not quite yet. Everyone inside the building has the Aspect "Flat-Footed" and Nameless #1 also has the Aspect "Drowsy". They're not going to win this one, so they have to make Athletics checks to dodge the Goo Bombs...except they've got 2 taggable Aspects against them and they're rolling against Jiraiya's Sealing skill so fuck you that's why. They are stuck in place and get to suck on a pangolin pepper macerator, each of which I'm going to rule by fiat causes 4 stress. (It should be a Taijutsu roll + 2 shifts, but this is a weird case that doesn't involve Taijutsu.) They both have 3-box stress tracks; they could choose to take a Mild consequence and keep struggling, but why bother? They're out.

What about Sana, the one on the crapper? She hears the chaos and spends her Standard pulling her pants up and buttoning them, then two Supplementals to get out to the hallway and down to the south end of the storeroom that adjoins the R&R area. Pankurashun et al are standing there looking in through the hole in the south wall.

What about Touma, the one writing in his journal? He uses a Sprint action to get to the doorway between the 'CC Office' and the 'Office'. Hazō and Doigama are standing just outside the massive hole in the north wall of the Office.

New round! Initiatives:
  1. Gomi
  2. Doigama
  3. Pangaya
  4. Haga
  5. Sana
  6. Touma
  7. Pankurashun
  8. Hazō

Gomi, genjutsu: ?
Sana, Alertness: ?
FP to reroll!
Sana, Alertness: ?
You lose, Sana!
Pankurashun, destroy wall: Yūuupp.
Haga, Taijutsu + invoke her "Badass Beatstick" Aspect + invoke Sana's "Under Illusory Attack" Aspect + invoke "Attack from Behind!" : ?
Sana, Melee Weapons + invoke "Hard Road, Hard Woman" + invoke "Unstoppable": ?
Sana goes down like an elevator with the cables cut and the brakes disengaged and the emergency cable latch cut and...you know what, never mind. She's unconscious, okay?

Doigama, throws seal: UTTERLY insignificant
Touma, Athletics: More than enough to duck back into the office and cast his Lightning Aura.
Hazō. Supplemental: Move into the office. Standard: Punch Touma's lights out.

Hazō, Taijutsu (40) + 3 (Iron Nerve) + 2 (Ghost Scales) + 5 (invoke "Lists and Plans") + 5 (invoke "Team Uplift") + 10 (2 tags from Pantokrator's Hammer) - 1 (PCJ) + dice (-3) = 61
Touma, Taijutsu + Lightning Aura: 44
Touma takes 6 stress, +1 for Ninja Hands. He's got a 3-stress track, so he dumps 2 of it into a Mild consequence ("My Bells are Rung!") and 3 of it into a Medium consequence ("Injured Shoulder") and soaks the rest.
Hazō gets zapped for 2 stress by the Lightning Aura. His Ghost Scales soaks 1 of it and breaks. His PCJ soaks the other and breaks.

New Round! The room is only 6'x6', too small for three people to fight in, so Doigama calls for help and prepares a jutsu in case Hazō goes down. Everyone else needs to move to get there, so I'm going to say that Touma and Hazō fight this round first and everyone else converges on poor Touma at the end of the round. Good luck, dude.

Touma, Taijutsu + Lightning Aura + invoke "You Are a Bug and I Zap You!" + invoke "Ninja of Cloud" + invoke "Clan Child and Proud of It" + dice: 62
Hazō, Taijutsu (40) + 3 (IN) + 5 ("(Formerly) Marked for Death") + 10 (Pantokrator's Hammer, 2 tags) + 6 (wide-angle blast ring) + 6 (dice): 70
Hazō takes 2 stress and says "Yowch!" Touma takes 3 stress and says "Ugghhhhhhh...." before kissing the metaphorical canvas.

At this point Pangaya comes wading through the building from the west like an icebreaker ship through ice rime with Ikemoto just behind her; Pankurashun, Haga, and Gomi come through the south wall, smashing through the back of the WC like the KoolAid Man because they can't be bothered to use doors; and Pandojuru and Fukai come in from the west. Game over, man. Game over.

XP Award: 5

FP Award: @@TODO. I'll figure it out when it's not 1:30am

@Velorien has said he's going to do an interlude for Wednesday. There is no need for you to make a plan before Saturday but you can if you want. The one you have is perfectly fine for me to keep going on with.

NB: It's late, I'm tired, and I'd like to post this and then fall into bed. It really needs another editing pass, which I'll do (hopefully) tomorrow, but I think it's mostly okay. Please list typos and I'll fix them.
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