A valid take. The past wars were full of lulls in the fighting it seems this one is no different.
A valid take. The past wars were full of lulls in the fighting it seems this one is no different.
MY bias? It's true that the coconuts and papaya and preindustrial metalworking aren't all that strategically relevant, but we definitely care about the ninja who've been keeping chakra-beast populations under control on that island, as evidenced by the very fact that their collective chakra generation capacity is worth the trouble to steal.Moon is 5000 people, living in log huts, off of coconuts and papaya. They correctly will intuit that we don't give a shit about trade with them -- this is your 21st century bias showing.
Do you honestly think there is any universe in which they consent to this? They'd be placing themselves utterly in our power, a force that is known to contain Orochimaru.MY bias? It's true that the coconuts and papaya and preindustrial metalworking aren't all that strategically relevant, but we definitely care about the ninja who've been keeping chakra-beast populations under control on that island, as evidenced by the very fact that their collective chakra generation capacity is worth the trouble to steal.
So, per Maxim 21 Sunday 4 April 2004 next time we need a bigger Zoo Rush than Leaf's mid-rankers can provide on their own - and let's be honest, only way there won't be a "next time" is if the Seventh Path gets destroyed - is Moon still going to be there, willing to serve as batteries in exchange for fair payment, because that worked out reasonably well for them before? Or will they be with Isan, and extinction that much closer?
Do you honestly think there is any universe in which they consent to this? They'd be placing themselves utterly in our power, a force that is known to contain Orochimaru.
That and a history of revering summoners, which was a key point to how Orochimaru got sent on that mission in the first place.Well technically Isan did consent to help while Oro was there, but they also had Arikada.
Isan didn't know about Orochimaru's reputation. Or at least they hadn't internalized it -- there's no way they would have allowed Arikada sniffing around otherwise. Plus he's a Summoner and they simp for Summoners.Well technically Isan did consent to help while Oro was there, but they also had Arikada.
And if none of our new Ninja talk about Naruto wanting to go down the diplomacy route, than the chances are getting pretty slim.
(Yeah, Naruto is a macho and doesn't care, he wants Akatsuki dead)
Yes, I think it's entirely plausible they would. Mari or Tsunade or Hazo or (in follow-up meetings) Naruto can play "good cop" to Oro's "bad cop."Do you honestly think there is any universe in which they consent to this? They'd be placing themselves utterly in our power, a force that is known to contain Orochimaru.
That and a history of revering summoners, which was a key point to how Orochimaru got sent on that mission in the first place.
Isan didn't know about Orochimaru's reputation. Or at least they hadn't internalized it -- there's no way they would have allowed Arikada sniffing around otherwise. Plus he's a Summoner and they simp for Summoners.
We can wave much the same carrot and a bigger stick, let them do it again.
Not all that much immediate trust is needed Wednesday 15 June 2011 since we're not asking them to do anything complicated, or away from direct supervision. Could propose that a skeleton crew stay behind - kids with half-trained reserves, MSDs who'd be inconvenient to safely transport, and, say... two or three of their top combatants, or however much total chakra capacity adds up to less than would likely have been lost anyway if it came to a fight - with a force dome that can only be shut down from the inside, plus a written contract specifying that Leaf agrees to take full responsibility for any political fallout of the mission, and will pay some extremely generous compensation (relevant individual's own weight in gold, maybe?) for any Moon ninja lost during the mission due to Leaf negligence or enemy action.It's hard to establish trust and we don't have much time. Even super sealing and ninjutsu are hardly going to convince them to sacrifice the number of ninja we need. Plus the possible information leaked.
They have legends about him, based on which Yuno was pretty freaked out, IIRC.Isan didn't know about Orochimaru's reputation. Or at least they hadn't internalized it -- there's no way they would have allowed Arikada sniffing around otherwise.
A single ninja escaping to warn Akatsuki at the Rift would be disastrous for us, we've lost if that's the case. So they can harm us an incredible amount if one of them gets away. In turn, we cannot accept risks in this regard. Which means they need to be chakra drained to unconsciousness until the Riftwar is over, without exception. As a considerable understatement, they aren't going to like that.Not all that much immediate trust is needed Wednesday 15 June 2011 since we're not asking them to do anything complicated, or away from direct supervision. Could propose that a skeleton crew stay behind - kids with half-trained reserves, MSDs who'd be inconvenient to safely transport, and, say... two or three of their top combatants, or however much total chakra capacity adds up to less than would likely have been lost anyway if it came to a fight - with a force dome that can only be shut down from the inside, plus a written contract specifying that Leaf agrees to take full responsibility for any political fallout of the mission, and will pay some extremely generous compensation (relevant individual's own weight in gold, maybe?) for any Moon ninja lost during the mission due to Leaf negligence or enemy action.
That gives them some ability to survive and recover even if the whole away team is never heard from again, and signals that Leaf isn't just going to be using them as frontline cannon fodder. I mean, who even has ten metric tons of gold? Mari can do the devourer-of-lies ritual with some Moon social-spec to confirm force dome performance specs, and she's not just taking Hazo's word for it either - was there when it was first being tested, with the giant sandworm.
If Leaf screws Moon over in any straightforward way, skeleton crew can keep the dome up until a more trusted AMITY representative comes to check on them, then show the contract and demand payment from whatever's left of Leaf. But those staying behind in Moon won't be in much of a position to leak relevant info proactively until it's far too late to be relevant, and would be taking a significant risk even by trying to do so, since the force dome is single-use. Soon as it's shut down, gotta worry about securing their own perimeter again.
Unless Moon has their own cheaty-eyeball bloodline or equivalent, rune OPSEC can be maintained by encasing the force-dome-generating rune in a much larger block of ordinary stone, with only the deactivation contact point accessible through a narrow limb-sized channel. Discourage invasive examination by implying it's naturally barely stable and/or deliberately booby-trapped.
As an aside, their knowledge of the the Sannin predates Isan's contact with Leaf and the outside world. One wonders where they got their information…They have legends about him, based on which Yuno was pretty freaked out, IIRC.
It would not surprise me if Isan's ninja patrols, before killing unfortunate ninja or civilians who happened to stray too close to their path, interrogated them for information on the outside world first.As an aside, their knowledge of the the Sannin predates Isan's contact with Leaf and the outside world. One wonders where they got their information…
Hmm. I don't remember the exact wording, but when I read Yuno's campfire dialogue I got the sense that they had known for a long time. They were somehow already folk lore, not up to date military intelligence.It would not surprise me if Isan's ninja patrols, before killing unfortunate ninja or civilians who happened to stray too close to their path, interrogated them for information on the outside world first.
Hmm. I don't remember the exact wording, but when I read Yuno's campfire dialogue I got the sense that they had known for a long time. They were somehow already folk lore, not up to date military intelligence.
And then, all of a sudden, there's that. They welcome it back from beyond the grave like it's just coming back from patrol, and they don't attack it or run away. Barbarians. Three asuras in their village, and they do nothing. The One with the Honeyed Tongue that Rends the Earth and Warps the Winds adopted the Gōketsu, and they claim it loved and trusted them, and they are genuinely unhappy that it's dead (and it doesn't even faze them that it took the greatest army in history to do it). The One Who Breaks with One Hand and Remakes with the Other is supposedly their aunt. Are they insane? And now in comes the Serpent that Consumes All It Does Not Understand, and they just shrug and carry on. Do these people not know their myths?
The two quotes I could find for the title Yuno gave Orochimaru (the Serpent that Consumes All It Does Not Understand), but from my interpretation Yuno thinks the Sannin are generalized figures of power than specific figures of power. Yuno comments on how Leaf's population "[don't] know their myths", but that seems more to me like she's astonished people don't know what asuras are in general as opposed to what these specific asuras are."I'm not stupid, Hazō," Yuno said. "There are legends about people who manage to trick asuras. Nobody expects a mortal to be able to do it twice, even if they're as cunning as Mari. But what she did instead was wrong. Kei only survived because Orochimaru didn't get suspicious, and didn't get impatient, and didn't go look himself at ninja speed, or send a shadow clone or a summon to look for her, or leave one with you in which case you couldn't have warned her, or run right after you the second he realised he'd been tricked instead of hurting Mari and going home, or come by first thing in the morning and kidnap Kei on her way to the Tower, or on her way out, or use one of the powers of the Serpent that Consumes All It Does Not Understand to do things we can't even guess at because there's only one person in Leaf who knows him at all and I bet even she doesn't know half of what he can do!"
Did you miss the part about Mari using that ritual which invokes the Devourer of Lies? "Can't trust anything a foreign social-spec ninja says" is a longstanding known problem in the setting, and it has a reliable standard solution.Fundamentally, this all boils down to the fact that they must take our word at face vaule and they won't do that.
This was a Mist religious ritual that relied on their shared history, which was extensive. I give less than 0.01% probability to the chance that the QMs will give any specialty the ability to credibly demonstrate the truth value of their statements in an objective way.Did you miss the part about Mari using that ritual which invokes the Devourer of Lies? "Can't trust anything a foreign social-spec ninja says" is a longstanding known problem in the setting, and it has a reliable standard solution.
There was a story. Maybe from Isan. About a medical student of death or something. Resurrecting someone, being warned against doing it, and upon the second resurrection suffering consequences. Death or losing their doctor powers or somethingI vaguely remember reading that the Sage of Six Paths said to not mess around with the afterlife (maybe the toad sages said this?) am I misremembering?
If I'm not misremembering are there any theories on why it was forbid?
Oh Knower of the Thread, I humbly request your wisdom. Where did the QMs say that Kagome couldn't be taught deceit? If they ever said it at all?
If he can't be taught deceit, he would never have gotten Deception 2 (this was the old system).