That should depend entirely on the consequence in question, in my opinion. It makes sense that someone blinded by pangolin pepper dust, deafened by a Banshee, or distracted by some Mental consequence (like having been recently dumped by his girfriend, as a completely hypothetical example) would receive an Alertness malus. You could argue that pain is distracting, but adrenaline and plain old focus can counteract that temporarily.

Ultimately, it's up to the QMs to decide. If it were me, I wouldn't let the Cut Heel malus apply to Alertness, but I would also permit an Aspect like "My Teammates Might Betray Me" to affect Initiative.
I mean, if they want us to traumatize all of the other genin we can...
I think affecting Alertness might be context sensitive. A wound wouldn't likely affect your ability to spot a trap as you cautiously move through a hallway, for instance. But Alertness in the context of initiative is more about who reacts faster, being something like reflexes - someone that has a wound that would slow down their ability to react quickly would likely be penalized.

What the person intends to do might also matter. Someone who just intends to cast a jutsu without moving might be ok, but someone intending to move could be penalized. Mind you, moves aren't necessarily determined in advance since initiative differences will determine what someone does in reaction to what the people ahead of them do, so the QMs might just apply the penalty regardless to save on headaches.

I think it is to the players' ultimate advantage to have the GMs interpret injury penalties narrowly rather than broadly.
I still think we should employ the (presumably) captured word halves as leverage to get people to show.

-We find out about Shikamaru's team attack bullshit
- Get everyone together in the mess hall.
- Ok, play stupid games win stupid prizes
- - Threaten to burn word halves to get people to show up
- - Burn 1/3 of Red Team word halves on the spot (uniformly distributed amongst teams)
- - - Verbally start calling out their names/villages
- - - Throw Choji's name in there, gives an appearance we actually had a scuffle with ISC
- - - Congrats, 1/3 of you all have just failed event 1. Enjoy your -200 points or more of penalties
- - - Point: We mean business.
- - We will put 1/3 of RT word halves in the lockbox with incendiary devices
- - - Better hope that our assigned red team doesn't fuck this up.
- - - Point: If you don't all work together to take us out, and have us disarm this, most of you are fucked.
- - We will burn 3 word halves every ten minutes after the 2 hour preptime limit is up.
- - - Yeah, and don't dick around coming to the party we planned. Fashionably late means a fashionable amount of points lost.
- - - Point: No obscene 5 hour wait until the battle. It starts 2 hours after sundown, sharp.

Insert spiel about how we expect to crush them all, have doubts about their strength, etc. We are the second coming of the Sannin, etc.
Really throw the fucking gauntlet down. If they don't show up to the party we're planning, make it look like theyre spineless weaksauce, and make sure it makes their greater villages look like spineless wimps as well.

We should also promise Blue Teams in Round 2 we will return their word halves after they get put on our team.

Not only do we give everyone a great incentive to show up to the fight, but we give everyone an incentive to actually work together to do so instead of splintering off and pulling their own nonsense.

This probably costs us as far as public opinion goes, but I'll be honest here and say thats not really something I care about compared to us getting to the tournament.

Remember when the exams were going to be an opportunity to cultivate mutual respect, cooperation, and nonviolent conflict resolution among the villages?

Well, I guess superteam red kind of counts.
That should depend entirely on the consequence in question, in my opinion. It makes sense that someone blinded by pangolin pepper dust, deafened by a Banshee, or distracted by some Mental consequence (like having been recently dumped by his girfriend, as a completely hypothetical example) would receive an Alertness malus. You could argue that pain is distracting, but adrenaline and plain old focus can counteract that temporarily.

Ultimately, it's up to the QMs to decide. If it were me, I wouldn't let the Cut Heel malus apply to Alertness, but I would also permit an Aspect like "My Teammates Might Betray Me" to affect Initiative.

I think its context dependent, but "Moderate Consequences:Injured Heel" should impede the ability to react to things, IMO.

Remember when the exams were going to be an opportunity to cultivate mutual respect, cooperation, and nonviolent conflict resolution among the villages?

Well, I guess superteam red kind of counts.
I dont view this as the political nuclear-waste that everyones making it out to be. We're talking some smack before a competition. This is something that you can work around, especially given our previous behavior towards all and taking into account that this benefits both our team (the Team with likely the most diverse group of ninja, background wise) and Shikas team as well.

It seems a little naïve to me to assume that everyone will get a massive hate-on for us after doing this. At worst they might be a little passive agressive.

Something we definitely should do to show theres no hard feelings and encourage cooperation between villages: Try to get a significant portion of ninja still remaining to go out for barbecue or food after the Events are over. Let them no theres no hard feelings (apologize for the cutthroat stuff if necessary) and bond over a nice dinner. Just like we did right before Event 5 with the minor villages except on a larger scale.
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I think its context dependent, but "Moderate Consequences:Injured Heel" should impede the ability to react to things, IMO.

I dont view this as the political nuclear-waste that everyones making it out to be. We're talking some smack before a competition. This is not something that you cant work around, especially given our previous behavior towards all and taking into account that this benefits both our team (the Team with likely the most diverse group of ninja, background wise) and Shikas team as well.

It seems a little naïve to me to assume that everyone will get a massive hate-on for us after doing this. At worst they might be a little passive agressive.

Something we definitely should do to show theres no hard feelings and encourage cooperation between villages: Try to get a significant portion of ninja still remaining to go out for barbecue or food after the Events are over. Let them no theres no hard feelings (apologize for the cutthroat stuff if necessary) and bond over a nice dinner. Just like we did right before Event 5 with the minor villages except on a larger scale.

I will counterpoint that a lot of our peers (not all, absolutely, but a fair number) are taking these exams very seriously, 'cause they were normal Genin before and haven't been in enough life-or-death situations to reset their expectations of how important things are; on top of that, they've been told that they're the best of their Villages and need to make a good showing to make their home, which they've been taught is the most important thing, look good so they can prosper (heck, is that so different to our "we absolutely need to win 'cause Leaf politics" thing?). Yes, a fair number of our biggest competitors are our fellows who treat this as exactly what it is, but those folks are the ones most likely to see though both our clever plan and our manipulative attempts to make friends afterwards.

(Now, we're not actually trying to trick or betray them - by many standards, we really aren't being manipulative - but they're unlikely to see it that way, because cutthroat ninja deathworld)
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Gosh, so paranoid. Can't we just give them a nice celebratory dinner afterwards without so much suspicion?
I will counterpoint that a lot of our peers (not all, absolutely, but a fair number) are taking these exams very seriously, 'cause they were normal Genin before and haven't been in enough life-or-death situations to reset their expectations of how important things are; on top of that, they've been told that they're the best of their Villages and need to make a good showing to make their home, which they've been taught is the most important thing, look good so they can prosper (heck, is that so different to our "we absolutely need to win 'cause Leaf politics" thing?). Yes, a fair number of our biggest competitors are our fellows who treat this as exactly what it is, but those folks are the ones most likely to see though both our clever plan and our manipulative attempts to make friends afterwards.

(Now, we're not actually trying to trick or betray them - by many standards, we really aren't being manipulative - but they're unlikely to see it that way, because cutthroat ninja deathworld)
I dont think its worth playing nice to the benefit of the portion of the population who will flip out at us for this, when it strengthens our relationship significantly with many minor nations close to us.

If you go to the map and shade in Mist, Leaf, Sand , Hotsprings, their/our allied nations and the minor nations in our team at the moment, this will represent a significant chunk of mostly confinuous land (modulo water). Even if we arent full allied but are all on very friendly trade terms, this would allow some very nice and very fluid trade through the region that would enrich all these nations.

I also think its better to prioritize making medium progress with fewer political entities than making slight progress with many political entities, and I see this as a step in this direction.
I dont think its worth playing nice to the benefit of the portion of the population who will flip out at us for this, when it strengthens our relationship significantly with many minor nations close to us.

If you go to the map and shade in Mist, Leaf, Sand , Hotsprings, their/our allied nations and the minor nations in our team at the moment, this will represent a significant chunk of mostly confinuous land (modulo water). Even if we arent full allied but are all on very friendly trade terms, this would allow some very nice and very fluid trade through the region that would enrich all these nations.

I also think its better to prioritize making medium progress with fewer political entities than making slight progress with many political entities, and I see this as a step in this direction.

I'm not confident that it will strengthen our position overmuch, so it seems like a much riskier strategy with less payoff (especially since having the word-halves is very likely to be worth some points, so burning them feels rather wasteful).
I'm not confident that it will strengthen our position overmuch, so it seems like a much riskier strategy with less payoff (especially since having the word-halves is very likely to be worth some points, so burning them feels rather wasteful).
As @Enjou pointed out we dont even need to burn the actual word halves. Make some fake ones and burn a storage scroll full of them. The fact that we're burning something worth a month of their salaries should be eye opening enough to convince them we arent fucking around.

Most everyone who could see through a possible deceit attempt on our part is already in on the ploy (our current team).

We get all the benefits of burning the word halves and doing the come at me bro thing, but we also still have the word halves if theyre worth points. We only stand to gain from this.
Why do we need to burn anything at all? It seems y'all're caught up in the drama of that, but it's not really necessary.

Just say that we will have all of their word halves there.

e: Ah, I guess we should say that we'll burn every two minutes once the hourglass goes off. Put some spring in their step.

But I was referring to while we're at the barracks, it's not really necessary to.
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Keep in mind that, no matter how we present ourselves, we're essentially flipping the event table with the intention of booting all the non-Leaf top teams out of tournament contention. They're going to be upset with us no matter what if we succeed. Sure, the exam is explicitly competitive, but that won't stop people from resenting us for stealing their tournament spots at the last minute. I wouldn't expect any of them to attend our conciliatory barbecue afterwards, and some of them might end up holding a grudge.

So, if we're planning to be assholes during the break, it might permanently close some opportunities for dialogue with Rock, Cloud, Sand, Waterfall, Hot Springs, etc ninja.
I mean we already have the start of an international coalition. The members of our and Shikamaru team have decided to join the conspiracy. We should work on strengthening those bonds + Mist/Sand.
Why do we need to burn anything at all? It seems y'all're caught up in the drama of that, but it's not really necessary.

Just say that we will have all of their word halves there.

e: Ah, I guess we should say that we'll burn every two minutes once the hourglass goes off. Put some spring in their step.

But I was referring to while we're at the barracks, it's not really necessary to.
Im cool with making the threat of burning during the event. The burning in the barracks thing is just to let them know we arent bluffing.
Im cool with making the threat of burning during the event. The burning in the barracks thing is just to let them know we arent bluffing.
I don't think that's necessary as long as we let Shikamaru in on that. He and his team can make the threat seem real without us being rude.
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Which is why the Consequence wouldn't be constantly there.

Eh...they mostly stay on the track they're on. Physical Consequences work mostly on combat-related skills, whereas Mental Consequences work mostly on social-related skills.

Eh, thinking about it more neither injury wouldn't continuously hurt. Even with heel slices, unless you completely immobilize the ankle you'll have skin stretching/movement which really freaking hurts AND will not heal without immobilization as the borders won't be approximated. There's no way ninja are going into combat with frozen/casted ankles, so they'll be in significant pain if they're on their feet. EVEN if they stay on the balls of their feet, the second they move their ankles they'll reopen the wounds/prevent healing

Edit: now I'm imagining teams of ninja scooting around on wheelchairs.
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So im good on the

Tree Throwing +Clone Airbus + Aerial Goo Bomb Spray gambits.

How do we feel about:

1)the underground tunnel (or a big tunnel system dug by Pangolins) as an escape route and to set up ambushes under the safe path through the trapfield
2) Having a duo or trio of pangolins hang back around the appointed time and attack the assault force from behind (targetting key players)
Don't forget we are doing extra credit work to make sure we get into the top 16 teams. Other teams would be more focused on doing the objective and going against their respective blue teams.
I remember some jokes about throwing half-rotten yelling burning carcasses of megalodons at Zabuza... Can we do something like that? Have Pandamonium throw trees with attached Earbusters, Youthenizers, and clones with Goo Bombs, so that our opposition has to deal with us flinging screaming exploding trees deploying suicide goo-bombers at them?

That would be crazy awesome.
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