[X] Training Hazou: Civil Engineering

Control 2 [4/32]
Control 3 [10/32]

Doton: MEW 4 [14/32]
Doton: MEW 5 [19/32]
Doton: MEW 6 [25/32]
Doton: MEW 7 [32/32]
@Velorien What does Inoue have to say about previous teams going into and quickly out of the Land of Rain? Does she know if this was attempted?
She doesn't think Mist ever tried it. Rain was never important enough to Mist, so once it apparently became inaccessible/lethal the high-ups shrugged and allocated their resources elsewhere. If Leaf happens to have some kind of horrific force of destruction on their border, they look forward to watching Leaf have to handle it.

*Record Scratch*


The Second Hokage was a master of Edo Tensei?

This changes things a bit.
Yup. The Second Hokage invented Edo Tensei and the Shadow Clone Technique and the Flying Thunder God Technique. One can only assume that it was Hashirama's pacifism that prevented Leaf from ruling the world during that period.
Well when it comes to get thing a boat first we should see if there is one within out budget maybe just hire one. I would prefer we pay with money, but we could pay with a storage seal.
Your right, first step of any plan is to confirm Inoue is actually Inoue. I expect that Kagome will cover that without our prompting however. That is one nice thing about having him with us he can do the heavy lifting as far as paranoia is concerned. We just have to make sure he has not been replaced.
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I don't think it's very likely that Rain will send anyone after us or that they will catch up to us.

From their perspective 6 ninjas entered Rain and then quickly decided that this was a bad idea and absconded to Fire. I doubt this is enough evidence for them assume that someone figured out their Rain trick.

They send a first response team outside their sensory rain and then never hear about them again. They will send someone to check what happened to the team but that will probably take hours. Then that new search team has to find the bodies and start piecing together where we went. By then we should be far away from Rain borders and I doubt they want to start a huge manhunt on some other ninja villages turf.

Unless Rain has access to some sort of long range method to keep tabs on their first response team. Didn't Konan have some sort of bullshit paper clones could do that (maybe fanon)? Or maybe they are carrying one of those black nail things Pain likes.

I'm not really sure if we should do anything special. Speed is our friend here and any option that slows us down is probably not worth the effort. We could fake out and head deeper to Fire or River to throw of pursuers but that just might lead us picking up more of them.

If we make it to the gulf in one piece our boat trip should finally throw any trackers of our trail. Unless we mess up the boat buy somehow.

Did Inoue confirm the enemy were Rain-nin? Also, did we confirm Inoue is actually Inoue?

We have Kagome with us. Not checking would be very OOC for him.
On that note, an update to timeline would be nice..
Done, although @eaglejarl hasn't checked it yet, so there may be minor changes.

Incidentally, I'm more likely to catch requests when skimming the thread if they're framed as questions ("could you please update the timeline?").

omg i just realized

Keiko saw Inoue naked
Actually, she already did that in the baths in Meeting the Liberator. Single-gender group bathing is standard in the Narutoverse.

@Velorien Did Inoue confirm the enemy were Rain-nin? Also, did we confirm Inoue is actually Inoue?
She says they were Leaf-nin. You did not confirm that Inoue is actually Inoue.

Edit: Kagome's paranoia was overcome by an even greater force, namely his brain shutting down at proximity to a naked woman.
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Actually do we have to buy a boat? Can't we just sort of use water-walking to water ski down the river? Or even lie on our backs on the surface of the river.

Also At this point we can in fact make Storage seal? Have we made any?
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She says they were Leaf-nin. You did not confirm that Inoue is actually Inoue.

Edit: Kagome's paranoia was overcome by an even greater force, namely his brain shutting down at proximity to a naked woman.

Okay, this is a bit of a problem. We need to check that she is actually Inoue but we don't want Kagome to get too twitchy and blow everyone up just on principle.

On the other hand we do need to alert Kagome because if Inoue got taken, Kagome and his explosives are the only thing that could realistically save us at this point.

That being said, it probably is Inoue. I don't see any good reason why someone who could take out Inoue wouldn't take us out too and then just interrogate to get whatever info they want.

Also, we did ask for identification codes so we wouldn't be bothered by Leaf ninjas. Jiraya's fault for not giving them to us. Sucks to be a mook ninja in this world.
Yeah one of four things just happened, none of them good.

1) Mari just slaughtered legit Leaf ninja. Jiraiya's gonna fucking kill us.

2) Mari just slaughtered ROOT ninja. Danzo's gonna fucking kill us.

3) Mari just got replaced by a legit Leaf ninja. If impostor!Mari doesn't kill us Jiraiya will.

4) Mari just got replaced with a ROOT ninja. Words cannot express just how utterly fucked we are.
Look on the bright side if DANZO comes after us himself and we kill him we might get a metal.
Yeah one of four things just happened, none of them good.

1) Mari just slaughtered legit Leaf ninja. Jiraiya's gonna fucking kill us.

2) Mari just slaughtered ROOT ninja. Danzo's gonna fucking kill us.

3) Mari just got replaced by a legit Leaf ninja. If impostor!Mari doesn't kill us Jiraiya will.

4) Mari just got replaced with a ROOT ninja. Words cannot express just how utterly fucked we are.

5) Mari just got replaced by a Rain ninja. If imposter!Mari doesn't kill us Keiko will.
5) Mari just got replaced by a Rain ninja. If imposter!Mari doesn't kill us Keiko will.

6) The ninja Mari killed were Rain ninja disguised as Leaf ninja. After all, we were running east, back into Fire, and Rain has access to Leaf forehead protectors, equipment and clan members through their missing-nin recruitment program.
6) The ninja Mari killed were Rain ninja disguised as Leaf ninja. After all, we were running east, back into Fire, and Rain has access to Leaf forehead protectors, equipment and clan members through their missing-nin recruitment program.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Rain ninja, with Leaf apparel. Might not have been clear, mb.
Unless it's possible to quickly and stealthily give Kawarimi permissions, we can just substitute with Inoue. If it doesn't work, we know she's an imposter. Then we can start to fight our sensei's killer while completely naked.

Also, DAMMIT. The only way Jiraiya won't kill us is if those were ROOT agents that weren't supposed to be there. I actually have zero clue where we are on the map right now, or where we entered Rain, so I would like that information before I make conclusions.