"Yes, nephew, very impressive. You are definitely the prettiest princess."
This line made me laugh. Thanks.

He gave a sniff that was definitely not a confession of error.
It's OK, EJ. Y'all have a lot on your plates. :D

Try to keep up Grandpa.
No no no, Grandpa Warcrimes is Ryugamine. Let's not get Snuncle Warcrimes and Grandpa Warcrimes mixed up now.

and I'm not sure you even have the chakra to cast it
*laughs in extra coil*
*dies in extra coil*
See, you thought there was good in people. That's your first mistake. Both Leaf and Moon would not trust it and the hokage, assuming it's not us, would likely just order Moon to be wiped out not much later anyways.

Also jutsu are seen as precious and no kage is going to pay a weaker force with them.
Who said anything about good? They'd be hesitant because the implication of "we kidnapped your entire village and then gave you shinies" is "we have so much power that we can afford to strengthen a potential enemy instead of killing them, you really shouldn't make us mad" and"if you cooperate with us, you might get more shinies" and also "we're genuinely willing to be allies and are not trying to backstab you, because if we were going to do that we could have done it right there". I'm relying on greed, fear, and recognition of overwhelming force, not some nebulous sense of obligation.

Big doubt. Everything we've seen, geopolitics-wise, has shown that the EN is cutthroat and revenge-drunk. Mist, Rock, Leaf, all of them.

Better to just kill the witnesses and hide the evidence. Leaf is safe that way.
As @JustForThis said, Leaf is not safe that way. I suppose if it takes years to discover that Moon was destroyed, people might not care enough to connect it to us, but is it really likely to take years? It takes one Moon ninja to be on a mission and find their village gone, one fleeing group of civilians who manage to survive the crossing to another island after their ninja vanish, even one missing-nin who visits the island, realises there are no ninja anymore, and talks till the information reaches a spy network.

Reparations afterward hit differently if they were given an actual opportunity to cooperate up front. Establishing a firm precedent for "ask politely, then pay fair rates afterward, even when we'd have been fully able to roll in and take it for free AND we had cause to be in a hurry" means future incidences of asking politely won't be automatically interpreted as weakness by the rest of the EN - other side's diplomat will, on some level, always be worrying "is this phase one of the playbook they used on Moon? If it is, how hard can I push back without them proceeding to phase two?"
I guess? We'd also be giving up the element of surprise (though I don't know how much that matters in this case).

Though now I think of it, I suppose if we showed up with Sannin clones, we might be able to convince them that they had no hope of winning, in which case they might decide to give up in hopes we'd let out guard down later and let some of them wake up? Seems pretty unlikely, though, since they'd probably be almost certain that "knock out all their ninja" is a prelude to "kill or horribly torture their ninja", especially since Orochimaru would be there.
Why the fuck would they be spilling classified details of this hyperclassified mission to foreign powers? They'll be quiet. Or at least quiet enough that runes will likely leak some other way.
Started an giant effortpost on Infosec, and the likely leak vectors, who would pursue that info and how, but it doesn't super matter.

This is why we kill them all -- so there are no survivors to tell the EN that we did it.
Zoo rush and Essie Rush are now known capabilities of Leaf. When Leaf beat Akatsuki within 24 hours of Moon's destruction, people will do the maths.

Moon is such a backwater that it could be literal years before anyone knows they're gone. It's not like they go to the chunin exams.
This seems very out-of keeping with the intelligence networks we've seen so far. Everyone in Moon's area of protection will learn very quickly, and even if this area somehow homes exactly 0% informants, any trader who visits will learn about it, then the info will reach merchant groups and the Yaks, both of witch work for/with one intelligence agencies.

I give it two weeks.
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Let's go set off a superchiller in Rain as a distraction. Unironically, it'd force Konan, at least, to pull back due to the administrative repercussions.

Edit: oh hey, an update

Honestly, this.

Now, as an aside, I do genuinely think we should set off a Superchiller in Rain, either before or after the Rift Battle.

It's unlikely that all of the Akatsuki will be at the Rift (though maybe we'll get lucky), so exploding their base of operations will further ruin their institutional resources. Which is a win for us.

Huh, exterminating Moon makes it look a lot more likely that Hazou/Leaf did Issan. It proves we had the capability and willingness to completely wipe out small villages, leaving no survivors. And who'd believe "no, I only invented Runecrafting right after Isan vanished, it couldn't possibly be me".

Interesting case of right conclusion, wrong reasoning.
Yes, there wouldn't be a motive, but capability still puts us at the top of the suspect list.
Yes, Hazou will say he didn't figure out runes, he just suddenly invented a half-dozen "sealing arrays" of unprecedented power that he refuses to let anyone look at. Not very convincing, given that he very publicly treated learning Runes as existentialy important, then suddenly stopped pursuing it.

This is honestly what I expect from using Superchillers on any notable location - and frankly, that just screams Yuno-to-the-face. There's just so much conflict potential in us being seen as the cause of Isan's destruction, and it's such an obvious link. Add in Akatsuki being blamed for Isan's disappearance, and attacking Rain specifically with superchillers seems primed to backfire. If we need to do this, I'd rather throw some thunderstorms or explosives at it; they lack superchiller strength, but we don't need to kill everyone in Rain to pin Konan down.

Honestly, unless we have a way of selling 'I've studied what Akatsuki did, and now they suffer my vengeance at their own hands!', then I'd say superchillers are best used as a nuke on S-rankers without reverse summoning to fall back on - far away from settlements. Because it's a nuke that changes the surrounding climate - you want that as far away from people and farms as possible, both because of killing people and keeping as low a profile as possible.
Worst-case, it's a possible win against Pain, if all goes wrong.
Who said anything about good? They'd be hesitant because the implication of "we kidnapped your entire village and then gave you shinies" is "we have so much power that we can afford to strengthen a potential enemy instead of killing them, you really shouldn't make us mad" and"if you cooperate with us, you might get more shinies" and also "we're genuinely willing to be allies and are not trying to backstab you, because if we were going to do that we could have done it right there". I'm relying on greed, fear, and recognition of overwhelming force, not some nebulous sense of obligation.
Traditional IRL quote for that is "I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all." Scene in The Train Job - Wikipedia with the repeated "here's all the money we got from Niska" speech is also a handy point of comparison. Mal had no grand expectation of moral virtue on the captives' part, just pattern recognition, plus either self-preservation OR a slightly more nuanced sense of duty. "Your boss would want to hear about this, and I'm giving you an option to survive so you can tell him." Though in this case it's more like "the next generation of Moon ninja would want to exist, and I'm giving you the option to survive so you can raise them."

in which case they might decide to give up in hopes we'd let out guard down later and let some of them wake up?
If they cooperate and allow us to hire them for a "chakra donor" mission, we don't need to knock them out at all. Them backstabbing us mid-mission, after accepting an advance payment, would be a slam-dunk causus belli. Either they somehow manage to pull a "no witnesses" ambush, with no prep time, on an anti-Akatsuki strike group which includes Orochimaru... or whoever got away simply explains most of what happened to the rest of AMITY, who then point and laugh at Moon for having thrown the first punch and missed, giving Leaf official permission to retaliate.
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If they cooperate and allow us to hire them for a "chakra donor" mission, we don't need to knock them out at all. Them backstabbing us mid-mission, after accepting an advance payment, would be a slam-dunk causus belli. Either they somehow manage to pull a "no witnesses" ambush, with no prep time, on an anti-Akatsuki strike group which includes Orochimaru... or whoever got away simply explains most of what happened to the rest of AMITY, who then point and laugh at Moon for having thrown the first punch and missed, giving Leaf official permission to retaliate.
Alternatively, they backstab us by one of them sneaking off to Akatsuki at the Rift site and saying "hey, Leaf is going to kill you somehow, and since you're guaranteeing AMITY we'd prefer that that not happen", at which point Akatsuki murders us and Moon maybe gets money/shinies/political power as a reward. Besides, even if they did the ambush thing you describe and did kill most of our group, the assault would be wrecked, so Akatsuki would still be alive and would still be in charge of AMITY, so Leaf would not get official permission to retaliate.
Alternatively, they backstab us by one of them sneaking off to Akatsuki at the Rift site and saying "hey, Leaf is going to kill you somehow, and since you're guaranteeing AMITY we'd prefer that that not happen", at which point Akatsuki murders us and Moon maybe gets money/shinies/political power as a reward.
For that to work they'd have to already know the destination - Akatsuki is presumably not exactly trying to advertise their rift fortress, while Leaf's forces don't need to explain much beyond "follow my lead" or "wait here" - and either be able to run significantly faster than us over the open ocean, or slip out through the staging-area perimeter defenses which we set up immediately on arrival. Could construct a 5SB'd MEW bunker for our honored guests, with all the luxuries that can fit in a storage seal, and air holes exactly wide enough to fit Water Whip. Assuming they somehow bust out of that field-expedient killbox, and evade radar runes (which they'd have no way of knowing of in advance), they then need to attempt parley with literal Jashin cultists, primed to be unusually suspicious of intruders.

And then, assuming the warning works perfectly, they're betting their whole village's survival on Akatsuki's non-binding gratitude outweighing the nothing-left-to-lose revenge possibilities of Naruto, every Leaf summoner, any other enemies Moon has among the EN who were sharpening their knives while waiting until AMITY fell apart, etc.
Besides, even if they did the ambush thing you describe and did kill most of our group, the assault would be wrecked, so Akatsuki would still be alive and would still be in charge of AMITY, so Leaf would not get official permission to retaliate.
How sure is Moon going to be of that, given that Leaf is widely known to have already taken out Kakuzu in self-defense / opportunistically, and seems to have an actual plan this time? A plan which they're sufficiently confident in to be polite about, rather than rushing for maximum surprise and conventional efficiency.
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I give it two weeks.

Seems plausible.

Maybe we can tip off the right Pirate Lords in Sea to take over and keep order.

No no no, Grandpa Warcrimes is Ryugamine. Let's not get Snuncle Warcrimes and Grandpa Warcrimes mixed up now.

RYUGAMINE: "I underestimated his grand political vision. Uniting the Pirate Lords of old with knowledge of Mist bloodlines to rule the South is countering my ability to interact with Hidden Depths again. I shall adjust my planning. (Reito, our Not-Son exceeds my expectations again)"

AMI: "He is one of a kind (<3)"

SINGULARITY: "He dumb (My Himbo <3)"
Do y'all remember that interlude with Ryugamine, where he went from being called the Angel of Mercy when he started getting notoriety, to becoming the Angel without Mercy, as he got more jaded and cold over time?

I wonder if the Moon Massacre and the Rift Assault is going to do something similar to Hazou Uplift Goketsu. Too bad Downfall is already taken.
Do y'all remember that interlude with Ryugamine, where he went from being called the Angel of Mercy when he started getting notoriety, to becoming the Angel without Mercy, as he got more jaded and cold over time?

I wonder if the Moon Massacre and the Rift Assault is going to do something similar to Hazou Uplift Goketsu. Too bad Downfall is already taken.
I maintain that this should definitely qualify as sufficient narrative grounding to replace Hazou's mechanical Trouble Aspect "Foot in Mouth" with "Pretty Damn Far."

We went from sparing that one Hagoromo ninja who was dubiously involved in Team Akane's death, to massacring an entire minor hidden village (with all that entails) in order to gain a better edge against our enemies (who are, granted, literally the evilest people in the setting, and have proven themselves to be absolutely horrible stewards of humanity, and undeserving/unqualified to be the Immortal Kings of the World, Eternally).

But that said, since we're looting an entire minor village to the ground, I want to know what loot we're going to get from it. The Sannin did this to ninja clans, but we're doing this to an entire village.

I want to know what seals and jutsu scrolls we find >:3
But that said, since we're looting an entire minor village to the ground

Sea Unification War

Akatsuki's defeat by the Hero's of the Will of Fire (to protect the portal to Naraka)

Propaganda machine goes brrrr

I want to know what seals and jutsu scrolls we find >:3

Gib Bloodline bodies.
Alternatively, they backstab us by one of them sneaking off to Akatsuki at the Rift site and saying "hey, Leaf is going to kill you somehow, and since you're guaranteeing AMITY we'd prefer that that not happen", at which point Akatsuki murders us and Moon maybe gets money/shinies/political power as a reward. Besides, even if they did the ambush thing you describe and did kill most of our group, the assault would be wrecked, so Akatsuki would still be alive and would still be in charge of AMITY, so Leaf would not get official permission to retaliate.
If they like Akatsuki so much, we shouldn't be killing Akatsuki in the first place.
If it's because they don't know about the rift/Pain resurrection. We can tell them about it.
If you are worried about rift opsec. Leaf shouldn't be hogging the rift anyway. It should be shared.
Them not believing us about Pain resurrection is an issue. Could possibly solve that by Leaf making an announcement to all the major villages about the rift.
>me getting the biggest "eh, mid" of my entire life ready to go in response
To be fair they have to be sort of mid, this is a minor village weak enough to get stomped by five people. I expect they'll have bloodlines Orochimaru barely cares about, some jonin-tier techniques, but nothing as busted as Strength Of The Storm.

Assuming that Tsunade's shadow clones aren't secretly cognitively independent or something.
To be fair they have to be sort of mid, this is a minor village weak enough to get stomped by five people. I expect they'll have bloodlines Orochimaru barely cares about, some jonin-tier techniques, but nothing as busted as Strength Of The Storm.

Assuming that Tsunade's shadow clones aren't secretly cognitively independent or something.
They're still a hidden village, so they should have some noteworthy or niche-but-useful stuff, even if it's not, objectively amazing.

For example: they're out in the middle of the ocean. Maybe they have ninjutsu that help passify/divert oceanic chakra beasts, or notes on how to farm aquatic plants. We could use those for when we pick up biosealing.

And that's just off the top of my head!
We aren't going to have time to loot the place. We're going to be in and out. The sole focus is on maximizing success. We may perhaps have enough time to hide and activate a lightning rune to make this look like a sealing failure, but anything not in service of the primary mission compromises our effectiveness and we can't afford that.

Every second we spend there is another second where Hidan can decide to pop in and see how they're doing.
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what probabilities (likely, slight chance, etc. will do if you don't have percent numbers) do y'all have? for conditional on us leaving Akatsuki alone. the rift being actually a fully general afterlife place so pain was in it, him still being in it instead of dissipated, Akatsuki successfully finding and rescuing pain, him keeping his powers, him using them for something you oppose strongly enough to prefer risking Leaf instead, him being unable to be persuaded away from that, and him succeeding at it. for that entire chain to all happen?
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If Hidan wants to throw hands with Oro, Tsunade, and Cannai he's more than welcome to
I worry about him showing up with a posse, one of whom slips through the dragnet. I guess we're probably going to be sufficiently well-prepared against both escapees and those who stumble upon the Slurp, but I'd still really rather not spend time going through the scrolls that they have lying around. Heck, I don't even want Hazo to step foot in Moon. If Mari sees something cool I'm all for her grabbing it as long as it takes less than half a second.

We're going to need to frisk everyone anyway unless Oro turns them all into vegetables. Which would honestly be a pretty good idea from a risk management perspective - two days of dealing with a bunch of captives who can do magic does not sound fun.
We aren't going to have time to loot the place. We're going to be in and out. The sole focus is on maximizing success. We may perhaps have enough time to hide and activate a lightning rune to make this look like a sealing failure, but anything not in service of the primary mission compromises our effectiveness and we can't afford that.

Every second we spend there is another second where Hidan can decide to pop in and see how they're doing.
Obviously we wouldn't be properly looting it before the rift battle, but plunder will presumably still be there when we get back - especially if we re-enclose the place with a force dome on our way out. That's also fully compatible with scenarios where they more-or-less voluntarily cooperate. Defensive bubble can be spun as keeping chakra beasts from wandering into their homes while they're away, and overt looting replaced with longer-term trade agreements.
Obviously we wouldn't be properly looting it before the rift battle, but plunder will presumably still be there when we get back
I want to get back to Leaf as soon as humanly possible. Unless one of them says something that strongly convinces us that visiting Moon will accelerate Rift exploration it's just not worth it.

I hope the Skyslider team maintained funding.
what probabilities (likely, slight chance, etc. will do if you don't have percent numbers) do y'all have? for conditional on us leaving Akatsuki alone
Don't condition on this. It's not happening. There is no universe in which we back out at this point. Come hell or high water, we are doing this.

Focus your efforts on surviving the aftermath. It's too late to change course now.
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