She probably wants her dead uncle's bones so she can build a shrine for them to remind herself of what a despicable person she is.

REN: Hana, you need to stop.

HANA: Stop what?

REN: Carrying around a bowl of water to drown people in. I think you might have a problem.

HANA: I don't have a problem! I could stop any time I wanted. I just don't want to!

*stacked bowls of water fall down in the background*

REN: *raises eyebrow*

HANA: Those aren't mine! I am... holding them. For a friend.

REN: Fine, whatever. It's not like things could get any worse from here.

HAZOU: *barges in* Mom! I am getting married to Mori Ami, I need you to help me pick out clothes. Do you have tim-- oh, hello Aunt Ren. Didn't see you there. Is now a bad time?

REN: ...

REN: I hate this family. Also, your marriage is cancelled by virtue of your bride not being able to breathe water.

HAZOU: *looks at Hana* Moooooom, not again! You need to stop drowning the women in my life that I like!

HAZOU: ...wait a minute. Hey, Auntie. It occurs to me that you and I don't spend that much time together. How about we get to know each other better over dinner?

HANA: *squints at Ren while pulling out a bowl from under shirt*

HAZOU: Alternatively, you could just give me the birthday presents you owe me and we could call it even?

REN: Yes, absolutely. I will go out to buy them. Right now. Please excuse me! *shunshins out*
I laughed out loud. I hope you're happy. :p
Chapter 247: Bug Bites, Part 1

"This is a bad time to start trying to develop a sense of humor, Shika."


"You're my team leader. You're expected to be loyal and supportive to me and Chōji, not go around telling us we suck. Right, Chōji?"

"Leave me out of this, Ino," the larger boy said, taking another bite of his fruit compote. His teammates were still working on their noodles and fish, but the heir of the Akimichi had already demolished those courses with casual efficiency.


"Not a traitor, Eeny. I just don't think Shika's wrong. Shino is a terrible matchup for you and this is a game, not a real fight. There's things you could do on a real battlefield that might let you win, but you can't do them here because they would either kill Shino or breach OPSEC on Leaf secrets. Gōketsu already took enough of a risk with his 'fireball' seals, we don't need to add to the problem." He took another bite of the compote and then grinned. "Although, that was utterly hilarious. Worth the risk, if you ask me. The expression on that Hot Springs kid...."

"So what, I'm just supposed to lie down and quit?!"

"No. You are supposed to do your absolute best, as all three of us know you will. I simply wish you to prepare yourself for the fact that the odds are strongly against you. None of us are confident of Chōji's chances against Shino under these conditions, and Chōji has a much better matchup with him than you do. You asked for my assessment; I am giving it to you."

"I asked for your help! Advice, tactics, something!"

Shikamaru sighed, blowing out his cheeks in tired frustration. "During my fight, I seeded the arena with a large number of objects, explosives, and storage seals containing useful items. The intent was that you use these for cover or for surprise attack—"

"I know that, Shika. I helped come up with those plans. Don't you do your idiot-speak lectures on me. I know how to make Rock Lee do anything I want, including showing up at your house at three in the morning to demand you youthfully train with him."

Shikamaru paled. "I am fully cognizant of your intelligence and intended no slight against it. I was simply framing my thoughts."


"What I was going to say was that those tools are no longer available to you. Mist cleared the arena after my battle, and they were annoyingly thorough about it. Although I doubt they got every single scrap of seal-laden confetti or piece of flatware, it is unlikely that anything remains that will be of use." He looked down at his hands. "I am sorry, Ino. I simply do not see how to help you this time."

"What? C'mon, you're never out of ideas. Stop joking around. What about all my Steel techniques?"

"They will not be efficacious this time. The"—he paused, a sneer of disgust creeping onto his face—"'Rain of Stabby Things' takes too much time, is useless as an attack jutsu, and Shino fights at range so area denial is irrelevant. You have not had enough practice with the Steel Bullet to successfully hit a mobile target who has not been stupid enough to leave himself on a predictable ballistic trajectory. Which Shino will not, as he is not an idiot. The Shields of Steel will not avail you either, as you will not be able to open an attack port without the insects pouring in. All it would do is render you immobile and helpless."

"What if I don't open a port? If I do nothing, Shino has to come open it himself and at that range I can snag him before he can react."

Shikamaru shook his head. "The ground is stony; the Shield will not lie perfectly flat, so there will be gaps along the bottom that the insects can come through. Even if it did not leave gaps, Shino would simply stand back and throw explosives until the dome cracked, letting his insects in. After the Gōketsu so thoroughly demonstrated the utility of enormous numbers of explosives, we are all walking around with sufficient numbers of them to be certain he can crack the dome. That situation would actually be more dangerous than not using the Shields. Recall the spalling we observed during testing."

Ino winced. "We could try the beekeeper suit...."

"Its success during testing was limited at best."

"Yeah, but those weren't Aburame bugs. Kikaichu are way smaller and weaker than those dragonflies that tore the mesh."

"I will not physically stop you from attempting it, but I strongly recommend against it. Beekeepers are widespread, meaning that all nations have been exposed to them. On the other hand, they are rare, secretive, and typically considered just a curiosity instead of an object of study. The other nations may or may not have realized that beekeeper suits would be an effective anti-Aburame technique, decided that it was a sufficient priority to warrant dedicating resources, stolen the secrets of their manufacture, and experimented until they found an effective version. I will note, however, that Leaf has seen no evidence of such techniques in the field, so it's possible that no one else has discovered it yet. In that case, it could be argued that putting other nations' thinking onto those lines would constitute a major OPSEC breach. The Hyūga, Inuzuka, and Kurusu would all use that as leverage against your clan."

"But that's bullshit! I have to lose the Chūnin Exams tournament just because maybe possibly everyone else in the world has been too stupid to figure out that wearing something that keeps bugs off you is a good way to fight bug users?"

"Yes, Ino. That is precisely what it means. Stop being a child—your duty as a Leaf ninja supercedes your need for self-aggrandizement and you know it."

She tried to outglare his calm equanimity but couldn't; after a moment she dropped her eyes. "Yeah, I do. And it probably wouldn't work anyway. Like you said during testing, 'The probability that a device originally built by civilians could keep out specially-bred combat bugs with an intelligence directing them is too small for meaningful calculation.'"

"I do not sound like that."

Chōji laughed. "You totally do. It was spooky."

Shikamaru glared, then made a very visible effort to set the annoyance aside. "Ino, there are only two tactics I can find that match your abilities, are within the rules, do not violate OPSEC, and have even a plausible hope of succes. Neither of them has good odds."

Ino perked up. "Right now I'll take anything. Hit me."

"The first is to hide and use Mind Body Transmission from concealment. Although possible in theory, I am confident that this tactic will not work, as Shino will not be cooperative enough to stand still in the open when he cannot identify your location. The second tactic is to charge him, grapple, and take over his body at touch range. Your taijutsu skills are...." He paused and eyed her warily for a moment. "...not something you have treated as a primary focus of training. On the other hand, I have seen Shino fight hand-to-hand and he is very weak at it. If you successfully land the grapple and manage to do so in a way that your hands are free to make seals then you can possess him. If so, it is possible that you will be able to command his insects to stand down, but I find it unlikely. If you cannot figure it out instantly then it is critical you not waste time grandstanding the way you did with Kiba. Have Shino immediately shout his surrender, then release him so that he can call the insects off. If you cannot land the grapple before the insects reach you, you need to surrender. Immediately, without further struggle."

He paused, his facial control insufficient to hide a shadow of fear. "His insects are dangerous, Ino. I do not know their exact parameters or precisely how well he can control them, but they attack by draining the victim's chakra. The difference between 'exhausted' and 'dead' is razor thin. If the insects do not stop feeding when you pass out then you will die. I do not want that."

"Awwww. See, I knew you loved me. Under that troublesome exterior, you're just a big ball of mush, aren't you?"

Shikamaru glared at her, then threw down his chopsticks and stood up. "If you intend to continue being insulting, I shall take my leave." He turned and stomped out of their room.


It was a good day for Abe Shinichi, owner of Abe's Awesome Ice Cream and Hot Chocolate Emporium. Twenty quarts of ice cream plus his entire stock of hot chocolate (two gallons of it!!!), gone in one purchase without any haggling? It was worth taking the day off. At least in part because, no matter how good the money was, he didn't want to have to be around the Leaf girl with the half angry, half about to cry face. Everyone knew those people were killers and thieves; he was just lucky they had actually paid for the things instead of simply taking them and leaving him bleeding to death.

XP AWARD: Will be awarded next chapter

@Velorien will be writing the plan. There will be no voting.

That went surprisingly well. I'm glad we're making up some of the distance between Hazou and Keiko.
Long version: My brain is Swiss cheese. @Velorien and I had some very important events planned that I didn't realize were supposed to have happened this update. They completely contradict what I just wrote, so I can be a jerk and tell my co-author that I just sabotaged him, or I can delete this and put up something new.

A well, that merchant must have been out of clean shirts.
It is the chuunin exams after all.
There's a lot of people around buying things.
The probability of some random merchant being completely out of shirts isn't that low.
Nothing bad will happen.
We are in full control Full Control of the situation.
Ha. Ha.
*sweats profoundly*

The chapter has been deleted and will be replaced with something completely different, and probably much shorter, tomorrow.

"April Fools! Gotcha."

I wish it weren't february.

None of the Gōketsu interactions happened.

At first I thought that maybe Keiko decided to take some things into her own hand and is unavailable plotting our doom.
Or Akatsuki.
Or Ami.
Or all of the above (a world only kept from total destruction by the fact that Ami and Akatsuki keep coincidentially ruining each others plots).

But maybe it's just that Jiraiya got off'd in his sleep by a hidden-villages-coalition of assassins helped by the Hyuuga.
Why was it retgoned?
PSA: I'm an idiot, the chapter is gone.

tl;dr The chapter has been deleted and will be replaced with something completely different, and probably much shorter, tomorrow. None of the Gōketsu interactions happened.

Long version: My brain is Swiss cheese. @Velorien and I had some very important events planned that I didn't realize were supposed to have happened this update. They completely contradict what I just wrote, so I can be a jerk and tell my co-author that I just sabotaged him, or I can delete this and put up something new.

I recognize that y'all enjoyed the conversation with Keiko getting shouted at. It didn't happen, because I'm forgetful. I sincerely apologise.

The ISC conversation will remain canon, and Ino still loses to Shino. Again, I apologise.
Yuki clan isn't Mist-native.

They are in both villages (Snow and Mist).


"All right. My name," she said, "is Yuki Yukino."


Once they'd manage to drag Chouji away from a budding argument with Amatetsu about whether mint sauce or garlic was the superior yam condiment, Keiko took a turn leading the group around some of the clan compounds that were close enough as to not require too much running. Houzuki, Yuki, Terumi, Kurosawa… Hazou looked at his mother's childhood home with disdain, resolving to make sure the clan elders that had caused his family so much strife would soon learn exactly how much they'd lost when they had chosen to try and look respectable over choosing to support their own blood.
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Long version: My brain is Swiss cheese. @Velorien and I had some very important events planned that I didn't realize were supposed to have happened this update. They completely contradict what I just wrote

Hmmm... what important events would "completely contradict" Hazou and Kei having a conversation?

  • Kei runs away to join the reich again?
  • Kei murders Hazou using sharpened-Shikamaru-bone-spears?
  • Tenten murders Hazou using sharpened-Shikamaru-bone-spears?
  • Akatsuki interrupt?
  • Ami interrupt?
  • "Ami joins Akatsuki" interrupt?
  • "Akatsuki join Ami" interrupt?
  • Hazou can't take it anymore and stacked-implosion-nukes himself?
  • Jiraiya finds Naruto?
    • ('s body, being piloted by Pein -- who is now invading the exam)?
Zabuza retrieved/rescued Naruto. Zabuza did not need punch therapy.

OTOH, Snow is slated to become allied to Leaf due to a certain proposal....
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Hmmm... what important events would "completely contradict" Hazou and Kei having a conversation?

  • Kei runs away to join the reich again?
  • Kei murders Hazou using sharpened-Shikamaru-bone-spears?
  • Tenten murders Hazou using sharpened-Shikamaru-bone-spears?
  • Akatsuki interrupt?
  • Ami interrupt?
  • "Ami joins Akatsuki" interrupt?
  • "Akatsuki join Ami" interrupt?
  • Hazou can't take it anymore and stacked-implosion-nukes himself?
  • Jiraiya finds Naruto?
    • ('s body, being piloted by Pein -- who is now invading the exam)?
I'd offer to help, but I don't actually know the contents of the conversation :(
Hmmm... what important events would "completely contradict" Hazou and Kei having a conversation?

  • Kei runs away to join the reich again?
  • Kei murders Hazou using sharpened-Shikamaru-bone-spears?
  • Tenten murders Hazou using sharpened-Shikamaru-bone-spears?
  • Akatsuki interrupt?
  • Ami interrupt?
  • "Ami joins Akatsuki" interrupt?
  • "Akatsuki join Ami" interrupt?
  • Hazou can't take it anymore and stacked-implosion-nukes himself?
  • Jiraiya finds Naruto?
    • ('s body, being piloted by Pein -- who is now invading the exam)?
Jiraiya didn't actually spill soup on himself. He got mustard on his shirt.

There is no soup in Ba Sing Se.

More seriously, I'm extremely curious what could've put the kibosh on the conversation. Either the initial conditions ended up being bogus for some reason or some serious Defcon 1 shit went down...
I'd offer to help, but I don't actually know the contents of the conversation :(

Keiko's head snapped up. "It was not! Her actions were entirely appropriate! It was entirely reasonable for her to consider me a traitor to Mist, and she was absolutely right that I have always been a failure and a disappointment to the Mori cl—"


Noburi shrank back in surprise and Keiko stopped in mid-word, eyes going wide in shock at Hazō's language and volume. Hazō was so angry he couldn't get a word out, and almost distracted enough to miss Noburi waving off the two ANBU who had been half a second from bursting into the room.

"Keiko," Hazō said at last, forcing himself to sound calm. "You have been told literally hundreds of times, by the people best qualified to judge your skills and actions, that you are not a failure and that the Mori clan were out of their fucking minds to treat you the way they did. You have had your physical skills pointed out to you. You have been complimented on your mind separate from your bloodline, so don't even try it. You have been told—quiet, I'm talking here—that being accepted as a Summoner is an impressive feat that showed quick wits and enormous courage. You single-handedly saved the clan by the financial deal you made with the pangolins"—she again started to speak and he again hurried to interrupt—"and what they did with the seals is not your Sage-bedamned fault, so shut up! You utterly demolished your opponents in the exams and in the tournament, demonstrating that you're a powerful ninja. You terrified Hyūga into being less of a prick. You inspired the people of Leaf. Your intelligence and wits are a major reason why our team survived as missing-nin for two years. If you want to be angry at me for ignoring your feelings, that is absolutely your right. If you want to snipe at me while helping figure out this deal with Ami, I will nod right along because I earned it. If you want to tell me to sod off and you aren't interested in discussing it...fine, whatever. But if you want to keep wallowing in self-pity and twisting the facts to show why you are not an incredible, brilliant, talented woman then you can just FUCK RIGHT OFF!"

He stopped, forcing himself to get his anger-accelerated breathing under control as he waited for Keiko's response. He felt like he should probably be nervous about it but, honestly, he was just too pissed.

"...I inspired the people of Leaf?"


"Seriously? All that, and that's what you took away?" he said, replicating Jiraiya's tone as well as he could as he quickly arranged his thoughts to lead away from anything related to plushies or fan clubs. "Yes. The people of Leaf talk about all of us. Mari-sensei took me out a couple times before she fell apart, made sure that I heard some of the songs and stories. There's even some accounts of our 'adventures'—mostly made up and all exaggerated—that have been set to sea shanties. Not all of the stories are good, but literally everything about you is. In the songs, Kagome-sensei gets mocked for being crazy, I get it for being careless, Noburi gets it for...whatever, never mind. The point is, in none of the things that I heard about you did I hear a single word of criticism. You get held up as this shining paragon of intellect and lethal beauty, without the ribald comments that get made about Mari-sensei. So yes, you fucking inspired the people of Leaf. Now, would you please answer the fucking question that I was trying to ask before you went off on your latest spiral of self-hate?!"

Keiko stared owlishly at him, blinking slowly as her brain struggled to shift paradigms. "Yes?"

"Thank you. Now, right now I'm planning to go to this meeting with Ami and try to find out what the hells she wants. Despite my feelings about her actions, I know how much you care about her and I don't want to indirectly hurt you by way of Ami. Also, I would prefer to live in a world where the two of you reconcile. I recognize that I cannot accomplish that goal at this meeting, or even in many meetings. What I could do, and will only do with your approval, is to broach the subject of you and try to find out both why she did what she did and how she actually feels about you. I recognize that this is a risky course and I will not undertake it without your permission. In fact, unless you say it's all right I will not say a single word about you and will refuse to discuss the topic if she brings it up. So: How do you feel about the idea of me bringing you up in conversation with Ami? Separately, do you want me to broach the topic of reconciliation?"

Keiko considered for a moment, then smiled slightly. "That's two questions. You only asked me to answer one."

Hazō glared his lack of amusement loudly.

"Fine." She thought a bit longer. "My feelings on the matter are complex and I do not fully understand them. Part of me hopes that she will express a desire for reconciliation. Part of me fears hearing that she has no interest. I dread the idea that she hates me or, perhaps worse, has utterly dismissed me from her thoughts. I worry that it might not be possible to reconcile. That perhaps our relationship is permanently shattered. I entertain wild notions about why she severed our bond—perhaps it was because I was a missing-nin and she fears being socially tainted by my presence despite wanting me there? Perhaps she was angry at me for betraying her and our family? Perhaps she simply got tired of putting up with my—"


Keiko hesitated. "There are many reasons that I can think of for what happened, and all of them frighten me. With that said, I recognize that an alliance with Ami and whatever this faction of hers is would be a powerful advantage for the Gōketsu. However angry or hurt or afraid I am, I refuse to be a drag on this clan any more than I nat—"


"I refuse to be a drag on this clan," she said, aborting her prior words. "Discuss with her whatever you feel will be useful, provided that you maintain OPSEC and do not commit us, or me, to anything specific without consulting Jiraiya."

Hazō considered that. "Fine. Thank you." He paused. "I'm going to go make a sandwich. You want one?"

"No, thank you."​
You mean refreshing the thread what some unenlightened fools would call obsessively?
That does come in handy sometimes, but I was chiefly talking about the fact that anyone watching the thread with OP alerts on gets a copy of all the chapter posts emailed to them.

My preferred form of reading chapters is watching them being written live on their Google Docs account. Isn't that what most of us are doing?
You don't read them before they're written? Tsk tsk.
Keiko's head snapped up. "It was not! Her actions were entirely appropriate! It was entirely reasonable for her to consider me a traitor to Mist, and she was absolutely right that I have always been a failure and a disappointment to the Mori cl—"


Noburi shrank back in surprise and Keiko stopped in mid-word, eyes going wide in shock at Hazō's language and volume. Hazō was so angry he couldn't get a word out, and almost distracted enough to miss Noburi waving off the two ANBU who had been half a second from bursting into the room.

"Keiko," Hazō said at last, forcing himself to sound calm. "You have been told literally hundreds of times, by the people best qualified to judge your skills and actions, that you are not a failure and that the Mori clan were out of their fucking minds to treat you the way they did. You have had your physical skills pointed out to you. You have been complimented on your mind separate from your bloodline, so don't even try it. You have been told—quiet, I'm talking here—that being accepted as a Summoner is an impressive feat that showed quick wits and enormous courage. You single-handedly saved the clan by the financial deal you made with the pangolins"—she again started to speak and he again hurried to interrupt—"and what they did with the seals is not your Sage-bedamned fault, so shut up! You utterly demolished your opponents in the exams and in the tournament, demonstrating that you're a powerful ninja. You terrified Hyūga into being less of a prick. You inspired the people of Leaf. Your intelligence and wits are a major reason why our team survived as missing-nin for two years. If you want to be angry at me for ignoring your feelings, that is absolutely your right. If you want to snipe at me while helping figure out this deal with Ami, I will nod right along because I earned it. If you want to tell me to sod off and you aren't interested in discussing it...fine, whatever. But if you want to keep wallowing in self-pity and twisting the facts to show why you are not an incredible, brilliant, talented woman then you can just FUCK RIGHT OFF!"

He stopped, forcing himself to get his anger-accelerated breathing under control as he waited for Keiko's response. He felt like he should probably be nervous about it but, honestly, he was just too pissed.

"...I inspired the people of Leaf?"


"Seriously? All that, and that's what you took away?" he said, replicating Jiraiya's tone as well as he could as he quickly arranged his thoughts to lead away from anything related to plushies or fan clubs. "Yes. The people of Leaf talk about all of us. Mari-sensei took me out a couple times before she fell apart, made sure that I heard some of the songs and stories. There's even some accounts of our 'adventures'—mostly made up and all exaggerated—that have been set to sea shanties. Not all of the stories are good, but literally everything about you is. In the songs, Kagome-sensei gets mocked for being crazy, I get it for being careless, Noburi gets it for...whatever, never mind. The point is, in none of the things that I heard about you did I hear a single word of criticism. You get held up as this shining paragon of intellect and lethal beauty, without the ribald comments that get made about Mari-sensei. So yes, you fucking inspired the people of Leaf. Now, would you please answer the fucking question that I was trying to ask before you went off on your latest spiral of self-hate?!"

Keiko stared owlishly at him, blinking slowly as her brain struggled to shift paradigms. "Yes?"

"Thank you. Now, right now I'm planning to go to this meeting with Ami and try to find out what the hells she wants. Despite my feelings about her actions, I know how much you care about her and I don't want to indirectly hurt you by way of Ami. Also, I would prefer to live in a world where the two of you reconcile. I recognize that I cannot accomplish that goal at this meeting, or even in many meetings. What I could do, and will only do with your approval, is to broach the subject of you and try to find out both why she did what she did and how she actually feels about you. I recognize that this is a risky course and I will not undertake it without your permission. In fact, unless you say it's all right I will not say a single word about you and will refuse to discuss the topic if she brings it up. So: How do you feel about the idea of me bringing you up in conversation with Ami? Separately, do you want me to broach the topic of reconciliation?"

Keiko considered for a moment, then smiled slightly. "That's two questions. You only asked me to answer one."

Hazō glared his lack of amusement loudly.

"Fine." She thought a bit longer. "My feelings on the matter are complex and I do not fully understand them. Part of me hopes that she will express a desire for reconciliation. Part of me fears hearing that she has no interest. I dread the idea that she hates me or, perhaps worse, has utterly dismissed me from her thoughts. I worry that it might not be possible to reconcile. That perhaps our relationship is permanently shattered. I entertain wild notions about why she severed our bond—perhaps it was because I was a missing-nin and she fears being socially tainted by my presence despite wanting me there? Perhaps she was angry at me for betraying her and our family? Perhaps she simply got tired of putting up with my—"


Keiko hesitated. "There are many reasons that I can think of for what happened, and all of them frighten me. With that said, I recognize that an alliance with Ami and whatever this faction of hers is would be a powerful advantage for the Gōketsu. However angry or hurt or afraid I am, I refuse to be a drag on this clan any more than I nat—"


"I refuse to be a drag on this clan," she said, aborting her prior words. "Discuss with her whatever you feel will be useful, provided that you maintain OPSEC and do not commit us, or me, to anything specific without consulting Jiraiya."

Hazō considered that. "Fine. Thank you." He paused. "I'm going to go make a sandwich. You want one?"

"No, thank you."​

Now that's just rubbing salt in the wound. :(