That's a possible solution.

I'm not sure what else we can do about it. Thinking about it now... it's pretty clear that being low on fate points at all (even the five Noburi has would last him only a single fight) means you pretty immediately die to the second person who has any, even of substantially lower skill.
So... I'm seeing a problem here, as we stomp these people into the dirt:

Unless we're given very generous FP rewards, we're going FP-negative here.

If we run out of FP, we die just as surely as if we run out of CP. More surely, in fact, because boosting only provides a single aspect bonus.
I think your image of generous is skewed here; I quite honestly think we should be getting +1 FP to basically every combat we win here.

Consider the following:

Would you give FP for winning Let the Bodies Hit The Floor? Noburi's Social Combat on Chapter 20? Hot Springs Incident? Arikada Takedown? Our sparring exercises?

If you said yes to literally any of those, than we should get some pretty generous FP rewards, because this one combat engagement was of similar size, if not bigger, to every single one of the above listed.

And we're going to have three more of these.
I think your image of generous is skewed here; I quite honestly think we should be getting +1 FP to basically every combat we win here.

Consider the following:

Would you give FP for winning Let the Bodies Hit The Floor? Noburi's Social Combat on Chapter 20? Hot Springs Incident? Arikada Takedown? Our sparring exercises?

If you said yes to literally any of those, than we should get some pretty generous FP rewards, because this one combat engagement was of similar size, if not bigger, to every single one of the above listed.

And we're going to have three more of these.
Even if we get +1 FP for every combat we win (which we do), Hazou used 3 fate points here. That's a net -2.
I think your image of generous is skewed here; I quite honestly think we should be getting +1 FP to basically every combat we win here.

Consider the following:

Would you give FP for winning Let the Bodies Hit The Floor? Noburi's Social Combat on Chapter 20? Hot Springs Incident? Arikada Takedown? Our sparring exercises?

If you said yes to literally any of those, than we should get some pretty generous FP rewards, because this one combat engagement was of similar size, if not bigger, to every single one of the above listed.

And we're going to have three more of these.
But we have been spending more then 1 FP on each of these fights on average.
Man. I was originally thinking of going with one of the breakup prompts, but this is just so tempting...

This being a dream scenario you could justify doing many non-sensical things, like having the dream start with Akane engaged to Hazo and living in the clan compound when tragedy strikes: Akane breaks up with Hazo because he left up the toilet lid one too many times and he becomes so depressed that Jiraiya has but no choice to order Keiko to introduce Ami to him for Completely Benign Reasons That Keiko's Brain Blanked Out. And then it just goes from there...

"Hold up," Noburi said.

Good Guy Noburi spots the trap and, while it is in-character for Keiko not to comment on it, I do hope someone in the group showed his appreciation so he doesn't back slide into his low esteem past self. (I do admit to sometimes underestimating him myself.)

"Okay, we're not going up through that," Hazō muttered, clearly to himself. "How about this...."
Still, no one had asked him and the Summoner's eldest brother had been excited.

On the one hand, it is nice seeing Hazo Browsing The Thread going deep into the Hivemind Voice without our input but on the other hand it looks like that he might have another addiction problem as he seems to have swapped his fetish of making lists with coming up with high risk, adrenaline laden plans. I wonder where he got that? Certainly not from us. We are the Voice of Reason. ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ) Good table, just stay where you are.

Even with the combined physical and metaphysical abilities of the tessera, it had taken an embarrassingly long time to get the tunnels dug to the correct points; Pankurashun fully intended to rectify this glaring weakness in his subordinates' performance. Lovely visions of punishment drill danced in his brain as, with outward equanimity, he silently counted down until the attack. He stood before the south wall of the bunker, the Gomi and Haga humans crouching against the wall on either side of him. They stank worse than most humans and he was fairly sure that they were not maintaining an accurate count.

Loving the pangolin PoVs by the way. Such a nice glimpse into their alien minds.

"Let's go." He stepped through the hole after Haga and demolished the north wall, giving them access to the hallway. (Sure, he could have walked through the door, but it was a little narrow and he didn't feel like turning sideways.)

...but not so alien that he doesn't appreciate showboating like us humans do.

Unfortunately, Kato had been a little overeager, launching his tag before she was clear so that some of the goo spotted her tail. Still, she would let it go; the poor thing was utterly untrained for combat, and doubtlessly he was just excited about being able to contribute.

Guys, where is your usual paranoia? Kato obviously tried to take out Pangaya! Quick to the Paranoia Kagome Mobile and lets come up with ways to assassinate him without arousing suspicion.

Fortunately, the sandy-haired boy dove for cover when he saw Doigama release the seal, not waiting to see where it would land. He ducked back into the office, getting into the corner beside the door so that the blast shadow would protect him from the expected shower of goo.

Which, as it turned out, was not what this seal did.

The paper hit the wall and stuck there, doing nothing because it had not been activated.

Now, I realize throwing the tag is a smart idea to make the opponent dodge it even if you have no time to activate them but I just can't stop thinking of this being a scene that would fit right into Loony Tunes.

"I'm fine," he said, smiling. "Come on, let's get these guys drained and grab their word halves. Ikemoto, you mind blowing up their lockbox for me?"

Smart thinking of Hazo. Instead of searching the bodies of the unconcious ninja for the key - which they have to do anyway for word halves - we can just reduce the competition by using the only Kage approved method of killing without incurring penalties: death by tampering with the lockboxes. I am so proud of Hazo for growing up. ヽ(。_°)ノ

Poor Ikemoto, you were my favorite Wolf River ninja and you will be missed.

Good point. I have swapped the blast rings for the two tags, so the blast rings are still secret.

Shouldn't the "Hazo can't punch for toffee" tag still be in effect for anyone who hasn't seen him use his taijutsu? It doesn't matter here obviously but that and the "Fake Dossier Information" tags could come handy for the next teams.
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@eaglejarl I know you like to write punching and can't say I mind the Itachi grade XP rewards, but is the plan really to fully resolve every fight in the round? Because we're only 2/6 of the way in as of right now.

These updates are really fun, and we haven't punched in a while, but you risk overcorrecting the other way. Is that it? Is @Velorien scheming in QM chat, hoping to steer us towards diplomatic strategies for the tournament?
@eaglejarl I know you like to write punching and can't say I mind the Itachi grade XP rewards, but is the plan really to fully resolve every fight in the round? Because we're only 2/6 of the way in as of right now.

These updates are really fun, and we haven't punched in a while, but you risk overcorrecting the other way. Is that it? Is @Velorien scheming in QM chat, hoping to steer us towards diplomatic strategies for the tournament?
On that note, @eaglejarl, I strongly suggest disabling the word-count incentives on a plan for Saturday, because otherwise we can just literally copy paste the tactics section from the original rampage plan and get some sweet sweet brevity bonuses.


also if it's not too much to ask could you apocrypha this please?
On that note, @eaglejarl, I strongly suggest disabling the word-count incentives on a plan for Saturday, because otherwise we can just literally copy paste the tactics section from the original rampage plan and get some sweet sweet brevity bonuses.

I am confused as to what we should even voting? The current plan is active until the end of all combat in Round 1 and we suggested some improvements to Shikamaru's plan in-thread that I figured were canonized in @OliWhail's update (mostly offscreen).
The earliest time we would need to vote is for the rest day and Day 2 strategy proper, no?

also if it's not too much to ask could you apocrypha this please?

And possibly this please?
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As long as we get the red teams as well, punching is great!

Besides, we just got valuable intel on a team that's going to join the assault on our future base.
I would like to note that this current plan so far has us earning 10XP minimum over a period of anywhere from half an hour to two hours at the outermost, giving us a minimum XP gain rate of 5XP per hour, thus making 60XP a day.

Suck on that, Itachi.

(clearly the best way to keep this up is to ask for a friendly spar with the Mizukage, and then go have dinner with Ami)
60 xp a day is about what we are going to need to survive being anywhere near the Akatsuki when the fight starts breaking out.
Do you need to literally simulate every battle?

Besides, we just got valuable intel on a team that's going to join the assault on our future base.

See, I was going to say that too, but reading through the chapter again, it doesn't seem like we did gain much intel, really.

Reading through, we learn that:
  • Aina seems to be taijutsu based, uses a tonfa – we could have guessed from seeing that she carries one.
  • Reo has a wind jutsu that is a ranged juggle – this is actual new, useful information.
  • Sana the Blonde Girl seems to be taijutsu based, uses two swords – we could have guessed from seeing that she carries them.
  • Touma the Lightning Lad uses lightning buffed taijutsu – we already knew this.
Seems like that's it for actual tactical information. We could infer that Yui, Kotomi and Sara are less direct-combat focussed since they were manning the sentry nest, but that doesn't really tell us much. We could infer further that Touma is a bit of a sensitive sort, and also an idiot with no sense for appropriate mission focus, since he was apparently writing in his journal in the office when he should have been expecting an assault.

All that said, I really enjoyed reading the chapter, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure that 4 more of them is necessary, even if that volume of writing is reflective of the effort it takes to actually roll out the combats.
All that said, I really enjoyed reading the chapter, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure that 4 more of them is necessary, even if that volume of writing is reflective of the effort it takes to actually roll out the combats.

I think the QM should just do all the rolls and simulation and then sum it up unless something serious happen. No need to read six chapters in the row how we curb-stomped the competition.
We assaulted the second blue base before their red team opponent even got there.
Well then, hunt them down! They expect to fight a blue team, so blitzing them should be quite effective.

We learned that some of them gamed their Alertness, which means a +1 isn't going to cut it. Those we caught flat-footed and can pay the 32 XP will go for +1 Alertness, so we might need to beat 31+1 in extremis.
Our advantage is that each of these opponents only experienced one battle and can't train while unconscious. They'll gain far less XP than us.

What can Noburi tell us of their chakra reserves?

And I hope we'll get the four unused goo bombs back (3 clones, 1 Doigama throw).
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Omake: Downfall

"I just find it a bit unusual, you know. That a team from Mist knows more about the Gōketsu than their supposed allies from Leaf. Especially ones with whom they've reportedly worked before the fourth event." said Hazama in a neutral tone. It wasn't clear whether the remark was aimed at Shin, just having finished his briefing on the capabilities of the Gōketsu, or at the conspicuously silent Team Kurenai.

"Right, because we're so eager to reveal stuff they've shown us in confidence." Inuzuka Kiba didn't bother hiding his disdain for the idea. "Maybe that's how it works in other villages, but in Leaf we—"

"Kiba, you're forgetting yourself." Hyūga interrupted him firmly, without raising her voice. "There's no reason to insult our teammates, whose concern is perfectly valid. I will say, however," she continued, turning to face Hazama, "that my friend isn't entirely wrong. Were we facing a Cloud squad, I wouldn't expect you to offer the full extent of your knowledge either." Shin could see Aburame Shino, leaning against a wall to the side, offer a silent nod of agreement.

"Anything you can reveal in good conscience is fine, Hyūga" Shin was quick to intercede, seeing Hazama prepare to continue the argument. "I think our intel on them is pretty thorough, so it shouldn't be a problem either way."

The girl nodded, her expression carefully controlled, though he could sense her curiosity as to the reason for Team Downfall's (And wasn't it an appropriate name for what they were about to inflict upon their rivals?) interest in the Gōketsu. He'd need to address that eventually.

"Outside of what you've already mentioned, they are in possession of an effectively unlimited supply of explosive tags, and aren't afraid of using them en masse." she continued, "Noburi can use Syrup Trap, a short range technique that spews sticky goop over an area to immobilize enemies. Hazō's specialty, aside from Sealing, is CQC, and he's good at Taijutsu. Keiko is proficient at ranged weapons."

"The girl is the first genin summoner in recorded history, and all you can say is 'good at throwing things'?" Hazama asked incredulously. "Hazō was trained by the world's best sealmaster, and the extent of your knowledge is that they have a lot of explosive tags? Come on, throw us a bone here."

The girl pursed her lips unhappily. "I've seen them use some protective seals - ones that created a dome of earth over the user. I don't think they'll be very useful offensively. As for Keiko, I honestly do not know. I've yet to actually witness her summon any of her Pangolins."

"There wasn't much opportunity for combat after the second event." Aburame offered from behind her. "And we didn't interact with them or their fortress during said event. Why? We believed we'd be better off on our own - a decision later proven correct by our respective scores."

"I think you've given up more than enough." Shin said quickly, before another argument could start. Keeping the team cohesive and conflict-free was much more valuable than additional information about their enemies. Team Kurenai were unlikely to know anything truly important, in any case, if the Gōketsu were at all proficient at maintaining basic opsec.

"I agree." Ryūgamine interjected. "Don't mind Kyū, he gets all jittery and nervous whenever action's afoot. Starts being all paranoid, thinking of ways for everything to go wrong." He shot a teasing smile at Hazama, who just scowled in response. "I'm sure it'll be fine. We have a very strong team, a lot of actionable intel on our opponents, and it sounds like Kurosawa has the tactics figured out as well?" he turned to Shin, who felt very grateful for the lead-in. Could Ryūgamine be helping on purpose? The other boy's grin offered no easy answers.

"I do. Going back to Hazama's observation, we've indeed been paying a lot of attention to the Gōketsu. It's more of a personal matter at this point, and unrelated to the broader political situation, believe it or not."

"What, did Hazō steal your girlfriend while in the academy, or something?" Inuzuka interrupted with an obnoxious grin. Shin carefully ignored both the boy's comment and Kiri's barely concealed snort. He did not need this right now.

"Putting aside the exact nature of our relationship, I have indeed given some thought to how the Red Team we're facing should be handled. Here's what I think we should do..."


Keiko considered her destination on the building's roof, above where they'd estimated the command center would be located. She was perched on a treetop a distance away, far enough to outrange their most pessimistic estimates for Hinata's Byakugan. They weren't, strictly speaking, certain that Team Kurenai counted among their opponents, but it was a relatively safe assumption given Mist's attempts at sabotage in the exam thus far. Hazō, currently standing behind her on one of the upper branches, expected to also find Team Downfall, as well as a heavy combat team from either Cloud or Rock, waiting for them at the site.

Truthfully, it didn't matter much, Keiko mused as she waited for the rest of her team to get into position below. There wasn't a combination of squads left in the exam even theoretically capable of standing up to the force her team were about to unleash upon the opposition. A ghost of a smile touched her lips at the thought. If the proctors expected to effectively stack the deck against her in a combat test, they were in for a very rude awakening.

Seeing her clan-brother give the signal, she refocused, and felt the familiar pinprick of pain as she cut her thumb on a shuriken in her pouch. "Wind Element: Vacuum Step" she whispered. She barely had the time to register the peculiar feeling of being pulled by the technique's effect, before she found herself on the roof, hand already in position for the next step of her assault. The defending team had done their best to clear Substitution targets around the facility and block paths with abattises they'd set up around it. Unfortunately for them, her technique ignored all of these preparations. Nor would they hinder the ground assault team, who would simply clear them with explosive tags.

"Pangolin Summoning Technique: Pandamonium!" she exclaimed, feeling the etheric channel open as several tons of armored murderball were materialized next to her. Following the plan, the pangolin immediately gestured at the roof, and a piece of it was stripped away, forming into a ball in his hand, allowing Keiko to drop a primed tag into the resulting hole.

With a measure of satisfaction, she could see Hyūga Hinata faceplant into the cyan goop now covering the room below, her attempt at escape backfiring spectacularly. No such luck for the other person caught within the Goo Bomb's radius, it seemed like, as she felt the air around her spark with coalescing electric charge. She immediately rolled sideways, managing to completely avoid the pillar of lightning now occupying the space where she had been standing just a second ago. Pandamonium wasn't quite as fast, and she could hear a grunt of pain as one of the yellow tendrils snaked up his leg; nonetheless, he shrugged the hit off without any visible damage.

Taking a moment to look in the direction of the approaching assault force, she was again surprised at just how fast the massive pangolins could cover distance when curled into a ball. Pangaya had simply rolled over enemy fortifications, and she and Pankurashun were making their way up to the roof, ahead of the Blue Team's response. Said roof, of course, was merely waist high for the largest members of her tessera; it was a marvel it was holding up under their weight as well as it did.

Keiko wasn't normally much for triumphant smiles, but she was starting to see the appeal. Things were proceeding exactly according to Hazō's plan.


The Iron Nerve was convenient in a lot of ways; throughout his life as a ninja, Shin had grown to prize the sheer utility of his Bloodline almost above the combat advantages in granted him. Right now, it let him project perfect confidence to his teammates, taking care to show none of the nervousness that gnawed at him as the hourglass slowly emptied and the enemy attack grew nearer.

This really was it. The culmination of all of their hard work and preparation. It seemed so long ago that he stood before his clan head in her private quarters, vowing to knock the traitors out of the exam for the sake of clan and village. And while his view of the Gōketsu had since become more nuanced, the burning need to win was still there. To show Hazō that it took more to change the world than some pretty words about peace and cooperation. That the reality of what he'd done, what they'd done, in abandoning Mist, was not so easily ignored.

They did give the Gōketsu a bloody nose during the fourth event, but that had been accomplished with the assistance of both proctors and other candidates, eager to target the top-ranked team. He still found the rather blatant cheating distasteful, though necessary in hindsight. This event, however, had given him what he wanted all this time - an opportunity to personally knock the newly minted "children" of the Hokage out of the exam with his own hands. There would be no excuses, no cries of unfairness afterwards. A total victory, just as he'd envisioned.

Now, they just needed to actually win, he thought, as the last grains of sand trickled out of the top half of the hourglass. He was confident in his plan, as long as everyone did what they were told, everything should be—


Shin was in motion before his conscious mind processed Hyuga's cry of warning, moving towards the exit with Ryūgamine right behind him. The building shook as if someone was dropping boulders on its roof, though he couldn't see any structural damage from the inside. The easily recognizable sound of an explosive tag being detonated somewhere outside confirmed that an attack was underway. But how did the enemy get to the roof this quickly, undeterred by the fortifications and undetected by Hyuga's sensory bloodline?

Shin shook the confusion off as he and Ryūgamine moved out the door and immediately onto the roof. Distantly, he heard a shout of "Earth Release: Multiple Earth Wall!", and realized with mounting dread that sealing the only exit to the building would leave the ninja remaining inside at the complete mercy of the attackers. He forged on, zeroing in on Keiko, who was standing on the roof, flanked by huge armored monsters whose sight gave him pause even as he—


... why was he lying on the ground? His mind felt scrambled, and forming thoughts was difficult. They were following the plan, leaving the building to knock out Keiko and hopefully make her summons disappear, and then... He suddenly felt something light and small touch his lower back.

"Don't move," He heard Keiko's voice, soft and quiet and wholly unfitting for the situation. "These are low-power explosives with a motion-detector trigger."

Shin froze. His thoughts raced as he looked for a way out of their predicament. Surely, she was only bluffing, she'd never risk seriously injuring them, he needed to go, to move right now and salvage the situation before they—

"It's amusing," Keiko continued, her voice far away. "My uncle, Kagome, is extremely paranoid, in the common usage. When we were in the woods he surrounded our camps with bombs that had a thirty-foot detection radius. When I asked him to make me a set that detected the movement of the seal instead of movement in the surroundings, he was indignant. 'What sort of stupid idea is that?' he demanded. Still, I managed to prevail eventually, for situations just like this. The explosives probably won't kill you, and Noburi assures me that he can fix the damage as long as he gets to you quickly enough. Still, he tends to be overconfident, so it's probably best if you don't test it."

"You're bluffing," Shin replied, though he didn't risk actually moving. Something about her voice, the way she spoke more than the words themselves, really unsettled him. He could believe it, that someone who could talk like this really wouldn't mind killing him here. "A crippling injury would destroy your chances for the tournament." He forged on, still desperately looking for a way to turn things around.

"Try me," She continued in her flat, emotionless whisper. "Our chances of getting into the tournament at this point are negligible; one of the red teams will undoubtedly turn in their documents before we can get to them and then stay hidden until the end of the event, thereby sealing our fate. The thing you're missing, though, is that we don't need to get into the tournament. All we need to do is make clear that the Gōketsu clan is a power...I think crushing all the other teams in this event should be enough to do that, don't you? If one of the people who ruined our score in the previous event happened to disbelieve my clear warning and got himself paralyzed for life...well, that would be a shame, now wouldn't it?"

Shin swallowed nervously. As the strange static caused by the technique (because it had to be a technique, made all the easier by the pangolin speaking directly to his mind, no doubt) he was hit with slowly receded from his mind, he began to feel something else - the sinking realization that they'd lost. That he'd failed when it mattered most.

"The Summoner asked you a question, boy." it was the same gravelly voice whose shout brought them down earlier.

"Yes?" Shin stuttered, confused. Was this some kind of game to keep him off balance? "No? I asked...uh...yes, it would be bad. Definitely bad." He managed to respond.

"Good," Keiko said. "Now, Pangaya, if you would?"

Claws as long as his own forearm held him down as he was efficiently hogtied with ninja wire. In the process, the tag on his back shifted, and though he braced himself for the explosion in a moment of panic, nothing happened.

"I knew you were bluffing!" he crowed, taking what little victory he could under the circumstances.

"I never said I activated it," Keiko replied calmly, looping wire around his ankles to finish the hogtie.

Shin was left to lie next to Ryūgamine, and ponder his failure as the main enemy assault force moved on to clearing the sealed facility.


They were rats in a cage.

It still didn't feel real to Anna, even as she ran from the expanding reddish cloud of gas. In truth, it was more like a fine powder, small particles suspended in the air, causing a debilitating burning in the eyes and throat upon contact. A strong irritant coupled with an efficient delivery mechanism, it was a very effective non-lethal weapon. And also completely beyond their expectations, not that it mattered at this point.

... she was doing it again, wasn't she? Retreating into the comfort of emotionless analysis, running from the reality surrounding her. They had lost, and it was her fault. She'd been given all the necessary tools: a strong team, a wealth of exhaustive information on the enemy, and a well thought out plan to optimize. Yet even with all these advantages, Keiko had crushed her effortlessly. As far as Anna knew, they hadn't even managed to inflict a single injury on the opposing team. It was complete humiliation. The only reason she'd managed to come this far was thanks to the efforts of her teammates, and now she'd failed them as well. Just as she'd failed Keiko, all those years ago, a traitorous voice in the back of her mind whispered.

Kiri was stuck to the floor in one of the cells, unable to even reach her barrel and deny the Gōketsu chakra contained within. Hyūga and Hazama had been caught at the very start of the fight. Aburame was still on his feet, though the powder has gotten into his eyes, and he had to be guided by the taciturn Hotoke. And they were out of places to run.

Anna looked up with resignation as a strip of the roof was peeled away above her. The game was over, and they had lost.

XP AWARD: 5 for the quality of the plan, +1 for brevity

FP AWARD: Anna and Shin get +1

Author's Notes:
This was a great plan. Very well thought out, well organized, and easy to write for. You predicted enemy tactics accurately and prepared well. It was a pleasure to write, and not for the reasons you may suspect given the results.

To address the elephant in the room briefly, know that the QMs decided on the Gōketsu tactics before you started planning for this update, in order to keep ourselves from being influenced by what was discussed in the thread. We kept things as fair and impartial as we could. Unfortunately, this being a rational, simulationist quest means that some challenges are simply insurmountable. You can't punch out Kakashi as a genin, and defending against a summoner backed by a chakra battery and a sealing prodigy comes pretty close.

It's likely that we're going to need a bit more time to figure out the results of the Gōketsu rampage, and so @ScreamEnhancer will write an interlude on Thursday.

fallfetch said:
rumba said:
Damn, that's pretty tough. Didn't even scratch them. It's not like we didn't know this could go poorly, we did our best to get a handle on the summons' power, but there understandably wasn't much a genin could learn there. And they turned out to be ridiculous. And after we did so well in the fourth event too.
tyrant said:
Anna, don't cry, it's not your fault. :( First thing we need to do next update is work on morale.
fang said:
I'll admit I'm frustrated, especially so after our plan being praised. It couldn't have been that good, considering it completely failed to meet its goal. @CrowChief did we really have no chance? I don't know whether that makes me feel better or worse to be honest.
sapient_bush said:
What in the actual fuck. Did you see the dice on that Pangolin technique? That's literally a jounin level combatant. How in the world is this fair!?
19_parsec said:
@CrowChief I have to admit I'm very upset about this. This is supposed to be a rational quest, but one of our rivals literally is a summoner as a genin. Another can apparently make seals that aren't beatable with 40 Athletics rolls, that we've never even heard of. Oh, and apparently Keiko can just casually teleport from out of Byakugan range. How much XP per day did these guys get as missing-nin? It really feels like you've overspecced them to put us down. Their whole story sounds like something straight out of canon. Very disappointed.
Yari said:
Let's not get too salty guys. We were outmatched, and I don't know if we could've countered that teleport + pangolin on the roof move even if we anticipated it. Really should've worked harder to eliminate them before this event, we set ourselves up to fail from sheer arrogance.
CrowChief said:
On the topic of the Gōketsu being too strong, allow me to say this: They spent nearly two years as missing-nin. That is not an environment you develop a social spec in. You focus on directly applicable combat power, or you die. Remember Noburi boasting about fighting jonin and chakra megalodons? That was one of many hints we dropped to warn you that your rivals are a dedicated and synergistic combat specialist team. You chose to ignore all of them, to your peril.

To specifically address summons being too powerful, the situation where a chuunin-level ninja signs a contract is unprecedented, as you've been told many times. And, I'll just say this directly, she wouldn't have been able to do a third of what she did without Noburi's reserves, or even the whole team pitching in a bit. And no, them being able to do this is not coincidence. Don't assume only you are able to optimize your team's builds.

Final hint: Think about what you know about Hazō, and how the Gōketsu function together as a team. There's a lesson to be learned there.
sad_merchant said:
Riiight, absolutely fucking called it. "Mist gave them the worst teammates, and us the absolute dream team. They also spent the whole marsh event cooped up in their fort. They can't be that good at offense herp derp." I told you guys you don't survive two years in the wild, dodging Zabuza, without having some serious firepower. Should have tried a lot harder during the escort event. We knew the fifth event would be punching, and yet we staked it all on the fourth event. It worked, but it wasn't enough to sink them.
rapid_raptor said:
Well, at least Shin can stop feeling bad about all the cheating now. Because I don't know how this can be considered anything but. Just casually three jonin level summons, why the hell not.
mark_2 said:
Wait, what about the word halves? They're going to take them all, aren't they? ... Holy shit, they're going to take ALL the word halves, stick them in the summon realm, and use that as leverage to control round 2. We are so fucking dead.
sonar said:
Aunt Ren is going to be so sad :( Fuck Jiraiya, fuck Leaf, and fuck this absolute horseshit
aut said:
And now Hazō gets to continue playing shounen protagonist with his peace and cooperation uplift nonsense just because he got lucky to find all this crap as a missing-nin. And he'll even be nice enough not to gloat about it, I bet, because he's just that much of a Mary Sue. I wanted to punch his stupid face so hard, and then this happened.
fallfetch said:
Guys, Kiri had a full barrel of chakra, didn't she? Can Noburi use it? Did we just gift them 700 CP for more Pangolin summons?
lady_death said:
We really did a number on Anna with this shit. Took so much work to deal with her self-esteem issues, and now they're back full force, not to mention her baggage involving Keiko. I hope this rivalry plot was worth it, guys.
rumba said:
Thankfully it was Shin, and not Anna, who had to listen to Keiko monologue this update. Girl is fucking terrifying. I know we had plans to fix that relationship somehow, but at this point I'd be scared for Anna's life.
Transient_Commenter said:
Okay. That went about as bad as it could have gone, because they apparently weren't lying all those times they said they killed Jonin. Let's go over all of Noburi's other boasts.

But we aren't out of this yet. They are out for everyone's blood, and I don't think anyone can stop them in combat. So we go for social. Poison their allies against them, and everyone else too. Should be easy if they keep slicing heels, but maybe that was payback for draining Hazou. @CrowChief, does Kiri think she got cut in the same place she drained Hazou?

We can pin blame on them for the dossiers too, now that their misinformation on our bloodlines is no longer relevant.

Remember people, the goal isn't the exam, it's keeping team uplift from starting ww4. Let's rub the disconnect between their goals and their actions in everyone's face. We can't stop them from becoming legends, but if we move fast we can control what that legend is.
fallfetch said:
Transient_Commenter said:
Okay. That went about as bad as it could have gone, because they apparently weren't lying all those times they said they killed Jonin. Let's go over all of Noburi's other boasts.



pb7 said:
I think we have an opportunity here. Remember how we can learn seals?
1. Spend a FP to have glanced at the seals Upstart used on us (motion-sensor explosive, iron slime)
2. Once we're up, look for seals on the roof. If they've somehow discovered Flying Thunder God, there should be one there. We might also find the roofbuster, if that wasn't a summon trick.
3. Learn Sealing next chance we get. If we get into the tournament, stomp them with their own tricks.
fallfetch said:
Don't be absurd, we're not learning Sealing in a month. Our best bet for fighting Team Goketsu is to get some sort of AOE mist seal from our family that ruins seal ink. And also some sort of gapcloser to take out Keiko before her Pangolins become an issue.
Transient_Commenter said:
I agree that we should never give Goketsu a target to punch ever again, and that we should go after the other red rampage members. But the best part is that we don't have to do the punching.

Goketsu is going to get released dead last. All the other blue teams can leave a few members behind to form an ambush. The proctors won't hand out -1000s because they hate Goketsu. We know they have bad awareness because they didn't notice the ambush in event 4. All they have to do is take out Keiko. Then the red teams form an alliance to crush Goketsu.

They are good at security, but in the swamp no one was really motivated to take them out. Things are different now.
fallfetch said:
I'm...fairly certain Blue team attacking other Blue teams during setup, in clear violation of the spirit of the rules, is a bit much, especially in front of a proctor. Mist may hate Goketsu but they can't be too overt about it, that's just asking for a shitshow that gets a hammer down against them.

As for the Event 4 ambush, that was Hazou who didn't notice. Hazou. Just Hazou. I refuse to believe that our team's Stealth is gonna out-sneak their entire team's Alertness. Especially considering the results of those rolls, and the fact that there's nothing stopping Keiko from getting another Pangolin up (something something Pankurashun something something Jonin level bullshit).
MadPoet said:
Hazou didn't notice a trap at night, so we got an aspect tag for poor visibility. Team Uplift did collectively notice our traps during the third event. We can't count on blindsiding them with this.
rumba said:
You don't get it. We're completely all-in on taking them down now. That's the only way to undo the mess we've created for Ren.

If we hadn't decided to meddle, they would've probably reached the tournament without all this rampage nonsense, and then did well in it, but would've been normal for a top ninja of a given age group. Like how everyone expected Sasuke to do well in the last exam, and he did. I'm pretty sure a lot of the stuff they brought out this round were secrets they didn't want to even show in the tournament itself, techniques and seals you keep close to your chest for when you're desperate.

But no, we had to go with this pointlessly risky rivalry crap because apparently we think we're in a shounen still. So now, we pushed them into showing their cards, and cutting down literally all the other candidates. Think about how that looks. It's utter fucking domination, the kind of thing people will be telling stories about for years to come, a legend in the making. It doesn't even matter if they make it into the tournament anymore, though they probably will. Ren's one major advantage in these negotiations was Jiraiya's uncertain support among Leaf clans, and we ruined it. You think anyone will try to go against him now that it's clear his adopted kids are legends in the making? We even fucking let the Hyuuga heiress get dunked on this update, weakening Jiraiya's only major rival.

The tournament is irrelevant. We need to show the world the Goketsu can bleed in round 2. Or else, Mist becomes a Leaf protectorate in all but name and we can kiss our dreams goodbye.
fallfetch said:
Wait, @ScreamEnhancer is writing the interlude. It's going to be Ren and the rest of the Kage learning about our failure, isn't it?
ScreamEnhancer said:
*changes QM doc password yet again*

The empty space in @Kiba's original Negaverse post called out to me, so I started writing some snippets, and things got a bit out of hand over time. Hope you'll find this enjoyable. Credit to @Kiba for the idea, to everyone else who contributed posts to the Negaverse thread, and to @eaglejarl, some of whose lines from the original update I stole verbatim for consistency, and who was kind enough to betaread this omake for me.
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I think some of you might be doing these updates some injustice since they are more than "just punching" - which by itself is entertaining, though I can see why for people who read from update to update it might get too much (as opposed to archive readers who do not have to deal with wait times).

For example, we learned more about pangolins this update, even seeing some stuff from their PoV which we would otherwise not have gotten. I find that interesting. We also saw our non-Uplift teammates do stuff and Aina/Reo remind us that not everyone is as experienced or as professional as Team Uplift learned to be during their missing nin days and that they also have other interests than just being standard mooks. Even Touma having a journal that he likes to write is a nice touch.

So while my current self could probably talked into having more condensed scenes, my future self would likely hate that since having a multinational mass combat scenario is very unlikely to ever come up again after this so I want to see all of this while we can.

Team Kurenai were unlikely to know anything truly important, in any case, if the Gōketsu were at all proficient at maintaining basic opsec.

Looks like Shin doesn't know us as well as he thought. An understandable mistake though, assuming we are competent at things even people fresh out of the Academy would be.
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The empty space in @Kiba's original Negaverse post called out to me, so I started writing some snippets, and things got a bit out of hand over time.

Don't mind me, just testing out a theory.

Placeholder content here because writing an omake chapter is a lot of work.

76 EXP: +5 for brevity of the plan, +20 for the sheer audacity of it, +45 for actually pulling it off successfully and +6 for avoiding death at Keiko's hand.

In addition, Keiko earned 2x One Thousand Yard Stare points, and you are reasonably sure you do not possess a latent Sharingan because it did not activate during your near-death experience.

The wedding is in two in-universe weeks and you are behind on securing supplies for it. What do you do?
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@eaglejarl I know you like to write punching and can't say I mind the Itachi grade XP rewards, but is the plan really to fully resolve every fight in the round? Because we're only 2/6 of the way in as of right now.

These updates are really fun, and we haven't punched in a while, but you risk overcorrecting the other way. Is that it? Is @Velorien scheming in QM chat, hoping to steer us towards diplomatic strategies for the tournament?'s fun, you're getting massive XP at a time when the tournament is coming up and you're going to want every XP you can get, and you recognize that I'm enjoying writing it, but you don't want more of it.

Yeah. You guys. Smh.

On that note, @eaglejarl, I strongly suggest disabling the word-count incentives on a plan for Saturday, because otherwise we can just literally copy paste the tactics section from the original rampage plan and get some sweet sweet brevity bonuses.


also if it's not too much to ask could you apocrypha this please?
No word count incentive was offered and if the plan isn't significantly different then there's really no point. And yes, threadmarked.

I am confused as to what we should even voting? The current plan is active until the end of all combat in Round 1 and we suggested some improvements to Shikamaru's plan in-thread that I figured were canonized in @OliWhail's update (mostly offscreen).
The earliest time we would need to vote is for the rest day and Day 2 strategy proper, no?

And possibly this please?
You don't need to vote, as I said at the bottom of the update. You can if you want to, but there's no need. I simply figured I'd give you a choice if you wanted it.


Do you need to literally simulate every battle?
Yes. We're not giving you the tournament for free. Which is a complete pain in the ass for us; I spent several hours working out the mechanical parts before I was able to start writing. (Note that this is still an improvement over the Augjev rules, and this version is way more fun to write with.) I know it looks very short but it takes a long damn time, especially since there is inevitably some backing and filling when I realize that I got something wrong and that requires going back and redoing some other piece, etc.

All that said, I really enjoyed reading the chapter, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure that 4 more of them is necessary, even if that volume of writing is reflective of the effort it takes to actually roll out the combats.
Sigh. So, what you're saying is "back to writing talking, Bird Duke!" Bleh.

I think the QM should just do all the rolls and simulation and then sum it up unless something serious happen. No need to read six chapters in the row how we curb-stomped the competition.
I suspect you would find the red team fights significantly different, since they have mobility. The lesson of these chapters is that ninja combat is rocket tag and therefore they suck at defending things.

As an aside: note that you have not won these fights on your own abilities, you have won them based on borrowing the skills of a Kage. Every fight except for the one with Touma was resolved with a Goo Bomb. Touma is literally the only person you've had to engage with. I need to check how many Goo Bombs you have left, but they won't matter in the red team fights, since the Goo Bombs are useless in close and you only have two ranged fighters, one of whom can't use seals. (EDIT: Correction, not every fight was won with a Goo Bomb. Pankurashun defeated two opponents for you using a social attack. Which means you were borrowing jōnin skills instead of Kage skills. This isn't a guys worked hard to get access to these abilities and you used them effectively. They're still not your own skills, and so it's unsurprising that they're letting you run roughshod over a bunch of low-chūnin opponents.)

And I hope we'll get the four unused goo bombs back (3 clones, 1 Doigama throw).
Doigama's was ruined when it got gooped -- yes, the goo dissolves but the seal had gotten wet and smeared already. The other three yes.
Last edited:'s fun, you're getting massive XP at a time when the tournament is coming up and you're going to want very XP you can get, and you recognize that I'm enjoying writing it, but you don't want more of it.

Yeah. You guys. Smh.

No word count incentive was offered and if the plan isn't significantly different then there's really no point. And yes, threadmarked.

You don't need to vote, as I said at the bottom of the update. You can if you want to, but there's no need. I simply figured I'd give you a choice if you wanted it.


Yes. We're not giving you the tournament for free. Which is a complete pain in the ass for us; I spent several hours working out the mechanical parts before I was able to start writing. (Note that this is still an improvement over the Augjev rules, and this version is way more fun to write with.) I know it looks very short but it takes a long damn time, especially since there is inevitably some backing and filling when I realize that I got something wrong and that requires going back and redoing some other piece, etc.

Sigh. So, what you're saying is "back to writing talking, Bird Duke!" Bleh.

I suspect you would find the red team fights significantly different, since they have mobility. The lesson of these chapters is that ninja combat is rocket tag and therefore they suck at defending things.

As an aside: note that you have not won these fights on your own abilities, you have won them based on borrowing the skills of a Kage. Every fight except for the one with Touma was resolved with a Goo Bomb. Touma is literally the only person you've had to engage with. I need to check how many Goo Bombs you have left, but they won't matter in the red team fights, since the Goo Bombs are useless in close and you only have two ranged fighters, one of whom can't use seals.

Doigama's was ruined when it got gooped -- yes, the goo dissolves but the seal had gotten wet and smeared already. The other three yes.
I also note that Banshees, Slayers, and gasmasks haven't come out yet; boy will that suck to be on the other end of. Incidentally, how many Goo Bomb blanks have we fed to Jiraiya basically every morning we could?