Regardless of our main plan, we do need an attack plan. I don't really wanna go for a capture, as I'm getting super bad vibes about this whole job.

Jiraiya told us the best way to pierce the defenses of a paranoid sealmaster was to surprise them, and not let them fight where they'll have prepared. So, if we can manage an ambush or not, I'd love our opening shots to be a salvo of PMYF'd flying logs, a la "Newton's First Law". It's the closest thing we have to heavy artillery, and I don't want to get anywhere near her. Anything aimed at her specifically would necessarily need to be slow enough not to turn her head into paste, so that is a restriction, but that has got to scramble her attention.
So we don't fight them and talk to them instead. It will be an area they are not expecting and would allow us to get close enough that we can quickly egress. We as a group can bring our preperation with us; MEW, syrup trap, Kagome brand seals, genjutsu, weapon skill to pin down. Once we get in middle range we are in our ideal combat range. We go with full preperation for quick egress and engage with Diplomacy. We can do this outside of town about two to five miles out and make a friendly inyroduction.

"An interested party would like to have a chance at giving you a better offer for your skills and knowledge. Would you care to delay and listen to what they have to say?"
So we don't fight them and talk to them instead. It will be an area they are not expecting and would allow us to get close enough that we can quickly egress. We as a group can bring our preperation with us; MEW, syrup trap, Kagome brand seals, genjutsu, weapon skill to pin down. Once we get in middle range we are in our ideal combat range. We go with full preperation for quick egress and engage with Diplomacy. We can do this outside of town about two to five miles out and make a friendly inyroduction.

"An interested party would like to have a chance at giving you a better offer for your skills and knowledge. Would you care to delay and listen to what they have to say?"

I don't think a job offer is what Jiraiya had in mind, and I'm not confident in our non-Inoue party members to not give the lie away. And it will absolutely give her time to use her seals. Jiraiya told us to hit hard and fast without letting up.
So we don't fight them and talk to them instead. It will be an area they are not expecting and would allow us to get close enough that we can quickly egress. We as a group can bring our preperation with us; MEW, syrup trap, Kagome brand seals, genjutsu, weapon skill to pin down. Once we get in middle range we are in our ideal combat range. We go with full preperation for quick egress and engage with Diplomacy. We can do this outside of town about two to five miles out and make a friendly inyroduction.

"An interested party would like to have a chance at giving you a better offer for your skills and knowledge. Would you care to delay and listen to what they have to say?"
I remember the last time we used Diplomacy in a combat situation. I also remember the nightmarish panic that set in once we realized what we did.

How about we not do that?
I remember the last time we used Diplomacy in a combat situation. I also remember the nightmarish panic that set in once we realized what we did.

How about we not do that?
That's just it, we don't make it a combat situation to start with. We treat this like when we encountered Kagome and got his trust for training.

@ChronicOblivion We still have J near by and able to give us what he would be willing to offer, or even a location for them to set up for an ambush should their goal be hostile intent.
Potential combat situation, if we don't have to fight we have already won. We be upfront with our approach and be sure to present ourselves as agreeable but not a pushover.
It's a combat situation. Kagome had Diplomacy 1 and still stabbed the hell out of Hazou; a sealmaster who hasn't spent the last 15 years in a hole-in-the-ground is going to have much higher levels.

And what the fuck are you going to do with the guards!? They have a job called "get Arikada to her destination".

I think you need to seriously reconsider this tactic since I do not think you have considered how unlikely it is to succeed.
Potential combat situation, if we don't have to fight we have already won. We be upfront with our approach and be sure to present ourselves as agreeable but not a pushover.

Yeeaaah, I'm gonna put the odds of one of us dying at like 80%. Nothing about her psych profile suggests that she's so laid back she'd back out of this next job because we asked.
It's a combat situation. Kagome had Diplomacy 1 and still stabbed the hell out of Hazou; a sealmaster who hasn't spent the last 15 years in a hole-in-the-ground is going to have much higher levels.

And what the fuck are you going to do with the guards!? They have a job called "get Arikada to her destination".

I think you need to seriously reconsider this tactic since I do not think you have considered how unlikely it is to succeed.
What guards? We didn't get enough from the code to say whether there are guards or not and what their mission is. Not to say that I disagree with you, 'cause I kind of do agree.

e: We should see if Mari can come up with a genjutsu between now and then that is minimal on handseals, or has handseals that can mistaken for a gesture, that she can use on miss Arikada.
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What guards? We didn't get enough from the code to say whether there are guards or not and what their mission is. Not to say that I disagree with you, 'cause I kind of do agree.

e: We should see if Mari can come up with a genjutsu between now and then that is minimal on handseals, or has handseals that can mistaken for a gesture, that she can use on miss Arikada.

Eh, the message ended with "Her guards will be..." and I'm not optimistic enough to think that sentence was going to end with "on vacation". Regardless, we need to plan for guards anyway, because not doing so would be stupid.
Road side attraction to get them to stop and enjoy a snack and a show along the most likely path as a method of getting info on them. Then get ahead of them and plan a better first direct contact with the target. We really should see what the goal really is aside from not dead or head intact. If we can promise things that Leaf wants to give for her cooperation all the better.

We need actual mission goals for true planning to happen or else we are going to fall regardless.
@eaglejarl Between the last couple of updates you mentioned that you had to talk with @Velorien to determine who Arikada's last employer was. Can we have the name, and also in-character information (i.e., from Jiraiya) about said employer?
Voting is open until: Saturday, 2016 September 24, 5pm Eastern. (Technically, this is today.)

There are currently zero votes.

NB: This is an extension from the normal voting deadline, but I'm working tomorrow today Saturday.
Genjutsu from afar:
This one works from a high vantage point if we find out what route Arikada is taking to her destination or from the roof of a building in town(no idea how to handle interlopers): Hazou or Kagome henge into 'one-way mirror' that also happens to be a monocular This hopefully increases Inoue's effective genjutsu range to let us engage from farther away. To achieve the requisite level of darkness on one side to make it invisible to the other, several dark cloths or a MEW bunker can be used. For extra safety, a force wall can be placed in front of the mirror. This tactic doesn't work if Arikada is inside some kind of carriage or has her eyes hidden. It also doesn't account for handling her guards. In the case of success, extra care should be taken to remove her body from an area she has prepared without accidentally blowing her or us up(tie a rope around her with zephyr's reach and haul her out, A.B.U.C. always be using clones).

This idea makes me giddy, but sadly I don't think it'll work. I don't fully understand how genjutsu is connected to the victim's mind, but I don't think it can be done at such a distance.
[X] Action Plan: Lore Update

We seriously need more time to plan out this rather complicated mission, and we have to decide on what resources we acquire now, if I understand correctly. We are not ready to make these initial decisions, and we need some breathing room to hash some of that stuff out.
[X] Action Plan: Lore Update
- Anything useful at all on dealing with paranoid, possibly pedophilic, ladies with an unreasonable amount of explosives, who might even make a better bonesaw than @MadScientist.
@eaglejarl we still need to know what our current situation is - it wasn't clear (at least not to me) whether we'd done our initial recon or this was just stuff we got from Jiraiya

[X] Action Plan: Pangolin Lore Update
[X] Action Plan: Lore Update