On the other hand, granny might actually be an Edo Tensei. They thought she was as old as dirt, but she really, honestly is. That's why you can't hurt her. She'll instantly heal, and then you'll all know.

After all, Akatsuki has delt with the Mist before... Who knows what was left behind?
Herein lies the problem. Team Trap have displayed intelligence, subtlety, and careful planning. They will surely have more than one tactic.

That isn't necessarily true. The strategy we saw was basically risk free. A sentry should eliminate nearly all risk free strategies, unless they are much better at stealth than we think. We should still plan as if they will adopt a new strategy, but I don't think it is guaranteed.

We should be able to rely on them trying the same strategy again if it appears risk free. We could secretly summon Panashe, and have them scout while hidden. The rest of the team goes inside as normal. Panashe alerts the party as soon as they see the trap layer, spooking the trap layer into stopping and returning to Team Trap. Panashe tracks them back and lets Team Uplift know who and where they are.

This requires Panashe being out and about for extended periods of time, so this really depends on how frequent these ambushes will be. How many hours had we been out and about before getting ambushed?
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We weren't exactly subtle marching around town. If another team was doing rotations of two ninja at a time, they could have easily enough tailed us until we went into a store (thus locking down our location for a few minutes at least) and then setting up traps and going back to rotate with the ranged weapons ninja.

We can probably do the same, or at least similar enough to work. Have one of our group and/or a Pangolin scout around to see if they spot the enemy team again, and then report back once they get tied up at a shop.
We don't really have much time before tomorrow's deadline. Should we ask for an extension?

A counter-ambush sounds good.

Ask yourself some questions. How did they find us successfully? Is someone keeping an eye on us, maybe literally? If we were followed from the tower, how did they evade detection?

I suspect they've got one of that clan that can detach their organs on side. Maybe they have a civilian following us, carrying it. Maybe a trained Hawk... I dunno. Maybe a scent tracker? But we need to find whatever method they are using to track us and disable it before we go to our lodgings for the night.

It's possible that this is an attack of opportunity. That they didn't specifically look for us, but rather for targets in general, and we happened to be what they found. Doesn't seem very likely, though.

For one, I have trouble believing it was only one person. Three cleverly arranged traps, and an attack from a completely different angle, all without any of us noticing it happen? I don't know how long we were inside that store, but this kind of setup takes time. And if it was multiple people, then it's either multiple teams collaborating like we planned to, or a single team comfortable with only leaving one member guarding their client. Either option suggests dedication to offense, which makes it more likely that they're specifically targetting us. And that they will continue to do so.

I don't know that we can really do much specifically to deal with the tracking. If it is some kind of marker, be it a Kozu bodypart, or scent, or whatever, then it had to have been on the client from the very beginning, which makes them a plant. Either civilian tailing us, or ninja not participating in the exam doing so under Henge, is probably the simplest explanation. Only solution there is to keep an eye out as we continue moving around.

We could lay down some traps, though. Make our path more erratic on purpose, go through parts of town where visual tracking would be more difficult, loudly talk about staying at a different location, and then have someone observe it for enemy presence.
[X] Lore Update

Also, I noticed that the end of the update took a 'plausible thing that you could do with some more detail on the execution' and turned it into a concrete prompt that generated a lot of discussion. I feel optimistic about that.
Alright, so we need to break down what we need to talk about before forming a plan. Like has been said before, there are two main things here: Team Trap, and pranking Lizard Breath.

EDIT: This isn't a plan. I just realized that the bullet points might confuse people.

Team Trap:
  • What we think we know
    • See Roomba's post and MadScientist's post for most of it.
    • I think they have very low risk tolerance, but possibly this is just because of the rules harshly punishing collateral damage.
  • What we want to know (mostly ripped from Roomba):
    • How many of them are there?
    • Can we take them in a fight?
    • How good is their stealth/awareness, compared to us? Compared to Panashe?
    • Did they target us, or was this an attack of opportunity?
    • Will they attack again?
      • How will they attack again?
Pranking Lizard Breath:
  • What we know
    • His Schedule (!)
    • Personality
    • The layout of his office (!)
    • His social situation
      • His secretary is very close and seems to have very little loyalty, and should be easy to exploit.
    • Drinking problem
    • Likely good at traps
  • What we want to know
    • How accurate is our current information about him? It has been a year. He could be dead for all we know.
    • How good is his awareness?
    • Who besides the secretary can be exploited?
    • Has he made any enemies recently?
    • What traps exactly are on that liquor cabinet? Likely nothing lethal or even terribly dangerous, because he knows that children try to break into it. On the other hand, this is mist, so maybe not?
    • What sort of response time will Ren have after the scandal leaks? It would be useless if it was more than five days.
I will try to keep this updated as the discussion continues.

If any newcomers want an easy hopping on point, just post your thoughts on one of these categories, and I will be sure to link to it. Or post a question that we should mull over.
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Ok, so as self-appointed Detail Conservation Officer for the upcoming plan, I think we should focus on the Lizardbreath Prank. We've been given a lot of information about the target and the location for this operation, which I interpret as a prompt from the QMs to utilize it effectively. On the other hand, trying to catch our attackers or ditch our (possible) tail is a lot more speculative, and we should just leave our team with some suggestions there.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail thoughts? I'm pinging all of you instead of just eaglejarl, because I'd like to get as much feedback as possible on this.
Ok, so as self-appointed Detail Conservation Officer for the upcoming plan, I think we should focus on the Lizardbreath Prank. We've been given a lot of information about the target and the location for this operation, which I interpret as a prompt from the QMs to utilize it effectively. On the other hand, trying to catch our attackers or ditch our (possible) tail is a lot more speculative, and we should just leave our team with some suggestions there.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail thoughts? I'm pinging all of you instead of just eaglejarl, because I'd like to get as much feedback as possible on this.
I find it unclear from your post what it is you're looking for QM feedback on.