Omit Needless Words
Well, never technically lying has some game-theoretic advantages (e. g., a reputation of upholding deals and following through on precommitments), so that part makes sense. As to his surface-level argument about not betraying allies, not sure.I honestly have no clue what he's thinking here. His argument is that he can't be seen betraying people due to long-term effects on his clan's reputation, but it's going to be super obvious after round 2 that he, in fact, did betray the red teams, if everything goes our way.
I think we have some options in terms of preventing a multi-pronged attack. We could, for example, loudly announce that in the interest of making things easier for all the cowards from other villages, we're going to be leaving a nice and wide path towards our site, and littering the rest of the area with lethal traps. At least in principle, it'd be quite difficult to blame us for someone dying after walking into said traps afterwards.
Maybe he was just placating our teammates? His deal included leaving them their half-words and sparing them personally in R2. Perhaps he is perfectly willing to betray STR for us because of long-term advantages, but he thought he had to convince our temporary teammates that he never betrays, to buy their trust. It would make sense, especially if we're assuming that his hostile demeanor was an act too.
Regarding funneling STR's attack, not sure either. If someone dies, it will be a political disaster, were they suicidally stupid or not. And given the chaos of a ~40-ninja battle... I wouldn't risk it.
Edit: I mean, if we could have Jiraiya get all Kages to agree to it, like they did with the lockbox's defences...
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