Here's another one. Stick upwards of a thousand Tunneler's Friends in a sheltered place that's still open to the air, set them all to charging, and run like heck. They should create an enormous amount of negative pressure, possibly making some sort of vortex, and then when they finally break they release an enormous amount of air in a very small space really quickly. And it's entirely scalable. We could alphastrike Rain if we did this, and claim it's a secret, A-Rank Wind jutsu.
Let's tell Jiraiya when we get home. (Unless Leaf is a smoking crater. In which case let's just use it on Rain.)
That's a discount implosion seal. No, what you have to do is prepare them so that the vortex does not destroy the Tunneler's Friend seals, and the vessel can sustain that sort of negative pressure for a while. You also need probably a literal metric ton of those before you reach the damage that an implosion seal nuke can. Reminder, the implosion seal nuke needs far less in order to work.

Though we've never really tested preparing a implosion seal. We should fix that oversight soon.
Your suspiciously specific not-actually-a-denial?

Next to arrive, just a few minutes later, were Jacen and Ben. Led from room to room by C-3PO, Jacen made noncommittal noses about the antechamber, living chamber, master bedroom, bedrooms for Leia's Noghri bodyguards Meewalh and Cakhmaim, guest bedrooms, library, refreshers, furnished balcony, kitchen, dining room, and communications center, all but the last decorated and furnished in warm-colored hardwoods, some with dark carpets and some with pebbled flooring. The communications center, where the majority of the household's computers and electronics repair equipment was kept, was more modern, all steely surfaces and blue metal rolling racks.

Ben's only comment was, "Where are the secret chambers?"

C-3PO stopped short and leaned awkwardly to look at the boy-man. "I don't quite understand, young sir."

"C'mon." Been grinned up at the droid--not far up, as he'd grown centimeters since the last time he'd seen the protocol droid. "Uncle Han is a smuggler. I bet this place is stuffed with secret chambers. They'll all have blasters in them. Some of them will have identicards in fake names, and credcards, and secret electronics gear, and maybe a disassembled scoutspeeder. Some of them will be hidey-holes for the Noghri."

C-3PO's voice was stiff, even for the droid. "I can assure you, sir, that there are no secret chambers."

"Aha!" Ben held up an accusative finger. He sounded as though he'd just found the essential clue to solve a murder. "I can assure you isn't the same thing as There are no. C'mon, Threepio, say it. Say 'There are no secret chambers.'"

"I can assure you, sir, that there--"

-Star Wars, Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
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I believe it was supposed to be Minami and Akane?
Can you remember where this was stated?

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail
Don't know if this is still something that you're requesting suggestions on, but the need seemed more urgent after it appeared in oliwhail's lore update. Forgive any obvious suggestions.

Why summoners don't always summon multiple summons, but do sometimes:
  • Treaty among summon clans not to do this or vastly limit it. Being detected using it out of turn means the rest of the summon clans will unite to come down on you.
  • Command from the sage, similar to no sealing.
  • Higher chakra cost; maybe high enough to only allow summoning of relatively weak summons at once.
  • Multiple summons' contracts are permanent, making this a big decision for summoner and summon. Perhaps at that point they can only be summoned at once ans/or are also prevented from being summoned by future summoners.
  • Multiple summons take up more contract slots than usual. 4 for 2, 9 for 3, or some other scheme.
  • Temporarily or permanently makes future summoning more difficult(higher chakra cost, time delay, exp cost, etc).
  • Requires resource other than chakra, like animal sacrifice.
  • Unique type of summon(must be twins, triplets, born during an eclipse, etc).
  • Shared or compounded damage/pain between summons, making them more vulnerable/summoning more unpleasant and recovery times longer.
  • Security reasons for the summon realm(strong summons gone for potentially 6 hours leaving home vulnerable. Good reason to limit boss summon availability as well) Could introduce an interesting dimension to combat among summoners where they have to decide between personal safety and summon realm concerns. Might even create a 'chakra' ripple noticeable by enemy clans.
  • Summoning is just one technique in a tree(multiple summon technique is separate, other techniques might include summoning the summon's actual body).
  • Multiple summoning summons the actual body, leaving them vulnerable.
  • Summoning multiple summons prevents a summoner from being reverse summoned while they are active, leaving them vulnerable.
  • Something to do with the summon scroll itself. Maybe the summon scroll is forcibly shunted to the summon realm when multiple summons are used, making this undesirable to the summons for the same reason this is usually forbidden.
It's been a very long time since I last exercised my bonus XP privileges. +1 XP for lightening the QMs' cognitive workload in a way that doesn't potentially break game balance.
Can you remember where this was stated?

It's been a very long time since I last exercised my bonus XP privileges. +1 XP for lightening the QMs' cognitive workload in a way that doesn't potentially break game balance.
Technically speaking, Radvic would be perfectly willing to lighten your cognitive workload. By reducing the number of people you have to simulate.
Ah. Where did you get the idea that there would still be any politics to simulate?
You seem to be underestimating the Apocalypse. If I were Radvic, I'd be downright offended!
If @Radvic actually destroyed the Narutoverse, then either the game would be over (so there'd be no one to give the XP), or we'd be resetting the setting with the next PC (which would increase cognitive workload).
If @Radvic actually destroyed the Narutoverse, then either the game would be over (so there'd be no one to give the XP), or we'd be resetting the setting with the next PC (which would increase cognitive workload).
You could always give XP to Radvic. Destroying a fictional universe has to be worth some amount of XP in the MMG that is RL, right? :D
[X] A Plan, I guess
This plan would test what happens if hazou is honest about the 'no more lists' thing.

edit: i really need to stop posting before going to sleep and just after waking up, it gives me a 'forgot-what-day-it-is' type of stupid. at least is not set-face-on-fire stupid.
alternative reality where radvic wins every vote
I never knew I wanted this, but I want it.
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Will happily lighten the load more if I can, XP or not. Better at shotgun approach than refinement when it comes to ideas. Not bad at looking up arcane rulings in 2000+ pages.... not the best at resisting breaking game balance.
Aye, same. I don't really have a handle on the balance of various techniques or seals (especially relative to their ease of learning/creating), but making them up is fun :p
You could always give XP to Radvic. Destroying a fictional universe has to be worth some amount of XP in the MMG that is RL, right? :D
And encourage him?

In the words of Professor Quirrell, "I have no great fondness for the universe, but I do happen to live there."

[X] A Plan, I guess
This plan would test what happens if hazou is honest about the 'no more lists' thing.
I'm afraid voting for this week's update is over - it closes on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Now that I thought more about it, how much destruction would actually force you to end the game? I mean we can blow up the Land of Water, right? It's just an island.
I don't think there's a preset point (protagonist death aside). For as long as you can continue doing interesting things to write updates about, I'm prepared to write updates about them. But then, if you do blow up Water, you'll probably be hunted down and killed in short order, so it's a moot point.
I don't think there's a preset point (protagonist death aside). For as long as you can continue doing interesting things to write updates about, I'm prepared to write updates about them. But then, if you do blow up Water, you'll probably be hunted down and killed in short order, so it's a moot point.
Goddamn Watchers.