So, a consideration on which time of day we want the guy drugged. If he's drugged in the morning, while he's working, that might be a justification for getting drugs kept illegal - "Clearly he's an addict, needs to be fired, and drugs are dangerous" being the logic. If he takes his happy fun herbs after work, the narrative changes - "Oh, how could drugs be dangerous - the respected headmaster uses them, but only after he's done with work so it doesn't impede his ability to do his job. It's no different than everyone who goes out to a bar and gets a drink after work."
Thoughts on sending a message through the Summon Realm to get Hana or someone from Leaf with spare time to go happen across the headmaster after we've drugged him, to ensure it can't be covered up? Since the Summon Realm is untraceable then there'd be no evidence against us from it and it'd help solidify the scandal aspect of the plan.
If we want to sell the narrative that Lizardbreath is really a drug addict, we should probably also consider planting more of the same drugs at his home.

Edit: Also, the time of day in which we drug him is kind of influenced by the nature of the substance we intend to administer. It's entirely reasonable to imagine him taking some kind of opiate in the morning, in order to get through a day at a job he hates without stress or care, and it is equally reasonable to imagine him taking a powerful stimulant in order to motivate himself. This latter would track with his tendency to wander around the halls and actively harass students.

It is more difficult to sell the idea that he has been taking dissociatives or hallucinogenics and then having an otherwise normal-seeming work day without anyone noticing, so if we intend to give him something of that nature we should plan it for his evening drink.

So, what are we going to give him (what do we have access to?) and does he have a family who would be able to vouch for his mental state outside of work hours?
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By the end of the exams, all the other teams have quit and it's just Hazou and Ren furiously lobbing counter-plots at each other, no longer caring about anything resembling plausible deniability, collateral damage, or international relations.

The tournament is replaced with Ren screaming "COME ON THEN, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" and promptly getting KO'd because she peaked at chunin and Hazou rolls at jonin.
Not to spoil the fun, but we have two planning priorities here:

1. Plan Drug Planting

2. Foil the enemy targeting us.

I'm seeing a lot of #1 and not much discussion of #2. Whomever they are, they aren't going to stop trying.

Question for @Velorien :

Through the inn's window, he could see someone moving away, towards the back of the taproom.

Was this person wearing a bandana? That is, are we to assume they're acting within the rules of the exam and must display the hideous bandana at all times?
Was this person wearing a bandana? That is, are we to assume they're acting within the rules of the exam and must display the hideous bandana at all times?
What if the headbands given to this team of Mist contestants aren't hideous and instead are rather easy on the eyes? That is to say, they are easier to blend in with normal clothes?

Speaking of clothes, we should compensate by wearing outfits that perfectly match the bandannas we're wearing. Nothing can go wrong with this.
What if the headbands given to this team of Mist contestants aren't hideous and instead are rather easy on the eyes? That is to say, they are easier to blend in with normal clothes?

Likely not. Remember, the bandanas serve an actual purpose and aren't just there to screw with contestants. Mist isn't okay with even their own genin causing property damage.

Speaking of clothes, we should compensate by wearing outfits that perfectly match the bandannas we're wearing. Nothing can go wrong with this.

NARUTO: Orange is a great color for a ninja, I don't see the problem.
They got away before we could spot them. What should we do? Just go around looking for teams that fit the MO? Set a counter-ambush for their next attempt? I'm not seeing very many good options here.

A counter-ambush sounds good.

Ask yourself some questions. How did they find us successfully? Is someone keeping an eye on us, maybe literally? If we were followed from the tower, how did they evade detection?

I suspect they've got one of that clan that can detach their organs on side. Maybe they have a civilian following us, carrying it. Maybe a trained Hawk... I dunno. Maybe a scent tracker? But we need to find whatever method they are using to track us and disable it before we go to our lodgings for the night.
Call her Kozu-san when she comes out of the bathroom, correct ourselves to Korina, see if she trips up?
The sneaky trap team will be easy to circumvent. We just leave one teammate outside. Everything they did required us being unable to see outside for extended periods of time. If we have someone outside, their current tactic is neutralized. If anything happens inside that requires backup, they won't be far. If anything happens that requires all three of us with an instantaneous response time, we have been ambushed. And the odds of such an ambush goes down with an outside sentry.