CCnJ: Please pardon me if I sound slightly gleeful; I've spent two years mainlining aspirin because of this jutsu and it's fun to be on the other side for a change. I'll warn you that I don't think any degree of care is going to be sufficient to prevent henge from being (a) a total pain in the keister and (b) setting-breaking the minute it comes in contact with
Ah, so you
can henge into objects! Cool. Let's have fun with that:
- Fred weighs ~200 lbs. 5mm-diameter copper wire weighs about 126 lb/1000'. That means Fred can henge into ~1500' worth of 5mm copper wire. Can that wire be:
- Vertical, so that it reaches up to a height of ~3 miles? Can he then henge back such that his head is where the top of the wire used to be?
- Horizontal, so that it reaches several miles in some direction? Can he then henge back such that his body is where the far end of the wire was? Note that if you say "the center of mass must be where his center of mass was", all that that gets you is that his new teleportation jutsu is restricted to half the distance.)
- Wrapped around an enemy? Does it matter if Fred was grappling the enemy to start?
- If someone uses Magnet Release against Fred while he is in wire form, does he generate electricity?
- If that electricity is siphoned into a Leyden jar or other storage device, does it continue to exist when Fred de-henges?
- If that electricity was used to run an electromagnet which was in turn used to generate a normal magnet, does the normal magnet stay charged when Bob de-henges?
- If Fred henges into a steel spear, is he as hard as the spear?
- If he henges into a saw, is he strong enough to be used for lumbering?
- If Bob henges into rope, is the henge strong enough and flexible enough to turn into a climbing harness and lift someone up a wall?
- If Fred henges into ice and subsequently melts / evaporates, is this a problem? If so, what happens -- does the henge break when he loses too much mass, does he come back with missing mass, or what? How much mass can he lose before it breaks? If he loses mass, where does the mass come from -- evenly distributed or does he come back with (e.g.) a missing arm?
Ah, so cutting a piece off your henge doesn't pop it, and you are creating matter ex nihilo. Cool. How much of you can be cut off before the henge pops? Can you take off your henged shirt and burn it for heat? (No need to look for firewood ever again!) Can you henge into a shirt with steel panels sewn in for armor? If you remove the panels can you forge them into something?
Can you henge into someone wearing a fruit hat, then take the hat off and feed the fruit to someone? If you maintain the henge long enough for the food to be digested and integrated into their cells, what happens when you de-henge and the henged ex-fruit (now forming part of their cells) disappears?
You can't henge away seals? Really? They're flat and very low-mass. If you can hide clothes under your henge then you should be able to hide seals.
Ah, so women can get pregnant while henged. That means either the henge body has actual organs or semen is capable of moving through the henge into the actual body without breaking the henge. So, do female ninja who are menstruating still have flow while henged? Is it real blood or chakra construct?
Ah, so it
is possible to henge into animals and learn the form. Cool, that means that senior ninja should all be grinding henge so that they can turn into bloodhounds for tracking, eagles for flying, and moles for tunneling.
These are the issues that I came up with in the time it took me to type them up, and I could definitely come up with more if I sat down and thought about. Instead, however, I am going to do worse:
@Radvic? Care to have a go?