But there's still so much that doesn't make sense. Why would Sage and Dummy not give themselves admin privileges over the lupchanzen if they were involved in their creation?

I read it as only the sealmaster who directly infused the seal that birthed them gets to be an admin, and since neither Sage nor Dummy are sealmasters, neither qualify as admins.
Jiraiya says that he sees no pressing issues with visiting Asuma. Best to avoid Gai while the clans are still making up their minds about you. At least save it until after the new clan issue has been settled.
I read it as only the sealmaster who directly infused the seal that birthed them gets to be an admin, and since neither Sage nor Dummy are sealmasters, neither qualify as admins.

Then the sealer would just tell the lupchanz to obey Sage and Dummy as if they were him. Sage and Dummy have so many ways of ensuring the absolute loyalty of their minions it's not even funny.

Plus, why would Sage or Dummy tolerate the existence of lupchanz not under their control? They're more than powerful enough to wipe out any such conspiracy if it opposed their interests even marginally.

There are so many follow-up questions for Kagome it could consume multiple updates.
Then the sealer would just tell the lupchanz to obey Sage and Dummy as if they were him. Sage and Dummy have so many ways of ensuring the absolute loyalty of their minions it's not even funny.

Plus, why would Sage or Dummy tolerate the existence of lupchanz not under their control? They're more than powerful enough to wipe out any such conspiracy if it opposed their interests even marginally.

There are so many follow-up questions for Kagome it could consume multiple updates.

If we are to accept Kagome's explanation, we have to come to the conclusion that the Sage and Dummy are, while very powerful, not all-powerful. For example, the Villages wiped out Whirlpool which probably wasn't intended. And Dummy hasn't conquered the world yet. They're not gods.
There are so many follow-up questions for Kagome it could consume multiple updates.
Pretty sure we're still in the discussion box with Kagome. So we can probably do one update with follow-up questions? I'd suggest our action plan just be questions for Kagome, potentially with us talking with Kagome and Mari about what our plans for the future might be.
I'm not 100% sold on Shikaku isn't a douche but with the new info gained it does look like he didn't want to bother with dumbing shit down. So maybe he used the story to highlight the importance of creating countermeasures for what you create which makes sense.

So in grad school, which is self selected for smart people, this happens all the time. People often skip steps and expect everyone around them to keep up.

I find this completely believable since this both happens to me and I do it all the time.

There's probably a bit of pareidolia and bias-towards-scariness going on here, though, yeah.


Seriously, though, I'm glad Keiko's able to take this like "yep, I'm one of those" rather than "Jiraiya of the Sannin is disappointed in me, I have let down my team once again, I Am A Failure".

Yeah, it's nice, we're seeing her become more confident in our trust, support and approval of her.

...That harried-husband bit is doing a lot to get the team comfortable with J, isn't it.

("Yes, dear, it's a very clever ploy that you came up with all by yourself and could stop any time you wanted."
"Godsdamnit, woman!")

Bahaha +1

Oh, man. That would have been my most epic troll ever. Pity I was so dang tired last night.

And yes, if you thought I was trolling you that hard then the giant orange was definitely warranted.

@eaglejarl: I notice you never said that you didn't intend to troll us. :whistle:

EDIT: There is no reason that Hazou knows, no. Kagome and Jiraiya have been very nervous about the idea but based on what they know about his bloodline they aren't willing to completely shut him down.

Good to know, worth experimenting with.

Also there's inks which will denature under heat. Don't know how hard they'd be to make though.

Tell your dream to stop reading the fucking story notes!!!

Damnit Oli, I'm not even a QM and even I know you have to change the password from "password123" and no "password1234" isn't secure either. :mad:

Huh. Even I did not expect that. I'm assuming we can ask Kagome follow-up questions; @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, is that correct?

Oh please yes.

The room we had this talk in was probably not secure enough to protect from someone on the Sage's level. We were worrying about talking about scorch squads and Tailed Beast breeding programme here, in fear of Leaf hearing it. We then proceed to talk about something even bigger, right next to a hypothetical ridiculously powerful enemy who probably would rather nobody knew it.

Mind, this assumes that the Hokage knew about the conversation and cared. If he's human, then there's a solid chance he didn't know to care at all.

Okay, assuming we're not dead, what should we do about the new information? Make a list, of Kagome's claims:
  • There was a lot more people in the past.
    • At one point 'Dummy' was killing 300,000 people per year.
  • You need 'lifeforce' to live: it's the reason the 'eternal henge' immortality doesn't work.
  • There is an 'original' transformation technique: henge that doesn't drop if hit.
  • Charka beasts (partially?) originate from the ninja of the past who messed with original henge.
  • There is a method of resurrection/brainwashing: kill people, change brain, put it back, push lifeforce into the body.
  • There are 'psychic chakra rockworms' deep beneath the ground.
  • There are 'air demons'. 'They like to blow in through your ears and sit in your brain, whispering for you to kill everyone.'
  • Tsuchikage is controlled by a chakra beast. (By a psychic chakra rockworm?)
    • This is the reason behind Rock's isolationist policy.
  • There are mind-controlled ninja in Wind. (By air demons?)
    • Nobody from Wind is to be trusted.
  • Beer in Sand is laced with mind-control drugs.
    • Sand-nin keep drinkable water for themselves and make everyone else drink beer.
  • The forehead protectors are originally for defense against sky squids.
    • Sky squids eat brain with their tentacles through (preferably) ears, or anus.
  • The Sage of Six Paths had a brother, 'Dummy'.
  • The Sage of Six Paths and Dummy are effectvely immortal.
    • Because they can move lifeforce between bodies?
    • Immortal through body-surphing and the use of original henge.
  • The Sage and Dummy have periods of cooperation, and periods of animosity.
    • The Sage's agenda is to bring world peace through niceness.
    • Dummy's agenda is to bring world peace through power.
    • At one point, the Sage and Dummy tried preaching to unite the world.
    • They created major bloodlines to unite people around powerful clans, and created Leaf to unite the clans into villages.
  • The Sage is the first mednin.
    • He gave everyone chakra.
    • He can move lifeforce between bodies.
    • He created major bloodlines by encoding special ninjutsu into people.
  • Dummy is the jutsu hacker.
    • He created Ten-Tails
    • He may not know lifeforce-moving.
    • He invented the Shadow Clone, the Flying Thunder God, the Poison Vomit.
  • The Sage and Dummy didn't know a lot about sealing.
  • Ten-Tails was created by Dummy and went rogue.
    • Dummy and the Sage worked together to split it into nine Tailed Beasts.
    • The Nine Beasts are under Dummy and the Sage's control.
  • Senju Hashirama was the Sage, Uchiha Madara was Dummy. Their 'animosity' narrative was artifical. They created Leaf to force the creation of other villages.
    • Madara/Dummy's sharingan could do different things because the Sage spliced a lot of various powers into him.
    • Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Sage.
      • The reason Leaf is so nice is because the Sage mindrapes people (see above).
  • Whirlpool was founded by the Sage and Dummy.
    • As a R&D station.
  • The Sage incoded the Shadow Clone into Dummy's bloodline, which backfired: everyone he touched had their chakra ripped out of them and reformed into clones, which exploded.
    • Dummy is not ageless at the moment, because he can't touch anyone.
    • Dummy's residence is Rain: weather patterns and chakra-saturated rain (and chakra beasts?) are due to his presence.
  • Originate from Ten-Tails, who was created by Dummy and split into the bijuu by him and the Sage.
  • The bijuu are under the Sage and Dummy's control.
  • Jinchuuriki are possessed by the bijuu.
    • Yagura is possessed.
    • Gaara is possessed.
  • Spoiler: Locations of Tailed Beasts:
    • One-Tail: Sand?
    • Two-Tails: Demon?
    • Three-Tails: Mist.
    • Four-Tails: Is lost?
    • Five-Tails: Bear.
    • Six-Tails: No record for 50 years.
    • Seven-Tails: Unknown.
    • Eight-Tails: Cloud.
    • Nine-Tails: Leaf.
  • Was founded as a R&D station by the Sage and Dummy.
  • Whirlpool created lupchanzen: half-animals, half-plants that body-contol people, and obey the orders of their creator.
    • Whirlpool was attacked because the other nations learned of the lupcanzen.
  • Whirlpool disappeared.
  • The lupchanzen are known around the world.
    • Nobody mentions them because they don't want people to reverse-engineer them.
    • Kages' hats have anti-lupchanzen protection.
  • The lupchanzen are split into two fractions.
    • Fraction 1: wants to contact Whirlpool, recruit sealmaster under 'the Watchers' cover.
    • Fraction 2: wants to kill everyone who hurt Whirlpool.
(I think that's everything.)

Thank you. I was thinking we needed to do this at some point. I'll go through the list with a more precise analysis at some point.

[x] Research Hazou: Larger Capacity Storage Seal
Mind, this assumes that the Hokage knew about the conversation and cared. If he's human, then there's a solid chance he didn't know to care at all.
If Kagome is right about lupchanzen and scorch squads, then it's a secret the Hokage keeps even from Jiraiya, and he knows Kagome knows it. He would need to be a fool to not keep a close eye on Kagome, especially in Leaf.

On second thoughts, I'm inclined to agree with @faflec. If the Sage and Dummy as described by Kagome exist, it's over and we're doomed.
If they're behind every bloodline, then they're behind the Nara and the Mori bloodlines. If they could grant themselves the bloodlines and have an ounce of common sense, they've granted themselves every intelligence-enhancing bloodline they could create.
... Unless it's impossible because they can't change their brains in such major ways? Or didn't want to get the laziness/lack_of_creativity downsides of these bloodlines? I wouldn't bet on that, though.

On another note, do you think we should ask Kagome what chakra is, and about the world before chakra? He seems to know something about it.

Now that I think about it, Kagome also mentioned 'devouring sun' at one point (after Hazou proposed a seal named 'uum'). I know it's a Ra reference, and at close inspection would probably turn out to be just a sealing failure horror story, but maybe ask about it too?
And then it will turn out Marked for Death is a Ra AU fanfiction. It fits.
I don't want to spend too much time on asking Kagome-sensei questions. I get that it's important, but it's not like he will be unavailable. We'll have our own compound soon enough.

The more important thing is to end the war with Mist with the most minimal of casualties to prepare the ninja world for the Real Threat, whenever or wherever it may occur.
re: Larger cap storage seals, I'll eat my hat if Konoha doesn't have them already.

e: So what I mean is there's no need to do independent research for them.
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I don't want to spend too much time on asking Kagome-sensei questions. I get that it's important, but it's not like he will be unavailable. We'll have our own compound soon enough.
I understand the sentiment, but it won't take more than a few hours in-quest and one (at most one-and-a-half) update, yet it would allow us to adjust our long-term plans much more accurately. A few days' difference in-quest is a few weeks' difference in-reality, so waiting to ask follow-up questions for a few days is putting on hold meaningful discussions about long-term plans for a few weeks.
I wonder why the supposed life force stealing technique can't be used on chakra monsters.

Also now that I think of it the original transformation technique must be entirely different if it could change a chakra system. The two techniques are entirely different.
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Holy shit. If Noburi learns to use medical ninjutsu through mist, he can fix Dummy.

...that aside.

Things to do:

1)Ask Kagome more questions
2)Show off Macerator v2 (J's only seen v1 which isn't good for combat) and Banshees to Jiraiya; do invisible ink experiments.
3)Apologize to Mari for not talking to her sooner about her revelations back in Iron; Hazou never held it against her.
If they're behind every bloodline, then they're behind the Nara and the Mori bloodlines. If they could grant themselves the bloodlines and have an ounce of common sense, they've granted themselves every intelligence-enhancing bloodline they could create.
... Unless it's impossible because they can't change their brains in such major ways? Or didn't want to get the laziness/lack_of_creativity downsides of these bloodlines? I wouldn't bet on that, though.

If they're smart (bearing in mind that Kagome thinks they're idiots) then they've created dozens of intelligence enhancing bloodlines in other ninja that they've brainfixed to just sit in an office answering questions all day like a good little oracle.

Edit: shit this is exactly what the Nara are. Except for one bloodline, not several.

re: Larger cap storage seals, I'll eat my hat if Konoha doesn't have them already.

e: So what I mean is there's no need to do independent research for them.

Should be easy then. Just ask J for notes (if they aren't in the catalogue).
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