We should look into some Earth Style version of Stoneskin or Iron Flesh that could go underneath Pangolin Scales though.
Armor tends to not stack, though? I mean, it's not impossible there's a stackable armor jutsu or similar but I imagine those to be beyond rare, like priceless-legendary-jutsu rare.
(2) Goggles seem quite doable.

I don't think theres anything we could make otherwise that would be adequate for our defensive purposes.

We should look into some Earth Style version of Stoneskin or Iron Flesh that could go underneath Pangolin Scales though.

Helmet isn't meant to take a direct hit from a ninja. Boots are meant to keep our feet protected and dry from the environment.
Gears I want to get after the exam/tournament:

1. Helmet - Shrapnel protection, but also protect your noggin in general. Also hardpoints to stick our seals on.
2. Eyewear - To protect our eyes against things like pangolin pepper spray.
3. Boots - Not ninja sandals. Actual boots. We need not expose our feet to the environment.

1. Probably not in common use because penalties to perception checks are usually more dangerous than shrapnel.

2. Hasn't Hazou already been investigating this? I believe it's mostly a matter of money and time.

3. Watsonian explanation is that heavy boots can interfere with extending your chakra for things like wall walking and water walking, which is why ninja tend to prefer lighter footwear.

Also, from a social level Hazou should probably pick his regular ninja gear with 'look like a fellow Leaf nin' in mind rather than 'look at this foreigner with all that weird equipment', as long as doing so doesn't unduly compromise his safety. You wear the local uniform, even if you hate sports jackets and ties. Meaning, yes he has to wear the ugly-ass ninja sandals.
1. Probably not in common use because penalties to perception checks are usually more dangerous than shrapnel.

A good helmet shouldn't interfere with the sensory capability of soldiers. A soldier's hearing and sight is life after all.

3. Watsonian explanation is that heavy boots can interfere with extending your chakra for things like wall walking and water walking, which is why ninja tend to prefer lighter footwear.

So long as the new boots doesn't interfere with wallwalking, waterwalking, and skywalking and such, then it should works.
A good helmet shouldn't interfere with the sensory capability of soldiers. A soldier's hearing and sight is life after all.

So long as the new boots doesn't interfere with wallwalking, waterwalking, and skywalking and such, then it should works.

Also, none of this will have a mechanical effect and is just there to affect your sensibilities, so it's really a cosmetic matter.
Armor tends to not stack, though? I mean, it's not impossible there's a stackable armor jutsu or similar but I imagine those to be beyond rare, like priceless-legendary-jutsu rare.
Ah, yes I forgot. Well, I still think some sort of Stoneskin or Ironflesh jutsu would be useful. Ghost Scales and Earth armor are nice but they don't really do anything but act as external armor. I was thinking something more varied that had the armor bonus thrown in as a package deal.

It wouldn't do anything other than change how Hazou would look, instead of effecting any rolls in a given situation.
I think Heavy Boots aren't liked simply because of noise. A hypothetical armored, light, noiseless boot would be fine for general use.
Ah, yes I forgot. Well, I still think some sort of Stoneskin or Ironflesh jutsu would be useful. Ghost Scales and Earth armor are nice but they don't really do anything but act as external armor. I was thinking something more varied that had the armor bonus thrown in as a package deal.
Ghost Scales give a Taijutsu buff, doesn't it?
3. Boots - Not ninja sandals. Actual boots. We need not expose our feet to the environment.

Chesterton's fence. If no ninja wear boots, even ninjas rich enough to afford them, then it's likely there's a reason everyone's wearing ninja sandals. Assuming there isn't is a good way to find out the hard way and/or get people telling you that you're being kinda stupid.
Also, none of this will have a mechanical effect and is just there to affect your sensibilities, so it's really a cosmetic matter.

It wouldn't do anything other than change how Hazou would look, instead of effecting any rolls in a given situation.

I choose those things as a matter of comfort, survival, and practicality, not look or sensibilities.

Chesterton's fence. If no ninja wear boots, even ninjas rich enough to afford them, then it's likely there's a reason everyone's wearing ninja sandals. Assuming there isn't is a good way to find out the hard way and/or get people telling you that you're being kinda stupid.

Make sense. I still want to investigate.
In hindsight, you know what we should have done?

Had Noburi or Hazou make clones that loudly pretend to be list-selling ninjas, and give away fake intel on our team (with some fake intel on other teams as well, to obfuscate this).

Given how quickly that one ninja was attacked, I'd imagine that we could have gotten a ton of other people DQ'd without cost to ourselves. Unless I'm reading the rules wrong and we would be counted as DQ'd for inciting the attack (?).

I thought both those ninja were working together? One to distract everyone, the other to hit everyone in the back with the jutsu? Or I guess the attacking ninja responding to such a public display
I choose those things as a matter of comfort, survival, and practicality, not look or sensibilities.
I would disagree with the notion that these would be effective in this world at this time simply because they are effective in our world in the modern age.

Ghost Scales give a Taijutsu buff, doesn't it?
Yes, equal to armor level (due to sharpness of the chakra construct scales) but thats just about all it does. We should make or find an armor jutsu that has additional effects other than "Now you punch better and can get punched better."

Say like, some iron flesh ripoff that also increases our mass by an enormous amount. We get armor and better punching, but also this should no-sell or help against AOE wind or water jutsu meant to push us around, since we are much heavier.

Alternatively if we wanted to slap Impulse seals (rockets) onto our legs and start punching things at Mach 1, our bones wouldn't immediately snap in half.

I thought both those ninja were working together? One to distract everyone, the other to hit everyone in the back with the jutsu? Or I guess the attacking ninja responding to such a public display
This was my take on the scenario as well.
OK, I'm going to take a crack at resolving the henge issues by proposing a Unified Theory of Henge in the hopes that we can find a way to preserve henge's important role in the setting without causing all manner of problematic implications.

Please spot any issues and ways those issues might be fixed.

CCnJ: Please pardon me if I sound slightly gleeful; I've spent two years mainlining aspirin because of this jutsu and it's fun to be on the other side for a change. I'll warn you that I don't think any degree of care is going to be sufficient to prevent henge from being (a) a total pain in the keister and (b) setting-breaking the minute it comes in contact with @Radvic.

The theory:

When someone henges into the shape of another person, they're using chakra to temporarily stretch and compress their bodies into the desired shape by moving their chakra pathways around and holding them there, and putting a chakra construct on top of the reshaped body of whoever they want to create the illusion of the right skin and clothes. This extends to giving a person different apparent mass because the laws of physics are being told what the properties of a thing should be by the way chakra flows through it. Change the chakra around and you can change how everything else interacts with it by extension.

However, a person's body is still there, just warped and molded like taffy. They still need to breathe, eat, excrete, and so on. Getting stabbed or poisoned is still a problem because henge can't glue damaged tissue back together, only temporarily warp what you've got into a different shape and slap a construct over it. The constructs are only imitations of real things, so something like creating construct air in your lungs won't help because it's not actually oxygen, just stuff that temporarily takes up space.

Henge construct clothes can be manipulated, taken off, and so on, and they disappear when the henge is released.
When someone henges into an object, the manipulation is much the same as a human but more dramatic. They warp their chakra into the desired shape, slap a construct on top of it, and freeze the pathway flows to imitate the physics of an inanimate object.
Ah, so you can henge into objects! Cool. Let's have fun with that:

  • Fred weighs ~200 lbs. 5mm-diameter copper wire weighs about 126 lb/1000'. That means Fred can henge into ~1500' worth of 5mm copper wire. Can that wire be:
    • Vertical, so that it reaches up to a height of ~0.3 miles? Can he then henge back such that his head is where the top of the wire used to be?
    • Horizontal, so that it reaches several miles in some direction? Can he then henge back such that his body is where the far end of the wire was? Note that if you say "the center of mass must be where his center of mass was", all that that gets you is that his new teleportation jutsu is restricted to half the distance.)
    • Wrapped around an enemy? Does it matter if Fred was grappling the enemy to start?
    • If someone uses Magnet Release against Fred while he is in wire form, does he generate electricity?
      • If that electricity is siphoned into a Leyden jar or other storage device, does it continue to exist when Fred de-henges?
      • If that electricity was used to run an electromagnet which was in turn used to generate a normal magnet, does the normal magnet stay charged when Bob de-henges?
  • If Fred henges into a steel spear, is he as hard as the spear?
  • If he henges into a saw, is he strong enough to be used for lumbering?
  • If Bob henges into rope, is the henge strong enough and flexible enough to turn into a climbing harness and lift someone up a wall?
  • If Fred henges into ice and subsequently melts / evaporates, is this a problem? If so, what happens -- does the henge break when he loses too much mass, does he come back with missing mass, or what? How much mass can he lose before it breaks? If he loses mass, where does the mass come from -- evenly distributed or does he come back with (e.g.) a missing arm?
Human henges are possible because humans are familiar with how human chakra pathways are supposed to flow. Object henges are possible because the pathways in objects don't flow at all. Animal henges aren't possible because living, flowing chakra pathways are really really complicated and doing a non-human one is just too complex and unfamiliar.

The old henge technique that didn't collapse when subjected to significant physical stress incorporated an additional technique to 'tie off' the chakra pathway alterations in order to make them self-sustaining and not prone to springing back into their natural shape. (Which is what's going on when a henge is popped. Holding a henge is like holding a spring out of shape with your hands. Let go or have your hand jostled enough that your grip slips and it violently jerks back into the shape it wants to have instead of the shape you stretched it into.)

Here are the answers this theory of Henge produces:
  • If you clip your nails, does that break your henge? Does it matter how much of your nail you clip off?
    • No and no.
Ah, so cutting a piece off your henge doesn't pop it, and you are creating matter ex nihilo. Cool. How much of you can be cut off before the henge pops? Can you take off your henged shirt and burn it for heat? (No need to look for firewood ever again!) Can you henge into a shirt with steel panels sewn in for armor? If you remove the panels can you forge them into something?

Can you henge into someone wearing a fruit hat, then take the hat off and feed the fruit to someone? If you maintain the henge long enough for the food to be digested and integrated into their cells, what happens when you de-henge and the henged ex-fruit (now forming part of their cells) disappears?

  • Can you henge into a person who is 50' tall but not very dense so the mass stays the same? How about 1" tall but super dense?
    • No, you're confined to human bodies that are biologically and physically possible for someone to have because it's not possible to warp moving chakra pathways beyond those limits.
  • You're carrying a bunch of gear and you henge into a form that is naked. Can you still get to the gear?
    • No, it's stuck under the the chakra construct. Also, the amount you can hide is going to be limited because you can't change the gear's mass or volume, only your own. Clothes but not a lot else. If you have a lot of gear you'll probably need to take it off first.
  • Where do the things that you're wearing/carrying go when you henge?
    • A small amount of stuff can be hidden under the chakra construct layer. It's sort of like wearing layered clothing.
  • Can you henge away seals?
    • No.
You can't henge away seals? Really? They're flat and very low-mass. If you can hide clothes under your henge then you should be able to hide seals.

  • If henge can survive sex, can you get pregnant if you have sex while henged?
    • Only if you're actually female.
Ah, so women can get pregnant while henged. That means either the henge body has actual organs or semen is capable of moving through the henge into the actual body without breaking the henge. So, do female ninja who are menstruating still have flow while henged? Is it real blood or chakra construct?

  • If I can henge into people and objects, why can't I henge into animals?
    • Non-human living chakra pathways are too unfamiliar and complicated. Doing different human forms is hard enough. Maybe someone might conceivably figure one animal form out with lots of work, but it'd be really really difficult.
Ah, so it is possible to henge into animals and learn the form. Cool, that means that senior ninja should all be grinding henge so that they can turn into bloodhounds for tracking, eagles for flying, and moles for tunneling.

These are the issues that I came up with in the time it took me to type them up, and I could definitely come up with more if I sat down and thought about. Instead, however, I am going to do worse: @Radvic? Care to have a go?

EDIT: Fixed a number.
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I would disagree with the notion that these would be effective in this world at this time simply because they are effective in our world in the modern age.

And I am merely reusing ideas that I think would be effective in the ninja world, though I am conceding on the points of boots and helmets.

Say like, some iron flesh ripoff that also increases our mass by an enormous amount. We get armor and better punching, but also this should no-sell or help against AOE wind or water jutsu meant to push us around, since we are much heavier.

Beware that ninja combat is rocket tag, so I am dubious about finding techniques like these. We are already the most well protected ninja in the story.
"mobile Air Dome" anything is a strong, strong no-no. We want absolutely nothing out there that can tech-tree to Skywalkers until Skywalkers leak on their own. Nothing that tech tree can produce is worth Jiraiya's wrath.
"mobile Air Dome" anything is a strong, strong no-no. We want absolutely nothing out there that can tech-tree to Skywalkers until Skywalkers leak on their own. Nothing that tech tree can produce is worth Jiraiya's wrath.

Since this is supposed to be something that even genin are going to use, I don't think it's that big of a stretch to try to produce mobile Air Dome armor.
CCnJ: Please pardon me if I sound slightly gleeful; I've spent two years mainlining aspirin because of this jutsu and it's fun to be on the other side for a change. I'll warn you that I don't think any degree of care is going to be sufficient to prevent henge from being (a) a total pain in the keister and (b) setting-breaking the minute it comes in contact with @Radvic.

Ah, so you can henge into objects! Cool. Let's have fun with that:

  • Fred weighs ~200 lbs. 5mm-diameter copper wire weighs about 126 lb/1000'. That means Fred can henge into ~1500' worth of 5mm copper wire. Can that wire be:
    • Vertical, so that it reaches up to a height of ~3 miles? Can he then henge back such that his head is where the top of the wire used to be?
    • Horizontal, so that it reaches several miles in some direction? Can he then henge back such that his body is where the far end of the wire was? Note that if you say "the center of mass must be where his center of mass was", all that that gets you is that his new teleportation jutsu is restricted to half the distance.)
    • Wrapped around an enemy? Does it matter if Fred was grappling the enemy to start?
    • If someone uses Magnet Release against Fred while he is in wire form, does he generate electricity?
      • If that electricity is siphoned into a Leyden jar or other storage device, does it continue to exist when Fred de-henges?
      • If that electricity was used to run an electromagnet which was in turn used to generate a normal magnet, does the normal magnet stay charged when Bob de-henges?
  • If Fred henges into a steel spear, is he as hard as the spear?
  • If he henges into a saw, is he strong enough to be used for lumbering?
  • If Bob henges into rope, is the henge strong enough and flexible enough to turn into a climbing harness and lift someone up a wall?
  • If Fred henges into ice and subsequently melts / evaporates, is this a problem? If so, what happens -- does the henge break when he loses too much mass, does he come back with missing mass, or what? How much mass can he lose before it breaks? If he loses mass, where does the mass come from -- evenly distributed or does he come back with (e.g.) a missing arm?

Ah, so cutting a piece off your henge doesn't pop it, and you are creating matter ex nihilo. Cool. How much of you can be cut off before the henge pops? Can you take off your henged shirt and burn it for heat? (No need to look for firewood ever again!) Can you henge into a shirt with steel panels sewn in for armor? If you remove the panels can you forge them into something?

Can you henge into someone wearing a fruit hat, then take the hat off and feed the fruit to someone? If you maintain the henge long enough for the food to be digested and integrated into their cells, what happens when you de-henge and the henged ex-fruit (now forming part of their cells) disappears?

You can't henge away seals? Really? They're flat and very low-mass. If you can hide clothes under your henge then you should be able to hide seals.

Ah, so women can get pregnant while henged. That means either the henge body has actual organs or semen is capable of moving through the henge into the actual body without breaking the henge. So, do female ninja who are menstruating still have flow while henged? Is it real blood or chakra construct?

Ah, so it is possible to henge into animals and learn the form. Cool, that means that senior ninja should all be grinding henge so that they can turn into bloodhounds for tracking, eagles for flying, and moles for tunneling.

These are the issues that I came up with in the time it took me to type them up, and I could definitely come up with more if I sat down and thought about. Instead, however, I am going to do worse: @Radvic? Care to have a go?
Cough illusion henge retcon cough cough.
CCnJ: Please pardon me if I sound slightly gleeful; I've spent two years mainlining aspirin because of this jutsu and it's fun to be on the other side for a change. I'll warn you that I don't think any degree of care is going to be sufficient to prevent henge from being (a) a total pain in the keister and (b) setting-breaking the minute it comes in contact with @Radvic.

Ah, so you can henge into objects! Cool. Let's have fun with that:

  • Fred weighs ~200 lbs. 5mm-diameter copper wire weighs about 126 lb/1000'. That means Fred can henge into ~1500' worth of 5mm copper wire. Can that wire be:
    • Vertical, so that it reaches up to a height of ~3 miles? Can he then henge back such that his head is where the top of the wire used to be?
    • Horizontal, so that it reaches several miles in some direction? Can he then henge back such that his body is where the far end of the wire was? Note that if you say "the center of mass must be where his center of mass was", all that that gets you is that his new teleportation jutsu is restricted to half the distance.)
    • Wrapped around an enemy? Does it matter if Fred was grappling the enemy to start?
    • If someone uses Magnet Release against Fred while he is in wire form, does he generate electricity?
      • If that electricity is siphoned into a Leyden jar or other storage device, does it continue to exist when Fred de-henges?
      • If that electricity was used to run an electromagnet which was in turn used to generate a normal magnet, does the normal magnet stay charged when Bob de-henges?
  • If Fred henges into a steel spear, is he as hard as the spear?
  • If he henges into a saw, is he strong enough to be used for lumbering?
  • If Bob henges into rope, is the henge strong enough and flexible enough to turn into a climbing harness and lift someone up a wall?
  • If Fred henges into ice and subsequently melts / evaporates, is this a problem? If so, what happens -- does the henge break when he loses too much mass, does he come back with missing mass, or what? How much mass can he lose before it breaks? If he loses mass, where does the mass come from -- evenly distributed or does he come back with (e.g.) a missing arm?

Ah, so cutting a piece off your henge doesn't pop it, and you are creating matter ex nihilo. Cool. How much of you can be cut off before the henge pops? Can you take off your henged shirt and burn it for heat? (No need to look for firewood ever again!) Can you henge into a shirt with steel panels sewn in for armor? If you remove the panels can you forge them into something?

Can you henge into someone wearing a fruit hat, then take the hat off and feed the fruit to someone? If you maintain the henge long enough for the food to be digested and integrated into their cells, what happens when you de-henge and the henged ex-fruit (now forming part of their cells) disappears?

You can't henge away seals? Really? They're flat and very low-mass. If you can hide clothes under your henge then you should be able to hide seals.

Ah, so women can get pregnant while henged. That means either the henge body has actual organs or semen is capable of moving through the henge into the actual body without breaking the henge. So, do female ninja who are menstruating still have flow while henged? Is it real blood or chakra construct?

Ah, so it is possible to henge into animals and learn the form. Cool, that means that senior ninja should all be grinding henge so that they can turn into bloodhounds for tracking, eagles for flying, and moles for tunneling.

These are the issues that I came up with in the time it took me to type them up, and I could definitely come up with more if I sat down and thought about. Instead, however, I am going to do worse: @Radvic? Care to have a go?

It's a fun challenge trying to figure out an internally consistent way of describing how henge works without creating horrible abuses.

The exploits you suggested with the copper wire example could be prevented by saying that henged objects occupy the same general space that the body did. There's some flexibility here, but you can't conjure up a wire around someone standing over there or something. (Maybe if you were already hugging them.) You'd generally be limited to something like a pile or coil of wire sitting on the ground.

Henged objects do retain their basic physical properties, so you could in principle do magnetism and electrical stuff with them, although I don't think the setting knows about generators and electromagnets.

The steel spear would be as hard as steel, the rope would function as rope, etc.

I think hengeing into ice would cause the henge to pop when the ice started to melt.

The fruit in a fruit hat isn't real fruit, just an imitation made of chakra with the right appearance. It doesn't provide nutrition. Eating it would result in it going straight through the digestive system, at least until it disappeared as the henge ended.

Ahh, I misunderstood what you meant by disappearing seals and thought you meant vanishing them from someone else's hand somehow. Yes, you could put a seal in a pocket or stuck to your skin somehow when henged. If in contact with skin it could be activated.

For henge to be functional in various ways the external bits need to connect to the internal organs of the real body. Swallowing food results in it going through the real digestive system, etc. Orifaces are holes in the construct layer.

Hengeing into an animal is theoretically possible but such a ridiculous amount of work and research for a form that nobody's known to have done it. It'd take years of focused effort to get one form down. It could be a good idea for a bloodline limit power.
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