Decibels of Banshee Fuckers:

170: 1 meter
164: 2 meters
158: 4 meters
152: 8 meters
146: 16 meters
140: 32 meters

Depending on their duration and how highKei can fling something, Kei might throw them over the opposition.

e: Alternatively, she coudl attach an explosive to blow it up midair so sealing secrets don't get out and also so as not to risk further injury.
Does anyone see problems with reworking the plan to instead throw a Banshee Fucker/Explosive seal overhead, in light of the one-meter ruling on Banshee Fucker/Banshee seals?
Is there any word on new Jutsu to replace the telepathy?

Pankoraptors Pheromones

Quick Action

An advanced technique created by the great Panko Guru Schwarmi who was said to have over a hundred mates.

By training the ninja's receptors while infused with chakra the user can differentiate millions of subtle changes of a persons pheromones.

As well as a form of communication this technique can also confer a bonus to diplomacy when reading others, and give a bonus to sex appeal by purposely manipulating their own secretions.

Cost: X Chakra / minute * targets being read.
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Random question:

How would sucide attacks with implosion seals be resolved? Can something with that big of a radius be doged if you are setting it off at melee distance?
Does anyone see problems with reworking the plan to instead throw a Banshee Fucker/Explosive seal overhead, in light of the one-meter ruling on Banshee Fucker/Banshee seals?

While a Banshee Fucker is more effective(as long it doesn't liquify someone's lung), a standard banshee doesn't have to deafen someone to effectively destroy communication & situational awareness.

Plus we have more of banshees.
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Well, we need to know what the options are for the replacement jutsu. And then we need to make plans for if each jutsu wins, while simultaneously voting on the jutsu. To my understanding.
Well, we need to know what the options are for the replacement jutsu. And then we need to make plans for if each jutsu wins, while simultaneously voting on the jutsu. To my understanding.

Could just create a plan that doesn't depend on whatever the replacement jutsu is. I can even explain it logically in-universe. The jutsu is still so new that Hazou doesn't trust that the team has trained with it sufficiently, so he falls back on more familiar tactics that don't use an ability they haven't practiced a lot.
I just wannnnnnnnt a battle??????!!!!

As a lurker, the suspense is driving me crazy! Will we be embarrassed? Will our traps kill someone? Will this quest become a WH40K crossover because a night-light got wet?

Could just create a plan that doesn't depend on whatever the replacement jutsu is. I can even explain it logically in-universe. The jutsu is still so new that Hazou doesn't trust that the team has trained with it sufficiently, so he falls back on more familiar tactics that don't use an ability they haven't practiced a lot.


[] Fork this because I'm a lurker: Have Faith
  • REUSE the previous plan
  • OOC:
    • Our last plan was fine
    • Even if the Jutsu's drop now, we only have a day to plan
    • The QMs aren't monsters and will understand
    • @eaglejarl will go insane if he misses the punching update
I just wannnnnnnnt a battle??????!!!!

@eaglejarl is probably laughing to himself by now. We didn't vote for punching for a few updates and he masterfully engineered a string of Interludes and rebalancing posts so that by now we won't think of anything but punching.

Well played, sir. Well played.
Are we supposed to be planning now? I'm not sure.

I just wannnnnnnnt a battle??????!!!!

The fight will be written for Sunday. Although I'm not taking votes on a plan, one thing you could do would be to compile a list of battle tactics that you want the team to train in and/or for Hazō to use in general. This will help avoid the following conversation:

Players: Hey! Something bad happened in this fight and it could have been avoided if only Hazō had done X! Why didn't you have Hazō do X?! We are very angry about this!!!!

QM: Well, fog of war is a thing, and it's hard to think of the perfectly optimal action when you only have a few seconds to respond to a life-threatening situation.

Players: But we are still very angry!!!! Something bad happened!!!!!!1!1!2!!!!!

QM: *sigh* Other-QM, combat has gotten too complicated. Let's never write another fight scene.

Other-QM: Sounds good to me!

The fight will be written for Sunday. Although I'm not taking votes on a plan, one thing you could do would be to compile a list of battle tactics that you want the team to train in and/or for Hazō to use in general. This will help avoid the following conversation:

Players: Hey! Something bad happened in this fight and it could have been avoided if only Hazō had done X! Why didn't you have Hazō do X?! We are very angry about this!!!!

QM: Well, fog of war is a thing, and it's hard to think of the perfectly optimal action when you only have a few seconds to respond to a life-threatening situation.

Players: But we are still very angry!!!! Something bad happened!!!!!!1!1!2!!!!!

QM: *sigh* Other-QM, combat has gotten too complicated. Let's never write another fight scene.

Other-QM: Sounds good to me!


Any way we can spend the exp we put into Pantokrator's Communion on something else before the battle?
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Combat Strategies Grand List:

Squish-Bang: Non-Keiko members of team uplift use Goo Bombs/Syrup Trap to pin enemies in place. Keiko throws (low-class) explosives at the enemies that escaped the Goo Bomb/Syrup Trap to make them waste their next combat/move actions. The following turn, non-Keiko engage up close, while Keiko keeps as many pinned down with explosives as she can.

Martyr-Bang: Non-Keiko members of team uplift engage in melee, and either detonate an explosive themselves, or Keiko detonates one nearby themselves and their enemies, tanking it out with Pangolin Training Jutsu.

Kagome Maneuver: Air/Earth Dome into LBF-triggered explosive clustberbombs. Has varying degrees of lethality.
So I have a seal suggestion...

I know, I know, seal ideas are a dime a dozen, but here me out. This is something we would design in conjunction with Noburi. The idea is a knock-out seal. A seal that can be applied to someone's head to keep them safely unconscious or paralyzed. Would be ideal for situations like the current where we have lethality constraints, but don't want enemies getting back up after we drop them. Also great for keeping ninja as prisoners.

The obvious issue is that Hazou doesn't know nearly enough about the body to figure out how to safely keep someone in sleep mode without probably screwing things up and killing them. That's where we benefit from teaming up with a med-nin. It would be unique, useful, not over-powered, and yet its very existence could bend the arc of ninja behavior just a smidge more towards mercy.
QM: *sigh* Other-QM, combat has gotten too complicated. Let's never write another fight scene.

Other-QM: Sounds good to me!


So what you are saying is that, unless you want the other QMs to veto writing combat scenes, you cannot afford to make bad stuff happen to us in combat or you lose the opportunity to write about punching?

That is a actually a huge relief and we should keep the plan as is. In fact, every second update should be about punching whether it makes sense or not since we are basically guaranteed that nothing bad will happen (especially if it's a talky scene with people much more skilled than us).

Alternatively, we could always do this:
[jk] Hazou refuses to punch anyone and tries to de-escalate through diplomacy
  • Put all the points into The Sage's Tongue and TacMove
  • Execute the Diplomatic Retreat Strategy where we just dodge the opponents until they give in to our well reasoned arguments
You know, summoning a Pangolin and sending them at the opposing barrel-boy would be a very easy way to figure out if summoning has poor interactions with Wakahisa-drain. :p
The QMs aren't monsters and will understand
They'll understand, for sure. The question is whether their sense of justice will overcome their love of our suffering.

Rules Doc said:
"To defend against an AoE attack in the absence of a specialized jutsu or seal for doing so, make an opposed roll using TacMov and any relevant bonuses from seals or jutsu to Change Range out of its radius. If you choose to do so, you lose your Move and Combat actions for the round.

Itachi of the Sharingan, Scion of the Uchiha and International Terrorist
Random Genin With a shit ton of explosive tags (Randy)

Randy, Initiative = 2d100 + 3d00 = 306
Itachi, Initiative = 83d100 + 75d100 = 8093

Round 1
tachi tells the genin to leave. He isn't intimidated by some preteen. Randy doesn't care. Hidden
$͢(̨.̶̸̢͞V̸̷̀͘i̴̢͢l̵̷̡̢͡ļ̷̨̛͏a̵͞ǵ̡̧͝͞e̡̢̢̨͞)̨͜ does their brainwashing right it seems.

Randy: Weapons- Explosive Tag Vs Itachi Tacmove
3d100 vs 75d100 (…Do I really need to roll this?...Fine. 112 vs 3807) Itachi wins. But he loses his combat and move actions!​

Round 2

Itachi better hope he has something to do with quick actions, otherwise he's stuck here until this kid runs out of tags. Or until the kids jonin instructor shows up, and has a chance of actually achieving something. Maybe he'll be less merciful next time. End Combat.

I feel like this shouldn't be possible?
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They'll understand, for sure. The question is whether their sense of justice will overcome their love of our suffering.

Itachi of the Sharingan, Scion of the Uchiha and International Terrorist
Random Genin With a shit ton of explosive tags (Randy)

Randy, Initiative = 2d100 + 3d00 = 306
Itachi, Initiative = 83d100 + 75d100 = 8093

Round 1
tachi tells the genin to leave. He isn't intimidated by some preteen. Randy doesn't care. Hidden
$͢(̨.̶̸̢͞V̸̷̀͘i̴̢͢l̵̷̡̢͡ļ̷̨̛͏a̵͞ǵ̡̧͝͞e̡̢̢̨͞)̨͜ does their brainwashing right it seems.

Randy: Weapons- Explosive Tag Vs Itachi Tacmove
3d100 vs 75d100 (…Do I really need to roll this?...Fine. 112 vs 3807) Itachi wins. But he loses his combat and move actions!​

Round 2

Itachi better hope he has something to do with quick actions, otherwise he's stuck here until this kid runs out of tags. Or until the kids jonin instructor shows up, and has a chance of actually achieving something. Maybe he'll be less merciful next time. End Combat.

I feel like this shouldn't be possible?

I mean, saturation bombing is a real tactic. It's just that explosives are costly for pretty much anyone else.
So I have a seal suggestion...

I know, I know, seal ideas are a dime a dozen, but here me out. This is something we would design in conjunction with Noburi. The idea is a knock-out seal. A seal that can be applied to someone's head to keep them safely unconscious or paralyzed. Would be ideal for situations like the current where we have lethality constraints, but don't want enemies getting back up after we drop them. Also great for keeping ninja as prisoners.

The obvious issue is that Hazou doesn't know nearly enough about the body to figure out how to safely keep someone in sleep mode without probably screwing things up and killing them. That's where we benefit from teaming up with a med-nin. It would be unique, useful, not over-powered, and yet its very existence could bend the arc of ninja behavior just a smidge more towards mercy.

Doesn't provide us anything to leverage. It has to rely on chakra mumbo jumbo rather than concrete rules(unlike air domes) that we can work with.
They'll understand, for sure. The question is whether their sense of justice will overcome their love of our suffering.

Itachi of the Sharingan, Scion of the Uchiha and International Terrorist
Random Genin With a shit ton of explosive tags (Randy)

Randy, Initiative = 2d100 + 3d00 = 306
Itachi, Initiative = 83d100 + 75d100 = 8093

Round 1
tachi tells the genin to leave. He isn't intimidated by some preteen. Randy doesn't care. Hidden
$͢(̨.̶̸̢͞V̸̷̀͘i̴̢͢l̵̷̡̢͡ļ̷̨̛͏a̵͞ǵ̡̧͝͞e̡̢̢̨͞)̨͜ does their brainwashing right it seems.

Randy: Weapons- Explosive Tag Vs Itachi Tacmove
3d100 vs 75d100 (…Do I really need to roll this?...Fine. 112 vs 3807) Itachi wins. But he loses his combat and move actions!​

Round 2

Itachi better hope he has something to do with quick actions, otherwise he's stuck here until this kid runs out of tags. Or until the kids jonin instructor shows up, and has a chance of actually achieving something. Maybe he'll be less merciful next time. End Combat.

I feel like this shouldn't be possible?
This assumes Itachi wastes a round talking, instead of simply going straight to "win Taijutsu so hard that the genin is trussed up like a turkey before he lowers his arm." All the same though, yeah, this does make sufficient quantities of explosives horrifically overpowered.

Truly, screw the rules, we have explosives.