How do Earth dome seals need to be oriented wrt each other? My imagination says they need to be at ground level, no more than 10 m apart, and in order to activate the space which the dome will occupy (30 cm thick hollow hemispherical shell with outer diameter given by the line between the seals) must be free.

I wonder if two seals attached to Kunai and thrown about an enemy could successfully operate. Would need to remote activate, perhaps by attached wire or clever LBF.
How do Earth dome seals need to be oriented wrt each other? My imagination says they need to be at ground level, no more than 10 m apart, and in order to activate the space which the dome will occupy (30 cm thick hollow hemispherical shell with outer diameter given by the line between the seals) must be free.

I wonder if two seals attached to Kunai and thrown about an enemy could successfully operate. Would need to remote activate, perhaps by attached wire or clever LBF.
Hm. Good point... I don't think they have to be on level ground as long as there's nothing that interposes itself between the seals.

Definitely something worth considering scattering about the field for Round 2.
With that attitude, maybe. Myself, I prefer not to wait that long.

Nothing's stopped the other QMs from voting for things they want to have happen. It just means your vote won't be counted :p
So, in terms of likelyhood of it getting voted in... no different from normal?

I can assure you that at this time I am not engaging in any conspiracies with a QM to advance a specific goal of influencing the thread. I also have no plans to join such a conspiracy in the future
You can assure me of that, but I'll note that you didnt.

[X] Rock Lee gives Hazo dating advice
[X] Hiashi reacts to Neji's duplication
I note that a particularly savvy, dashing, and kindly QM could offer XP incentives for writing the kinds of plans they prefer. For instance, by rewarding us highly in the aftermath of them. :whistle:
[X] The Adventures of Noburi's Exes, Zabuza and Yuno, as Narrated by Yuki Yukino

[x] Noburi stops getting Noburi'd and finallySURPASSES his Noburis and becomes THE Noburi he was NOBURI'D to be

[X] Noburi Anything At All

Y'know, I'd absolutely LOVE to see Noburi get another sidestory!

Inside the mind of a rational young ladykiller/charismatic walking Gatorade machine with the best jokes(Ninja Kool-Aid Man)/bear-mode heir to the Hokage hat who's modest about being swole-mode?

Hell yeah! Hope my boy Rock Lee gets one too, that'd be lit.

Question: Is Rockley intentionally harassing people or is he just socially awkward? Why do I feel like Guy did this to him? Why is Guy so normal in that case?
Adhoc vote count started by Noumero on Aug 2, 2018 at 7:04 PM, finished with 728 posts and 21 votes.
  • 40

    [x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
    [X] Akane's and Ino's reactions to the breakup
    [X] What it'd be like if Noburi had the hivemind instead.
    [x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance
    [x] Rock Lee gives Hazo dating advice
    [X] What's happening in Hidden Mountain
    [X] Akatsuki's Book: A Summary
    [X] Hiashi reacts to Neji's disqualification
    [X] The Adventures of Zabuza and Yuno
    [X] The Death of Hiruzen Sarutobi
    [X] The Adventures of Zabuza and Yukino
    [X] The Telescope Salesman's Journey to Mist
    [x] AU Interlude: Hazou spontaneously remembers all aborted timelines: The Youthsuit Incident, The First Death of Minami, The Second Event's Unlimited Sealing Failures In A Doomed Fortress, Hot & Drunk & Anonymous Disaster
    [X] Akane and Ino break up
    [x] Take some free time to finally go talk to Hana properly about everything and see what information she can offer.
    [X] Flashback to what the Fourth Event looked like with no henges.
    [X] Tales from the Crypt QM Chat, manifested as Kagome's dreams
    [X] Naruto Civilization Quest: How Hivemind Ren's Plan is Working Thus Far
    [x] Noburi stops getting Noburi'd and finally SURPASSES his Noburis and becomes THE Noburi he was NOBURI'D to be
    [X] The Adventures of Noburi's Exes, Zabuza and Yuno, as Narrated by Yuki Yukino
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[x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)

Sounds like a fun idea for an interlude. @OliWhail @eaglejarl @Velorien If possible I'd enjoy something from Hana's perspective, since she's part of 'ex-clans' and we haven't gotten a chance to see her since the start of the exams.​
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[X] Rock Lee gives Hazo dating advice
[x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
[x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance
By the way, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail bravo on writing Hazou; not to speak for others too much, but I've noticed many aside from myself that're attached to Hana, and that's credit quite a bit to making us feel what Hazou feels toward her.

I mean if we're buttering up the QMs here to get better results in the next couple rounds of punching this is one of the quests that got me into SV, so hi everyone!