So considering just how paranoid he is, his sealing knowledge, and the fact that apparently he's never had a birthday present, I think Kagome is a runaway Jinchuuriki. Now, not necessarily one of the Bijuu, put possibly a demon, or some other chakra entity.
So considering just how paranoid he is, his sealing knowledge, and the fact that apparently he's never had a birthday present, I think Kagome is a runaway Jinchuuriki. Now, not necessarily one of the Bijuu, put possibly a demon, or some other chakra entity.

Holy shit. Never thought of that, but it's actually plausible.

I do kinda doubt it, because of that one time that we learned that the Black Hunter was originally a chakra monster before they changed it to Kagome, but it isn't impossible.
Holy shit. Never thought of that, but it's actually plausible.

I do kinda doubt it, because of that one time that we learned that the Black Hunter was originally a chakra monster before they changed it to Kagome, but it isn't impossible.
It could always be both. And setting up seals takes time, if Kagome didn't have all the supplies he needed with him (which he very well might not have) using his Jinchuuriki abilities would be an option.
Notably, with Kagome's sealing traps mostly being explosives, he hasn't done anything that would make you think "Black Hunter".

I mean, really, why 'Black Hunter' if he's blowing stuff up?

I believe that the whole "Black Hunter" thing was the villagers giving the actually pretty helpful guy living in the forest a scary persona of a dangerous beast so that people leave him alone. The children clearly found the name rather amusing when Inoue overhears their conversation.
So I kinda want to test mari-sensei once we have time to prepare against her, but let's be honest we are not going to be able to deceive somebody capable of killing mari-sensei. So we need to check if it's her and if it's not rESPOND WITH OVERWHELMING FORCE RIGHT NOW.
*panicky noises*
@Velorien @eaglejarl

Can we get a marked map that has the route we took, from leaving Iron to entering Rain to washing in the river? It's extremely difficult to come up with plans and conclusions when I don't have that information.
Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest | Page 384 - you followed the green route on the map until you hit Rain, then headed east until you were partway to the F in "Fire Country".

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Jackercracks
Do combined nature transformations require technique hacking?
Could you give an example? The only things that could be described as combined nature transformations that come to mind are Bloodline Limits.

Aren't we all standing in the same body of water right now?
Nope. You guys finished washing and got out while Inoue-sensei was busy massacring the Leaf ninja.

How many dice before she can start doing Macgyver level shenanigans?
Could you be more specific? Mechanical Aptitude is still a skill under development.
Could you give an example? The only things that could be described as combined nature transformations that come to mind are Bloodline Limits.

Perhaps they meant techniques like a combined fire-wind technique to create a... really big fireball, instead of, you know, a fireball. Or, more seriously, combining lightning style stuff with water whip to electrify it.

As an aside, it strikes me that we might could use Technique Hacking to augment our jutsu in a similar way to Roki augmenting our taijutsu, which is... worth considering strongly. However, to use it that way, we'd need someone other than Keiko to use it, unless we can get around the disadvantages of her bloodline by suggesting things, which I kind of doubt. I wonder if there's anything we can do to lessen that. I mean, I wouldn't want her to have to live with such a disability if she didn't have to. Hm... Set Noburi on it when he's 20 in medical ninjutsu maybe.
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Could you give an example? The only things that could be described as combined nature transformations that come to mind are Bloodline Limits.
I think he meant combination ninjutsu.

With the XP we have, we should buy another level of Capacity. Hazou was chakra tapped after the group of genin with Akane to help.

[X]Hazou Training: Basics have power
Capacity 6[12]
Capacity 7[26]
Substitution 3[31]
Saving 1 XP. This allows us to get more chakra boost as well as get Substitution, which synergises well with Taijutsu.
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We really need to explore what can be done with just the pure chakra disrupting skill that Dispel represents. I want to be able to shake someone's hand and flare our chakra to remove any henge they have put up around their body without having to punch them just in case they are actually themselves. Also if we are going to be mucking around with Genjutsu we need to be able to tell what reality really is.

[X] Training Hazou: I reject your simulated reality!
Dispel 2 [2]
Dispel 3 [5]
Dispel 4 [9]
Control 2 [13]
Dispel 5 [18]
Dispel 6 [24]
Dispel 7 [31]

[ ] Action Plan: Verification
- Cast Dispel
- Ask Inoue for her trust password(Which is just common sense to have set up before heading out from Mist even)
- Ask Keiko for her trust password
- Ask Akane for her trust password
- Talk with verified parties about who attacked and why they attacked.
- Don't travel across any more boarders but just travel near them within Fire to get to Tea at Ninja Speed
@eaglejarl Can you give us an update on how Dispel works since the changes? I want us to not spend points in it unnecessarily.

Dispel is automatically successful and doesn't need to be leveled.

Wakahisa chakra drain. Too slow to be practical?

Very much so.

We really should have a standard password for I was away and now I'm back for our team.

It was the following evening that Inoue-sensei finally caught up with them, looking none the worse for having presumably taken out a jōnin single-handed. The team had just made camp, but had yet to release their transformations.

"Password?" Inoue-sensei asked without any preamble.

I don't think EN technology is up to making screws or nuts.
Definitely not. Unless they're like 6 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. Possibly made of wood.

I was more thinking the threads but, yeah, this too.

I wonder if there's anything we can do to lessen that.

If there were, generations of Mori would probably have figured it out.

[X] Action Plan: Verification

Please do not retcon your votes into an earlier post. Make a new post with your vote. The votebot links to the first instance it sees for a given plan name, so if you retcon votes into post #N when the plan was proposed in plan #N+10 then I have to search around to find the definition.

Also: Voting ends in 30 minutes.
Once again we need a plan that does about a million things at the same time. We need to check out Inoue, plan a new route, get a boat, decide what sort of cargo did we buy, manage Akane and I think we should also do something about Keiko.

The chances that Inoue is not Inoue are so small that I think we will be okay if we just check with a password or a memory we all share. One option would be try and alert Kagome beforehand but that carries risks on its own.

From pursuit standpoint dead Leaf ninjas are even worse than dead Rain ninjas. Leaf ninjas can probably operate with impunity near the River/Fire border if they have a good reason. But I don't think there are any better routes for us to take. Backtracking is dangerous because we don't know if we have already tripped some alarms earlier, heading deeper into Fire is suicide and I don't think heading to Earth through Grass is that much safer either.

I say we keep our course and trust in speed.

Here's a preliminary plan, I will post a votable version after I get some feedback. Feel free to copy-paste if I seem too slow.

PROTO-PLAN Carry on, nothing to see here!

Check if Inoue is an impostor. (This is just us making sure, I don't think we need to do anything more extravagant)
  • Dispel
  • Ask Inoue for the password and an innocuous detail that she should remember from our earlier adventures
Don't mention the dead Leaf ninjas to Akane yet, unless she or someone else specifically asks about it. (Akane won't bail on us because of this but it's better to debrief her once we are not being hunted.)

Head towards River and continue with the pre-planned route along River/Fire border. (I'm not sure what else we could do.)
  • Cover our tracks to the best of our ability (Actionable details for this would be appreciated.)
Acquire a boat. (Kinda general since I don't know if we'll find a huge pirate city or two shacks and a rowboat.)
  • Find a coastal settlement that has boats
  • Split the party and have Kagome, Akane and Noburi hide somewhere out of the way (I don't want Kagome anywhere near people)
  • Have Hazou, Keiko and Inoue gather information on what is needed to cross the gulf
    • Transformation jutsu!
    • If splitting up seems optimal make sure Hazou and Keiko work as a pair
    • Type of boat, chakra monster preparations, do we need an actual sailor to cross safely, currents, time of day to embark?
  • Acquire the resources needed to cross
    • First, try buying the required things
    • If we can't afford everything, have Hazou gamble for the money somewhere
    • If that's not possible just steal what we need
Cross over to Tea.
  • We are from an island nation, I'm sure we can handle a boat (I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong with this!)
  • Try to aim the landing somewhere with no people
Setup a base and rest. (Any details we want to include in our hidey hole design?)
  • Head inland and make a Kagome-approved base somewhere out of the way
Goods we bought for trade
  • High-quality metal needles from Earth (If someone has better ideas I'm all ears. Maybe we could be drug smugglers?)


I don't really like splitting the party to get the boats but I think 6 people entering the town(?) is too conspicuous. It might also be better if we re-introduce Kagome to civilization slowly, preferably outside risky situations.

The party is split the way it is because I don't want to leave Keiko and Akane alone unsupervised, Keiko is really useful when trying to figure out the logistics of crossing and Hazou should be able to get the money with gambling assuming there is a venue to gamble.
Omake: The Crossover That Fortunately Wasn't
What happens when you put something in the scroll and then burn it?
The contents are released. According to Kagome, this is why you never ever dispose of unidentified seals by burning them.

By Sage and His Paths it's only Friday!

I'm attempting to write a plan here, please stop trying to give me a heart attack.

Sorry, wrong quest. I meant to post that in Slivers in the Chaos Lands.
Hazō paced nervously around the hilltop. This was why you didn't mess with unknown high-rank shinobi. Turns out what Hanzō of the Salamander had sealed Rain off for was advanced space-time ninjutsu research - or at least that's what Inoue-sensei suspected. She thought they'd somehow been teleported to the Summon Realm, a theory given weight by the fact that the place seemed to be ruled by a giant telepathic centipede chakra monster and its minions. Unfortunately, the language barrier was slowing Noburi's attempts to negotiate for a Regina summon contract.

There were other humans here, a couple of whom even spoke some bastardised dialect of the common language (which they called "Japanese"), but the party was wary of spending too much time around them, based on Kagome's insistence that they were insane experimental sealcrafters with technology capable of destroying the entire planet or tearing open rifts across time and space. Hazō's attempts to dismiss this as standard Kagome paranoia were somewhat undermined by the foreigners admitting that yes, they had in fact come here by tearing open a rift across time and space.

While Kagome dedicated himself to mining every inch of the nearby tunnel complex (having discovered a fellow explosives enthusiast in the hive's solitary human), Akane was playing with some of the younger centipede chakra monsters by way of rehabilitation, Keiko was exploring the concept of serene fatalism with the strange pointy-eared yōkai in the forest, and Inoue-sensei was busy wrapping the sealcrafting specialist Makei around her little finger as a setup for getting hold of some of his exciting advanced weaponry.

Hazō, meanwhile, was ostensibly acting as lookout, but really devoting his attention to trying to come up with a list of actions long enough, and detailed enough, to somehow make sense of this mess.

Hazō: Awareness said:
Enormous green oni army led by Fire and Lightning ninjutsu specialists: Stealth said:

The one time Hazō managed to spot an approaching enemy from a mile off...


TL;DR: You should count yourself lucky the cross-post was merely a voting reminder.