I still think we should employ the (presumably) captured word halves as leverage to get people to show.
-We find out about Shikamaru's team attack bullshit
- Get everyone together in the mess hall.
- Ok, play stupid games win stupid prizes
- - Threaten to burn word halves to get people to show up
- - Burn 1/3 of Red Team word halves on the spot (uniformly distributed amongst teams)
- - - Verbally start calling out their names/villages
- - - Throw Choji's name in there, gives an appearance we actually had a scuffle with ISC
- - - Congrats, 1/3 of you all have just failed event 1. Enjoy your -200 points or more of penalties
- - - Point: We mean business.
- - We will put 1/3 of RT word halves in the lockbox with incendiary devices
- - - Better hope that our assigned red team doesn't fuck this up.
- - - Point: If you don't all work together to take us out, and have us disarm this, most of you are fucked.
- - We will burn 3 word halves every ten minutes after the 2 hour preptime limit is up.
- - - Yeah, and don't dick around coming to the party we planned. Fashionably late means a fashionable amount of points lost.
- - - Point: No obscene 5 hour wait until the battle. It starts 2 hours after sundown, sharp.
Insert spiel about how we expect to crush them all, have doubts about their strength, etc. We are the second coming of the Sannin, etc.
Really throw the fucking gauntlet down. If they don't show up to the party we're planning, make it look like theyre spineless weaksauce, and make sure it makes their greater villages look like spineless wimps as well.
We should also promise Blue Teams in Round 2 we will return their word halves after they get put on our team.
Not only do we give everyone a great incentive to show up to the fight, but we give everyone an incentive to actually work together to do so instead of splintering off and pulling their own nonsense.
This probably costs us as far as public opinion goes, but I'll be honest here and say thats not really something I care about compared to us getting to the tournament.