Thoughts on how much chakra Hazou "should" use in a fight
Hazou has only 10 in Chakra Reserves, for 100 chakra points. I'm thinking he needs more, because, he has a number of recently acquired pangolin jutsu that are good but expensive, as well as some old jutsu that are actually pretty costly in the new system. To really understand how much chakra he might spend in a fight, though, we need to think about what he might actually be casting in a "typical" fight (that is, one where he suspects his opponent is a danger to him but is not so overwhelming he is fleeing immediately).
Let's look at them and their costs to try and figure out how much chakra Hazou will spend in a typical fight.
1. MEW - 59 CP (if used in combat). Costs a standard action to cast, but can be done off-turn reflexively. Effect is basically to produce a perfect block against one attack as Hazou can create the wall in front of himself so it takes the hit rather than him.
Prognosis: Hazou will likely use this primarily in fights where his action is less valuable than that of an opponent; ie the team is fighting a special jonin or better and Hazou figures he'll trade his action making a wall to stop one of the enemy's attacks.
2. Substitution - 14 CP. Hazou has it at level 7, meaning it will add +3 to his Athletics roll to defend when he uses it as part of a defense.
Prognosis: Hazou will likely use this about once a fight.
3. Hiding Like a Mole - 22CP. This is a "perfect escape" from many (but not all) ninja. However it doesn't let you go that far. I can see circumstances where Hazou is caught alone where he uses it to go below ground and instead of fleeing, uses his time underground to put up some armor jutsu before resurfacing. If his team is there it's another matter... would probably not abandon them for several rounds like that.
Prognosis: I could see this as a tactic during the Tournament, if Hazou gets there. First round, Hiding Like a Mole, spend his time underground putting up Ghost Scales and Earth Armor, then surface to fight. If so, though, that's a lot of chakra.
4. Pangolin Conditioning - Effectively costless... basically reduce his maximum chakra by 1 when he has it on, as the maintenance cost is roughly counterbalanced by chakra recovery rate.
Prognosis: Hazou will have it up pretty much all the time for an ablative Armor 2 in return for a -1 to physical rolls.
5. Living Roots - 26 CP. Mostly use out of combat, though there are interesting synergies with Hiding Like a Mole if Hazou really has chakra to burn.
Prognosis: Rarely used in combat.
6. Ghost Scales - 27 CP. Currently have 10 ranks, for a +2 Aspect Bonus. Grants +2 armor, +2 to taijutsu; armor is ablative. Takes a standard action to cast and lasts one minute.
Prognosis: Takes an action to put up, so I'm not sure Hazou will have the time to do so in many fights. Unlikely he will use both this and Earth armor.
7. Earth Armor - 19 CP. Currently have 1 rank for a +1 Aspect Bonus. Grants +1 non-ablative armor, +3 to Physique, and -1 to Athletics. Takes a standard action to cast and lasts for half a minute.
Prognosis: Very nice... but again, Hazou is ceding an action to cast it.
8. Pantokrator's Hammer - 12 CP. Currently have 1 rank. Gain the Aspect "Power of the Pangolin" and (Effect) tags on the Aspect. Supplemental action to cast. Hazou has 37 in Athletics (+4 Aspect bonus) and 40 in Taijutsu (+5 Aspect Bonus), meaning a casting is worth a +4 or +5 CM for one roll.
Prognosis; Cheap and deadly, I anticipate that Hazou will use this in most every fight, at least once per round. Not compatible with chakra boost. Right now it's effectively only usable on one roll (offensive or defensive) when you cast it.
9. Chakra Boost - 25 CP (at maximum boost). Can get a +5 on physical rolls for no action. Note that since it lasts all round (Unlike PH), you get the bonus on both an attack action and on your defense roll, or potentially multiple defense rolls if attacked multiple times in a round.
Of all these, PH is the only one that's probably going to get used every single round if Hazou has a supplemental action to spare. Priority should be to buy it up to rank 10 as soon as possible for the second tag while only having a 16 CP cost. Note though that it would still be worthwhile to buy it up to rank 20 or even rank 30. Hazou can typically count on making one attack roll and at least one defensive roll each round (unless his attack roll finished the fight). Ideally he wants 4 free tags, so that he can spend 2 on the attack and then 2 on his defensive roll. That's when the jutsu's disadvantage compared to chakra boost is almost completely eliminated.
But right now, let's say a "typical" fight lasts three rounds (lasting that long because Hazou spends the first action on his armor jutsu). Assume that Hazou is not trying to hide any of his jutsu.
Turn 1 - Hazou spends his action putting up Ghost Scales (27 CP) and then a supplemental action to activate Pantokrator's Hammer (12CP) (he will not be able to attack, but now it is usable for defense rolls).
Assume he takes an attack and dodges/tanks it.
Turn 2 - Hazou uses a supplemental action to activate PH (12 CP). He may also use a second supplemental action to use Substitution (14 CP).
Assume he takes an attack and dodges/tanks it.
Turn 3 - Hazou uses a supplemental action to activate PH (12 CP) and then lands an attack that finishes the fight.
Total chakra used during the fight... about 77CP or 3/4 of his total. Hope Noburi is around to refill him!
Thoughts? If fighting multiple opponents, he might use Earth Armor instead.