@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
The following is a transcription of several medical-focused VD stunts that were floated on Discord as possible things Noburi could be learning under Tsunade.
Breath of Life
Noburi floods the chakra system of a recently clinically dead (but not brain dead) ninja with a large amount of chakra. Kickstarting their heart and lungs. The patient must have been dead for no more that VD AB minutes. This is enough for Noburi or another mednin to make yet another roll to attempt to stabilize the patient. QMs discretion on what that roll is.
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 50, Mednin 50, Medknow 50
Vampiric Healing
Using his advanced knowledge of medical ninjutsu, medical knowledge and Vampiric Dew Noburi can use tiny amounts of chakra drain and infusion to help wound healing. He can now roll VD level in addition to Mednin and Medknow to treat injuries. On success of both VD and Medknow vs wound TN heal 4x the Mednin shifts instead of 2x.
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 40, Mednin 40, Medknow 40
Medical Vampirism
Using his advanced knowledge of the human chakra system Noburi has learned to drain more effectively. On the Resolve vs VD level roll to drain chakra, Noburi may now also roll Mednin vs Resolve, on success he drains 2x as much chakra as he would otherwise. (VD level + difference between the two rolls) The amount of drain per round using this technique is capped at 4*VD level
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 30, Mednin 30, Medknow 30
Vampiric Touch
Using his advanced understanding of medical techniques and the Vampiric Dew Noburi can project medical chakra through water to a limited extent.
He can project chakra scalpels from the WW and use it to heal / perform surgery etc. Rolls are capped at min [WW, Mednin].
Total range of mednin chakra projection is VD AB meters
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 40, Mednin 40, Medknow 40
Vampiric Assistance
By selectively draining or filling chakra in different areas (cells?), Noburi is able to improve the efficacy and precision of treatments. He receives +Mednin AB to mednin rolls while actively using the VD.
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 20, Mednin 20, Medknow 20
Vampiric Sensing
Noburi can gain an understanding of ninja biology rivaled only by fellow sensor-nin as he has studied and identified every teeny part of a body through internal (on the patient) VD use. Noburi gains +AB to Medknow for rolls on any species that he has mapped out with the Vampiric Dew.
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 20, Mednin 20, Medknow 20
Vampiric Disruption
Using his knowledge of chakra coils and their behavior, Noburi disrupts his enemies chakra systems using an injection of medical chakra mid combat.
Some combination the following occurs: active ninjutsu/genjutsu can't be maintained and disappate, and/or the enemy can't cast nin/genjutsu or chakra boost for the next Round.
This requires he inflict minimum one stress with medical chakra active.
Minimum requirements to learn: VD 50, Mednin 50, Medknow 50
Vampiric Regeneration
By carefully flooding the patient's cells with medical chakra, Noburi can induce gentle regeneration for recent injuries. Generating additional shifts to reduce wound TNs and total shifts, only applies if medical treatment is available <4 hours post injury.
Roll VD level vs Wound TN and add those to the shifts generated by rolling Mednin vs Wound TN.
EDIT: some others too