Can we stop saying Momma and Poppa? It feels unprofessional and like, bad for our image.
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See, this is part of what keeps getting us into trouble. Clever plans get us xp, so we're incentivized to try to be clever even in situations where it would be counterproductive.
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Okay, I think now that we're in a desert with nothing better to do, we should finally do the prepared implosion seal test.
  1. Ask Kagome if the idea makes sense at all/what happens if the implosion seal is not immediately destroyed by the oncoming wind
  2. If he says that he's never tried it, set up an experiment. Assume this is like new seal research.
    1. The actual test itself should consist of taking an implosion seal
    2. placing it in an airtight container
    3. Triggering the implosion seal remotely (somehow)
    4. ???
    5. Profit
Ideally when do the triggering action the second time after you use the implosion seal it creates a 1.3 atm environment and damages buildings, but safe recovery and handling is going to be a pain. However, it could not have a second trigger and detonate on the spot regardless, or just fail to work anyway and have to be triggered by destruction, or cause sealing failure.

And the Zephyr's Reach (Rifle? Artillery Piece? Railgun? It's a little unclear)

The sand macerator is a hilarious idea though, definitely prepare one.
Okay, I think now that we're in a desert with nothing better to do, we should finally do the prepared implosion seal test.
  1. Ask Kagome if the idea makes sense at all/what happens if the implosion seal is not immediately destroyed by the oncoming wind
  2. If he says that he's never tried it, set up an experiment. Assume this is like new seal research.
    1. The actual test itself should consist of taking an implosion seal
    2. placing it in an airtight container
    3. Triggering the implosion seal remotely (somehow)
    4. ???
    5. Profit
Ideally when do the triggering action the second time after you use the implosion seal it creates a 1.3 atm environment and damages buildings, but safe recovery and handling is going to be a pain. However, it could not have a second trigger and detonate on the spot regardless, or just fail to work anyway and have to be triggered by destruction, or cause sealing failure.

And the Zephyr's Reach (Rifle? Artillery Piece? Railgun? It's a little unclear)

The sand macerator is a hilarious idea though, definitely prepare one.
The main problems I see with doing these tests right now are:
1) Sand observer ninja
2) if stuff goes wrong

Ultimately for implosion seal testing stuff shouldn't go wrong if we limit ourselves to a single implosion seal for testing purposes. Storage seal based guns are a little riskier - might kill ourselves if tested incorrectly, which would mean we'd need to build a sealing research facility, which might violate the "don't attract attention" clause of our orders.

Maybe ask Keiko to summon digging pangolin to real quick build an underground sealing test facility? :p
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I have no problems with the sand Macerators, those would be amusing at worst. Just never use them against Gaara.

The rest seems a bit much for the middle of an enemy nation.
Allied nation. I understand the confusion, though, every nation looks like an enemy nation when you've got nukes.

On the note of infinitely-scaling-explosives, that does strike me as the kind of thing to check with Jiraiya with regard to.
Do we really need to ask permision to do research now? Especially if the things we're reaearching only theoretically could destroy the world? Like, we won't actually destroy the world while doing this research. Yet.
I feel like we should ask people to make explicit when something is a secret, to avoid things like this in the future.

It's obviously our fault we have such a hard time with secrets, but we should still try and work on a solution to this problem.
Do we really need to ask permision to do research now? Especially if the things we're reaearching only theoretically could destroy the world? Like, we won't actually destroy the world while doing this research. Yet.
That you need to ask that means the answer is yes. :p

e: More seriously, while yes, testing out implosion seal stacking won't destroy the world, it costs us little to wait a day and ask J -- actually, wait, uh, what kind of stuff are we sending back to him? Is it like, keeping him up to date on what we're up to daily, or just being sent when necessary?
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@eaglejarl wonderful update.
But seriously 4 exp for a week? Fuck guys I know you don't like taking risk but seriously this is fucking crazy. We have to actually do stuff if we want to effect the world
Well we should at least finish the seals we hustled from the Nara and the ones Jiraiya gave us.
Also develop a new fighting style for kei
What risky thing did you want us to do? Throw Noburi off the skybase and whistle innocently when someone asks where he was? :p

Right now we don't do anything risky. But skipping going to the meetings was dumb and pointless. Just make guns and develop a combat style for Kei.

I mean even if we made absolute trash plans we wasted 17 exp. that's what crazy
Some scenes to consider...

1. Do something to earn romance points with Akane.
2. Pandā mentioned that the Pangolins are nearly done subjugating the Condors... might be a good idea for Keiko to check on the status of things in the land of the Pangolins, and give them a fuller brief on what's going to happen regarding her. (yes, she's Jiraiya's daughter now, but at the same time she's likely to be married into the Nara clan sometime in the next few years, so political situation may not be as weird as the Pangolins think)
3. Help Kagome deal with being in Wind, but make sure he doesn't go overboard with traps given that we actually have to leave here and we don't want to drop stone blocks on the area to disarm the traps.
Well we should at least finish the seals we hustled from the Nara and the ones Jiraiya gave us.
Also develop a new fighting style for kei
Depending on how much time we have I'd be down for that. We could at least look the seals over with Kagome and see about figuring out the theory behind them even if he doesn't approve doing underground research.
Right now we don't do anything risky. But skipping going to the meetings was dumb and pointless. Just make guns and develop a combat style for Kei.

I mean even if we made absolute trash plans we wasted 17 exp. that's what crazy
I mean... honestly? If we didn't skip over SOME of the meetings, we'd be on this trip for months RL time :p
Some scenes to consider...

1. Do something to earn romance points with Akane.
2. Pandā mentioned that the Pangolins are nearly done subjugating the Condors... might be a good idea for Keiko to check on the status of things in the land of the Pangolins, and give them a fuller brief on what's going to happen regarding her. (yes, she's Jiraiya's daughter now, but at the same time she's likely to be married into the Nara clan sometime in the next few years, so political situation may not be as weird as the Pangolins think)
3. Help Kagome deal with being in Wind, but make sure he doesn't go overboard with traps given that we actually have to leave here and we don't want to drop stone blocks on the area to disarm the traps.
If we really wanted to do risky, we could try to convince Kei to get the Pangolins to stop at the Condor and initiate cultural reform with regard to the ministry of truth office of morale.
If we really wanted to do risky, we could try to convince Kei to get the Pangolins to stop at the Condor and initiate cultural reform with regard to the ministry of truth office of morale.

I think that if the Pangolins have subjugated the Condors that they'll get their path back to that center of learning in the summon world and it'll start to happen automatically. But until then I don't know how much influence we'll actually be able to have over how they do reforms.