@eaglejarl, that was fucking awesome. You did an amazing job with that one.

So guys, I just had another clever idea, this one to help with Hazou's chakra pool problem.

Here's how it works. You make a small waterproof storage seal. Then, right before battle, you fill it full of chakra water and swallow it.

Yes, you did just read that correctly. You swallow a storage seal full of chakra water to release it inside your body for more chakra as needed.

The downside is that the chakra water doesn't keep for long outside of a barrel, thus the need to prep it right before a fight. But that's perfectly suited for a tournament environment.

As for activating the seal, if the seal is inside you then I'm pretty sure that counts as touching it.
Just need a method of waterproofing that isn't toxic and lets the seal remain flexible. Drawing it on something like linen instead of paper might help.
You can't put chakra in a storage seal. To be clear, you could, but that results in a seal failure and related nasties. Or it just fails outright.

I loved it. The speech part was hilarious and the combat was thrilling.

Debuffs are terrifying. If you get hit with one it's all downhill from there.
As for activating the seal, if the seal is inside you then I'm pretty sure that counts as touching it.
Unless you're a Hyuuga, the only part of a ninja's body that can activate normal seals is the hands. Now, you could also design the seal so that it automatically releases the water once it reaches your stomach acid, but you'd also have to worry about overcharging your coils, which is known to cause harm if done repeatedly.
We should get more ways of causing debuffs. I wonder if we should make a sonic seal that mimicks a mosquito noise to throw people who aren't using banshee slayers off their game.
That was awesome.

Kotsuzui Kenji (known in Hazō's thoughts, at least for now, as Kitty Kat) has seen Hazō fight and he wants no part of a fair fight at close range. This is a problem, since Kenji is a close-range fighter. Fortunately, he's also pretty versatile.

Even though the fight turned out to be a much closer affair than I am comfortable with, the fact that another taijutsu user is scared enough of Hazou to attack from range is an achievement on its own.
Personally, I'd like the following for our Keiko fight: coordinate with the judges to do an exhibition match before we start, do really cool stuff, then make a mockery of the actual fight. Obviously, to execute this will require a bit of planning. My thoughts are something like:
  1. Check if Keiko is on board with showing off while concealing potential weaknesses and spreading misinformation about our abilities
  2. If Keiko is on board, get the rest of the Goketsu on board
  3. Approach the appropriate Mist authority, asking if we can do an exhibition match during our banter. After-all, we want to use all the cool stuff which we aren't allowed to use in the match. The crowd loves flashy stuff, and we're happy to show off some of our flashy stuff in a bit of a combat situation.
  4. Devise a method of gauging crowd interest (maybe have Noburi gauge competing chants to come up and see which gets louder?)
  5. Do cool fight
  6. Start actual fight, be super "aiiiiiiiiiieeeee---- I die!" and let the person with the most crowd appeal force the less crowd appealing member into the ring-out.

For the exhibition match, use as much flashy stuff as possible, show off, entertain the crowd, and hint at abilities for ninja watching. Flashy things to do include:
  1. Air Dome defenses against explosives (assuming this works -- use weaker training explosives if regular explosives destroy Air Dome)
  2. CHAOS-suit debut -- maybe fighting a Pangolin with it?
  3. Hazou casually deflecting Kunai with his claws
  4. Macerators as ranged Taijutsu
  5. Hazou squaring off with a Pangolin or two for a bit (summon level appropriate Pangolin if possible, or have them hold back somewhat if not)?
  6. Hazou attacking with Spine of the Earth attacks
  7. Keiko using PMYF to substitute away from an explosion after we've destroyed all relevant subsitution targets with gratuitous explosives
  8. (in character brainstorm with other character to let QMs come up with whatever just cool looking stuff they want to insert)
The goals this attempts to achieve are:
  • Let the QMs write the flashiest of the flashy fights without worrying much about mechanics if they don't want to (since Hazou and Keiko have trained significantly with each other)
  • Entertain the masses -- it's a way more entertaining fight than Hazou just walking up to Keiko and punching her or Keiko summoning a pangolin which demolishes Hazou
  • Snubs Mist -- really highlights that Leaf is over-represented at the tournament and that they might be rigging things against us
  • Conserves the strength of either Hazou or Keiko for the next fight (I don't think moderate consequences will heal in time)
  • Demonstrates huge amounts of trust and teamwork within the Goketsku clan (not only do we do an exhibition match with live explosives, we don't actually fight each other)
  • Hints at Hazou's capacity as a force multiplier (but hopefully leave enough doubt at its effectiveness due to the CHAOS-suit being used in an exhibition match)
  • Hide the answer to "is Keiko or Hazou stronger?" and "Can someone just punch Keiko before she summons something?" denying relevant combat information to future enemies.
The other thing which I think is reasonable to do, would be to do whatever for pre-fight banter, but arrange with Keiko to spread misinformation about her being knocked out making her Pangolins be banished. Arrange to have her summon a Pangolin, then "knock her out" but have the Pangolin stick around. Make people think that if they take Keiko out, they still have to deal with a Pangolin threat.
A Hunter-nin having high deceit sounds logical so we might have lost the roll.

He can't be good at everything, right?

Hmm, was this guy chosen as our opponent specifically because he was both good at taijutsu and debuffing us from range since our tools of dealing with latter were removed?

The solution to this problem is trivially accessible to us and has existed IRL since at least 1912.

Bangalore torpedo - Wikipedia

I mean, sure, that's one way of approaching the problem.

But what about this method instead?
Personally, I'd like the following for our Keiko fight: coordinate with the judges to do an exhibition match before we start, do really cool stuff, then make a mockery of the actual fight.

My model of Keiko tells me she would prefer a real fight instead of this to prove it to herself that she has value and maybe even to rub it in to everyone from Mist who ostracized her.

In addition, I would also prefer a real match between Keiko and us though the pragmatic part of me tells me that it would be a good idea for her to win without forcing her to show too much of her stuff since she has higher odds of winning the tournament than Hazo.
But outright telling her this might plant the idea that we let her win even if we didn't (low self-esteem issues, yo) so we shouldn't mention this.
As far as we know. I would not put it past the GMs to give us a fake Keiko sheet to represent secret preparations on her part.

The Alertness 33 vote was done before she trained anything anyway.

We'll eventually need more Alertness. Like Chakra Reserves, we are anemic in this pretty important stat. Just not as badly.

I think our next plan should be to just use explosive tags. Nothing else.
The funny thing is I think we've plotted and planned out a way to use EXPLODE! effectively vs everyone except for Shikamaru.
My model of Keiko tells me she would prefer a real fight instead of this to prove it to herself that she has value and maybe even to rub it in to everyone from Mist who ostracized her.

In addition, I would also prefer a real match between Keiko and us though the pragmatic part of me tells me that it would be a good idea for her to win without forcing her to show too much of her stuff since she has higher odds of winning the tournament than Hazo.
But outright telling her this might plant the idea that we let her win even if we didn't (low self-esteem issues, yo) so we shouldn't mention this.
Keiko knows that a fight here will not be a real fight -- afterall, we can't use our best tricks, and we can't use our lethal tricks. So my model of Keiko has her care less about the fight as Mist defines it. Effectively, we reframe the fight into something which she can actually feel proud of herself for winning by making it so we're competing for something else (the crowd's approval) which is equally arbitrary. However, uncertainty on this point is why we should ask.

That said, if we do fight her for real with the intention of going all out, we should just take her out quickly by running up and punching her really hard on our first turn ideally before she can summon a Pangolin. I don't like it because it reveals a weakness of her (she can be taken out by Chunnin-level alertness and taijutsu fairly simply), but not doing so will immediately ping her radar as "well, it sure was nice of you to let me win Hazou."
Can we solve our match with the Goketau Ultimate Dispute Solving Technique?


Jan Ken Pon!


KEIKO: Paper

HAZOU: *snaps* Oh man! Every time she gets me with that! You'd think she wouldn't expect me to always choose rock...