Romance has been nothing but a source of trouble in this quest, and I can't think of a single positive thing to have come of it. Ask Inoue to teach us a Get-Over-It no Jutsu, and we can revisit the matter once we're scary enough that people are too afraid to use our attachments against us.
It led to the birth of (most) everyone in the story? :D
Jiraiya might think of us as the "bunny ear lawyers" team. PITA team that can deliver really good results, but also likely to screw up whatever machination you have in place.
If you want to be pedantic about it, romance is not strictly required for reproduction.

That said, I was specifically referring to what happened in this quest, which has not involved any births that I could recall; maybe Waka assisted something in the village.
There's a reason I said most!

...and we've had flashbacks to far back enough that characters weren't born, so it definitely counts. Definitely. :p
Something I noticed: The main reason reason y'all suspected Kabuto was due to OOC knowledge, not because he was kinda-sorta manipulative that one time.

Sincere question: Has relying on meta-knowledge ever worked out well? I'm trying to think of an example and coming up empty.

"You need to understand," Jiraiya said with an unyielding but no longer terrifying sternness, "that you're out of second chances. If this was anywhere but Leaf, or if you were dealing with anyone but me, you would already be dead. That option is still on the table, and it will stay on the table until you tip your scales back from 'liability' to 'asset'."

The only reason we accept Jiraiya's statement is because canon!Jiraiya. For all we know, other villages' spymasters might be even more forgiving less likely to wrong us. We may have burned through a lot of Jiraiya's goodwill, but he's certainly burned through all of mine and then some.

@OliWhail: which village hates Mist the most (and would therefore be most interested in missing-nin who have Mist secrets for sale); what is their reputation for working with teams like ours; and do we have any idea of how we might get in contact with their spymaster without stumbling into any honeypots?
@OliWhail: which village hates Mist the most (and would therefore be most interested in missing-nin who have Mist secrets for sale); what is their reputation for working with teams like ours; and do we have any idea of how we might get in contact with their spymaster without stumbling into any honeypots?
@OliWhail @Velorien @eaglejarl What's River and Waterfall like from what we (and Mari) know? Stuff like how hard they are on missing nin, stuff that we'd need to know before getting dropped off there.
Added to QM discussion. Know that you may just not know a lot of this stuff.
I vote we run to Sea and just hole up there and try to build a better polity.

Got me thinking: we can choose to build a better polity anywhere; where's most strategic? Why not, say, Demon?

  • Do solutes have an impact on Noburi's water techniques, negative or positive? (I'm thinking salt water)
  • Do non-dissolved particles have an impact on Noburi's water techniques, negative or positive?
  • Which nations are susceptible to being annexed by our team?
  • Which nations would we add significantly (<5% >=5%) to their standing forces, of the ones (1) not allied (directly or transitively) with Mist and (2) can afford to add to their standing forces?
Countries where we can't go:

  • Fire (we've been kicked out)
  • Iron (there's still ninja chaos going down there until we're told otherwise)
  • Rain (akatsuki HQ)
  • River (are too good with the terrain)
  • Rice (at least until we have a way of paying back the mayor and the civilian woman)
  • Hot Springs (we probably shouldn't be anywhere near HS for a while)
  • Noodle (Mist ninja)
  • Water (Mist HQ)
So given this:

Where looks most appealing?
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All we want is to own a nation. It can be a minor one. Is this too much to ask?
I can see it already. Jiraiya contacts the team. "I need you to take out an installation in eastern Grass that's been subverted by Iwa. Full lethal, so it fits your team's skillset. Pull it off and you can come visit Akane."

Two days later, a massive explosion can be heard from Jiraiya's office.

The next day, the team strolls nonchalantly into Leaf.

From the sky.

With a treaty, detailing the unconditional and undying fealty of Bird, Forest, Marsh, Vegetable, Valley, Neck, Wood, Demon, and Key to Fire.

"What? You said not to take over any of the major nations."
Countries where we can't go:

  • Fire (we've been kicked out)
  • Iron (there's still ninja chaos going down there until we're told otherwise)
  • Rain (akatsuki HQ)
  • River (are too good with the terrain)
  • Rice (at least until we have a way of paying back the mayor and the civilian woman)
  • Hot Springs (we probably shouldn't be anywhere near HS for a while)
  • Noodle (Mist ninja)
  • Water (Mist HQ)
So given this:

Where looks most appealing?
Pretty sure Iron's cooled down. @OliWhail?