This was a terrible idea before, but is looking all the more promising as time goes on. Maybe we can do this and throw them at the Pangolins.
You want to combine the warlike otherworldly creations of a mad scientist (to whom you are bound by supernatural contract) with ravenous eldritch abominations spawned from the maddening void, and you feel that this would make the situation better?
You want to combine the warlike otherworldly creations of a mad scientist (to whom you are bound by supernatural contract) with ravenous eldritch abominations spawned from the maddening void, and you feel that this would make the situation better?
It's very simple. No one can be enslaved if they're dead! (please disregard all knowledge of PMAS) :p
Just activate stacked implosion seals on your face.
TBH the recent storage scroll non-incident significantly lowered my estimates of the chance of this working, which already had significant uncertainty.

Here are my estimates of the probability of success for certain things we could try, spoilered in case others (@Vecht?) want to chime in too.

1/5 that it goes nuke; 4/5 that it stacks at least a little
3/5 that it goes nuke; 2/5 that it is close to as effective as my calcs; 5/6 that it's an OP jutsu when levelled
<1/10 that it goes nuke, this one never made sense
5/6 that it works; 3/4 that it's good; 2/5 that it's good enough for high-speed flight

Anything I'm missing? Most of these are my proposals as I'm struggling to recall other people's ideas (albeit we tend to just try out other people's ideas). I swear we had another nuke proposal, for example, or was that just @Radvic's 5SB-a-pulsar comment?
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Anything I'm missing? Most of these are my proposals as I'm struggling to recall other people's ideas (albeit we tend to just try out other people's ideas). I swear we had another nuke proposal, for example, or was that just @Radvic's 5SB-a-pulsar comment?
Off the top of my head @Lailoken proposed a big pile of chemical weapons (Emerald City Seal, other stuff IIRC).

Theres a couple other things that lead to nukes if (Perhaps Moderately Reasonable Seal Detail is Tweaked).
I have also discovered a truly remarkable proof that storage scrolls imply practical time travel, the details of which will be presented in a previous post...

Earlier I was toying around with the idea of making storage seals into a Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Earlier I was toying around with the idea of making storage seals into a Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

I'm actually thinking about converting storage seals into Klein bottles to provide gradual compaction without concerns about dividing chakra between interior and exterior. Head-canon is that Wakahisa barrels are already basically that.
I'm actually thinking about converting storage seals into Klein bottles to provide gradual compaction without concerns about dividing chakra between interior and exterior. Head-canon is that Wakahisa barrels are already basically that.

We seriously need a "Screaming in Kagome" rating. Because that's what my rating on this comment counts as.
I'm actually thinking about converting storage seals into Klein bottles to provide gradual compaction without concerns about dividing chakra between interior and exterior. Head-canon is that Wakahisa barrels are already basically that.

I should have thought about using Non-orientable surfaces!! That would be really clever.

NOBURI walks into the clearing. HAZŌ and KAGOME are having an animated discussion about sealing.

HAZŌ: "... and then the seal would warp and compress space along a gradient as-"

KAGOME, bringing both hands to his face and dragging them down pulling at his skin: "But that just gets you another non-orientable surface, and the slightest instability gets you Out! Aaaaaa! Does stinking Mist really not teach proper multidimensional analysis?!"

NOBURI, carefully exiting the clearing quietly: "Ah, you look busy, I'll come back later."
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For QM eval: stunt ideas
Stunt: High-Pressure Syrup 1
Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: "Syrup Trap" Jutsu at level 30 or higher.

By tirelessly increasing the sheer force the syrup is expelled at, the Syrup Trap attack can now reach people ordinarily too far to hit. The amount of force involved in such a feat, however, makes the technique harder to control, so the user may find their accuracy at such a range decrease significantly, and the user may find their movements limited by the technique, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

The user may use the Syrup Trap Jutsu on enemies one zone away with an Aspect Bonus *2 penalty "Too Strong to Aim". If the user is attacked during this turn, they also suffer an Aspect Bonus *1 penalty "Avoiding Whiplash" to their dodge or counterattack rolls.

Stunt: High-Pressure Syrup 2
Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: "Syrup Trap" Jutsu at level 40 or higher.

Through extensive practice at controlling the technique, the user of the Syrup Trap technique can more easily handle the intense forces the syrup is being shot at, allowing them to aim more precisely while retaining more of their mobility, making them less of a target as well as more of a threat.

The penalty for using Syrup Trap on enemies a zone away is decreased to Aspect Bonus *1, and the penalty to dodge and counterattack rolls that turn is reduced to Aspect Bonus *0.5

Stunt: High-Pressure Syrup 3
Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: "Syrup Trap" Jutsu at level 50 or higher.

The user's control of the high-pressure flow has reached perfection, and sending a high-pressure stream of syrup at long distances is now as easy as using them at close range. The flow of syrup goes only where the user directs it, and does not inhibit the user's motions in the slightest. The user's mastery over this technique is quite apparent.

The penalties for using Syrup Trap on enemies a zone away and for dodge and counterattack rolls that turn are completely removed.

What do you think? I tried to make this stunt more of a tradeoff than a simple upgrade, but left open the option to make it into a pure upgrade if you're willing to pursue it further. We were talking about how Noburi needs some ranged options, and I think that this might suit him well without being totally overpowered.
Stunt: High-Pressure Syrup 1
Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: "Syrup Trap" Jutsu at level 30 or higher.

By tirelessly increasing the sheer force the syrup is expelled at, the Syrup Trap attack can now reach people ordinarily too far to hit. The amount of force involved in such a feat, however, makes the technique harder to control, so the user may find their accuracy at such a range decrease significantly, and the user may find their movements limited by the technique, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

The user may use the Syrup Trap Jutsu on enemies one zone away with an Aspect Bonus *2 penalty "Too Strong to Aim". If the user is attacked during this turn, they also suffer an Aspect Bonus *1 penalty "Avoiding Whiplash" to their dodge or counterattack rolls.

Stunt: High-Pressure Syrup 2
Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: "Syrup Trap" Jutsu at level 40 or higher.

Through extensive practice at controlling the technique, the user of the Syrup Trap technique can more easily handle the intense forces the syrup is being shot at, allowing them to aim more precisely while retaining more of their mobility, making them less of a target as well as more of a threat.

The penalty for using Syrup Trap on enemies a zone away is decreased to Aspect Bonus *1, and the penalty to dodge and counterattack rolls that turn is reduced to Aspect Bonus *0.5

Stunt: High-Pressure Syrup 3
Cost: 75 XP
Prerequisites: "Syrup Trap" Jutsu at level 50 or higher.

The user's control of the high-pressure flow has reached perfection, and sending a high-pressure stream of syrup at long distances is now as easy as using them at close range. The flow of syrup goes only where the user directs it, and does not inhibit the user's motions in the slightest. The user's mastery over this technique is quite apparent.

The penalties for using Syrup Trap on enemies a zone away and for dodge and counterattack rolls that turn are completely removed.

What do you think? I tried to make this stunt more of a tradeoff than a simple upgrade, but left open the option to make it into a pure upgrade if you're willing to pursue it further. We were talking about how Noburi needs some ranged options, and I think that this might suit him well without being totally overpowered.
I don't think we would take any of those with the penalties.
I don't think we would take any of those with the penalties.
Well, the idea was that normal use of Syrup Trap (within the same zone as the user) would be unimpeded, and the penalties from the stunt would only apply if you're targeting someone in another zone, but maybe it's too weak anyways?

We could cut it down to two stunts, with the mechanical effects of the second and third levels, maybe?
For QM eval: stunt pricing
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

So, preface: I would really appreciate it previously-priced stunts kept to the same price or less, rather than being increased to match, if they would differ.

Stunt Pricing

So, I was considering how to price stunts effectively and with as little spoons required as possible. My thoughts went back to their purpose in Fate, and how they were approximately as valuable as an additional skill level there. So:

Stunts should be priced according to how much effort they would take to learn, approximated to the scale of skill level:

To calculate the cost of a given level of stunt, [level of skill it is approximated to] * [that number +1]/2 - [level of skill it is approximated to - 10] * [that number + 1]/2

The easiest stunts -- conceptually, to learn to use -- would be an adhoc number of XP below 55, and those that were level-10-skill-equivalent difficult to learn would be 55, each ten levels scaling it up another hundred XP:

Level 20: 155 XP
Level 30: 255 XP
Level 40: 355 XP


This is intended to represent solely the difficulty -- and more importantly, the time:talent ratio it would take -- to learn to use such a stunt effectively.

Time scaling of note:

Level 10 stunt requires ~20 days of training for someone of Hazou's Talent Coefficient, level 20 requires ~52 days, level 30 requires ~85 days, level 40 requires ~118 days, etc.

Incidentally, I think this illustrates quite effectively why someone wouldn't want to put time into learning a new fighting style or whatever.

, note that it is substantially easier to be taught -- some -- stunts than to create one from nothing. This is easy to do during this system. For instance, it was stated that for Hazou and Mari to work out Kurosawa Social Techniques would be the work of dedicated months -- something like a level 50 stunt, which would cost 455 XP and take around 5 months of concerted effort. However, with Hana's help, it might take only weeks -- being the equivalent of a Level 10 Stunt.

Additionally, this gives a less ad hoc pricing mechanism for stuff like training additional Elements.

This pricing schema is intended to do the following:
  • Make stunt XP pricing easier on the spoons of both players and QMs
  • Make sense in accordance with how much time and effort learning to use a stunt would take.
Things this pricing schema is not intended to do:
  • Price stunts according to power level. This is explicitly intended to be time-and-effort based, not power-level-based.
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