DO NOT SAY WE'LL KEEP THEM IN THE SEVENTH PATH. Say "We've got eleven thousand storage seals, if they want to test which are bombs and not they're welcome to". And then store them in the seventh path.

OPSEC plz. Otherwise good idea for a way for us to keep them.
WAIT! @faflec

1) Strategy->General->Overscrew Enemies:

Keep our word halves on our person, of course. Put the ones we steal on the Seventh Path. Be clear on this, don't wanna get accidentally failed out of event 1. As mentioned above, no need to specify this storage method explicitly!

2) Combat-> For Buildings:

For breaching, does one of our pangolins have a living roots equivalent? Pankurashun I think? We should use this if so.

3) Combat->

First Interference/Support should be Support/Ranged. Second Interference/Support should be Scouting/Interference.
  • Teammates deserve a share, but possessing people's word-halves will be dangerous after this round.
  • State that we intend to store word-halves in the Seventh Path.
  • Trade (real) explosives for letting us take word-halves.

Suggest adding a single bullet point: "Subtly signal to Keiko or Noburi to step in if challenged."


Mad Eye Simulation said:
Meh. Could be worse. If we're lucky, no one will die.
Last edited:
    • Only escort non-top team Reds to turn in documents.
  • If we can turn in other groups' documents: Don't destroy them, turn them in.
This is unclear @faflec
DO NOT SAY WE'LL KEEP THEM IN THE SEVENTH PATH. Say "We've got eleven thousand storage seals, if they want to test which are bombs and not they're welcome to". And then store them in the seventh path.

OPSEC plz. Otherwise good idea for a way for us to keep them.
Hopefully someone doesn't test it anyway. And kills us all.
WAIT! @faflec

1) Strategy->General->Overscrew Enemies:

Keep our word halves on our person, of course. Put the ones we steal on the Seventh Path. Be clear on this, don't wanna get accidentally failed out of event 1. As mentioned above, no need to specify this storage method explicitly!

2) Combat-> For Buildings:

For breaching, does one of our pangolins have a living roots equivalent? Pankurashun I think? We should use this if so.

3) Combat->

First Interference/Support should be Support/Ranged. Second Interference/Support should be Scouting/Interference.
To my knowledge no Pangolin has a sense-vibrations type jutsu; Panashe has a hearing-type jutsu. I feel this should be left IC TBH.

The rest is good.
Suggest adding a single bullet point: "Subtly signal to Keiko or Noburi to step in if challenged."

    • Only escort non-top team Reds to turn in documents.
  • If we can turn in other groups' documents: Don't destroy them, turn them in.
This is unclear @faflec
I was supposed to get rid of the former bullet. My fault.

[X] Action Plan: Be Zabuza


NB: The main difference here is that Keiko is summoning more and more Pangolins. I still feel that we should continue ramping up our Pangolin count, since Pangolins are faster than ninja and should be capable of chasing fleeing ninjas.

Alright there's more changes than that now.

Word Count: 592

[X] Action Plan: Zabuza the Pangolin

  • Does the round end for us when we turn in our documents?
  • If proctors won't be on-site all the time, how are they going to enforce the rules about severe injuries and about simulating T&I facilities?
  • If a contestant withdraws to a medic, can they gain positive points for the round? Could they still lose points?
  • If a Red Team turns in documents from another facility, who receives the points? Nobody, this Red Team, or the Red Team assigned to that facility? Does the corresponding Blue Team loses points?
  • If someone suffers a lasting injury this round, will they receive a penalty for this injury at the end of the next round as well?
  • Brief teammates on plan with handsigns.
Prep: Talk in Air Dome for OPSEC/protection.
  • Word-halves:
    • Teammates deserve a share, but possessing people's word-halves will be dangerous after this round.
    • State that we intend to store word-halves in a storage scroll for now. Emphasize how many we have, and how many could have traps/be bombs.
    • Trade (real) explosives for letting us take word-halves.
    • Subtly signal Keiko/Noburi to step in if challenged.
  • Friendly participants: We want to let some people keep word-halves (ISC); do others have similar wishes?
    • Max: 1 friendly per teammate.
    • Confront Doigama if he doesn't mention his Wolf compatriot.
  • Distribute seals: Give enough for use before each battle. Tell everyone to keep them separate.
    • Explosives: Encourage liberal use.
      • Training tags for people.
      • Weapon:2 for demolitions.
    • Oxygen Mask: Protect from Doigama's poison.
    • Earmuff seals: Banshees.
  • Chakra:
    • May need teammates' chakra for Summoning.
    • Check allies' reserves:
      • Pretense: Familiarizing to ease future transfers.
      • Note Kato's reserves. If lied, confront + consider drain-KO & medic delivery if team agrees.
  • Debrief allies on dossiers & general facility layout.
    • Don't provide details on Leaf teams.
  • Carrot and Stick: Signal teammates to do negotiations.
    • If teammates seem to be uncooperative or suspicious note that we are flexible with taking everyone's interests into account.
    • Subtly drop hints regarding value of having good working relationships the Hokage's children.
    • Keiko reminds them that betrayal is unwise, slyly asks Pankurashun what Pangolins do to traitors (Intimidate).
  • Suggested Summons:
    • Pankurashun.
    • Pandajouru/Pangaya (once we can leave).
    • Panashe (might delay until after defeating designated Blue Team).
    • Other Combat Pangolins (summon as chakra costs allow).
  • Roles:
    • Scouting/Interference: Panashe, Doigama, Kato.
    • Support/Ranged: Keiko, Noburi, Gomi.
    • Assault: Everyone else.
  • General:
    • Scout ahead. Prioritize quickly obtaining broad view of situation and avoiding capture.
    • Overscrew enemies:
      • KO them. Avoid giving Severe Consequences.
      • Put Red Teams in (a) cell. DON'T make them Blue 'prisoners' which gives Blue Team points.
        • Make sure they don't have explosives/seals to escape from cells.
        • Seal them in with MEW. Leave room for air.
      • Steal word-halves. Stick the ones we get in the Seventh Path.
  • Breach our designated Blue facility first (see below). Clear site.
  • Afterwards:
    • Take enemies' chakra, redistribute amongst ourselves.
    • Give Moderate Consequences as necessary.
    • Dab some perfume on enemies (imperceptible to them, easy for Pangolins to track now and in Round 2).
    • Recover key/documents.
    • Scout other sites.
    • Everyone goes to deliver documents to proctor station.
  • Repeat for other sites.
    • Prioritize softer targets & Red Teams (harder to pin down).
Combat: Shock & Awe.
  • Use overwhelming force.
  • Keiko: Open with thrown Goo Bombs/Banshees.
    • Ideally use in open spaces.
    • If in buildings: May throw into enemy-filled rooms.
  • Assault: Engage stunned/immobilized enemies. Pangolins lead.
    • Hazou: Use Pangolin pepper Macerators, but avoid friendly fire.
  • Support/Ranged: Throw explosives/Firelog Macerators to distract/intimidate (and also give Gomi light for Genjutsu).
  • Scouting/Interference: Watch for retreats/reinforcements, alert for chase.
  • For buildings: Breach everywhere simultaneously, clear by room.
    • Focus enemies, check traps afterwards.
  • Chase fleeing enemies. Don't chase individuals if hard to track.
    • Have Panashe ready for this.
    • Be careful they don't lead us into traps/ambush.
  • Enemy teams blatantly violate rules? Fetch proctors.
  • Doigama/Kato: Maintain OPSEC regarding missing-nin activities/Leaf politics.
  • Non-top team candidates surrender? Accept. Drain them to Moderate Consequences instead of punching, everything else the same.
  • If turning in our documents removes us from this round:
    • Keep documents with us (e.g., Seventh Path) and continue rampage; turn in documents after rampage is ended.
  • If we can turn in other groups' documents: Don't destroy them, turn them in.
Adhoc vote count started by faflec on Jul 13, 2018 at 11:54 PM, finished with 622 posts and 15 votes.
@Vecht, do you have any ideas regarding how we can make our prisoners temporarily mute? Not something easily fixable, like a gag. Something closer to an amputated tongue, but without the mutilation.

We need to toe the line between the condition for a Blue Team getting points for keeping prisoners (in a cell, restrained, able to talk) and the condition for a Red Teams losing points for imprisonment (in a cell). We will need to put them in cells, and we can only make sure they stay there by restraining them, but we could potentially do something clever with the "able to talk" condition.
@Vecht, do you have any ideas regarding how we can make our prisoners temporarily mute? Not something easily fixable, like a gag. Something closer to an amputated tongue, but without the mutilation.

We need to toe the line between the condition for a Blue Team getting points for keeping prisoners (in a cell, restrained, able to talk) and the condition for a Red Teams losing points for imprisonment (in a cell). We will need to put them in cells, and we can only make sure they stay there by restraining them, but we could potentially do something clever with the "able to talk" condition.
They'll be drained to unconsciousness if we can help it.

Otherwise sufficient gagging will do it, I hope.

Alternatively spend 1 FP for "We still have a test bottle of Kurohige's Revenge. Make sure to dose them with a few shots before Round end."

Really we should worry more about them being removed from the cells by saboteurs, I think we should be able to spend sufficient time towards the end making sure all is well in Event 5 Round 1 and that our prisoners are still imprisoned and gagged.
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[X] Action Plan: Be Zabuza
Wrong name. @faflec's plan is named "Zabuza the Pangolin".

They'll be drained to unconsciousness if we can help it.
This won't work, I think:
10 points for each red team member who, at the end of the round, is (a) in a cell, (b) restrained, and (c) able to talk. (If they are unconscious then all of these requirements relate to once they wake up.)
Really we should worry more about them being removed from the cells by saboteurs, I think we should be able to spend sufficient time towards the end making sure all is well in Event 5 Round 1 and that our prisoners are still imprisoned and gagged.
So uh...should I add a note to make sure of this?
This won't work, I think:
I thought those rules were the old ones, and thus subjected to change?
Wrong name. @faflec's plan is named "Zabuza the Pangolin".

Oh, whoops.

[X] Action Plan: Zabuza the Pangolin

@Vecht, do you have any ideas regarding how we can make our prisoners temporarily mute? Not something easily fixable, like a gag. Something closer to an amputated tongue, but without the mutilation.

We need to toe the line between the condition for a Blue Team getting points for keeping prisoners (in a cell, restrained, able to talk) and the condition for a Red Teams losing points for imprisonment (in a cell). We will need to put them in cells, and we can only make sure they stay there by restraining them, but we could potentially do something clever with the "able to talk" condition.

I dunno. Does Noburi have mild poisons or heavy sedatives we could use? Inject them directly into the tongue? Or barring that, just drug them up so they're incoherent.

@faflec? Sound okay?
I dunno. Does Noburi have mild poisons or heavy sedatives we could use? Inject them directly into the tongue? Or barring that, just drug them up so they're incoherent.

@faflec? Sound okay?
Problem: it's pretty, well, evil. We'll attack people, stick them in cells, injure them, psychologically terrorize them, then inject them with some bioweapon on top of that. What kind of message does this send? I don't think it would be good for Jiraiya politically, either.
I'm....going to think about it.

But by all means. Keep talking about drugging teenagers with fuckup meds.
So EJ confirmed that betrayal is not the Very Bad Thing, so I'm going to discount it as a possibility for this round. MadEye.exe activate!

Word Count: 595

[X] Action Plan: Zabuza the Pangolin
  • Brief teammates on plan with hand signs.
Prep: Consider talking in Air Dome for OPSEC/protection.
Just be upfront and state we have secret matters to discuss with each other. Technically true. Handsigns might not be able to convey the full complexity we want here. Remember to cover mouths with hands while in airdome in order to negate the possibility of lip reading.
  • Word-halves:
    • Teammates deserve a share, but possessing people's word-halves will be dangerous after this round.
      If teammates do not agree to give us to sell their word halves to us they could sell them to others after the event.
    • State that we intend to publicize possession of the word-halves we've taken.
      Specify that word halves WE hold will be kept in the summon realm so as to avoid drawing anger, maybe offer to bank team mates word halves in summon realm?
    • Trade (real) explosives for letting us take word-halves.
    • Could be used against us in round 2. We could be blamed for them using the explosives in nefarious ways, especially if they do something during the exams.
  • Friendly participants: We want to let some people keep their word-halves (ISC); do others have similar wishes?
    • Max: 1 friendly per teammate.
      Even if our teammate doesn't want to betray us the friendly might.
    • Confront Doigama if he doesn't mention his Wolf compatriot.
      Why would he mention his wolf compatriot?, I don't think there's nearly as much intravillage solidarity in most villages like there is in Leaf and even then STL is a step above the Leaf norm. He could end up offended, after all I don't see anything that says mentioning our plans for ISC. Be more circumspect and don't put him on the defensive.
  • Distribute seals:
    • Explosives: Encourage liberal use.
      • Training tags for people.
      • Weapon:2 for demolitions.
        Could potentially cause severe consequences if used against humans. Mitigate risk by only giving one per person per base assault?
    • Oxygen Mask: Protect from Doigama's poison.
      Will they work on pangolin?
    • Earmuff seals: Banshees.
      Will they work on pangolin?
  • Chakra:
    • May need teammates' chakra for Summoning.
      • Point out seals as proof of good intentions.
      • More pangolin means less danger for them. Make clear the tactical benefit.
    • Check allies' reserves:
      • Pretense: Familiarizing to ease future transfers.
        Social spec people could roll deception to detect this lie.
      • Note Kato's reserves. If lied, confront + consider drain-KO & medic delivery if team agrees.
        Social specs could win the argument with our team, then we're fucked because we've REALLY pissed off Kato and made the rest of our team unhappy.
  • Debrief allies on dossiers & general facility layout.
    • Be vague about Leaf teams.
      The info on the dossiers was already given the go-ahead by the leaf teams. Full disclosure regarding the contents of the dossier but not our knowledge outside of the dossier.
  • Carrot and Stick:
    • If teammates seem to be uncooperative or suspicious note that we are flexible with taking everyone's interests into account.
    • Subtly drop hints regarding value of having good working relationships the Hokage's children.
    • Keiko reminds them that betrayal is unwise, slyly asks Pankurashun what Pangolins do to traitors (Intimidate).
  • Suggested Summons:
    • Pankurashun.
    • Pandajouru/Pangaya (once we can leave).
    • Panashe (might delay until after defeating designated Blue Team).
    • Other Combat Pangolins (summon as chakra costs allow).
  • Roles:
    • Scouting/Interference: Panashe, Doigama, Kato.
    • Support/Ranged: Keiko, Noburi, Gomi.
      Keiko and Noburi are fairly combat capable, but still vulnerable to being overwhelmed and are lynchpins of our plan. They could be ambushed by squads that might be roaming around their facility and scouting/running interference. We do not know for sure having nin outside the facility breaks the rules, and we do know for sure the proctors will do everything they can to fuck us over and avoiding fucking over other teams. Leave a pangolin with them or leave Keiko enough chakra to summon backup in case things get really dire
    • Assault: Everyone else.
  • General:
    • Scout ahead. Prioritize quickly obtaining broad view of situation and avoiding capture.
    • Overscrew enemies:
      • KO them. Avoid giving Severe Consequences.
      • Put Red Teams in (a) cell. DON'T make them Blue 'prisoners' which gives Blue Team points.
        • Escort a (restrained, chakra-drained) Red to submit their documents before bringing back to a cell.
          If we do not manage to capture most every red team member, this could very well fuck us. Documents should be destroyed. Moreover the trouble of finding the key, navigating traps, and unlocking the document will slow down the pain train. Have Pangolin pull safe from it's room out into the open. Bomb the damn thing to smithereens.
        • Make sure they don't have explosives/seals to escape from cells.
        • Seal them in with MEW. Leave room for air.
          Might not have enough chakra for this. Even then, these are ninja and at least a couple will asumedly be good at escaping.
      • Steal word-halves. Stick ours in Seventh Path.
    • Keiko: Intimidate captured top teams, stop them from attacking us R2.
      • NB: Figure out balance between too many people and not enough people attacking us R2.
        Hard to control precisely in any case
  • Breach our designated Blue facility first. Clear site.
  • Afterwards:
    • Take enemies' chakra, redistribute amongst ourselves.
    • Give Moderate Consequences as necessary.
    • Dab some perfume on enemies (imperceptible to them, easy for Pangolins to track now and in Round 2).
    • Recover key/documents.
      Again, could slow the pain train down as compared to just blasting the documents.
    • Scout other sites.
    • Everyone goes to deliver documents to proctor station.
      Might end up with us getting taken out of the event.
  • Repeat for other sites.
    • Prioritize softer targets & Red Teams (harder to pin down).
Combat: Shock & Awe.
  • Use overwhelming force.
  • Keiko: Open with thrown Goo Bombs/Banshees.
    • Ideally use in open spaces.
    • If in buildings: May throw into enemy-filled rooms.
      Keiko should probably avoid being in buildings, close quarters are no bueno for ranged specialists. Did you mean ninja that aren't Keiko should toss goo bombs/banshee seals into enemy-filled rooms, or just Keiko?
  • Assault: Engage stunned/immobilized enemies. Pangolins lead.
    • Hazou: Use Pangolin pepper Macerators, but avoid friendly fire.
  • Interference/Support: Throw explosives/Firelog Macerators to distract/intimidate (and also give Gomi light for Genjutsu).
  • Support/Interference: Watch for retreats/reinforcements.
  • For buildings: Breach everywhere simultaneously, clear by room.
    • Focus enemies, check traps afterwards.
      This is a very good way of being screwed by traps. I will again push having Yoshi's earth clones move in on the first wave.
  • Chase fleeing enemies. Don't chase individuals if hard to track.
    • Be careful they don't lead us into traps/ambush.
  • Enemy teams blatantly violate rules? Fetch proctors.
    Proctors could stick around and find ways to hold us up, killing the momentum of the pain train.
  • Doigama/Kato: Maintain OPSEC regarding missing-nin activities/Leaf politics.
  • Non-top team candidates surrender? Accept. Drain them to KO instead of punching, everything else the same.
    Watch out for tricks! One of the easiest ways this entire plan could get shot is if an enemy fakes a surrender to get close enough to take out Noburi. Have pangolin dig a small furrow in the earth and empty a storage seal of water to fill up the ditch. Enemy goes at one end and Noburi drains from the other end. Make sure enemy is imoblized before getting close to Noburi. Keep our guard up in general.
  • If turning in our documents removes us from this round:
    • Keep documents with us (e.g., Seventh Path) and continue rampage; turn in documents after rampage is ended.
    • Only escort non-top team Reds to turn in documents.
  • If we can turn in other groups' documents: Don't destroy them, turn them in.
    How will we know either way?
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I thought those rules were the old ones, and thus subjected to change?
New rules don't contradict this. I assume the proctor just gave us less details than @eaglejarl in this case.
I dunno. Does Noburi have mild poisons or heavy sedatives we could use? Inject them directly into the tongue? Or barring that, just drug them up so they're incoherent.
We considered something like this, but didn't come up with anything simple and kind enough. I suppose sedatives aren't that evil? @faflec, do you think sedatives are too evil?
But by all means. Keep talking about drugging teenagers with fuckup meds.

Leave it up to Noburi. Just suggest that if he has anything which accomplishes:
  • Rendering them unable to speak OR Rendering them incomprehensible / in a disassociative state
  • AND doesn't have lasting effects and is exceedingly unlikely to cause actual harm
..then go for it. Otherwise, meh.
Wrong name. @faflec's plan is named "Zabuza the Pangolin".

This won't work, I think:

Well, gagging will have to do.
So uh...should I add a note to make sure of this?

Under Strategy:

  • After clearing all sites
    • Scout for stragglers -- traditionally (Panashe)or with Kagome approved scouting techniques (spook with explosions)
      • Hunt any down if possible.
      • Use groups
    • Go back through captured facilities and check that they are all secured still.
      • Time permitting and if the straggler count is low, trap the facilities as best as possible to prevent any prison breaks.
    • Once ~90% of enemy ninja are captured focus efforts on patrol.
      • Begin to de-summon some Pangolins to ease chakra drain.
      • Keep Panashe and Pankurashun, at a minimum
What do we think?
Did the druggy thing. @18scsc I'm still reading over your thing, please hold.
[X] Action Plan: Be Zabuza


NB: The main difference here is that Keiko is summoning more and more Pangolins. I still feel that we should continue ramping up our Pangolin count, since Pangolins are faster than ninja and should be capable of chasing fleeing ninjas.

Alright there's more changes than that now.

Word Count: 599

[X] Action Plan: Zabuza the Pangolin

  • Does the round end for us when we turn in our documents?
  • If proctors won't be on-site all the time, how are they going to enforce the rules about severe injuries and about simulating T&I facilities?
  • If a contestant withdraws to a medic, can they gain positive points for the round? Could they still lose points?
  • If a Red Team turns in documents from another facility, who receives the points? Nobody, this Red Team, or the Red Team assigned to that facility? Does the corresponding Blue Team loses points?
  • If someone suffers a lasting injury this round, will they receive a penalty for this injury at the end of the next round as well?
  • Brief teammates on plan with handsigns.
Prep: Talk in Air Dome for OPSEC/protection.
  • Word-halves:
    • Teammates deserve a share, but possessing people's word-halves will be dangerous for R2.
    • State that we intend to store word-halves in a storage scroll for now. Emphasize how many we have, and how many could have traps/be bombs.
    • Trade (real) explosives for letting us take word-halves.
    • Subtly signal Keiko/Noburi to step in if challenged.
  • Friendly participants: We want to let some people keep word-halves (ISC); do others have similar wishes?
    • Max: 1 friendly per teammate.
    • Confront Doigama if he doesn't mention his Wolf compatriot.
  • Distribute seals: Give enough for use before each battle. Tell everyone to keep them separate.
    • Explosives: Encourage liberal use.
      • Training tags for people.
      • Weapon:2 for demolitions.
    • Oxygen Mask: Protect from Doigama's poison.
    • Earmuff seals: Banshees.
  • Chakra:
    • May need teammates' chakra for Summoning.
    • Check allies' reserves:
      • Pretense: Familiarizing to ease future transfers.
      • Note Kato's reserves. If lied, confront + consider drain-KO & medic delivery if team agrees.
  • Debrief allies on dossiers & general facility layout.
    • Don't provide details on Leaf teams.
  • Carrot and Stick: Signal teammates to do negotiations.
    • If teammates seem to be uncooperative or suspicious note that we are flexible with taking everyone's interests into account.
    • Subtly drop hints regarding value of having good working relationships the Hokage's children.
    • Keiko reminds them that betrayal is unwise, slyly asks Pankurashun what Pangolins do to traitors (Intimidate).
  • Suggested Summons:
    • Pankurashun.
    • Pandajouru/Pangaya (once we can leave).
    • Panashe (might delay until after defeating designated Blue Team).
    • Other Combat Pangolins (summon as chakra costs allow).
  • Roles:
    • Scouting/Interference: Panashe, Doigama, Kato.
    • Support/Ranged: Keiko, Noburi, Gomi.
    • Assault: Everyone else.
  • General:
    • Scout ahead. Prioritize quickly obtaining broad view of situation and avoiding capture.
    • Overscrew enemies:
      • KO them. Avoid giving Severe Consequences.
      • Put Red Teams in (a) cell. DON'T make them Blue 'prisoners' which gives Blue Team points.
        • Make sure they don't have explosives/seals to escape from cells.
        • Suggestion: Prevent talking via drugs (be very careful).
        • Seal them in with MEW. Leave room for air.
      • Steal word-halves. Stick the ones we get in the Seventh Path.
  • Breach our designated Blue facility first (see below). Clear site.
  • Afterwards:
    • Take enemies' chakra, redistribute amongst ourselves.
    • Give Moderate Consequences as necessary.
    • Dab some perfume on enemies (imperceptible to them, easy for Pangolins to track now and in Round 2).
    • Recover key/documents.
    • Scout other sites.
    • Everyone goes to deliver documents to proctor station.
  • Repeat for other sites.
    • Prioritize softer targets & Red Teams (harder to pin down).
Combat: Shock & Awe.
  • Use overwhelming force.
  • Keiko: Open with thrown Goo Bombs/Banshees.
    • Ideally use in open spaces.
    • If in buildings: May throw into enemy-filled rooms.
  • Assault: Engage stunned/immobilized enemies. Pangolins lead.
    • Hazou: Use Pangolin pepper Macerators, but avoid friendly fire.
  • Support/Ranged: Throw explosives/Firelog Macerators to distract/intimidate (and also give Gomi light for Genjutsu).
  • Scouting/Interference: Watch for retreats/reinforcements, alert for chase.
  • For buildings: Breach everywhere simultaneously, clear by room.
    • Focus enemies, check traps afterwards.
  • Chase fleeing enemies. Don't chase individuals if hard to track.
    • Have Panashe ready for this.
    • Be careful they don't lead us into traps/ambush.
  • Enemy teams blatantly violate rules? Fetch proctors.
  • Doigama/Kato: Maintain OPSEC regarding missing-nin activities/Leaf politics.
  • Non-top team candidates surrender? Accept. Drain them to Moderate Consequences instead of punching, everything else the same.
  • If turning in our documents removes us from this round:
    • Keep documents with us (e.g., Seventh Path) and continue rampage; turn in documents after rampage is ended.
  • If we can turn in other groups' documents: Don't destroy them, turn them in.
@faflec these are all excellent suggestions:

The info on the dossiers was already given the go-ahead by the leaf teams. Full disclosure regarding the contents of the dossier but not our knowledge outside of the dossier.

Keiko and Noburi are fairly combat capable, but still vulnerable to being overwhelmed and the lynchpins of our plan. They could be ambushed my leaf squads that could be roaming around their facility and scouting/running interference. We do not know for sure having nin outside the facility breaks the rules, and we do know for sure the proctors will do everything they can to fuck us over and avoiding fucking over other teams. Leave a pangolin with them or leave Keiko enough chakra to summon backup in case things get really dire

If we do not manage to capture most every red team member, this could very well fuck us. Documents should be destroyed. Moreover the trouble of finding the key, navigating traps, and unlocking the document will slow down the pain train. Have Pangolin pull safe from it's room out into the open. Bomb the damn thing to smithereens.

This is a very good way of being screwed by traps. I will again push having Yoshi's earth clones move in on the first wave.

Watch out for tricks! One of the easiest ways this entire plan could get shot is if an enemy fakes a surrender to get close enough to take out Noburi. Have pangolin dig a small furrow in the earth and empty a storage seal of water to fill up the ditch. Enemy goes at one end and Noburi drains from the other end. Make sure enemy is imoblized before getting close to Noburi. Keep our guard up in general.
@18scsc I believe we do have the power to pull punches to avoid Severe Conseqeunces.

Some of your suggestions have already been fixed/implemented.
As for people being outside, the original run of the rules suggested blue teams would set up patrols during the initial time allotment.

It is unclear whether that means for internal to the facility, or external, but my initial read was the latter.
@faflec you fkin rock. Thanks for consistently writing such great plans and for taking all this in stride.

@18scsc thanks for following through with Mad Eye. Some great ideas there.

Heading off for now. If anyone wants to contact me for additional critiques or analysis, ping me on discord.

We totally have this. :D