Thought: Take over moon.
We kidnap all their ninja, leaving their civilians unguarded, right? Oh woe is me, so many deaths on our hands... unless we can send (after the rift fight) a dozen or so ninja to keep those civvies alive. It shouldn't take that much for basic Till'n'fill and extermination duties to keep the civilians alive. Chakra beasts are frequently culled and therefore less dangerous around ninja population centers, right? Moon wouldn't exactly be thriving, but 'only' destroying a rival military force isn't quite the same level of atrocity.
Now what loyal leaf ninja could we trust to look after an entire foreign nation on their own? Why, the heroes of the rift war of course!
Might be hard to welcome back team uplift after spending all that time talking up their betrayal. Sure, sure, Naruto will issue a statement about how it was all a clever ruse to get back at Akatsuki. But a lot of people said and felt a lot of things about the topic, it'd be emotional difficult for so many people to be forced to pull a 180 on their position. Suspicion might linger.
Now what if, instead, Naruto issued that same statement... about their new allies in Moon?
And thus marked for death goes full circle, and we found our own ninja village. A nice, rune-protected village where we can do our rift exploration in peace, where the revival of legendary and powerful ninja can be hidden away until the time is right for them to make their return known. We act as a branch of leaf, but with effective independence.
What about Amity reprisal? Well... what about it?
Oh, and Ami is there too. Obviously. "Somehow, Pal Ami has returned."