Well, we all know that Noburi and Hazou are interested in depraved things by now, but Neji's going a bit far, don't you think?
I'm concerned this leaves us with little way to verify information the leaf team gave us, and therefore relies entirely on trust.

Would prefer to trade away say ~80% of what we know and use the remaining 20% to verify what we get back, to be a bit less exploitable.
We weren't invited to trade intel with them by Shikamaru, though. We were asked to just share what he'd given us with them. To not do so, and to our own benefit, would be highly disingenuous.
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I feel like the Akane apology is something we want to dedicate more plan space to than just a single bullet point. If we care about the result, that is. If we don't, may as well delete it and let Hazou do what he wants. It's a bit difficult to know if he appreciates that the issue here isn't just the opsec slip. So, I'd be ok with removing it. On the other hand, we probably want to address it as soon as possible unless there's very little time left till the next event.

So the question is, are we willing to pay 1 XP for a more elaborate apology section? I'm willing to write it, if so, though I'd also like to freeze the plans ~12 hours before the deadline.
@Anderkent @MMKII I'll echo what @Cariyaga said above, and add that the point is to improve the standing of Leaf, not our own standing. One thing we could do to address this is to not include information the other people give us, and use that as a reference to check their work/authenticity.
@Anderkent @MMKII I'll echo what @Cariyaga said above, and add that the point is to improve the standing of Leaf, not our own standing. One thing we could do to address this is to not include information the other people give us, and use that as a reference to check their work/authenticity.
It was my understanding that a significant portion of our information came from Shika.

I would say we just do a half and half split , modulo Leaf info:

We give them half, they give us theirs, we check, give them the second half.
Oh that reminds me: we might want to check to make sure that, when we submit our ballots, we're not being spied upon. Yes/no?
@Anderkent @MMKII I'll echo what @Cariyaga said above, and add that the point is to improve the standing of Leaf, not our own standing. One thing we could do to address this is to not include information the other people give us, and use that as a reference to check their work/authenticity.

Not clear on the distinction of that, and just not revealing everything we know even in the first trade? We're still significantly increasing their score, while the verification check prevents other people from thrashing our score by giving us civilians as ninja.

To be clear, what I'm suggesting is:

1. team jirayia & clanless select ~75% of roles (not STL) to trade away
2. when trading, compare received data with remaining 25% known; if inconsistent pretend to be fooled and disengage
3. if at end we have more ninjas 'marked' than total candidates, mark all STL-given roles and mark remainder based on expected value

What if Henge just stops working suddenly and there are no cues as to why it happened? No one blames Sealing (besides Kagome), no one blames some magical chakra-virus. Just one moment Henge exists, the next it doesn't. People are theorising why, but they can't do more than theorise. A lot of people are saying that the Sage took the power of Henge back because ninjakind misused it, and no one actually understands enough of what happened to disprove this.
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I've added a part checking if we're being spied on while doing the ballot. Regarding distributing info to Leaf, I'm still torn on it. Will listen to discussion and make a decision in an hour or three.
Word count for eaglejarl: 199

[X] Action Plan: Topsy Turvy

  • Check everything with Keiko/Noburi.
  • Don't break OPSEC.
  • Confirm: Agree to list each other's information in ballot.
    • They disagree: Don't list them.
  • Akane: Talk after Event (re: OPSEC).
  • Team Clanless: Coordinate/share gains from plots (below).
Continue event:
  • Stay near teammates, avoid ambush places.
  • With other Leaf teams: Fairly trade intel for intel & aid in:
    • ...finding counterparts.
    • ...finding next Event.
    • ...in next Event.
  • Use sweat to find disguised ninjas.
Event Scoring:
  • Check: We aren't being spied on.
  • Use our available information to score points, identifying every role, secret role, and ninja we know.
    • Possible exception: STL if they disagreed (see above).
  • Guess village/team/name/role for all ninja we are unsure of. Determine most probable cases using logic.
  • Secure report to Jiraiya.
  • Briefly apologize to Akane privately.
    • Implication: Talk more later.
  • Investigate next Event:
    • Coordinate with STL:
      • Investigate outside city (East Gate) for clues.
      • Chat up lockbox-making blacksmith for information.
    • Speak with Yakuza.
  • Request undisguised proctors prove they're unHenge'd before following their orders.
  • Be aware of table flips. Avoid crowds & be ready to run without giving away ninja status.
    • Be less active towards the deadline.
  • If someone publicly releases our names release our list.
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I've added a part checking if we're being spied on while doing the ballot. Regarding distributing info to Leaf, I'm still torn on it. Will listen to discussion and make a decision in an hour or three.

I'd remove the double reference to "if STL disagrees don't name them" and add a "be apologetic" in akane's section:

  • STL: Agree to list each other's information in ballot.
  • Akane: Talk after Event (re: OPSEC). Be apologetic.
If she insists we want to refuse to get into it but still say we're sorry. I fear original phrasing is going to be Hazou saying "Akane, let's talk after the event", instead of "Sorry about that, let's talk later?". The difference being the first suggests we don't think we were in the wrong.

Whereas we already say we don't name STL under the balloting section so feels redundant to have it there.
I'd remove the double reference to "if STL disagrees don't name them" and add a "be apologetic" in akane's section:

  • STL: Agree to list each other's information in ballot.
  • Akane: Talk after Event (re: OPSEC). Be apologetic.
If she insists we want to refuse to get into it but still say we're sorry. I fear original phrasing is going to be Hazou saying "Akane, let's talk after the event", instead of "Sorry about that, let's talk later?". The difference being the first suggests we don't think we were in the wrong.

Whereas we already say we don't name STL under the balloting section so feels redundant to have it there.
I'm a bit worried that the plan (re: STL ballot) would be contradictory otherwise, but I'll try to abbreviate it to add the Akane section; this way we'd be able to avoid messups while also adding the Akane thing.

Edit: Done.
Word count for eaglejarl: 198

[X] Action Plan: Topsy Turvy

  • Check everything with Keiko/Noburi.
  • Don't break OPSEC.
  • Confirm: Agree to list each other's information in ballot.
    • They disagree: Don't list them.
  • Akane: Talk after Event (re: OPSEC). Be apologetic.
  • Team Clanless: Coordinate/share gains from plots (below).
Continue event:
  • Stay near teammates, avoid ambush places.
  • With other Leaf teams: Fairly trade intel for intel & aid in:
    • ...finding counterparts.
    • ...finding next Event.
    • ...in next Event.
  • Use sweat to find disguised ninjas.
Event Scoring:
  • Check: We aren't being spied on.
  • Use our available information to score points, identifying every role, secret role, and ninja we know.
    • Possible exception: STL (see above).
  • Guess village/team/name/role for all ninja we are unsure of. Determine most probable cases using logic.
  • Secure report to Jiraiya.
  • Briefly apologize to Akane privately.
    • Implication: Talk more later.
  • Investigate next Event:
    • Coordinate with STL:
      • Investigate outside city (East Gate) for clues.
      • Chat up lockbox-making blacksmith for information.
    • Speak with Yakuza.
  • Request undisguised proctors prove they're unHenge'd before following their orders.
  • Be aware of table flips. Avoid crowds & be ready to run without giving away ninja status.
    • Be less active towards the deadline.
  • If someone publicly releases our names release our list.
Adhoc vote count started by faflec on Jun 29, 2018 at 1:57 PM, finished with 342 posts and 13 votes.
  • 17

    [X] Action Plan: Topsy Turvy
    [X] Action Plan: The Finishers
    [X] Plan privately apologize to Akane and then win event
    [X] Plan Repeat The Stuff From The Last Plan That We Didn't Do Yet But Also Search For Our Countepart Stealthily And Also Apologize Privately To Akane
    [X] Action Plan: Amai Bonku Sends His Regards
    [X] Action Plan: The Cautious Finishers
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Oh, nice.

We even gave out that Akane can lower the temperature in the area as well. So we didn't just give one part of the technique away, but it was a full OPSEC breach.

Don't understand why Hazou could not say something like "We used a technique that we cannot disclose for OPSEC reasons to raise the temperature everywhere except the mansion entrance"

Or at the very least "Akane has a ninjutsu that can raise the temperature in an area for a while."

We could've stated it was a seal we designed and had placed, with some lie about their self-destruction ex: when a certain temperature is reached, the paper combust leaving no trace. Anyone who knows about sealing to know we lied doesn't know how we actually did it and probably wouldn't include any of the genin we were explaining to. In fact, why aren't we using that as our default explanation for all opsec (seals)?

What if Henge just stops working suddenly and there are no cues as to why it happened? No one blames Sealing (besides Kagome), no one blames some magical chakra-virus. Just one moment Henge exists, the next it doesn't. People are theorising why, but they can't do more than theorise. A lot of people are saying that the Sage took the power of Henge back because ninjakind misused it, and no one actually understands enough of what happened to disprove this.
People who have just lost something important to them are liable to do more than theorise. Again, there is that sense of threat--how do you protect yourself from something like this happening again? There is the instinct to find somebody to blame. There are people who, purely out of pragmatism, will try to pin the thing on their worst enemies. There are people who will move to exploit the change, and people who will see this as evidence that they caused it. Even in our world, there are plenty of primitive thinkers who blame completely explainable natural disasters on sin, the wrath of higher powers and/or dark magic, and treat the people involved (or allegedly involved) accordingly. Imagine a scenario where that's the only level of explanation available.

Let me put it another way.

Somebody has just used used an unidentifiable hostile effect which inherently causes confusion on a huge crowd of mutually hostile ninja. What do you think is likely to happen?
We could've stated it was a seal we designed and had placed, with some lie about their self-destruction ex: when a certain temperature is reached, the paper combust leaving no trace. Anyone who knows about sealing to know we lied doesn't know how we actually did it and probably wouldn't include any of the genin we were explaining to. In fact, why aren't we using that as our default explanation for all opsec (seals)?

I like this idea. But we should add that it's a special seal Jiraiya made
We could've stated it was a seal we designed and had placed, with some lie about their self-destruction ex: when a certain temperature is reached, the paper combust leaving no trace. Anyone who knows about sealing to know we lied doesn't know how we actually did it and probably wouldn't include any of the genin we were explaining to. In fact, why aren't we using that as our default explanation for all opsec (seals)?

Too bad that we didn't think of it before executing the plan.