Shikigami had been too popular, and besides, who knew how many other traitors he'd left in Mist? Better to leave them thinking they were safe for now. Nor would Kanna, the non-entity, have sufficed. Whereas with Inoue's profile and specialisation, it had been natural for her to take the fall. Not that Ren minded. If it were not for the stupid bitch, her nephew might have been saved. He'd still been young enough for "re-education", and Ren would have made it happen, even if it cost her. If he'd only been allowed to surrender…


"We continued our hunt, but without success. Inoue's team seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth—until they surfaced here, in Hot Springs, and assassinated an important guest. Again, we cannot say at whose behest they violated the demilitarised zone, though I note that they once again fled into the Fire Country once their treachery was complete. Please rest assured that our finest hunter-nin are constantly on the lookout for these murderers so as to punish them in full for the harm they have done you and us."

Was her mission today going to be the final straw that lead to Hazō's death? Mist and Hot Springs both stood to regain so much face by killing her nephew and his team, and here she was brokering an alliance between them. Would Hana forgive her if she knew? Had Hana ever forgiven her?


How would Hana have handled this mission? Ren's mood sank as the eternal question reminded her of her nephew's fate. She decided to add some motions from Carefree into the mix.

Makes me wonder how Ren think of nephew and his team now.
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Ren's interactions with Hazō is basically almost zero. Ren cares about Hazō only because he is her sister's son.
Ren likes Hazou because Shin is such a little shit in comparison.

He thinks a perimeter of tree branches is decent defense against an incoming Paingolin squad. He makes us look like Itachi in comparison, sometimes.
Ren likes Hazou because Shin is such a little shit in comparison.

He thinks a perimeter of tree branches is decent defense against an incoming Paingolin squad. He makes us look like Itachi in comparison, sometimes.

REN: (looking at SHIN, internal monologue: ) How did you pass ninja academy? We should bring back the bloody mist exam. smh. (externally: ) Very good. Now make sure you keep picking fights with Hazou whenever you can. (internally: ) This should get you killed you little shit. Tree branches. ffs.
Jiraiya: I invented banshee slayers to defeat a clan that specialized in sound warfare.
Hazō: Great, now I will use banshee slayers to wage sound warfare to disable and disorient my enemies.
Ren likes Hazou because Shin is such a little shit in comparison.

He thinks a perimeter of tree branches is decent defense against an incoming Paingolin squad. He makes us look like Itachi in comparison, sometimes.
REN: (looking at SHIN, internal monologue: ) How did you pass ninja academy? We should bring back the bloody mist exam. smh. (externally: ) Very good. Now make sure you keep picking fights with Hazou whenever you can. (internally: ) This should get you killed you little shit. Tree branches. ffs.

To be fair, the abattises were meant to prevent someone from having line of sight to use Substitution to get on the roof, or to tree walk up there easily. They only failed to be useful against us because Keiko had Vacuum Step available as a means to get to the roof instead. Had we not had that option available, then they might have been able to put up a better defense given the Lightning Pillar/Byakugan combo.

It was actually a good addition to their defenses, and we might want to consider using the idea ourselves if we intend to have our own forces on the roof when we're defending. No reason we should give enemies line of sight for substitution.
To be fair, the abattises were meant to prevent someone from having line of sight to use Substitution to get on the roof, or to tree walk up there easily. They only failed to be useful against us because Keiko had Vacuum Step available as a means to get to the roof instead. Had we not had that option available, then they might have been able to put up a better defense given the Lightning Pillar/Byakugan combo.

It was actually a good addition to their defenses, and we might want to consider using the idea ourselves if we intend to have our own forces on the roof when we're defending. No reason we should give enemies line of sight for substitution.
Can't substitute through a force wall. Maybe set up a perimeter of those on the roof?

I still like my idea of using the cleared trees as a barrier. Same as Shins but with way more stalling power.

You need to be within 1 zone anyway according to the rules. We should attempt to stop them from even getting that close.
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Really should fill a macerators sawduct and attach an sparker. Instant one use flamethrower. Oil or gunpowder would be better, but sawdust is much easier to get hold of cheap anywhere.
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Really should fill a macerators sawduct and attach an sparker. Instant one use flamethrower. Oil or gunpowder would be better, but sawdust is much easier to get hold of cheap anywhere.

That's the underlying principle of Dust Bombs (or Firebomb Macerators or whatever else we decide to call it). Take a log and set it on fire, then stuff it in a macerator. When you release it, it's ground up into sawdust with bits of fire and expelled at macerator speeds, creating, well, a rushing wave of fire.
Can't substitute through a force wall. Maybe set up a perimeter of those on the roof?

I still like my idea of using the cleared trees as a barrier. Same as Shins but with way more stalling power.

You need to be within 1 zone anyway according to the rules. We should attempt to stop them from even getting that close.
What I would recommend is to set up layers of trees, such that their branches prevent Substitution (holes in branches are too small for a human to go through) but are large enough for, say, kunai. This allows Keiko to throw with impunity without being engaged upon.

Of course the bigger issue is that we plan on throwing logs/boulders with seals attached, which'll require us to throw far over their heads to prevent from breaking our own barricades. Which gives enemies time to move.
@eaglejarl How reasonable is Aerial Clone Bombardment strategy? It's awesome, but I don't want it to be suggested and then Hazou look like an idiot?

Incidentally, it occurs to me that we could combine that with the "blow up a bunch of dirt overhead" strategy by having the clones jump off beforehand.
@eaglejarl How reasonable is Aerial Clone Bombardment strategy? It's awesome, but I don't want it to be suggested and then Hazou look like an idiot?

Incidentally, it occurs to me that we could combine that with the "blow up a bunch of dirt overhead" strategy by having the clones jump off beforehand.
QMs: "Having not thought about it for any length of time, Hazō thinks it's a brilliant idea and that he should definitely try it during the next round.
What I would recommend is to set up layers of trees, such that their branches prevent Substitution (holes in branches are too small for a human to go through) but are large enough for, say, kunai. This allows Keiko to throw with impunity without being engaged upon.

Of course the bigger issue is that we plan on throwing logs/boulders with seals attached, which'll require us to throw far over their heads to prevent from breaking our own barricades. Which gives enemies time to move.
Pandamonium has truly prodigious strength. Can he not hit with kunai-speed logs from 2 zones away?
You know, we should have Hazou read a book on shinobi tactics.


screaming in as-yet-un-thousand-yard-stare'd-genin
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Pangolin strength has some.. implications. I've avoided touching it because you get the same problems as with giant mechas eventually, but here's a taste.

Assuming a baseball goes 45 m/s and that the pangolin that throws boulders can throw a cubic-meter-sized granite boulder at baseball speed, Kinetic Energy = 0.5 * m * v^2 = 0.5 * 2700 * 45^2. If he instead threw a kunai(0.5kg), he could get it up to Mach 11.

Maybe the above boulder estimate is generous, but there still has to be a minimum speed that's pretty decent to produce the kind of range that has been narratively implied. Boulders could also be smaller, but probably not by much and the scaling there is much smaller.

That's not how throwing works. No matter what you're throwing, it can't move much faster than the lib you're using to throw it, and I'd be very surprised if pangolins could get that anywhere close to mach 11. If that were possible, high-level taijutsu expert pangolins would be similarly fast, which means they'd be producing sonic booms all the time. They don't, which means pangolins can't move at mach 11.