Breath of Life
Noburi floods the chakra system of a recently clinically dead (but not brain dead) ninja with a large amount of chakra. Kickstarting their heart and lungs. The patient must have been dead for no more that VD AB minutes. This is enough for Noburi or another mednin to make yet another roll to attempt to stabilize the patient. QMs discretion on what that roll is.
Seems pretty OP, but not altogether implausible. We'd probably need to have some gating on how it can be used to keep it from trivializing the stakes of any combat (e.g. a 1-in-3 chance that the damage is straight-up-irreversible, like your head getting blown off). Also, VD AB minutes is implausibly long for the physical state of the brain, assuming chakra isn't somehow time-reversing the patient.
Vampiric Healing
Using his advanced knowledge of medical ninjutsu, medical knowledge and Vampiric Dew Noburi can use tiny amounts of chakra drain and infusion to help wound healing. He can now roll VD level in addition to Mednin and Medknow to treat injuries. On success of both VD and Medknow vs wound TN heal 4x the Mednin shifts instead of 2x.
Probably too strong for the supposed benefits of the VD bloodline. Would be suitable if narrowed down to a particular category of Consequence: e.g. overdraw/overcharge consequences.
Medical Vampirism
Using his advanced knowledge of the human chakra system Noburi has learned to drain more effectively. On the Resolve vs VD level roll to drain chakra, Noburi may now also roll Mednin vs Resolve, on success he drains 2x as much chakra as he would otherwise. (VD level + difference between the two rolls) The amount of drain per round using this technique is capped at 4*VD level
The fluff here seems plausible. Again, doubling the strength might be a bit much, but hey, there have gotta be some OP stuff in the mix.
Vampiric Touch
Using his advanced understanding of medical techniques and the Vampiric Dew Noburi can project medical chakra through water to a limited extent.
He can project chakra scalpels from the WW and use it to heal / perform surgery etc. Rolls are capped at min [WW, Mednin].
Total range of mednin chakra projection is VD AB meters
Not sure why this would be useful in Tsunade's eyes.
Vampiric Assistance
By selectively draining or filling chakra in different areas (cells?), Noburi is able to improve the efficacy and precision of treatments. He receives +Mednin AB to mednin rolls while actively using the VD.
Straightforward, plausible, great stuff. I think it was established that he can drain from only particular parts of the body at some point.
Vampiric Sensing
Noburi can gain an understanding of ninja biology rivaled only by fellow sensor-nin as he has studied and identified every teeny part of a body through internal (on the patient) VD use. Noburi gains +AB to Medknow for rolls on any species that he has mapped out with the Vampiric Dew.
I don't think this makes sense from a fluff PoV: the VD sense is fairly coarse.
Vampiric Disruption
Using his knowledge of chakra coils and their behavior, Noburi disrupts his enemies chakra systems using an injection of medical chakra mid combat.
Some combination the following occurs: active ninjutsu/genjutsu can't be maintained and disappate, and/or the enemy can't cast nin/genjutsu or chakra boost for the next Round.
This requires he inflict minimum one stress with medical chakra active.
I don't understand what this means mechanically -- is he making an attack with... mednin? VD?
Vampiric Regeneration
By carefully flooding the patient's cells with medical chakra, Noburi can induce gentle regeneration for recent injuries. Generating additional shifts to reduce wound TNs and total shifts, only applies if medical treatment is available <4 hours post injury.
Roll VD level vs Wound TN and add those to the shifts generated by rolling Mednin vs Wound TN for the purposes of reducing Wound TN and number of shifts.
Careful with the word "cells". Not sure if there's a good fluff reason for this to be particularly good for healing post-trauma?
Vampiric Bath
After extensive study of the human chakra system Noburi is able to reverse the direction of drain and feed the recipient's coils with chakra as swiftly as the cast of a jutsu, allowing the recipient to cast ninjutsu as if they had direct access to Noburi's full reserves.
This requires a Full Round Action from Noburi, and bodily immersion in water from the recipient. In addition, Noburi must be touching the recipient for the transfer to work.
This Stunt was designed by Tsunade to allow Noburi to assist the chunin Summoner corps to Summon their Bosses in the defense of Leaf. As it's useless in combat otherwise
Probably not going to happen. Noburi being able to give patients chakra without them drinking chakra was not intended to be a central ability of the VD, and this takes that very limited ability and pushes it 100x stronger.
Vampiric Soothing
Using his mastery of the chakra system from VD, Noburi can reduce the severity of Consequences taken by overdraw and overcharge by one step if he provides prompt treatement (<10min from the injury). This is instead of triage rolls.
Roll Mednin and VD vs TN 20x Consequence severity, if both rolls succeed reduce it by one step. Example:
Hazou overcharges by 50% to Summon Cannai, this causes a Moderate Consequence. Since Noburi is present he can roll both Mednin and VD vs TN 40 to reduce the Consequence to a Mild. He rolls VD 50 + 3 and Mednin 49 - 12 and fails. Hazou is stuck with his Moderate at TN 20 and 200 shifts.
Makes sense, seems plausible, but I mostly worry that it takes away any of the downside of overcharging. Maybe that's fine, since it increases the simplicity of the system?
Hacker's Delight
When rolling to heal an internal injury caused by Technique Hacking, roll 1.5*VD instead of MN.
TH injuries have been described as damage to the patient's chakra system, so this seems good.
We're proposing the good shit from Tsunade right? I guess more generally it's to investigate Vampiric Dew but I'll go ahead and suggest some cool things she may have passed along anyways.
Not necessarily. Not everything they discover together is going to be good. In fact, assuming they're discovering stuff at random, most of it should be mid.
Getting that Chakra-Scalpel-through-Water-Whip tech would be cool since we didn't end up getting it from Oro.
Given that it's pretty much purely for combat, not sure why Tsunade would develop it for you...
Paralyzing Palm
Pre-reqs: MedNin 40, MedKnow 40
The user floods a target with specialized medical chakra designed to restrict muscle movement. Tsunade originally invented this one to help restrain flailing patients, but found it was quite effective on the battlefield as well.
Medical use: User makes physical contact with target. Roll (User's MedNin - Target's Physique) against a TN of 0 to paralyze the target for one minute. The user can target specific limbs or more generally. Failing this roll can result in a myriad of problems, including failing to take effect at all, or accidentally paralyzing the patient's heart. Successfully paralyzing limbs can make operating on the patient easier (at QM discretion.) The user can roll against increasingly large TNs to move the paralyzation time up the timeladder. (TN 10 for 10 minutes, TN 20 for 30 minutes, TN 30 for 1 hour, etc.)
Not sure how paralyzation is operationalized, but would be implemented as stress (with Consequences being different levels of paralyzation) to avoid trivializing combats. Also, landing "physical contact" against a ninja in combat is probably a Taijutsu roll (which makes sense for Tsunade but not for Noburi).
Paralyzing Pool
Pre-reqs: Paralyzing Palm, VD 40
After studying his bloodline abilities, Tsunade has successfully developed a way for Noburi to utilize Paralyzing Palm through the VD. However, it is weaker, and less effective the further the target is from Noburi. These shortcomings will have to be improved by Noburi himself in time.
When an enemy is touching a water source connected to Noburi (including ninjutsu such as Water Whip, Great Lake Formation, etc.), Noburi may use a Reflexive supplemental to cast Paralyzing Pool (up to once per turn). Roll [MIN (Medical Ninjutsu, Vampiric Dew)] vs. target Physique. For every shift of success, the target's physical skills are decreased by 1 for one minute.
Noburi's roll is decreased by 5 if in melee range but not in physical contact. Noburi's roll is decreased by 10 if the target is in the same zone but not in physical contact. For the purposes of Water Whip, Noburi is considered to be in physical contact if he is close enough for enemies to counterattack him, but if using WW without risk of counterattack, recevies the -5 malus.
Seems about as plausible as the above, minus whatever modifier you want to add for "chance a given medical jutsu can be adapted to work through water".
Purified Rebirth
Pre-reqs: MedNin 40, MedKnow 40, CR 40
A less impressive form of Tsunade's Mitochondrial Healing Technique and about as expensive. Impractical for most medics due to the high chakra cost associated with the technique, as most people don't have a forehead seal full of chakra or a giant barrel full of it on their back.
Up to once per turn, the user spends a Supplemental Action to clear away accrued Physical Stress by flooding their system with medical chakra, aiming for quantity over quality to brute force healing quickly and doing their best to direct the flood to damaged areas. Roll MedNin vs. a fixed TN. The TN is equal to (20 * # of stress boxes the user wants to heal.) The price of the technique is 200 CP per stress box healed, but as this is an internal effect, it is not triple cost for Noburi. Failing the roll heals nothing and costs the full price of chakra.
Cool idea and plays to Noburi's advantages. Since it's only clearing stress and not Consequences, it's reasonably balanced too. Main question is if Tsunade would share even a lesser version of one of her trump cards with Noburi... which I'm not very optimistic about.
Blazing Ram
Pre-reqs: MedNin 40, MedKnow 40
Once this stunt is purchased, it is always available to use. The user increases the output of muscles and chakra coils by forcing them to work harder with medical chakra. You may increase your Chakra Boost cap by up to (MedNin AB), paying 5 CP per point as usual. If you choose to do so for that round, you take one physical stress.
Probably too strong at prereq levels, given that chakra boost is one of the few sources of bonus that isn't affected by the buffcap. Still, pretty good at (e.g.) 60/60.
Blazing Dew
Pre-reqs: Blazing Ram, VD 40
Once this stunt is purchased, it is always available to use. The user forces their chakra system into overdrive. When draining with Vampiric Dew, Noburi can double the amount of chakra drained from the target, but he takes one physical stress if he does so. Noburi must choose to use this before knowing the outcome of the VD roll.
Not sure why Noburi strengthening his chakra system would increase his drain -- I prefer
@Sir Stompy 's version above in terms of drain-boosters.
Tenketsu Shredder
Pre-reqs: MedNin 40, MedKnow 50
Tsunade invented this one for more easily detaining enemy forces, but it sees its use in a fight as well.
First the user must spend a Supplemental to activate Tenketsu Shredder. Next, they must make a successful Taijutsu attack against their target (or otherwise make physical contact.) Upon a successful Taijutsu roll, the target loses CP equal to (shifts of stress inflicted x 10) immediately, and again at the start of each of the target's turns.
Is there some canon reason why this should exist? I think we've established in MfD that tenketsu locations vary between people enough that only Hyuuga can effectively exploit them.
Tenketsu Leech Strike
Pre-reqs: Tenketsu Shredder, VD 50
Tsunade managed to get the Tenketsu Shredder technique working for Noburi through Water Whip. First, Noburi must use a Supplemental to activate Tenketsu Leech Strike. Upon a successful Water Whip attack, the target loses CP equal to (shifts of stress inflicted x 10) immediately, and again at the start of each of the target's turns.
See above.
Rule Number Two
- Medical version of Forged in Fire
- +TYS to Medknow and Mednin, representing channeling their trauma into medical work
In as much as +TYS stunts should exist, I'd be far more comfortable with them moving the bonus between social stats instead of to other stats. If
at all, I would rather this be a +1/2 TYS. Also, how would Tsunade "teach" this to Noburi?
Surely this is +WR on a hit, since it doesn't actually make you more likely to hit? Also, this is ~primarily a combat technique, so it's less likely Tsunade would teach it.
Vampiric Numbness
- First performed by Noburi during a surgery with Tsunade, Tsunade took this skill and refined it into something applicable to combat.
- Noburi spends a supplemental to inflict a penalty equal to Vampiric Dew's AB on an enemy ninja's physical stats (Athletics/Taijutsu/MW) by draining the chakra out of that limb in a carelessly destructive manner. This damages the enemy's coils in such a way that their body cannot quickly pump chakra back to the limb in a combat-relevant time frame. Due to the careless nature of this drain, Noburi only receives half of the normal drain, with the rest leaking into the enviornment.
- Ex: Noburi successfully hits an enemy with WW, and spends his Supplemental to channel his bloodline through the chakra construct. Noburi rolls VD50 +0 against the enemy's 40 +0 Resolve, and Noburi rips (10/2 =5) chakra out of the enemy's coils, and inflicts a -6 penalty to the enemy's Athletics
Seems like it has overlap with
@Shrooms 's Paralyzing Palm technique and
@Sir Stompy 's Vampiric Assistance, right? See commentary there.
Drain O
- Noburi has gained an increased skill in draining ninja. Increase the resultant drain of chakra by (0.25x). This can be bought up to VD AB amount of times.
- Ex: Noburi rolls VD 50 against Resolve 40. Noburi rips ((50-40) + ((50-40)*0.25)) = 12.5 chakra instead of the normal 10.
Seems plausible, just noting that +0.25x is a bit fiddly and annoying to do mid-combat.
Anatomically Precise Draining
- Noburi's medical expertise has allowed him to back up his practical skill with his anatomical knowledge
- +2*Medknow AB to VD rolls when resolving draining
- Ex: Noburi rolls 50 (vampiric dew) + 12 (medknow) + 0 (dice) versus Resolve 40 + 0 (dice). Noburi drains ((62-40)=22) chakra
Also plausible, though again not sure why Tsunade would be developing this for Noburi. I guess it's always possible to say "oh, this was an intermediary byproduct of some medically useful application that didn't pan out"?