Hazou: The Fool
Akane: The Sun
Mari: The Moon
Kagome: The Emperor
Keiko: The Hanged Man
Noburi: The Star
That is an excellent approximation.

Well, Hazou would become a mostly silent protag, so our OPSEC issues would vanish. Also, the VR is an isolated pocket dimension, perfect sealing lab! :p
You'd probably have an OPSEC social stat, which would start at "Blabbermouth". Then whenever a plan involved keeping your secrets, we'd overrule it with a message along the lines of "Your OPSEC needs to be at least Circumspect". Training the stat to max would take an in-game year of focused practice.

By the way, @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, I've seen there's been some discussion of this story/quest eventually becoming sexually explicit. It's your story, I'm not going to try to tell you what to do, but please be aware that if and when you do choose to go that route, I'm going to drop out.
I think you should read said discussion more carefully. The QM line has always been "we are not writing underage sex in this quest", ever since the topic first came up near the beginning.
I think you should read said discussion more carefully. The QM line has always been "we are not writing underage sex in this quest", ever since the topic first came up near the beginning.
Yes, it is possible that I misinterpreted. I read it as saying that "once Hazo is eighteen, all bets are off."
I ran a one-off adventure (2 other players, finished in about an afternoon) where I gave the players about 1.5 times as much XP as Keiko had at that point (so they were solid Chunin) and told them "give me your character concept, I'll make you a character and you'll have a week to read the rules and edit him". Ask me for ideas on Jutsu or combat styles, and I'll make rules for them. The PCs decided not to bother with too much back-and-forth creating jutsu (which I was thankful for, seeing as I'm not sure how to balance them) so we had a weapons user and a Stealth/social character.
The setting was basically the canon narutoverse, but on the first stages of descent into a final "Tippyverse" state (I've spent some time thinking about this, you see - I might make a short fic or a quest about it at some point, when I have more free time in meatspace) as several nations finally hit their tipping point and started becoming much more powerful than the others. They were tasked with a scouting mission that went south, and then had to somehow return home while in territory just being invaded/occupied by Sound (and as an objective of opportunity, had to try to find the secret of Sound's power and bring it back to their superiors if they could). It went well enough all things considered.
DISCLAIMER: I made a homemade system for range, mobility and injuries. I don't understand how to use the formula for dice in practice, so I ignored it. I made a bunch of minor bloodlines too for them to choose from, if you're interested.
FEEDBACK: I loved the XP system (even if it was mostly only used at chargen - and chargen was long, but fun for me who likes making characters with my players), the mass combat system, and the rules for clones and replacement.

@eaglejarl: I guess I could try that, yes. IRL time constraints means that it won't be before next week at least though. I'll get back to you on that if I can do it. No promises, but hope :)
I am quite interested in pretty much all of the topics you raise. The Bloodlines particularly.
I had the sudden mental image of Noburi filling an area with fog, Hazou using MEW, Akane severing the MEW from the ground with her rings, and Kei splatting everyonee inside
I do like the idea of this as a combination technique, though. Maybe throw in some Banshee seals so they can't tell as well what's coming.

Pangolin's Reach
Capacity*3, Control*3
Chakra cost: ????

A variant of the Zephyr's Reach Technique, Pangolin's Reach compensates for its lack of fine control with an increase in power and speed. Users of this technique will find the ability to levitate larger (and heavier) objects and move them at greater speeds, albeit with a relative lack of finesse.

Users can lift ?*N kg of solid material and move it at speeds up to ?*N m/s.

I'm shit with numbers because I have no sense of scale. How heavy should the rocks Keiko can lift be, and how fast can they be moved? I'd imagine if she gets Chunin-level in the technique she should be able to move around rocks the size of buildings, at speeds enough to splat people. Or something.

Zephyr's Reach has Int x 3, Control x 2.

I'd probably make Pangolin's Reach Cap * 2, Control * 3, Int * 4, Stam * 4.

My main issue with creating new techniques is that it's kind of hard to come up with unique mechanics for non-utility techniques. Why would someone use Pangolin's Reach instead of just throwing weapons if it's dice either way? Just making it a flat multiplier is kind of boring, but...
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Techniques desired:

Training techniques for:
  • Intelligence for Hazou (maybe get help from the Nara here?)
  • Chakra Control for Noburi (Jiraiya and/or Tsunade could help with this)
  • Dexterity, the above, or Capacity for Kei

Actual techniques:

  • Flame Cloak technique for Akane: Anti-close-combatspecialist technique. Usable during melee combat, adds small bonus to attack, major bonus against close combat specialists.
  • Rocket boots technique for Akane: For closing distance.
  • High power offensive techniques for Noburi.
  • Shadow Clones for Noburi
  • No idea what Kei needs, technique-wise.
  • Defensive techniques in general
Seals desired:
  • Impulse (produce force in given direction; variants for airships and personal use -- boosts tacmove) seals and variants (such as "stop force", "reverse force", etc.)
  • Social seals (gotta prove Jiraiya wrong)
  • CCTV seals (variant of casino seals, long term project)
  • Force Barrier variants (extend out instead of in, apply to shuriken, invisible death frisbee. Arm-mountable version for no-encumbrance buckler, etc.)
  • Recorder seals (record and play back sound -- probably available already in Konoha)
  • Tears of Red seal (Hazou's pet project and birthday present for Akane)

Social stuff desired:
  • Help for Kagome
  • Help for Mari
  • Help for Kei
  • Help for Hazou

(wow our team's fucked in the head)

Short term goals:
  • Make sure the team stays safe, sane, and together. In that order.
  • Complete Jiraiya's missions without causing another fucking diplomatic incident
  • Given J's permission, investigate the state of trade of the places we visit, and check his network for compromisation.
  • Improve Kagome's headspace such that he isn't quite so hard on himself.

Medium term goals:
  • Expatriating Hana
  • Contributing to the rescue of Naruto
  • Establishing collaboration with the Nara sealmasters
  • Give normies better stuff (We are team UPLIFT after all)
Long term goals:
  • Resurrection
  • Immortality
  • Finding out what the hell happened to Whirlpool
  • Accelerate the formation of the Shinobi Union
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Flame Cloak Technique (could use a better name)

Attributes: Control * 3 (2?), Resolve * 3, Stamina * 2

Chakra cost: ???

The user cloaks their body in flame. It is harmless up to approximately an inch and a half away from their body, leaving room for clothes and small amount of equipment. Past that, the clothes will go up in flames and the technique will not protect the user from those flames. This technique is intended for use against close combat specialists, whether taijutsu or kenjutsu. Against an opponent rolling Taijutsu, it provides a bonus to its user's own Taijutsu equal to 1/2 its level. Against an opponent rolling Kenjutsu, it provides a bonus to the user's own Taijutsu equal to 1/3 its level.

Should the user somehow find themself in melee with a thrown weapons user and somehow still being attacked by them, or by someone using a medium-range weapon, it provides a bonus equal to 1/4 its level.

NB: This is actually more than a little underpowered compared to her fighting style for much more than level 14 or so. But that's okay, near-infinitely scaling combat dice sounds like a nightmare to y'all as it is @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail. Might be better as something like the Pangolin jutsu; large upfront cost to learn and gives something like 1/3 Taijutsu dice extra.
@Cariyaga That skill sounds like it would fuck with Akane's Skywalker/explosive seals, due to the flames radiating inwards. Unless the heat doesn't apply before the 1.5in mark?
She did have a spare favor from Jiraiya. She probably asked to be tutored by Gai and he gave her one. Jounin privelege and all.
She did have a spare favor from Jiraiya. She probably asked to be tutored by Gai and he gave her one. Jounin privelege and all.
However, at 11:30 am, while passing by a shop selling ninja training equipment, Kurosawa suddenly demanded to purchase a "youthsuit", which on further questioning was indicated to be a green spandex training suit as worn by Maito Gai and Rock Lee. This was not part of the original (cleared) shopping plan; additionally, such training suits are Class 4 items, with instances of purchase to be recorded and communicated to the Hokage's Office.
Retcon or no I still argue this is functionally canon.
Prepare for trouble,
And Make it double!
To infect the world with devastation,
To unite all people within Elemental Nations,
To announce the goodness of YOUTH and Will of the Fire,
To extend our reach to the stars above,
Team Uplift blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to die!
That's Right, Stinkers!
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e: Really though, is there anything in particular we'd like Kei to have, technique-wise?
  • Chakra capacity training technique. So she can have higher chakra for summons, which is her greatest asset as a force multiplier.
  • Some way to enhance weapons with Wind Chakra, like what Danzou does.
  • Some close-ranged technique to cover for her inability to fight in Melee range. Or a close/medium-ranged weapon, that works too.
  • Battlefield-wide TacMove control, so she can shred her enemies at long-range without risking getting caught.
Here's my first-order win condition:
  • Kill all the non-sentient things-with-chakra (easy)
  • without killing all the humans (difficult)
  • or even, like, a quarter of them (extremely difficult)
If we manage that, long-term prosperity becomes orders of magnitude easier, so I consider it both approximately sufficient and approximately necessary.