So you are arguing that the benefits of a fucking powerup is worth the risks of Keiko dying and/or becoming a vegetable, do I understand you?
Jesus, didn't plan on dropping a sack of kittens down a drain, you know.

Yes, there is danger of using FS in combat. Yes, consequence of that failing is pretty bad.
But there are Mori clansmen who do that and live. And Keiko is awesome enough to meet the requirements, at least eventually.
And every power up she gets is a step away from her or anyone/everyone on our team dying. It's trading one risk for another.
I don't think we're on the same page here...
Fair enough.
How about suicidal mutant beasts with strapped explosive seals, seeking out their hiding brethren, allowing for maximal animal carnage while minimizing human loses?
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Jesus, didn't plan on dropping a sack of kittens down a drain, you know.

Yes, there is danger of using FS in combat. Yes, consequence of that failing is pretty bad.
But there are Mori clansmen who do that and live. And Keiko is awesome enough to meet the requirements, at least eventually.
And every power up she gets is a step away from her or anyone/everyone on our team dying. It's trading one risk for another.
Yeah, live. There's a hell of a difference between live and are combat capable afterwards.

The entire damn point of the Mori bloodline oneshot skill is that it's a oneshot skill. It's not meant to be something that can be used repeatedly.
Um... Why are you guys ignoring the Boss Summon in the room when talking about Keiko's combat style? Frozen Skein is useful in noncombat situations - hell, I'd argue it's probably the number one bloodline on our team, maybe edged out by Nobbys as the team approaches S Rank, but in combat situations the Pangolins are where Keiko's powerhouses are.

This is super depressing but I think Hazou might be the last of the genin to reach S Rank. Keiko is likely to end up our number one fighter by a wide margin thanks to the Pangolins, followed by Nobby/Akane who both have ridiculous dominance in the midrange and close range, followed by us, because the way we get to S Rank are the seals that everybody else gets first.
*looks forward to having another universe to attempt to destroy*

Seconding this, except I'd rather conquer the world rather than completely destroying it. Being the last man standing in the radioactive wasteland still counts of course.

Thinking about it, there's a chance that my destructive bent will be satisfied by your quest. Might make me less Armageddony here.


You mean you weren't planning for world destruction this entire time?

If you can't trust some random person on the internet to follow through with their aspirations for annihilation, who can you trust?

What is this world coming to?

Not Armageddon, apparently.

Yeah, live. There's a hell of a difference between live and are combat capable afterwards.
Still trading one risk for another. Trading the chance of living a normal life after for chance of going through the battle alive.
I still feel it's a good trade. If Keiko dies, rest of team is more likely to die in this battle. She goes perma-frozen after that? Still a chance of her waking up. Odds are just plain better here.
And the fatal consequences? The probability of them occurring depends on how long she's in that state. If she's risking falling into coma, then it'll be for a adequately desperate situation.
The entire damn point of the Mori bloodline oneshot skill is that it's a oneshot skill. It's not meant to be something that can be used repeatedly.
So you say this was actually [The Best Laid Schemes...]? If so, then okay, that was a mistake.
Um... Why are you guys ignoring the Boss Summon in the room when talking about Keiko's combat style? Frozen Skein is useful in noncombat situations - hell, I'd argue it's probably the number one bloodline on our team, maybe edged out by Nobbys as the team approaches S Rank, but in combat situations the Pangolins are where Keiko's powerhouses are.
For one, it's just another tool she could use on the battlefield, further increasing her combat power.
Secondly, FS affects her mental faculties. So that could mean better leadership over Pangolin.
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Still trading one risk for another. Trading the chance of living a normal life after for chance of going through the battle alive.
I still feel it's a good trade. If Keiko dies, rest of team is more likely to die in this battle. She goes perma-frozen after that? Still a chance of her waking up. Odds are just plain better here.
And the fatal consequences? The probability of them occurring depends on how long she's in that state. If she's risking falling into coma, then it'll be for a adequately desperate situation.
I think you're mistaking "I am unwilling to use our legendary weapon to survive the current battle" and "I am unwilling to use our legendary weapon to see if we can make ourselves stronger, when we are in no current danger".

For the record, I am for the former (though would prefer not to get to that point) but very much against the latter.
This is super depressing but I think Hazou might be the last of the genin to reach S Rank. Keiko is likely to end up our number one fighter by a wide margin thanks to the Pangolins, followed by Nobby/Akane who both have ridiculous dominance in the midrange and close range, followed by us, because the way we get to S Rank are the seals that everybody else gets first.

I am okay with this, but remember that once we get Hazou into Low Earth Orbit we can have him drop MEW meteorites onto any location on the planet below him.

Tossing out projectiles with explosive impacts capable of creating extinction events like an old lady throwing bread crumbs to birds in a park seems to me to be the best (feasible) way to rise above S rank. Hazou won't be on the ground fighting for survival; he'll be sitting comfortably in his self-made space station casually smiting poor bastards, whole countries, or even entire continents like a fickle Old Testament god.

Surely that's better than some new and improved fighting style, right?

Until then, he can act as the team's Q (from James Bond, not Star Trek: TNG (yet...)), outfitting them with all sorts of cool gadgets while he works on even more cool stuff for the future. Better yet, he will also act as M since he is always the man with the plan thanks to us.

Wait a minute.

Q... as well as M...

We would be combining them together to create something completely new: an in-game QM.

This is how we break win the quest guys: we turn Hazou into a QM in his own quest.

We can call this a meta-victory, imo.
Do note that the current form factor is the result of generations of Wakahisa working at it.

Random google link suggests that the volume in liters of a person can be approximated by:
V ~= 1.015 * m - 4.937
(with m as mass in kg; approximating his mass at 50kg this suggests his volume is ~46L)

Approximating Noburi as a cylinder with height 150cm, we get that his radius would be about 9.9 cm.
V = pi*r^2*h
r = sqrt(V/(h*pi))
r = sqrt((46 L)/(150cm * pi))
r ~= 9.9 cm

But to hold an additional 10L of water, we'd need a cylinder of radius of only 10.9 cm:
r = sqrt((56 L)/(150cm * pi))
r ~= 10.9 cm

This suggests Noburi could wear a wetsuit with about 10.9cm - 9.9cm ~= 1cm give and carry all the water he needs.

(This really bothered me for a while until I actually calculated it. Stop giving me material to nerd snipe myself with. >_>)
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Wait a minute.

Q... as well as M...

We would be combining them together to create something completely new: an in-game QM.

This is how we break win the quest guys: we turn Hazou into a QM in his own quest.

We can call this a meta-victory, imo.
I'm getting flashbacks to class with Quirrelmort...

Wait. Quirrelmort... QM. This is not a coincidence because nothing is ever a coincidence.
(Did I mention you guys inspired me to start my own rational quest? Tentatively named "Legacy of the Goddess" and featuring a-certain-person-who-I-will-not-presently-name-out-of-respect-for-their-anonymity as both co-QM and every-malicious-entity-hellbent-on-universal-annihilation-ever.)

@Cariyaga, regarding the name, how about the Cremation Shroud Technique? Maybe go with Burning Shroud if you somehow don't want edgelord points. Also, give it a similar cost to Hozuki's Mantle, and make it deal 1-2 Wounds to anyone in melee range every round. It's not exactly defensive, but it should make her dangerous to engage.
(Also Hozuki's Mantle should be a better 1-on-1 defense than it currently is. Maybe just let Noburi tank one injury per round?)

@eaglejarl, @OliWhail, @Velorien, I would like you to seriously consider adding me as a QM. Among other things, I'd have a better shot at making the mechanics match worldbuilding assumptions if I know what the assumptions are.
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Well... maybe. Depends. :p

But for reals, it's in-the-works. I've (we've) been working on it for a while now. Done a ton of worldbuilding already (probably about 75% of where I want it to be before starting) and am currently working on tools to assist with modeling and simulation, because that's kinda what I do. Tentatively aiming on having the first post up by the start of next month.
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Well... maybe. Depends. :p

But for reals, it's in-the-works. I've (we've) been working on it for a while now. Done a ton of worldbuilding already (probably about 75% of where I want it to be before starting) and am currently working on tools to assist with modeling and simulation, because that's kinda what I do. Tentatively aiming on having the first post up by the start of next month.
I know a bit about Legend of Zelda, but not enough to actually care. Were you trying to imply that it features?

@Cariyaga, regarding the name, how about the Cremation Shroud Technique? Maybe go with Burning Shroud if you somehow don't want edgelord points. Also, give it a similar cost to Hozuki's Mantle, and make it deal 1-2 Wounds to anyone in melee range every round. It's not exactly defensive, but it should make her dangerous to engage.
(Also Hozuki's Mantle should be a better 1-on-1 defense than it currently is. Maybe just let Noburi tank one injury per round?)

@eaglejarl, @OliWhail, @Velorien, I would like you to seriously consider adding me as a QM. Among other things, I'd have a better shot at making the mechanics match worldbuilding assumptions if I know what the assumptions are.
We are seriously considering it, but simultaneous meatspace issues on all our parts have made it real tough to actually link up and have discussions.
I'd really like to see another QM because the reason I don't post much is that the world is defined so sketchily that I can't accurately predict the consequences of anything I'd propose. This motivated my attempts to generate documentation, but then that wasn't enough to get accurate predictions because that would require the QMs generate (at least) the equivalent of a PHB, which is unreasonably much work.

Concretely, I want (for instance) a table (or function or whatever) that relates "days traveled" to how much we can level (or how much experience we can spend) on TacMov. This is unreasonably much work for the current QMs, but I contend that such a table would simplify things, insofar as a single concrete table is a lot simpler than the space of plausible tables. Also, it gets me back to being able to predict the consequences of ideas that come up in my head instead of a ask the QMs, QMs need to confer with other QMs, QMs are busy because they have IRL too, things get lost because they're already doing a fuckton of work, rinse/repeat.

And in case it didn't come through clearly: I stick around here because I can't find better writing that is as rational or better rationality that is as well-written. My position is not that the QMs are at fault for a poorly-defined world, but rather that they're already putting forth a heroic effort and that it would be beneficial to have someone share the load. Also, that making mechanics more consistent/concrete helps players (they can predict the consequences of things they propose) and QMs (frees them from working out mechanics, allowing them to actually write a story).
It occurs to me that we have all the tools we'd need to do cloud seeding. Let's break the geneva convention.

Of course it's challenging to come up with an in-character justification for that bit of technology.
Concretely, I want (for instance) a table (or function or whatever) that relates "days traveled" to how much we can level (or how much experience we can spend) on TacMov.
Not Official Ruling: TacMov, once you pass level ~5-10, is only an improvement for short distance travel. It lets you dodge better, it lets you take more flash steps, and in chases it lets you take more difficult paths with the same speed, but for the most part it boosts your top speed only marginally.
So if you want to train TacMov, I'd say you need to slow to around half your normal top speed (and stop using Skywalkers), which would be in direct contravention of your orders. At least until you reach the ocean.
Of course it's challenging to come up with an in-character justification for that bit of technology.
Is it? We've been through clouds. We know that they're just water. you know what else is just water? Mist. You know what else we make through macerators? Mist. Might take a month of experimentation to get to the idea, but if it turns out that Akatsuki is in rain which we have no reason to suspect right now (but Jiraiya does)... well, that'll be plenty reason to think of that.

...although Hazou would probably vomit at the thought of using it as a measure to distribute poison. I know I would if I gave serious consideration to it.
although Hazou would probably vomit at the thought of using it as a measure to distribute poison. I know I would if I gave serious consideration to it.

Hazō has been kicking around world destroying nukes in his head for a while. Pretty sure he's willing to consider using whatever WMDS that are available to him.
I am quite interested in pretty much all of the topics you raise. The Bloodlines particularly.

Bloodlines, woo! I showed the players the main description, and not the sub-bullet points.
  • Will to live: At the beginning of your turn, if you are injured, you must make a control Vs stamina test against yourself. If you succeed, you may stop this effect from happening to these injuries until you receive more and list test again, or until you accept the healing. If you fail, this bloodline takes effect. All of your injuries start healing. Minor injuries are instant, bit cost 5 chkra each. Moderate injuries are done by the end of your turn, but cost 10 chakra each. Serious injuries are done healing by the end of your next turn, and cost 30 each. Costs are apid upfront, instantly.
    • GM notes: Injuries don't worsen, PC doesn't get sick. Body is a perfect test case for medical knowledge, and eventually self-modifying will be very easy if the PC figured out how to make his bloodline accept it as the new base state. Expect this to be massively OP if the PC learns how to use the gates, but they can still die if they're killed (healing only starts at the beginning of their turn). They will probably die of chkra exhaustion at some point.

  • Rules of Nature: Has no elemental affinity, and cannot ever gain one. Elemental chakra decomposed into normal chakra and dissipates in melee range (this stops them from being used there and negates them in about a second - AoE jutsu deal reduced damage if they're very quick, and the parts in range dissipate in 1 second and make the rest of the jutsu very hard to control). You can choose to expand this to mid range if you wish (it takes about a second to toggle).
    • GM notes: If the PC learns how to project non-elemental chakra at range (Shadow clones for example - genjustu or seals aren't enough) this effect will spread with it. This does affect allies.

  • Eternal flame: You list have a fire affinity, and cannot use any other elements. Fire jutsu heals you instead of injuring you, but if your Control isn't better than the caster's your gear may still suffer. However, if it is any healing that would go to waste instead grant you +1chakra per minor injury (and overcharging like with Noburi's jutsu is possible). If your Control is better than theirs, you can also disrupt the entire jutsu (good against AoEs) and vastly reduce or redirect it - this costs 5 chakra.
    • GM notes: Doesn't work so well for poisons or explosives.

  • Nature's whispers: You can more or less unconsciously sense Natural energy over a very large area. You instantly sense any genjustu even if you cannot dispel or see through them, and you have +2 awareness. Your body is in turn with Natural energy, granting you 2* faster healing and 1,5*dice from chakra boost (regardless or normal safety limits, rounding down). While this chakra boost is at the normal safe maximum (not including extra dice from bloodline) you are visibly changed (but less than in sage mode) and have a 50% chance of ignoring each minor wound taken.
    • GM notes: Learning Sage mode will be much easier, but will still require a lot of time and a teacher. Senjutsu users will sense your full boost and come to investigate.

  • Deva: You can "talk" to your biological ancestors, a process requiring 1 minute and 5 chakra per question&answer. You can access you 1d10 closest ancestors that way (the ones before that are too faint or too incoherent). They know pretty much everything you know as they can access your senses (but not your memories). Whenever you are to make a test you are expecting you can spend 10 chakra (not an action) and get +1d10-3 dice on the test (you can lose dice, but cannot end up with zero) as you draw upon the half-remembered instincts, habits or tricks of the myriad ancestors that preceded you in the hope that they'll be appropriate to the situation and untainted by out-of-date intel, customs or psychological hangups. In extreme circumstances (or when you would die) you lose 30 chakra (or go to 0 and take a serious injury to the head due to internal damage) but get to rerollable all tests you made this turn with a +5 dice bonus and the first ever Deva (who was S-rank) visibly possesses your body and grants you an influx of strange chakra from [somewhere???].
    • GM notes: Ancestors have personalities, quirks and skills. The GM must put in the effort to generate the ones the PC can take to at character creation, while remembering that they may not even be ninja. They can oppose the PC and refuse to answer questions, they can try to lie, or they can serve as instructors of a sort (less useful than a real one, but much better than nothing).

Some of these make no sense without knowing the house rules we had for health, damage and range. They worked great for a tabletop game: the fights took a few rounds, but still felt much more deadly than D&D and got the "ninja speed" feeling across.
Range is unstructured, with melee being 1m or less, close range being 1-5m, midrange being 5-20m, long range being 20-200m (max limit for most ninja's long-range jutsu to have any precision). Beyond that never came up, but I'm sure radvic could have bullshitted weapons with AoEs large enough to make extreme range combat matter.
Closing in typically requires opposed tests or distractions. Weapons impede handseals but (unlike taijutsu) work at most ranges (which turned out to be huge btw - taijutsu can only be used in close range or melee, while weapons also worked at midrange or even long range depending on the weapon: as a GM I ruled that some had minor bonuses to damage or even tests if used at specific ranges, or that some weapons couldn't be used at certain ranges). Melee makes jutsu use impossible for both parties.
Health: A OC can take up to Sta*2 minor injuries, and then you die. 5 minor injuries to one hit location become 1 moderate injury. 2 moderate injuries become a serious injury. 1 moderate injury = -2 dice to all rolls (0 dice means you fail). It might worsen to serious, especially if untreated. 1 serious injury = the body part is permanently incapacitated or lopped off. -4 to all tests and -10 of the limb would be used for the test.theee will worsen and cause more minor injuries every minutes, unless treated. Recovery is possible, but will typically require a very good med-nin and time.

Opposed tests for fighting caused injuries: loser takes 1 minor +1 for every 50 he lost by, +1 moderate for every 100, + 1 serious for every 300. Each hit is to a randomised location (targeted attacks were possible, but at -1 or -2 dice). So lose by 300 = 1 serious, 3 moderate, 7 minor!

I ruled that chakra boost has a max of Control÷10, Stamina÷10 (min 1, round down). Adding more causes a moderate injury per extra dice!
Techniques desired:

Training techniques for:
  • Intelligence for Hazou (maybe get help from the Nara here?)
  • Chakra Control for Noburi (Jiraiya and/or Tsunade could help with this)
  • Dexterity, the above, or Capacity for Kei

Actual techniques:

  • Flame Cloak technique for Akane: Anti-close-combatspecialist technique. Usable during melee combat, adds small bonus to attack, major bonus against close combat specialists.
  • Rocket boots technique for Akane: For closing distance.
  • High power offensive techniques for Noburi.
  • Shadow Clones for Noburi
  • No idea what Kei needs
  • Defensive techniques in general
Seals desired:
  • Impulse (produce force in given direction; variants for airships and personal use -- boosts tacmove) seals
  • Social seals (gotta prove Jiraiya wrong)
  • CCTV seals (variant of casino seals, long term project)
  • Force Barrier variants (extend out instead of in, apply to shuriken, invisible death frisbee. Arm-mountable version for no-encumbrance buckler, etc.)
  • Recorder seals (record and play back sound)
  • Tears of Red seal (Hazou's pet project and birthday present for Akane)

Social stuff desired:
  • Help for Kagome
  • Help for Mari
  • Help for Kei
  • Help for Hazou

(wow our team's fucked in the head)

Short term goals:
  • Make sure the team stays safe, sane, and together. In that order.
  • Complete Jiraiya's missions without causing another fucking diplomatic incident
  • Given J's permission, investigate the state of trade of the places we visit, and check his network for compromisation.

Medium term goals:
  • Expatriating Hana
  • Contributing to the rescue of Naruto
  • Establishing collaboration with the Nara sealmasters
Long term goals:
  • Resurrection
  • Immortality
  • Finding out what the hell happened to Whirlpool
Does anyone else have input?
Can you elaborate on this? The only actual similarity I can see is that there is a cycle of reincarnation. It has nothing to do with your behaviour in life, you only have one destination each time, you keep your form and memories after half your deaths... and so on.

My personal headcanon is that a great deal of the story makes sense if that proper cycle of reincarnation was a long time ago somehow frozen in place by
the Spirit King
, allowing whatever drives the cycle of reincarnation to build up energy and allow human spirits to transcend their physical limits, but my understanding of buddhism and the cycle of reincarnation is likely so shallow and flawed that this theory is almost entirely baseless.

What initially spurred these thoughts was a thesis I found linked on the Bleach subreddit quite a while ago: "Life, Death, and the Cycle of Reincarnation: Buddhist Symbolism in the manga 'Bleach.'" The original post is here (Life, Death, and the Path to Enlightenment: Buddhist Symbolism in the Manga "Bleach" | Thalia Sutton • r/bleach), but given the difficulty of viewing it at all on that website I've got a link to the paper in my personal drive here (Life_Death_and_the_Path_to_Enlightenment.pdf). It's more than a bit long at 80-something pages, but I remember it being a fascinating read. And speaking of which I need to re-read it myself as I couldn't give you a cliffnotes version off the top of my head anymore. Although if I recall correctly it focuses on the first arc up through Aizen's betrayal.

If that's TL;DR material, just give me a week or something and I'll make a summary of some of the points made.