we may be able to spend the entire next event gathering information and eliminating choice teams

Considering that both the second and third event were/are team centric events the fourth is probably going to be one for individuals or else there wouldn't really be a point to grade us not as teams in the first place. So we aren't going to have time for that, only in the time between the events.

We would be better served by putting our efforts towards how we are going to repay the Yaks for their ~500,000 ryo contribution to our clan's interest. That's not something I want hanging over our heads after we leave this village.

The money isn't really a problem, Jiraiya could probably pay them out of Leaf's coffers, it's the favour we owe the Mist Yakuza that's the problem. Specifically a favour from Clan Goketsu.
April Fool's Day is over, and the rules rebalance is hereby formally retracted. Thank you to everyone who wondered if it might be real. You gave us all a huge deal of entertainment, especially after @eaglejarl's prank, which I was afraid would prime you all so badly that you wouldn't even think of taking my post seriously. Double thanks to @Radvic for his scrupulous honesty.
The money isn't really a problem, Jiraiya could probably pay them out of Leaf's coffers, it's the favour we owe the Mist Yakuza that's the problem. Specifically a favour from Clan Goketsu.

Whatever form the repayment takes, monetary or otherwise, doesn't really matter to me. The devil is going to be in the details since we asked for a favor from them with time constraints. It would be entirely reasonable for them to ask us for such a favor in return. We're going to have to talk to Jiraiya about what we can and cannot give as a favor, which works out for us quite nicely since it will be a favor from our clan and therefore ultimately Jiraiya, not our team alone.

It would be convenient to have had Keiko ask Jiraiya about what he is willing to do to return this favor to the Yaks when they had their meeting. Who thinks it would be worth spending a fate point on that so we don't waste time with hypotheticals? Or maybe the QM's could take pity on us and answer before the next update. *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Meh, Jiraiya did say in the that chapter that it wasn't our problem to worry about, so maybe we actually can ignore it for now. I'd certainly like some contingencies in place just as a general rule of thumb, but now we might finally have some time to deal with the other examinees.

Not sure how I feel about this, but we'll see how it goes.
Whatever form the repayment takes, monetary or otherwise, doesn't really matter to me. The devil is going to be in the details since we asked for a favor from them with time constraints. It would be entirely reasonable for them to ask us for such a favor in return. We're going to have to talk to Jiraiya about what we can and cannot give as a favor, which works out for us quite nicely since it will be a favor from our clan and therefore ultimately Jiraiya, not our team alone.

It would be convenient to have had Keiko ask Jiraiya about what he is willing to do to return this favor to the Yaks when they had their meeting. Who thinks it would be worth spending a fate point on that so we don't waste time with hypotheticals? Or maybe the QM's could take pity on us and answer before the next update. *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Meh, Jiraiya did say in the that chapter that it wasn't our problem to worry about, so maybe we actually can ignore it for now. I'd certainly like some contingencies in place just as a general rule of thumb, but now we might finally have some time to deal with the other examinees.

Not sure how I feel about this, but we'll see how it goes.
Actually... on the note of dealing with the other examinees...an idea. How about hiring other teams under an anonymous henge (still with the band) by buying from their teams to attempt to take out the top teams? It's unlikely they'd be successful, but if we can force them to prey on each other instead of us, that'd be ideal.
Exam 1 (1): We bribe a proctor to get the information.
Exam 1 (2): We make nice with the yakuza to get the information.
Exam 2: We build a fortress in the middle of the exams and write seals.
Exam 3: We use our yakuza contacts to get +800 points.

...Man, we're really coming at this from left field.
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It's nice that our team was visibly confused by the strange transaction. Makes it less likely for our proctor to suspect foul play. The Lizardbreath Prank ended up being unnecessary, but it helps Jiraiya, which was one of our primary goals, so it was worth doing anyway.

@Radvic while I agree with the gist of your points, keep in mind we don't need to win the tournament; we need to put on a good show and present ourselves as powerful and formidable. So it's not worth too much risk to manipulate the line-up. If some Naruto-level badass makes it in and wins, that's ok as well.

@eaglejarl @Velorien this is the second time we haven't gotten the Leaf shared info drop. Are you objecting to it being too much for a FP declaration, or have you not decided what the info should be yet?
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April Fool's Day is over, and the rules rebalance is hereby formally retracted. Thank you to everyone who wondered if it might be real. You gave us all a huge deal of entertainment, especially after @eaglejarl's prank, which I was afraid would prime you all so badly that you wouldn't even think of taking my post seriously. Double thanks to @Radvic for his scrupulous honesty.
Two entire pranks in the same day?

Damn, the qm of this quest are indeed cruel. They relish in our suffering and fears, which they cherish and enjoy.
Two entire pranks in the same day?

Damn, the qm of this quest are indeed cruel. They relish in our suffering and fears, which they cherish and enjoy.

Our QMs, being the incredibly successful entrepreneurs and handsome harem-owners that they are, suffer from an unending spoon shortage. But there's always enough to troll the playerbase with.
Super fun update.

I hope the Yakuza covered their tracks well. It was amazingly obvious that something was fishy. We won't be able to lie well enough to convince all of Mist that we had nothing to do with it. And bribing the Yakuza seems like it might be against the spirit of the rules.
Super fun update.

I hope the Yakuza covered their tracks well. It was amazingly obvious that something was fishy. We won't be able to lie well enough to convince all of Mist that we had nothing to do with it. And bribing the Yakuza seems like it might be against the spirit of the rules.
We wouldn't have to lie. We didn't request that from them.

e: Incidentally, either the Oyabun is playing politics (which indicates something of its own), or, possibly, Ren asked him to do this.
Super fun update.

I hope the Yakuza covered their tracks well. It was amazingly obvious that something was fishy. We won't be able to lie well enough to convince all of Mist that we had nothing to do with it. And bribing the Yakuza seems like it might be against the spirit of the rules.

Even if Mist figures out what happened, it wouldn't really matter. Nothing we've done is a rules violation. We gave them the bribe before we even started this event, which was before we even heard the rules officially and therefore we weren't yet bound to them. Further, they're not our clan, so we're not forbidden from contacting them. And we didn't even ask them to buy the drugs from us - they did that themselves, and once they actually sell the drugs they bought they're going to make all their money back plus whatever profit they're able to make.
Random jutsu idea I had.
Suiton: Spittle Sickles
Effect: 0
Range: 0
Casting Speed: Supplemental (Special, see below) [+120]
AoE: None
Advantages and Disadvantages: Elemental Requirement (Special, see text below) [-15], Half-effectiveness [-30], Tunable Lethality [+30 -- physical object, but not as controllable as eg Water Whip], Maximum Effectiveness (3) [-30], No Chakra Boost [-20]
Strain Total: 55
Chakra Cost: 11

Developed to be used in tandem with Syrup Trap, this technique comes with numerous downsides, but serves well against those pinned down by it. The user of this technique uses the moisture of the saliva in their mouth, forming it into a projectile to be fired at their opponent quickly as a follow-up to Syrup Trap. Using it too many times repeatedly is ill-advised, however, leading to rapid damage to the user. It lashes out from the user's mouth in sickles; frequently, those first learning it find themselves with cut lips.

One of extraordinarily few attack jutsu capable of being used as a supplemental action, it does come with numerous downsides as follows:
  • Every level in it only counts toward half of a point toward its effectiveness in combat.
  • It may inflict a maximum of three stress OR one consequence to its target per cast.
  • Using it repeatedly causes deleterious effects as the user draws first on their saliva, secondly leaving their mouth dry, and causing damage to themselves after that. This expresses itself as no penalty for the first use, a -Aspect Bonus penalty to its roll for the second use, and a quick-healing Mild consequence for its third use. (Further uses are QM-fiat)
Note: Normally attack techniques are flatly stated to not be able to be supplemental actions. That's why this technique has so many downsides.

I was also considering the downsides of the Wakahisa bloodline -- particularly the chakra inefficiency when it comes to expenditure toward their own techniques, and it occurs to me that it's possible that that could be the kind of thing overcame to some extent by specialized technique hacking to create techniques tailored for their use. I figure that's the kind of thing they'd teach chuunin+ wakahisa (and that we could, in time, create for ourselves if Noburi learned Technique Hacking).
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I would be all for linking up with another Leaf team and helping them out. Naturally, the fact that there are now 6 ninjas watching over our client is just a neat little bonus.
So I'm guessing the three possibly-civilian guys tailing us were yakuza watching our backs, then? If so, you would have thought they would step in against the drunkard. Hmn...

So the first thing we should consider is "what does Karina want to do now?". In real life, a merchant who's sold all their wares probably either takes a short break, goes home, or goes looking for more stock. The latter is the best for us, because it means we can get more sales in before the end of the week. Karina can't just up and leave town because of the nature of the event. So obviously, she's going to want to laze around in her hotel room and sexually harrass the boys until the end of the week. Can we persuade her to do more trading?

What can we do about DQing enemy teams? We're a target for multiple groups so we don't really want to leave Karina with only one guard, but we could potentially send a single operative out for assassinations. That would have to be Keiko, of course. She can just throw a single blunted kunai from the crowd and then run whether she hit or not. A blunted kunai won't cause collateral damage. Panashe may be able to help set up sneak attacks and find teams.
She doesn't have anything left to trade, though...would it be at all appropriate for her to buy stock in some good and then sell it to people at some other location/time during the Event?

Well yeah, that's what I meant. She might be wiing to buy more drugs to resell, but she might also say it goes against the spirit of the event to purchase more stock, in which case we'd need to win social against her. If our ideas that she's either Ami or Mari's sensei are accurate then that's not happening.
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Well yeah, that's what I meant. She might be wiing to buy more drugs to resell, but she might also say it goes against the spirit of the event to purchase more stock, in which case we'd need to win social against her. If our ideas that she's either Ami or Mari's sensei are accurate then that's not happening.
It also may or may not be against the rules? Not our rules, the proctor's.
@MadScientist do we really need more points? There's a very high probability we're very firmly in first place with our current haul. And since we lose everything if our client is killed, we'd need very substantial gain in order to justify the risk of further trading. In fact, having her stay in her room and sexually harass Hazou and Noburi (or maybe she likes board games?) while Keiko runs around the city gathering intel and linking up with other Leaf teams, sounds really good to me right now.
@MadScientist do we really need more points? There's a very high probability we're very firmly in first place with our current haul. And since we lose everything if our client is killed, we'd need very substantial gain in order to justify the risk of further trading. In fact, having her stay in her room and sexually harass Hazou and Noburi (or maybe she likes board games?) while Keiko runs around the city gathering intel and linking up with other Leaf teams, sounds really good to me right now.

Hold up. @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail the discussion between Karina and the buyer suggested that Karina didn't get her payment in 100% Mist ryo. She got 300k in Mist ryo, 80k in Leaf ryo, ~50k in -other country- ryo, and ~170k in gold. Does this mean she only sold 300k worth of goods for Mist ryo, and we still have some amount of stock left? Or did she sell everything, and we have to go somewhere to exchange our foreign currency/gold for Mist ryo (which is our point value)?
@MadScientist do we really need more points? There's a very high probability we're very firmly in first place with our current haul. And since we lose everything if our client is killed, we'd need very substantial gain in order to justify the risk of further trading. In fact, having her stay in her room and sexually harass Hazou and Noburi (or maybe she likes board games?) while Keiko runs around the city gathering intel and linking up with other Leaf teams, sounds really good to me right now.

That depends.

Is our final score graded on where we ranked in each event, or on how well we did on each event? If it's the former then we want to turtle up, but if it's the latter then we want to press our advantage of being able to sell any stock Karina gets her hands on so as to add points to our overall score.
That depends.

Is our final score graded on where we ranked in each event, or on how well we did on each event? If it's the former then we want to turtle up, but if it's the latter then we want to press our advantage of being able to sell any stock Karina gets her hands on so as to add points to our overall score.

The proctors are claiming that scores will be cumulative over the entire Exam. Insert usual caveats about them maybe not telling the truth, but IMO would be counter-productive not to let Exam participants know what the terms of success are.

That said, I don't really think this is something where the team has a lot of control. The proctor playing Karina will do what they are going to do. If they want to try getting some more goods and selling that then they will. If they want to declare themselves done with buying and selling, they will. We're not in a position to decide either way.