I'm almost certain that it happened before the most recent chapter.
You would be correct.
Another seal we should learn is body sealing. For times like this when we kill people and want to get rid of the evidence.
You got storage seals. It's living stuff that doesn't survive in those, dead stuff is fine. Of course it's a trade off. If you decide to leave them then yeah, dead bodies in the woods, and if you bring the bodies, then Akane... well you can imagine how that might turn out if not carefully handled.
B) charge a sucky little town to build earth walls around it

Money isn't a huge issue for us.
You could do quick-fab houses, too. Walls are easy, roof takes a little thinking unless you wanna just do thatch or something.

No real problems with most of your list (aside from the stuff eaglejarl already said) except these two:
Gonna die during the journey, unless you stick em in a storage seal which would also kill them.
Red phosphorus only. No white.
I don't think EN technology is up to making screws or nuts.
Definitely not. Unless they're like 6 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. Possibly made of wood.
Why did we have to encounter another string of utter disasters so quickly.
To be fair to you guys, you did better in the face of said disasters than a lot of teams out there. Very few teams would have noticed the chakra rain, for example. Killing the enemy ninja as well, if you hadn't ran off with such an awesome jounin, that could have gotten pretty serious.
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For checking Mari, a discreet attempt at kawarimi sounds best. If it fails, would it even be detected? We'll want to get dressed and armed first of course, but Hazou has presumably done that before asking about dead ninja. Also Dispel forever.
You got storage seals. It's living stuff that doesn't survive in those, dead stuff is fine. Of course it's a trade off. If you decide to leave them then yeah, dead bodies in the woods, and if you bring the bodies, then Akane... well you can imagine how that might turn out if not carefully handled.
We can make infinite storage scrolls since we have Hazou and Kagome just use one of the old scrolls to seal the bodies and put the scroll in the boat when we sink it PROBLEM SOLVED
What happens when you put something in the scroll and then burn it?

E: VVV nah this was just a somewhat-related idle thought. Drowning evidence is a fine idea.
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@Muer'ci I'd imagine the scroll dies and you can't get the contents but even if the burning reveals the dead bodies it doesn't matter because we're sinking the boat OVER WATER.
We can make infinite storage scrolls since we have Hazou and Kagome just use one of the old scrolls to seal the bodies and put the scroll in the boat when we sink it PROBLEM SOLVED
I was kinda assuming you wanted to do mad science to the bodies or something similar. I'm undecided on whether you'd actually learn anything from doing so, but that certainly hasn't stopped certain people from suggesting such since the very first update.

Edit: Doesn't bother me. It's pretty funny.
If it were, would I admit to it?
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I managed to scrounge up some scraps of free time to add a new section to the Player Knowledge Doc right under the tables of things we know just for this chapter and a format for info related to future chapters as needed. Feel free to add in any knowledge supported by links to the proper post by a QM. Or we could put in some brainstorming ideas if we want, like say checking Mari to see if she is an impostor since everyone seems to agree that doing so is a good idea. Any idea that gains enough traction to be considered necessary in making a plan should be included on the doc.

Point is, this should give us a way to avoid searching through tons of posts so that people with smaller amounts of free time can still contribute something worthwhile to the discussion. Hope this helps.

Redundant comment posted on the doc itself to curtail confusion.
On a lighter note:

"Big mistake. River is a labyrinth, kids, a labyrinth that Hidden Valley ninja know like the back of their hand and nobody else does. Guerrilla warfare nearly bled Sand dry – oh, you know what I mean – and if they'd stayed any longer, odds are they'd have had Leaf buying free passage from River and going for a full-on invasion.

You can't trust those Hidden Valley ninjas:

They enjoy eating their vegetables.

Those monsters.
Hey, if we keep up these jokes, we won't have any left when the quest eventually takes us to the Land of Vegetables!

Sorry about the dressing-down.
So, we're making Akane our mechanical aptitude expert. This raises a very important question.

How many dice before she can start doing Macgyver level shenanigans?
Keep it up guys, if we get +1 XP we'll be able to get Sealing 11!

Do you think that'd be worth it? Researching Version 1 of Poor Man's Yellow Flash seems to be within our current set of capabilities, according to Kagome. We could get Taijutsu from 9 to 11 with that XP, and we're still in a sizable amount of danger, even if we have two jonin-level combatants.
If we turned our pun powers into making a plan the was populated purely with puns while still possible we might get even more potential gains.

Password check everyone who we lost contact with, they don't know beat them up until they can only just breath. This includes Akane and Keiko along with Inoue.
Prepare to part with purposeful pursuers. Pick the predictable path, prepare ambush traps. Part company with potential prosecutors. Flee to Tea at Ninja Speed.
Prepared rally point pit stops, get to one.

Edit confessions: I worked harder on making that fit the alliteration than thinking up the plan.
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So if most ninja think that leveling up dispel once is good enough we really should explore what specializing it it would bring to the table. It is all about pure chakra emission to disrupt genjutsu right, well if we level it up enough and have physical contact with foes could we be a poor man's gentle fist and disrupt foes as they attempt any chakra technique? Is this the secret of all the clans of ocular sensory talent, level up dispel enough to cover for the increased weakness to genjutsu and play it off as a strength that they are immune to such tactics? Multiple generations holding to that secret and demonstrating that focused talent as just part of their natural trait?
You know, I really want to get level 2 in Dispel now just to see what difference it makes. Maybe for Dispel we don't need handseals at 2 or something!