ALright, so we're going to have to figure out how to keep the Pangolins from freaking.

Jesus, this is gonna be a nightmare.
It's easy. The way I see it, when we'll sign the scroll, one of these two things is going to happen:
  1. We will appear in the Condors' territory.
    • All is well: Pangolins control all and assign us some Condor summons.
  2. We will appear next to the Condors' leader, who is on the run.
    • All is well: We deal with him and proceed as per Option 1, except with an added bonus of having done a huge favour to the Pangolins. (Dealing with the Boss Summon is left as an exercise to the reader.)
In fact! The Condors' leader is currently cut off from his troops, alone and desperate, but he is still a Boss Summon. These things are exceptionally powerful and ancient, which means they hold a great deal of valuable knowledge and secrets — and Condors' leader would be very willing to part with them for assistance right now. Opportunities to confront one of these things in such a weak state probably don't come up more often than once in a lifetime. But how can we use it?

(Brief digression: I honestly think that leveraging the Summon Realm is our best shot at figuring out the secrets of global importance, be that the truth behind chakra, the Sage, or the Watchers — if there are actually any such secrets. Mainly because it's isolated and hard to access: it means we wouldn't have to worry about ahem consequences of our actions quite so much, and it means that Human Realm-relevant secrets wouldn't have been hidden as well there as they are on the Human Realm itself.)

The idea would be to catch him for Leaf, not for the Pangolins or the Toads (since they'd likely forbid us from interacting with him, or just kill him), but our personal resources in the Summon Realm are very limited. Keiko is likely out, since she isn't a Kage-level combatant yet and she doesn't have any Pangolins who are loyal to her first and foremost. Which leaves two avenues of attack: the scroll-signer, and Jiraiya with the Toads personally loyal to him (unless he doesn't have any of those?). Hmm.

One option is to have Mari, or another social specialist, sign the scroll, and then either a) directly fish/negotiate for information, or b) signal location and stall for time until Jiraiya arrives with assault group, or c) convince the Condors' leader to get summoned to the Human Realm, in which it will be ambushed and interrogated. (Can Sasuke cast Tsukuyomi yet, and if he can't, can we help him learn?)

@MMKII, @Oneiros, do you think we can make it work? (Probably not, at least if we plan to do anything else this year.)
He's saying that in MfD, Lee's weights are storage scrolls that have people in them. Dead people, presumably, otherwise this would probably be a huge revolution in sealing.
Incidentally, this explains why Team Guy is so loathe to kill. Guy makes them add anyone they kill to their weights, so killing tons of ninja like we do would cause them to be severely slowed down by all the added weight.
[alert=Thread Policy]

From this post onward there was quite the discussion on what to do with Transphobes, and they all veered towards ways to kill them. That is not the kind of thing we wish to see on Sufficient Velocity. You may despise a hate-group, and you may clearly wish them ill or even wish for their death, but you cannot do so in a public setting and you cannot do so on Sufficient Velocity.

This time, you all get off with this Alert Modpost telling you not to do it again, but I am hopeful there will not be a next time.

Have a nice day.
Ah, I see. Acknowledged.
So @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail In the original version of the rules Keiko's Monomanical (from Frozen Skein) was used on Summoning, allowing her to purchase levels in the skill with (Int x 3) instead of (Int x 1). But in the new rules there seems to have been no equivalent of an XP bump for Keiko, either in the Summoning Stunt (she still spend 250XP) or the Summoning Skill (she still spends 2x normal XP). Is there some other buff that was alloted to her so that she uses Monomanical for Summoning that I'm missing?

Also, is there any particular benefit to leveling the Summoning Skill? FMPOV the skill is just an XP sink since it doesn't seem to give Keiko anything...
About Hazou's problems...Neira said this about herself:

"The thing to take away from this lesson is that each of the things I said was a tiny kernel of truth wrapped in an enormous lie. Everyone has flaws—personally, I have a superiority complex and a desire for control which together result in difficulty forming long-term relationships." She half-smiled, the gesture tinged with self-mockery. "I'm working on it.

Sounds like she should have some insight into his problems, we should have him go talk to her about his break up and problems.
Stunt: Forged in Fire
Cost: 20XP
  • Aspect with the word "Idealist", "Idealistic", et. al in it
  • At least 3 Thousand Yard Stare points
The user has seen some of the worst humanity has to offer and come out with a drive to make things better.

Instead of applying to Intimidation, Thousand Yard Stare applies to Rapport and Empathy.

If the user loses the aspect with "Idealistic" in it, it is QM fiat as to whether they keep this stunt or not.

Note: TYS does not apply to Intimidation any longer, and applies to one additional skill, for a net gain of +1 skills
tl;dr 20XP cost, TYS applies to Rapport/Empathy, not Intimidate.
XP Cost: 20


  • Aspect with the word "Idealist", "Idealistic", et. al in it
  • At least 3 Thousand Yard Stare points
The user has seen some of the worst humanity has to offer and come out with a drive to make things better.Instead of applying to Intimidation, Thousand Yard Stare applies to Rapport and Empathy.
If the user loses the aspect with "Idealistic" in it, it is QM fiat as to whether they keep this stunt or not.

its a stunt.
The problem with casino seals is that it may take literal weeks, weeks we don't really have, and then some time further to modify the casino seals into something we can use in combat.
So @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail In the original version of the rules Keiko's Monomanical (from Frozen Skein) was used on Summoning, allowing her to purchase levels in the skill with (Int x 3) instead of (Int x 1). But in the new rules there seems to have been no equivalent of an XP bump for Keiko, either in the Summoning Stunt (she still spend 250XP) or the Summoning Skill (she still spends 2x normal XP). Is there some other buff that was alloted to her so that she uses Monomanical for Summoning that I'm missing?

Also, is there any particular benefit to leveling the Summoning Skill? FMPOV the skill is just an XP sink since it doesn't seem to give Keiko anything...

It may be too late with canon OP Summons in this story, but it would make sense to me if something about summons power was limited by Summoning skill. Ex: maximum chakra they can bring when summoned, skill caps based off the Summoning skills. It'd be hand-waved away as "efficiency" of the summons and/or link based off the Summoner's skill in doing so. And then the capstone reward for the skill would be the ability to manifest the boss summons.

Probably too late to make such a change without invalidating the Chunin exams and Kage reactions to a Summoner, but I digress.
Also on the topic of XP, are we getting Hazou Forged in Fire?
We're gonna need that leftover XP for jutsu and whatnot, so probably after the tournament.

We should use some of our ludicrous gambling winnings to hire ourselves out on a month long training mission afterwards at some point (perhaps after seeing how our first few missions as chunin go).

We need to address some secondary issues with our build that may cause problems. Namely, our chakra reserves are SHIT across the board (Nobby could even use a couple levels in this really), and even with the 3-4 levels of alertness we plan on getting before the tourny break, we should try to up the godstat to a solid 40.
Pure Combat Build

High-Tier Stats:
1/+ Attack skill (taijutsu, ninjutsu, ranged/melee weapons, combat genjutsu)

Mid-Tier Stats:
Edit: Empathy (for coverage of social defenses)
Edit: 1 of Rapport/Deceit (for coverage of social defenses)
Resolve (for coverage of social defenses)
Chakra Reserves
0/+ Back-up Attack skill (definitely positive if higher is not 2+)

Low Tier
Edit: Examination
1 of Craft-traps/cracking
0/+ Utility nin/genjutsu.

A skill-based bloodline user adds bloodline skill as mid/high tier (and high combat technique likely a derivative of bloodline technique)

A combat-sealmaster adds sealing to high-tier, and craft calligraphy as mid-tier, + stunt

A combat-technique hacker adds technique hacking as high-tier, + stunt

A combat med-nin adds med-nin and med-know as mid/high-tier (high combat is likely chakra scalpel or equivalent)

I'd like to compose rules for several different kinds of builds, then toss them all into a rules based build generator that takes in XP and qualitative descriptions and outputs a variety of plausible builds fitting that description.

I plan on prototyping with combat builds, but see a use case for social builds, as well as other non-combat themed builds.
Last edited:
Historically, we've never gotten bonus XP, even when learning jutsu from Jiraiya(we may have gotten a speed boost on learning our first element, like 5 weeks instead of 10?). If we do get one, great, but I'm not banking on it. I'm a big fan of researching casino seals and using them in a haptic harness for boosting Alertness, but I suspect in this system that will mean buying a stunt so not sure if it's XP efficient in the short term, but it would boost N+K, too. Agreed on tailoring XP expenditure based on opponents.

As for the Aburame, explaining it to Shikaku would be sufficient to have him convince them on our behalf. Knowing more about Ami would be great. There's no doing this without clearing it with Jiraiya first though, so I expect he would handle the vetting. Isn't it great being the hokage's kid and brother to a Nara betrothed? Important points to keep hashing out, thanks for bringing them up.

As for Hazou, I don't think any meta resolutions on our part will be enough. They'll certainly help, but he needs to start fixing the damage already there and laying groundwork to mitigate the next inevitable screw up. Really hope I can get people on board because these things are like unhealing social consequences at this point.
I think we did get bonus XP that one time we asked Mari for "Training from Hell." , but most of our training in the past has been dome over these mini-timeskip things from week to week, we werent actually playing these out.

Actually playing these out and coming up with good training ideas should give us 1-2 extra XP/day by fiat of:
1) Coming up with interesting training ideas
2) Adhering to the word counts (by all accounts, this is just bonus XP, I don't see it being calculated any differently on the sheets atm).

So I think it behooves us to do the above. If we train in certain ways (Blindfighting, use HLaM for dodging, etc.) we may get free Aspect tags or something in battle even.

I'm sort of doubtful "Convincing Shikaku to do it" is a tangible solution on the computer thing, when:

1) Shikaku likely won't be convinced to expend that political capital, even if we explain correctly and he understands
2) We are explicitly barred from just info-dumping science and technology into Haozu's head that he could not have previously though of.

So a combination of 1 and 2 above would prevent this from going forward IMO.

And yes, we need to start having Hazou be less bad at people. It is starting to get tiresome.

Many of the situations which cause him to do this, however, are ultimately brought about somehow on our end (as a deliberate choice or by mistake).

So as long as we take care not to do this, he should be able to make tangible progress to this effect as long as we have him try.
It's easy. The way I see it, when we'll sign the scroll, one of these two things is going to happen:
  1. We will appear in the Condors' territory.
    • All is well: Pangolins control all and assign us some Condor summons.
  2. We will appear next to the Condors' leader, who is on the run.
    • All is well: We deal with him and proceed as per Option 1, except with an added bonus of having done a huge favour to the Pangolins. (Dealing with the Boss Summon is left as an exercise to the reader.)
In fact! The Condors' leader is currently cut off from his troops, alone and desperate, but he is still a Boss Summon. These things are exceptionally powerful and ancient, which means they hold a great deal of valuable knowledge and secrets — and Condors' leader would be very willing to part with them for assistance right now. Opportunities to confront one of these things in such a weak state probably don't come up more often than once in a lifetime. But how can we use it?

(Brief digression: I honestly think that leveraging the Summon Realm is our best shot at figuring out the secrets of global importance, be that the truth behind chakra, the Sage, or the Watchers — if there are actually any such secrets. Mainly because it's isolated and hard to access: it means we wouldn't have to worry about ahem consequences of our actions quite so much, and it means that Human Realm-relevant secrets wouldn't have been hidden as well there as they are on the Human Realm itself.)

The idea would be to catch him for Leaf, not for the Pangolins or the Toads (since they'd likely forbid us from interacting with him, or just kill him), but our personal resources in the Summon Realm are very limited. Keiko is likely out, since she isn't a Kage-level combatant yet and she doesn't have any Pangolins who are loyal to her first and foremost. Which leaves two avenues of attack: the scroll-signer, and Jiraiya with the Toads personally loyal to him (unless he doesn't have any of those?). Hmm.

One option is to have Mari, or another social specialist, sign the scroll, and then either a) directly fish/negotiate for information, or b) signal location and stall for time until Jiraiya arrives with assault group, or c) convince the Condors' leader to get summoned to the Human Realm, in which it will be ambushed and interrogated. (Can Sasuke cast Tsukuyomi yet, and if he can't, can we help him learn?)

@MMKII, @Oneiros, do you think we can make it work? (Probably not, at least if we plan to do anything else this year.)
The condor scroll (as I see it) is most valuable as a bargaining chip with the Pangolins. I see dealing with the boss summon as a Really Big Problem.

Until we get rid of the boss summon, I don't think we can sign the scroll and use it.

Regardless, this is something we can figure out when we have the scroll in hand. Worst case scenario: we keep it somewhere under lock and key and haggle the Pangolins into giving us a big pile of free shit in return.