Stunt proposals
When making an attack with a particular ranged weapon, the user may attack targets up to 3 zones away.
Cost: 100 XP (?)

Fluff: Through extensive training, your aim has improved to the point where you can effectively target beyond the range of most ranged weapon specialists.

By spending one FP, reroll all fudge dice in a skill check (passive or opposed) and take the better result.
Cost: 100 XP + event based QM fiat

Fluff: You don't know if you've been blessed by the Gods or not, but you seem to have had a number of near misses that somehow turned out alright.

For every shift by which you exceed the opponent's opposing roll, gain +1 Circumstance Bonus on the subsequent attack roll.
Cost: 200 XP (?)

Fluff: Through dedicated use and examination of how your many opponents respond to feints, you have determined how to fully exploit the advantage your style provides.

If you win the Roki check by more than 3 shifts, you may spend 3 shifts to move an opponent into an adjacent zone with Border 0. You may overcome Border points by spending an additional 3 shifts per point, but you must conclude movement with a victory of at least 1 shift. This movement may activate traps, if there are any within either zone - but you are within melee range of the opponent.
Cost: 50 XP (?)

Fluff: you are adept at combat positioning and misdirection, and have experience with driving your opponent into the space you want them to be.
Do we know if two people with the same elemental aspect spend the same amount of chakra on a given jutsu? We'd need a standard candle to quantify things. And if there is a standard candle, presumably /somebody/ has thought to measure chakra capacity in terms of how many times a ninja can perform X jutsu in a row before they're dry.

The medical research community, similar to the sealmaster community, is probably small, maybe a bit larger.
Stunt proposals
When making an attack with a particular ranged weapon, the user may attack targets up to 3 zones away.
Cost: 100 XP (?)

Fluff: Through extensive training, your aim has improved to the point where you can effectively target beyond the range of most ranged weapon specialists.

By spending one FP, reroll all fudge dice in a skill check (passive or opposed) and take the better result.
Cost: 100 XP + event based QM fiat

Fluff: You don't know if you've been blessed by the Gods or not, but you seem to have had a number of near misses that somehow turned out alright.

For every shift by which you exceed the opponent's opposing roll, gain +1 Circumstance Bonus on the subsequent attack roll.
Cost: 200 XP (?)

Fluff: Through dedicated use and examination of how your many opponents respond to feints, you have determined how to fully exploit the advantage your style provides.

If you win the Roki check by more than 3 shifts, you may spend 3 shifts to move an opponent into an adjacent zone with Border 0. You may overcome Border points by spending an additional 3 shifts per point, but you must conclude movement with a victory of at least 1 shift. This movement may activate traps, if there are any within either zone - but you are within melee range of the opponent.
Cost: 50 XP (?)

Fluff: you are adept at combat positioning and misdirection, and have experience with driving your opponent into the space you want them to be.
At a glance, I like the lucky and sniper ones, but I don't think the QMs would agree with the Roki ones. They've stated before that Roki is pretty powerful as fighting styles go, so I doubt they'd like the idea of making it even more powerful.

I remember talking about a stunt for Noburi to help get him some more range with Syrup Trap, which is similar to Sniper so I think they could be modeled after each other. We should also consider stunts that have tradeoffs, like a small circumstance modifier to something in exchange for being able to aim further away (for sniper, an idea might be a circumstance modifier against defensive rolls as we focus on our aim).
By spending one FP, reroll all fudge dice in a skill check (passive or opposed) and take the better result.
Cost: 100 XP + event based QM fiat

Fluff: You don't know if you've been blessed by the Gods or not, but you seem to have had a number of near misses that somehow turned out alright.

Given you can already spend a FP to reroll a bad roll (the primary time rerolling is particularly powerful), this seems neat but maybe over-costed? Then again, "Spend a FP to roll twice and use the better" sounds pretty decent, so maybe it's just a framing thing. Perception is weird.

On the other hand, given earlier discussions of the tweaks to the FP system in FtD meaning that we burn through FP faster than Fate's system assumes we would, writing new things that use FP might be awkward on a more meta level (as opposed to straight balance).

Also, unrelatedly, many thanks for the well wishes and congratulations :D. You folks are awesome.
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Given you can already spend a FP to reroll a bad roll (the primary time rerolling is particularly powerful), this seems neat but maybe over-costed? Then again, "Spend a FP to roll twice and use the better" sounds pretty decent, so maybe it's just a framing thing. Perception is weird.

On the other hand, given earlier discussions of the tweaks to the FP system meaning that we burn through FP faster than Fate's system assumes we would, writing new things that use FP might be awkward on a more meta level (as opposed to straight balance).

Also, unrelatedly, many thanks for the well wishes and congratulations :D. You folks are awesome.
Currently, when you spend a FP to reroll you don't get to complain if the results don't go your way, and you only affect your own fudge dice. This stunt would not only let you reroll your opponent's fudge dice as well, doubling the variance, but choose the better outcome of the two, eliminating any risk in taking the action.

Honestly, the stunt is really OP even with twice or five times the XP cost, the 'event fiat' will have to be really restrictive because no one would not take this if they had the option to.
Currently, when you spend a FP to reroll you don't get to complain if the results don't go your way, and you only affect your own fudge dice. This stunt would not only let you reroll your opponent's fudge dice as well, doubling the variance, but choose the better outcome of the two, eliminating any risk in taking the action.

Honestly, the stunt is really OP even with twice or five times the XP cost, the 'event fiat' will have to be really restrictive because no one would not take this if they had the option to.

Whoof. Yeah, didn't read it that way, but if it lets you reroll your opponent's dice that'd be brutal. I'd say straight-up overpowered, even; any XP cost that seems appropriate seems like too much for any one Stunt.
At a glance, I like the lucky and sniper ones, but I don't think the QMs would agree with the Roki ones. They've stated before that Roki is pretty powerful as fighting styles go, so I doubt they'd like the idea of making it even more powerful.

I remember talking about a stunt for Noburi to help get him some more range with Syrup Trap, which is similar to Sniper so I think they could be modeled after each other. We should also consider stunts that have tradeoffs, like a small circumstance modifier to something in exchange for being able to aim further away (for sniper, an idea might be a circumstance modifier against defensive rolls as we focus on our aim).
Honestly, for the Roki stuff, I was just thinking of the ways we could get branching or built-up stunts from current stunts - I finally got around to downloading the Fate-Core ruleset and was taking inspiration off of that.
I'm surprised that Roki is seen as especially powerful though, when compared to other styles. Basically, all styles allow an opposed-skill maneuver to impose a fragile aspect on an opponent as a free action preceding an attack action (the kind of thing that could otherwise be done with a regular or supplemental action). I suppose the problem is that Roki is unique in targeting a social skill, which will likely be relatively low in Combat builds (and Taijutsu will likely be low in Social builds, obviating the need for Roki). On the other hand there is the Gentle Fist, which uses the God Stat (Alertness) against a double-cost skill (Chakra Capacity), which will be generally lower in almost all builds. Then consider all the other possible variations of combat styles which we don't have insight into.

Even accepting that some styles are mechanically superior, there should still be some way to make combat styles (including Roki and the Gentle Fist) more flavorful with additional stunts (or, possibly, new skills/techniques in the MfD variation) - that seems to be a major point in advancement of stunts in the Core Fate ruleset. Gentle Fist almost certainly includes the Trigram stunts/techniques, and the rotation stunt/technique, and the variants we eventually saw Hinata using in the canon.

As to the dice, we shouldn't know what the opponent rolled, so we'd be making the call based on our dice and the result. Would it be better if you could get the worse result from rerolling both sets of dice? I feel like just taking the better of your own roll isn't enough extra over what is available in base form.
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Honestly, for the Roki stuff, I was just thinking of the ways we could get branching or built-up stunts from current stunts - I finally got around to downloading the Fate-Core ruleset and was taking inspiration off of that.
I'm surprised that Roki is seen as especially powerful though, when compared to other styles. Basically, all styles allow an opposed-skill maneuver to impose a fragile aspect on an opponent as a free action preceding an attack action (the kind of thing that could otherwise be done with a regular or supplemental action). I suppose the problem is that Roki is unique in targeting a social skill, which will likely be relatively low in Combat builds (and Taijutsu will likely be low in Social builds, obviating the need for Roki). On the other hand there is the Gentle Fist, which uses the God Stat (Alertness) against a double-cost skill (Chakra Capacity), which will be generally lower in almost all builds. Then consider all the other possible variations of combat styles which we don't have insight into.

Even accepting that some styles are mechanically superior, there should still be some way to make combat styles (including Roki and the Gentle Fist) more flavorful with additional stunts (or, possibly, new skills/techniques in the MfD variation) - that seems to be a major point in advancement of stunts in the Core Fate ruleset. Gentle Fist almost certainly includes the Trigram stunts/techniques, and the rotation stunt/technique, and the variants we eventually saw Hinata using in the canon.

As to the dice, we shouldn't know what the opponent rolled, so we'd be making the call based on our dice and the result. Would it be better if you could get the worse result from rerolling both sets of dice? I feel like just taking the better of your own roll isn't enough extra over what is available in base form.
I'm not 100% sure this made it through the transition to FtD, but I know that at least in the old system (which is where I heard the QMs talking about how good Roki is), Roki added its own level to your Taijutsu roll assuming you won, and Hazou would always win it because no one puts enough into Deceit to beat his roll.

I decided to check when we see Hazou in action, what Roki looks like, and it seems they aren't modeling it that way anymore, which means it might be less powerful and leave more room for growth through stunts.
I'm not 100% sure this made it through the transition to FtD, but I know that at least in the old system (which is where I heard the QMs talking about how good Roki is), Roki added its own level to your Taijutsu roll assuming you won, and Hazou would always win it because no one puts enough into Deceit to beat his roll.

I decided to check when we see Hazou in action, what Roki looks like, and it seems they aren't modeling it that way anymore, which means it might be less powerful and leave more room for growth through stunts.
Yeah, in the new system if you win the opposed style roll (Deceit vs Deceit for Roki - all styles get a free aspect bonus on this roll) then you get a tag on a fragile aspect that is used on the following Taijutsu attack roll. That's true for all base combat styles.
Roki is nice that it targets a social stat, which among fellow combat builds is likely low... but it's not (IMHO) wildly stronger than other styles.
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Yeah, in the new system if you win the opposed style roll (Deceit vs Deceit for Roki) then you get a tag on a fragile aspect that is used on the following Taijutsu attack roll. That's true for all base combat styles.
Roki is nice that it targets a social stat, which among fellow combat builds is likely low... but it's not (IMHO) wildly stronger than other styles.

A piece of information you don't seem to have in your calculation is that combat styles as currently modeled aren't base-level fighting systems like karate or judo; they're special tricks to take advantage of particular edges (usually bloodline-based, but sometimes rooted in special jutsu or equipment). So you can consider the combat style stunt to already be a second-level stunt, off of the core bloodline stunt.

Agreed that the new Roki is more mechanically reasonable, and thus there is some room for upgrade stunts; but, since it is itself an advanced stunt, anything built off of it would have to be something pretty special (as a third-level entry in the stunt tree).
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Fighting Style stunts require you to have an exploitable gimmick that the general population doesn't. Roki uses Iron Nerve, Explosion Master uses a fuckton of seals, Frog Fu uses the expertise of the Toad Clan, etc.

It's possible that you might be able to get Advanced Fighting Style stunts by combining multiple such gimmicks, which I will note is something that Hazou can plausibly do.
Huh. I see that the winning plan did not change at all (that I can tell) after my comments from earlier. Also, I'm amused that it was edited at exactly 5pm yesterday, which was when voting was supposed to close.

Well, here we go.

I've been pretty busy these past two weeks, with a new job and some unrelated stuff eating all my spoons. Voting and the occasional oneliner shitpost is all I got, I'm afraid.
Congratulations on the new job! I hope you're really enjoying it.
Congratulations on the new job! I hope you're really enjoying it.

Thanks, and yeah, it's pretty cool. In a way, this quest is responsible for the change. At some point during the exam, your trolling got me anxious, so I brought a bottle of whiskey to work, so I could put it on my desk to provide moral support. But then the CTO saw it and said I wasn't allowed to keep it; my perfectly reasonable argument that I wasn't going to drink any of it, and that company code only prohibits consumption of alcohol during work time, fell on deaf ears. And so I was forced to resign.

Just to be clear, this is a joke. My previous CTO had no issues with my support bottle, I left for completely unrelated reasons.
Well Hazou has just realized that he has been dumped. It's just logical that his planning is weird.

There, narratively solved. Please gip lot's of XP Birdlord.
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Thanks, and yeah, it's pretty cool. In a way, this quest is responsible for the change. At some point during the exam, your trolling got me anxious, so I brought a bottle of whiskey to work, so I could put it on my desk to provide moral support. But then the CTO saw it and said I wasn't allowed to keep it; my perfectly reasonable argument that I wasn't going to drink any of it, and that company code only prohibits consumption of alcohol during work time, fell on deaf ears. And so I was forced to resign.

Just to be clear, this is a joke. My previous CTO had no issues with my support bottle, I left for completely unrelated reasons.
As I recall, you made some comments to the effect of "I am the guy who runs around putting out self replicating dumpster fires, with fire extinguishers that shoot dumpter fires." on the last one? If so, I hope that the new employment situation is better!

Perfectly understandable reason to leave, by the by.
Thanks, and yeah, it's pretty cool. In a way, this quest is responsible for the change. At some point during the exam, your trolling got me anxious, so I brought a bottle of whiskey to work, so I could put it on my desk to provide moral support. But then the CTO saw it and said I wasn't allowed to keep it; my perfectly reasonable argument that I wasn't going to drink any of it, and that company code only prohibits consumption of alcohol during work time, fell on deaf ears. And so I was forced to resign.

Just to be clear, this is a joke. My previous CTO had no issues with my support bottle, I left for completely unrelated reasons.
I am very much of two minds about this. On the one hand, I'm dismayed to learn that I actually upset someone to such a significant degree. On the other hand, it worked out for the better
As I recall, you made some comments to the effect of "I am the guy who runs around putting out self replicating dumpster fires, with fire extinguishers that shoot dumpter fires." on the last one? If so, I hope that the new employment situation is better!

Perfectly understandable reason to leave, by the by.

I don't think that was me. My stress level is directly proportionate to what I think is the probability of the whole infrastructure falling apart at a moment's notice, and that's lower at my new job. Thus far, anyway.

I am very much of two minds about this. On the one hand, I'm dismayed to learn that I actually upset someone to such a significant degree. On the other hand, it worked out for the better

To be fair, I'm not sure if it was actually you or @Velorien. Not sure if that helps.