I sent the optimization principles with a few samples to the QMs a while ago, I've avoided posting anything too explicit about them in thread (or engaging too much in optimization conversations aside when direct asked) in part so they they can properly model Hazou not having access to the best teachers during his developmental phases, but you're welcome to hunt down my various posts in the thread, as I didn't try too hard to keep it secret. I'd suggest starting by searching for posts I've made recently with the word "
jutsu" in them to get a general feel of how strong the NPCs will be, though note that I'd expect a bunch of them to use the more detailed routes I've outlined to the QMs explicitly, which can add a few score points to their stats in the right situations.
That said, it's unlikely *all* the genin will be rolling over 100 combat dice when surprised (I assume there will be a few social spec'd genin as well).