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Are we sure that Akane understands the situation correctly? Remember, this is the girl who was bemused when we got worried about her reaction to finding out that Mari killed a Leaf patrol. That really doesn't mesh with the way she's acting right now. From our perspective:
  1. Our team specifically doing well is the most important thing for Leaf's international politics that the genin can affect right now (barring clever things). If we do well then Jiraiya has more leverage, which means Leaf gets better deals. Our mission is to own the exams in as publically decisive a manner as we can.
  2. The secondary objective of our mission is to get the other Leaf teams to do as well as possible, since this also improves Jiraiya's position in negotiations.
  3. The exams are not a fair contest. We literally do not care about playing by the rules in the slightest. The exams are not an opportunity to show off our skills in an honest manner and get promoted. They are an opportunity to tilt the scales of global politics in Jiraiya's favour.
I think Akane either hasn't internalised this, or was never briefed in the first place, because right now she seems to think of the exams as a chance to show off our skills and earn a promotion.
Is akane cleared for any of that?
She probably doesn't but I am not sure how much we are at liberty to tell the other Leaf teams. This is also the reason why I haven't suggested using Naruto's name as form of emotional manipulation for the STL: The better we do - and our clan specifically - the more likely it is we can get Naruto back, who is presumably their friend even in MfD (and could potentially still be Hinata's crush).

We may be assuming that everyone else has similar info that we have been given by Jiraiya. It is highly likely Shikaku debriefed Shikamaru somewhat because this is very critical and he is wise when he needs to be. It's not necessarily the case that everyone else (clan or no) has that info though.

It's possible that even the news of Narutos kidnapping was not given to most of the ninja in the village because of how disasterous it would be for that to leak. They might be under the assumption he's on a very long training mission or something .

Tbh putting stuff like this out in the open might make Jiraiya more unhappy with us than inciting a drunk riot with a few dozen casualties, even.
Tbh putting stuff like this out in the open might make Jiraiya more unhappy with us than inciting a drunk riot with a few dozen casualties, even.

And no one suggested we do so right now. At most we will ask Jiraiya next time we check in with which parts - if any - we may tell the others. And then use those arguments (if any) to build up a stronger alliance to ensure we make it all to the tournament stage.
We may be assuming that everyone else has similar info that we have been given by Jiraiya. It is highly likely Shikaku debriefed Shikamaru somewhat because this is very critical and he is wise when he needs to be. It's not necessarily the case that everyone else (clan or no) has that info though.

It's possible that even the news of Narutos kidnapping was not given to most of the ninja in the village because of how disasterous it would be for that to leak. They might be under the assumption he's on a very long training mission or something .

Tbh putting stuff like this out in the open might make Jiraiya more unhappy with us than inciting a drunk riot with a few dozen casualties, even.
This is something that we ought to know, though; given our briefings on OPSEC and the like. @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail ?
@Velorien, @eaglejarl, @OliWhail, @faflec:
I don't care about much winning or losing on this scale, but I do love consistency. If misterators blocked LoS in the past, I want them to keep doing so. In a rational fiction such as this, effects that worked one way in the past shouldn't behave differently now for sake of because, completely independent of if it's to our advantage or not. Since they don't, they need to continue not doing so. In this case, it gives us an advantage - an advantage we already PAID FOR by having plans that would have worked in the past be rejected because it didn't work that way then. In order to make them block LoS now, we'd have to dig a much deeper retcon to throw the previous instances where they wouldn't work away, in order to square those round pegs, and we'd end up in a much different situation as a result. I am pleased with this outcome. You are doing a good job as QMs. I endorse faflec for inclusion in QM-ness as a consistency-checker.
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@rkyeun Not sure if you are still catching up on the thread but it was already retcon'd that tipserators do not block LoS (invalidating the previous update) which makes them consistent with misterator rulings.
Ah, okay.

How high is the porch, then? If it's low, then people most likely won't be looking underneath it, and we could hang out toward the back to see how people are gathered.
It's low enough that people probably won't look under it, unless they have a reason to do so or for some unimaginable reason somebody falls prone.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail - what exactly do we know about the situation on the front lawn? Are people already gathered, or just in the process of gathering? (Just want to know if we really need to ask Hinata about this or not)
You don't have LOS to the entrance, so you're judging by sound. There is a significant number of people outside the house. You don't know if it's everyone or if others are on their way.
And no one suggested we do so right now. At most we will ask Jiraiya next time we check in with which parts - if any - we may tell the others. And then use those arguments (if any) to build up a stronger alliance to ensure we make it all to the tournament stage.
Yeah, I was merely commenting.

I don't think he would approve that though, the only people that can be relied on is maybe Hinata and Shikamaru.

We may have to drive the point home with Shika after this event that it's not the time for fucking bartering games.

Are we sure that Akane understands the situation correctly? Remember, this is the girl who was bemused when we got worried about her reaction to finding out that Mari killed a Leaf patrol. That really doesn't mesh with the way she's acting right now. From our perspective:
  1. Our team specifically doing well is the most important thing for Leaf's international politics that the genin can affect right now (barring clever things). If we do well then Jiraiya has more leverage, which means Leaf gets better deals. Our mission is to own the exams in as publically decisive a manner as we can.
  2. The secondary objective of our mission is to get the other Leaf teams to do as well as possible, since this also improves Jiraiya's position in negotiations.
  3. The exams are not a fair contest. We literally do not care about playing by the rules in the slightest. The exams are not an opportunity to show off our skills in an honest manner and get promoted. They are an opportunity to tilt the scales of global politics in Jiraiya's favour.
I think Akane either hasn't internalised this, or was never briefed in the first place, because right now she seems to think of the exams as a chance to show off our skills and earn a promotion.
Without confirming or denying your reasoning, how does your team specifically doing well grant Jiraiya leverage?
Hellloooo Y'all! First time poster here with my first post.

Alright. I don't have much to say right now, other than that if we do end up employing the tipserator again, we should take steps to mitigate damage if things do go to shit again. Such as by making sure the door isn't locked in case there is another stampede. That way at least the crowd can at least squeeze themselves through the doorway rather than being crushed up against the door.
@Velorien Best I could find on short notice:

"Besides, we can't afford not to go. If the Hokage's new clan, which happens to be fifty percent provisional chūnin, doesn't attend the Chūnin Exams, that's a show of weakness too. Mist's turtles might value the ceasefire we've sort of got going right now, but if the sharks can stir up trouble for us without going toe to toe, you know they will."

It's a diplomatic tool. Exam performance is a reflection of your village's quality of training, and the best candidates are likely to be that village's future jōnin. By doing well at the exams, you are demonstrating your village's power without having to kill people, which in turn allows you to exert diplomatic pressure.

1) Because your performance in the Exams, both in the events and during in-between times:
  1. Establishes your rep among your peers
  2. Gives you contacts with ninja from other villages that you can use for diplomacy, trade etc, later on
  3. Is a real-world demonstration of the idea "peaceful cooperation is a path to victory too"
  4. Helps Jiraiya build international peace
  5. Helps Jiraiya gain intelligence that could find Naruto, which might well prevent a war
  6. Increases Jiraiya's chances of keeping the hat when you go back to Leaf, thereby keeping your clan in a position of power where you can actually effect change in Leaf (e.g. its educational system) and have merchants banging on your door desperate to offer you discounts and/or give you information
(underline mine)
[X] Action Plan: Huh? Didn't We Do This Already?

: Get the majority of the people here drunk without getting caught. Reduce the non-Leaf high ranking teams point scores. Get lots of points for Team Uplift.

  1. Quickly tie up some loose ends (this does not need to be in a scene, may or may not be included at @Velorien's discretion -- this was prompted by them late in the voting cycle, and could have happened before present time in story.)
    • (may have happened before now in-story) She will quickly ask Team Kurenai for a buy in, in exchange for information about the plan (as much information as you told Team Asuma)
      • You don't have time for haggling so its take it or leave it (the exchange below is reasonable)
      • If they agree, then quickly explain details (of what Hazou plans to do re: tipserators, not the whole thing) while you get the buy in.
      • Chakra buy-in from Shino and Kiba
      • Hinata can help us scout out the grounds quickly with the Byakugan and suggest optimal travel path for Hazou underground to the necessary spot under the mansion
      • If they don't agree, oh well.
    • Hazou will quickly debrief Keiko (maybe Shikamaru too;with orders to tell everyone else after he leaves) on a possible cover story
      • We noticed the heat, determined it was some form of attack and grouped up for safety.
        • If I return before proctors then I was here all along.
        • If I return after proctors then I left to go scout out the situation
  2. Use the Tipserator to get a bunch of ninja drunk. Don't get caught.
    • Hazou will use Hiding Like a Mole to move under the porch near where the people are gathered, toward the back so he doesn't get caught, followed by using the tipserator
      • Do not release Hiding Like a Mole: Instead, immediately sink back underground the moment the tipserator goes off, taking the tipserator with Hazou.
      • This should also make the tipserator look less like a cone.
    • While this is going on, Hazou is to wear a grey cloth over his face as camouflage against the darkness under the porch, keeping his eyes as close to closed as he can. Remove this before returning to STL.
  3. Return to Super Team Leaf.
    • Return to the marquee from underground. Hazou emerges at a well-concealed location (using an FP if necessary for there to be one) partially as-before to check that STL is by themselves, before returning to them underground to rejoin them.
    • Find out the results of the operation
      • Assumedly, Hinata is taking a peek to ascertain who won the bets made.
    • Suggest that the teams cooperate by sharing names of high scoring non-Leaf teams by sharing information. Targets of particular interest are Team Downfall, Team Mugiwara, those that Hazou gave intel on from the Oyabun before, and any other team that other members of STL want dealt with.
      • Hazou suggests sharing those particular teams' names with any cliques that have formed. He has one in mind.
        • This information will, of course, be bartered with the cliques and shared back with STL given opportunity.
    • Express a general willingness to work together with the other teams to maximize point gain for STL. The better Leaf does in general, the more powerful Leaf appears.
  4. Continue the event, enacting various plots and schemes. Check these with Keiko and Noburi, and STL if they judge it necessary. Do whichever of these are judged most profitable/least risky -- not all of them.
    • Try to avoid being anywhere alone except break rooms; stay within earshot of teammates.
    • Write down lists detailing relevant information of the teams you want sabotaged prepared. Only release this through Bonku if someone else does something similar, otherwise it'll be a race to to the bottom that benefits the low-scoring teams.
      • Alternately, we could start rumors through Bonku of high-scorers being ninja.
    • Use sweat to determine who's a ninja and who isn't.
      • The genin probably don't have much experience with alcohol, additionally.
    • Chat up the drunk ninja -- those that aren't seemingly-violent -- and make good on not being drunk to get intel from them: names, village, team name, and secret IDs, both theirs and that they know of.
    • Start a matchmaking service of some kind. With ninja identities already exposed, people might be more willing to take up this offer. A member of Team Uplift will ask "who are you looking for", though not their own role (which can likely be sussed out anyways), and direct people together, under a guarantee that the info won't leave your team. Net potential gain is 45 points for parties matched with this, and 10 points for each match for every member of Team Uplift. Consider using break rooms for the information exchanges.
    • Pretend to be disguised proctors looking for the perpetrators, convince drunken ninja to give half-words, secret identities, and other event-related personal details.
  • If someone starts something before we let off the tipserator:
    • Observe if given the chance, if it seems like it would be dangerous to release the tipserator, don't do so, just abort the mission.
  • If things go south and it turns into a proper clusterfuck of pre-retcon proportions
    • When returning to STL, point out that he told Shikamaru about the idea and he had no objections then.

e: POST-12PM LONDON TIME EDIT: If you don't actually need the clarification from Section 1, feel free to completely ignore it @Velorien
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Hellloooo Y'all! First time poster here with my first post.

Alright. I don't have much to say right now, other than that if we do end up employing the tipserator again, we should take steps to mitigate damage if things do go to shit again. Such as by making sure the door isn't locked in case there is another stampede. That way at least the crowd can at least squeeze themselves through the doorway rather than being crushed up against the door.

Without confirming or denying your reasoning, how does your team specifically doing well grant Jiraiya leverage?

Just spitballing. Aside from confirming his reasoning in adopting us?

This would probably cement our position as "Leaf shinobi" , even if it will still be awkward/annoying dealing with certain members of our generation, they will have to at least respect us. Our gains in power are Jiraiya's by proxy.

It also confirms that he has at least 3 highly competent ninja in his clan. This will give us more credibility as a new clan, I would think?

The three of us gaining publicity and notoriety will increase the amount of mission contracts being offered to us, which will in turn increase our clan resources and lessen some of the pressure of him in that aspect from a financial perspective. Sufficient success in higher level missions will only help this more.

I would imagine a substantial fraction of problems he has to deal with in Leaf come from the clan heads being greedy and manipulative dickbags, and if we smack the metaphorical shit out of their kids on the international stage I imagine this must cause some problems for them.

Our actions may also have political effects on Mist, some of which may be directly beneficial to Leaf.
Hellloooo Y'all! First time poster here with my first post.

Alright. I don't have much to say right now, other than that if we do end up employing the tipserator again, we should take steps to mitigate damage if things do go to shit again. Such as by making sure the door isn't locked in case there is another stampede. That way at least the crowd can at least squeeze themselves through the doorway rather than being crushed up against the door.
Welcome! I hope you'll stay around and help us gradually go insane from stress keep Hazou and co alive! I'm sure you'll do fine here considering that you've already contributed a useful idea.
Without confirming or denying your reasoning, how does your team specifically doing well grant Jiraiya leverage?

  1. We are his clan, by extension us looking good makes him look good.
    1. Particularly since we are adopted which proves his judgment about our competence is good and a worthwhile trait for being Hokage.
  2. Leaf took a risk bringing missing nin into their ranks, let us show them that it was justified.
  3. Being promoted to Chunin gives us more influence and cash flow which helps both Jiraiya, our clan and our future Uplift goals.
  4. Jiraiya could spin our performance as proof that Mist was a fool to squander resources such as our team (works for both the official and unofficial versions).
    1. Alternatively he could spin this as us being a shining example of what happens when Leaf and Mist ally.
  5. We would occupy three tournament spots which by default means less spots for non-Leaf teams. And to preempt the obvious question: there are more tournament spots than STL members (and the non-STL members don't matter for OOC or IC reasons).
    1. Showing that Leaf is still top dog even after losing the third Hokage and Naruto will bring stability and deter other nations from attacking us.
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[X] Action Plan: Huh? Didn't We Do This Already?

@Cariyaga One basic plot we could do is to interact with some of the less-violent-looking people and try to get them to let slip information (beyond whether or not they're ninjas). Information like their names, village, team name, and secret identity are all critically valuable information.

Side note: Depending on how much the tipserator smells, we might want to put a bit of booze on our own clothes, so that we can act as though we were also hit by the booze. Or don't; I'm not sure how we're playing the post-tipserator plan.
[X] Action Plan: Huh? Didn't We Do This Already?

Side note: Depending on how much the tipserator smells, we might want to put a bit of booze on our own clothes, so that we can act as though we were also hit by the booze. Or don't; I'm not sure how we're playing the post-tipserator plan.

We wouldn't have been seen in the crowd, so no need to smell like booze.
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